Oral Cavity (week 2) Flashcards
What nerve branch supplies sensation to the Lower cheek
Buccal nerve (V3) emerges from Infratemporal Fossa
What nerve branch supplies general sensory to the anterior 2/3 of tongue
Lingual nerve (V3)
What nerve branch supplies general sensory to Posterior 1/3 of tongue
What nerve branch supplies taste special sensory to anterior 1/3 of tongue?
Facial nerve (branch of VII)
What nerve branch gives taste special sensory to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Intrinsic muscles of tongue are innervated by what CN?
Genioglossus muscles are innervated by what CN
Hyoglossus attachments
Hyoid bone to lateral surface of tongue
Actions of Hyoglossus
Retrude tongue, draw sides downward
Styloglossus attachments
Styloid process to lateral tongue
Action of Styloglossus
Retrude tongue and draw sides upward
Hyoglossus innervation
Styloglossus innervation
Palatoglossus actions
Elevate tongue and depress palate
Palatoglossus innervation
What structure is deep to hyoglossus
Lingual artery
What four structures are superficial to hyoglossus muscle
- Lingual nerve
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Lingual vein
- Submandibular duct
What muscle protrudes the tongue
What muscles retrude tongue
- Hyoglossus
- Styloglossus
- Ant. Fibers of Genioglossus
What muscles depress tongue
- Hyoglossus
2. Mid fibers of Genioglossal
Which muscles elevate tongue
Palatoglossus and Styloglossus
Which muscles shorten tongue
Superior and Inferior Longitudinal Instrinsic muscle fibers
What muscle narrows tongue
Transverse fibers
What muscle flattens tongue
Vertical intrinsic fibers
What supplies sensation to the upper cheek?
Zygomaticofacial (V2) emerges from Pterygopalatine Fossa