Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Cranial Nerve Names
1) Olfactory
2) Optic
3) Oculomotor
4) Trochlear
5) Trigeminal
6) Abduscen
7) Facial
8) Acoustic
9) Glossalpharyngeal
10) Vagus
11) Spinal Accessory
12) Hypoglossal
Pneumonic: Cranial Nerves
1) Oh
2) Oh
3) Oh
4) To
5) Touch
6) And
7) Feel
8) A
9) Girl’s
10) Vagina
11) Such
12) Happiness
Olfactory Foramen & Components
Cribriform plate (SVA)
Optic Foramen & Components
optic foramen (SSA)
Oculomotor Foramen & Components
superior orbital fissure (GSE,GVE)
Trochlear Foramen & Components
superior orbital fissure (GSE)
Trigeminal Foramen & Components
1) Opthalmic = superior orbital fissure (GSA)
2) Maxillary = foramen rotundum (GSA)
3) Mandibular = foramen ovale (SVE)
Abducens Foramen & Components
superior orbital fissure (GSE)
Facial Foramen & Components
internal auditory meatus (GVA, SVA, GSA, GVE, SVE)
Vestibulocochlear Foramen & Components
internal auditory meatus (SSA)
jugular foramen (GVA, SVA, GSA, GVE, SVE)
jugular foramen (GVA, SVA, GSA, GVE, SVE)
Spinal Accessory
foramen mag & jugular foramen (GSA)
Hypoglossal canal
motor to voluntary muscle
sensation from skin, muscle, joints
motor to smooth muscle and glands
sensation from internal organs
voluntary motor to pharyngeal arch
taste and smell
vision, hearing, and balance
Olfactory innervations
olfactory nasal mucosa
Optic innervations
Oculomotor innervations
1) sphincter pupillae & ciliary muscles
2) sup, med, inf recti and inf. obl. eyeball muscles
levator palpebrae superioris
Trochlear innervations
superior oblique
Trigeminal innervations
V1) upper skin
V2) midskin
V3) -lower skin
-motor to muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, nerve to myohyoid, tensor tympani, tensor palatini
NFL Nerves
N: Nasocilliary
F: Frontal
L: Lacrimal
Abducens innervations
lateral rectus
middle meningeal artery
Lateral Rectus - C.N. 6
Superior Oblique - C.N. 4
Every other eye muscle - C.N. 3
inferior oblique moves eye up and out, superior oblique moves eye down and out
Facial innervations
1) sensory of soft palate
2) anterior 2/3 of tongue
3) back of the ear
4) parasym the submandibular/lingual glands and lacrimal
5) motor to muscle of facial expression, platysma, satpedius, stylohyoid, posterior digastric
Vestibulocochlear innervations
1) organ of corti in cochlear duct
2) semicircular canals, utricle & seccule
Glossopharyngeal innervations
1) sense of post tongue, soft palate, pharynx, mucosa of tymp. cavity, post auditory tube, carotid body & sinus
2) posterior 1/3 of tongue & pharynx
3) back of the ear
4) parotid salivary gland
5) stylopharyngeous
Route of Glossopharyngeal parasym.
Glossopharyngeal nerve to lesser petrosal nerve to otic ganglion to auriculotemporal nerve to parotid
Vagus innervations
1) visc. sensory to larynx, pharynx, esophagus, and trachea
2) taste buds in epiglottus
3) back of the ear
4) thoracic & abdominal viscera
5) muscles of pharynx & larynx, legator palatini & cricothroid
Spinal Accessory innervations
sternocleidomastoid & trapezius
tongue, styloglossal, hyloglossal, genioglossal