Gross anatomy- head and neck Flashcards
2 nerves that run next to mandibular foramen
lingual n.
inferior alveolar n.
(both sensory of V3)
pituitary gland tumor will cause what problem with the eyes
bitemporal hemianopsia (tunnel vision)
what cranial nerves go through the superior orbital fissure ?
3, 4, 6 and V1
what separates ACF and MCF
lesser wing of sphenoid
what separates MCF and PCF?
petrous ridge of the temporal bone
the cribiform plate is located on the …bone and what CN goes through here
CNI ( olfactory n.)
the optic canal is located on the …. and what nerve goes through here?
lesser wing of sphenoid
what CN goes through foramen rotundum
what CN goes through foramen ovale
What CNs go through the internal acoustic meatus
7 and 8
what CNs go through the jugular foramen
9, 10, 11
what travels through the foramen magnum
11 and vertebral arteries
what goes through the hypoglossal canal
CN 12
Where does the Internal carotis artery enter the skull? and where does it enter the MCF?
carotid canal
foramen lacerum
what is located directly lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle?
lingual nerve
if injection for IAN goes too far, what could you puncture?
parotid gland
which cerebral lobe is responsible for impulse control?
frontal lobe
which part of the brain deals with muscular coordination?
3 fxns of hypothalamus
- circadian rhythm
- hunger
- temp control
which part of the brain deals with planning, production (of speech) and personality
frontal lobe
what nerve is responsible for taste for the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
CN 7 (chorda tympani and lingual)
What CN is responsible for taste, swallowing, and gagging in the posterior of the tongue/throat
CN 9 (glossopharyngeal)
Which CNs have to do with salivation
7 and 9
Which CNs have to do with taste?
7, 9, 10
which nucleus is responsible for stimulation of salivation from the parotid gland through CN 9?
inferior salivatory nucleus
which nucleus is responsible for stimulation of salivation from submandibular and sublingual glands through CN 7?
superior salivatory nucleus
Which CN is responsible for taste in the epiglottis area?
CN 10 (vagus)
where does the internal carotid come off of the common carotid?
opposite the superior border of the thyroid cartliage
the ICA runs anteriorly to the cavernous sinus with what nerve?
CN 6 (abducens)
the cerebral part of the ICA immediately gives of the … in the skull
opthalmic atery that supplies the eye
what are the branches of the ICA in the skull?
OPAM opthalmic posterior communicating anterior cerebral middle cerebral
what are the contents in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus? which goes through the cavernous sinus?
3,4, V1, V2
Do V3 or 7 go through the cavernous sinus?
the sigmoid sinus becomes the …
internal jugular vein
the opthalmic veins drain directly into the ….
cavernous sinus
in the scalp, which layers are fused together?
connective tissue
aponeurosis epicranialis
which layer of the scalp has blood vessels?
connective tissue
which CN is contralateral
CN 4 (trochlear)
which CN is most affected by increased intracranial pressure?
CN 6 (abducens)
For gagging, which CN deals with sensory (afferent) and which deals with motor (efferent)?
sensory- 9
motor- 10
difficulty in raisning shoulders may result from damage of what CN?
CN 11 (accessory)
CN 3 starts in the …. and then goes to the … ganglion and then to the eye for accomodation
edinger-westphal nucleus
ciliary ganglion
the course of CN 2 is …. and then the occipital lobe
lateral geniculate nucleus
a patient with right superior oblique palsy will compensate by …
tilting head to left
a patient with left superior oblique palsy will ocmpensate by …
tilting head to right
which nerve transmits pain from the TMJ?
auriculotemporal nerve in the capsule and periphery of the disc
peripheral LMN lesions of CN 7 will cause what?
ipsilateral flaccid paralysis of the facial musculature
lesions of the UMN in CN 7 will cause what?
contralateral weakness only on lower face
which CN opens the eye? which closes?
3 opens (levator)
7 closes (orbicularis oculi)
pain fibers from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue travel on what CN
what CN innervates stylopharyngeus muscle?
9 (only muscle it innervates)
CN 9 leaves skull through the
jugular foramen
CN 9 joins … to supply parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland
V3 (auriculotemporal nerve (encircling middle meningeal artery))
the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the left loops around
the aorta
the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the right loops around
the subclavian
CN 10 supplies all the striated muscles of the pahrynx and soft palate except … and ….
stylopharyngeus (9)
tensor veli palatini (V3)
CN 11 enters through …. and exits through ….
foramen magnum
jugular foramen
CN 12 supplies all the tongue muscles except…
palatoglossus (innervated by vagus)
CN 5 provides motor for MOM (temporalis, masseter, medial/lateral pterygoids) but also provides special visceral effferent fibers to …
tensor tympani
tensor veli palatini
cell bodies of sympathetic fibers in the nerve of the pterygoid canal come from?
superior cervical ganglion
parasympathetic innervation controlling salivation originates in which CNs
7 and 9
the parasynmpathetic fibers of 9 emerge from the inferior salivatory nucleus as the ….. nerve and then synapses in the … ganglion and then these postganglionic fibers track with the … nerve ( a branch of V2) to reach the …. gland
lesser petrosal
the atlanto-occipital joint is the … joint
the atlanto-axial joint is the … joint
Way to remember bones of the orbit:
2,2,3,4 all have sphenoid except the floor
which walls correspond to the 2,2,3,4?
2- roof
bones of the roof of the orbit?
frontal and lesser wing of sphenoid
bones of the lateral wall of the orbit?
greater wing of the sphenoid and the Zygomatic
bones of the floor of the orbit?
