Innervation of Neck Muscles Flashcards
What Superficial Branch supplies innervation to the skin of anterior neck and deep to platysma?
The Transverse Cervical nerve
The Superficial Branches of the Cervical Plexus provide what type of innervation?
All Sensory
What nerves are associated with the Ascending portion of the Superficial branches within the Cervical Plexus?
Lesser Occipital, Greater Auricular, Transverse Cervical
Which nerve supplies innervation to the skin of neck, scalp and posterosuperior ear?
The Lesser Occipital n.
What nerve is considered descending from the Superficial Branches of the Cervical Plexus?
Supraclavicular nerve
What does the Transverse Cervical nerve innervate?
Skin of anterior neck, deep to platysma
What nerve supplies innervation to skin over and around parotid gland, mastoid process, inferior ear and angle of mandible?
The Greater Auricular n.
The Lesser Occipital is located where in association to the Greater Auricular n.
The descending superficial branches of the Cervical Plexus come from what vertebrae?
C3 and C4
The Supraclavicular nerve provides innervation to what structure?
The skin of the neck inferior to Lesser Occipital n., Greater Auricular n., and Transverse Cervical n.
Deep branches of the Cervical Plexus are what type of innervation?
All Motor
What Vertebrae supplies innervation to the Geniohyoid
What vertebrae are associated with the Ansa Cervicalis?
C1, C2 and C3
What three muscles receive innervation solely from C1
Superior belly of Omohyoid, Geniohyoid, Thyrohyoid
The Deep branches are found mostly in what triangle of the neck?
Anterior Triangle
The Sternothyroid receives innervation from what vertebrae?
C1, C2 and C3
What vertebrae is associated with innervation of the Thyrohyoid?
When C1 sends innervation to the Geniohyoid and Thyrohyoid, it travels together on what Cranial Nerve?
The Hypoglossal n. (CN VII)
The Inferior root of the Ansa Cervicalis receives innervation from what vertebrae?
C2 and C3
The Superior Belly of the Omohyoid receives innervation from what vertebrae?
The Sternohyoid receives innervation from what vertebrae?
C1, C2 and C3
The Longus Capitis is innervated from what vertebrae?
C1,C2,C3 and C4
Vertebrae C2-C8 provide innervation to what muscle that is NOT associated with the Ansa Cervicalis?
Longus Coli
C1 and C2 are the only two vertebrae that provide innervation to what two muscles that are not associated with the Ansa Cervicalis?
Rectus Capitis Lateralis and Rectus Capitis Anterior
Phrenic nerve receives majority of innervation from what vertebrae?
Innervation to Phrenic Nerve comes from what three vertebrae collectively?
C3,C4 and C5
The middle scalene receives a portion of its innervation from what portion of the CERVICAL PLEXUS?
C3 and C4
Cervical Plexus roots receive __________ communicating branches, most are from the _____________ cervical ganglion.
Gray, Superior
Cervical Plexus roots also receives communicating branches with what other cranial nerves?
CN X (vagus) and XI (Spinal Accessory)
Where is the Sympathetic Chain located in the neck?
Located in the Anterior Triangle and root of neck
Name the chain ganglia that arises from the sympathetic chain in the cervical region that comes from C1-C4
Superior Cervical Ganglion
The Middle Cervical Ganglion is associated with what vertebrae?
C5 and C6
C7 and C8 are associated with what cervical chain ganglia?
Inferior Cervical Ganglion
Which is the smallest of the three cervical chain ganglia?
Middle Cervical Ganglion
The Ascending Superficial branches of the Cervical Plexus come off what two vertebrae?