Oral and Nasal Cavity Flashcards
3 areas of Nasal Cavity
Nasal Vestibule
Olfactory Region
Respiratory Region
Openings into/out of Nasal Cavity
Orbit via nasolacrimal duct; empties into inferior meatus
Nasopharynx via the Choanae
Paranasal Sinuses
- Frontal Sinus via frontonasal duct via middle meatus
- Maxillary Sinus via Maxillary ostia into middle meatus
- Sphenoid Sinus drains into sphenoethmoidal recess
- Ethmoidal Sinuses
- –Anterior Ethmoid drains into semilunar hiatus
- –Middle Ethmoid drains into ethmoid bulla
- –Posterior Ethmoid drains into superior meatus
Anterior Cranial Fossa via foramen in cribriform plate
Pterygopalatine fossa via sphenopalatine
Oral Cavity via the incisive foramen
Blood Supply of Lateral wall of Nasal Cavity
Anterior & Posterior ethmoidal arteries
Lateral nasal branches
Sphenopalatine artery
Blood Supply of Medial wall of Nasal Cavity
Anterior & Posterior ethmoidal arteries
Superior labial artery
Sphenopalatine branches
Kisselbach’s area
anastamoses between anterior ethmoidal artery, sphenopalatine, and superior labial on septal (middle) wall due to dry air, trauma, infection, hypertension
Nerve Supply to Lateral wall of Nasal Cavity
Anterior n.
Posterior n.
Lateral n.
Nerve Supply to Medial wall of Nasal Cavity
Anterior n.
Posterior n.
Nasopalatine n. - continues through incisive canal to become incisive nerve
Olfactory n.
Cribriform plate, CN I
Parasympathetic nerve fibers
Preganglionic fibers originate in superior salivatory nucleus of CN VII, travel in greater petrossal n. & pterygoid canal to synapse in pterygopalatine ganglion and continue to mucous and paranasal sinus glands
Sympathetic nerve fibers
Preganglionic fibers originate in Thoracic IML, travel in sympathetic chain and synapse in superior cervical ganglion
Pterygopalatine Fossa (6 areas)
1) Middle Cranial Fossa via foramen rotundum
2) Infratemporal Fossa via Pterygomaxillary fissure
3) Orbit via inferior orbital fissure
4) Nasal Cavity via sphenopalatine foramen
5) Palate and Oral Cavity via palatine canal
6) Carotid canal/foramen lacerum area via pterygoid canal
Hard Palate
Palatine process of Maxilla to form anterior 2/3 of hard palate (incisive canal - incisive artery & n.
Horizontal plate of palatine bone to form posterior 1/3 of hard palate
(greater palatine foramen - allows passage of n. & a.)
(lesser palatine foramen - allows passage of n. & a.)
Soft Palate
Tensor veli palatini - innervated by CN XII, tenses soft palate
Levator veli palatini - prime mover of palate
Musculus uvulae - forms uvula, shorten uvula
Palatoglossus - forms palatoglossus arch, moves tongue & depresses arch
Palatopharyngeus - creates arch, raises pharynx and depresses arch
Oral Cavity spaces
vestibule between teeth and cheeks
oral cavity proper is inside dental arches
Tongue Intrinsic muscles
-innervated by CN XII
Vertical, Transverse, Superior longitudinal, & Inferior longitudinal
Tongue Extrinsic muscles
-innervated by CN XII (except palatoglossus)
Inferior surface of Tongue
Lingual frenulum
Fimbriated folds
Sublingual folds
Sublingual papilla
Parotid - Stenson’s Duct
Submandibular - Wharton’s Duct
Sublingual -
Blood Supply to Tongue
Lingual artery
- Dorsal = posterior 1/3
- Deep = anterior 2/3
- Sublingual = inferior & lateral oral cavity
Tongue Parasympathetics
preganglionic travel in chorda tympani along lingual nerve to synapse in the submandibular ganglion, postganglionic travel to submandibular & sublingual glands
Tongue Sympathetics
Preganglionics originate in Thoracic IML and synapse SCG, postganglionics follow carotid plexus to lingual artery to the submandibular and sublingual glands
Tongue Structure
Ventral Surface