My Pal catches his Z’s on the floor
bones of the medial wall of the orbit?
thinnest bone of the orbit?
weakest bone of the orbit?
all superiors …
all inferiors …
all obliques abduct or adduct?
the middle ear contains the …
ossicles (stapes, malleus, incus)
the inner ear contains…
semicircular canals (angular motion)
vestibule (linear movement)
cochlea (responds to sound via Organ of Corti)
the functions of the auditory ossicles is the increase…. but decrease….
what innervates tensor tympani? and what does tensor tympani act on?
what CN acts on the stapedius?
CN 7
in the middle meatus, the infundibulum leads to the …. sinus
what drains into the semilunar hiatus?
frontal sinus
maxillary sinus
anterior ethmoidal cells
nose bleeds happen in …. plexus and this is made up of which arteries?
Face your LEGS: Facial artery Labial artery Ethmoidal artery Greater Palatine artery Sphenopalatine artery
The …. is the largest of the paranasal sinuses and it drains into the …. through the …
middle meatus
semilunar hiatus
all facial muscles are innervated by
CN 7
Frontalis muscle action?
elevate forehead
Depressor anguli oris muscle action?
pulls angle of mouth inferiorly and laterally
Levator labii superioris muscle action?
raises angle of mouth and works with other muscles to deepen the nasiolabial furrow
Risorius muscle action?
pulls angle of mouth laterally and somewhat superiorly
Depressor labii inferioris muscle action?
pulls lip inferiorly and slightly lateral
Mentalis muscle action?
raises base of lower lip to help protrude lip
orbicularis oris muscle action?
Zygomaticus major muscle muscle action?
draws corner of mouth superolaterally during smiling
Buccinator action?
mastication and swallowing by pushing cheeks against molar teeth while chewing
buccinator innervation?
CN 7
orbicularis oculi muscle action?
close eye
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle action?
raises upper eyelid (innervated by CN 3!)
the right common carotid begins at the … and posterior to the …
bifurcation of the brachiocephalic trunk
right sternoclavicular joint
each common carotid artery ascends into the neck within the carotid sheath to the level of the …. – here it terminates by dividing into the internal and external carotid arteries
superior border of the thyroid cartilage
the facial artery is a branch of which artery?
external carotid artery
the maxillary artery supplies all of the following except?
a. nasal septum
b. mandibular incisors
c. hard/soft palate
d. skin of forehead
e. muscles of mastication
D. skin of forehead
what are the veins of the internal jugular vein?
Med School Lets Fun People In:
Middle thyroid v. Superior thyroid v. Lingual v. Facial v. Pharyngeal v. Inferior Petrosal sinus
the retromandibular v. is formed within the parotid gland by the union of which veins?
superficial temporal v.
maxillary vv.
the hard palate is made up of which 3 bones?
maxilla and paired palatine bones
the incisive foramen transmits the … nerve and … artery
nasopalatine n.
sphenopalatine a.
the levator veli palatini is innervated by…
CN 10
the tensor veli palatini is innervated by…
the action of the levator veli palatini is to elevate the … and opens the …. to equalize pressure in the ….
soft palate
auditory tube
middle ear and pharynx
the … muscle is a thin and triangular and it hooks around the hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate
tensor veli palatini
the action of tensor veli palatini is to tense the … by using the hamulus as a pulley and pulls the membranous portion of the auditory tube open to equalize pressure in the …
soft palate
middle ear and pharynx
the palatoglossus is innervated by… not …
the action of palatoglossus is to elevate the …. and draws the …. inferiorly onto the tongue
posterior part of the tongue
soft palate
the palatopharyngeus and musculus uvulae are innervated by…
CN 10
fungiform papillae are innervated by….. more specifically via the … ganglion, … and … ganglion ascending to the … nucles
chorda tympani
chorda tympani
the parotid gland is innervated by … through… nucleus … through …. nerve to …. ganglion
CN 9
inferior salivatory
lesser petrosal
the parotid gland is between the … and …
sternocleiodmastoid muscle
the submandibular glands lie along the body of the mandible and is partly superficial and partly dee to the….. muscle
the submandibular glands are innervated by… via…
chorda tympani n.
lingual n.
what are the contents of the carotid sheath
Anna went to Vegas in Jugs Car:
Ansa cervicalis
Vagus n.
Internal jugular v.
Common carotid
what structure lies directly anterior to the anterior scalene muscle
subclavian v.
the … supplies the infrahyoid muscles
ansa cervicalis
the … nerve is the sole motor nerve supply of the diaphragm
in the posterior triangle, is the transverse cervical n. deep to the fascial floor?
the bifurcation of the trachea lies at the level of which structure?
sternal angle
what are the branches of the subclavian artery?
TV Is Cost Driven
Thyrocervical trunk Vertebral artery Internal thoracic artery Costocervical trunk Dorsal scapular
the subclavian vein has a …
bicuspid valve near its termination
the internal jugular vein is enclosed in the
carotid sheath
the …. nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the thorax and abdomen and is enclosed in the carotid sheath
the recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the
vagus nerve
the superior cervical ganglion is located at the level of the … and …
atlas (C1)
axis (C2)
the thoracic duct enters the …. at the junction of the … and …
LEFT brachiocephalic v.
subclavian and int. jug. veins
the … duct drains lymph from the entire body EXCEPT ….
the right side of the head and neck, the RUL and R. side of thorax