Oral Feeds Flashcards
Nil per oral
No food orally
Regular Diet
~ 2000 calories per day
Variety of food
Diet as tolerated
Clear fluids
Can see through it
Diet is broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, gelatin, clear fruit juices, or popsicles
Thickened liquid
All liquids must be thickened to appropriate consistency
Thin, nectar, honey or pudding
Full liquid
To a clear or thickened liquid diet can be added smooth textured dairy products, custards, refined cooked cereals, vegetable juice, purified vegetables, or any other fruit juices
Includes full liquid foods and scrambled egg, purée meat, vegetables, fruits, or mashed potatoes and gravy
Mechanical Soft
Puréed diet plus ground or finely diced meats, flaked fish, cottage cheese, cheese, rice, potatoes, pancakes, light breads, cooked vegetables, cooked or canned fruits, bananas, soups, or peanut butter
Soft or Low Residue
Low fibre, easy to digest
No nuts or coconut
High fibre
Includes fresh p, uncooked fruits, steamed vegetables, bran, oatmeal, and dried fruit
Low Sodium
Limited to 4g, 2g, 1g, or 500mg of salt
Requires selective food purchases
For hypertension
Low cholesterol
Less than 200 mg/day cholesterol
For those with high cholesterol
In general, healthy diet as laid out by Canada’s food guide…less than 30% of calories from fat
Healthy diet, low glycemic index foods
Things to do before feeding
Assess risk of aspiration
Have equipment available and ready. This includes a shirt saver…which is undignified to call a bib
Have patient sit upright. If out of bed all the better
Aid in appetite stimulation
During feeding you should…
Use rocking motion of spoon
Allow enough time 5-10 seconds to 15
Give small bites
When someone has dysphasia…
Give small bites
Place food on unaffected side
Look for pocketing (food in in cheeks, under tongue)
Provide cuing or prompting
Other things to keep in mind to prevent aspiration
Fatigue - avoid it
Remain upright 30 minutes after eating
Make sure mouth care is kept up and adequate
Small bites