OPM-300 Flashcards
When are Kelly days bid?
In October prior to vacation bidding. (300.02)
What is used to decided who gets which Kelly day?
Rank and seniority. (300.02)
What is the minimum and maximum personnel assigned to a Kelly day? What ranks?
Minimum of 5, Maximum of 7. 1 of each must be a captain, Lt, and driver, 2 must be a FF (300.02)
If there are more than 7 captains on a shift, what Kelly day will the 8th captain get?
Same Kelly day as the EMS captain. (300.02)
Who has the responsibility for compliance with the grooming policy?
The individual. (300.03)
Who is responsible for enforcement of the grooming policy?
Company officers and B/Cs. (300.03)
How are violations of the grooming policy handled?
Violations will be documented to file. Individuals will have 72 hrs to comply, days personnel 8. Violations may result in disciplinary action. (300.03)
Can an officer be disciplined for not enforcing the grooming policy?
Yes. If an investigation reveals that he tolerated the violation or is selective in enforcement, discipline may be taken against him for failure to properly supervise. (300.03)
How does the hair policy present a professional image?
No ragged or unkempt styles, style extremes, or unnatural hair colors. (300.03)
How long may the front of the hair extend down?
Not below the eyebrows when naturally combed. (300.03)
How long can the side of the hair extend down?
It may cover only the portion of the ear above the centerline of the ear canal. (300.03)
How far may the back of the hair extend down?
It may not extend over the bottom of a collar of buttoned uniform shirt when in standing position looking forward. Hair may be worn up to satisfy this. (300.03)
Can you apply grease, oil, mouse?
Excessive grease and oil are prohibited. Mouse (non-alcoholic) may be worn for neatness. (300.03)
Can employees have beards?
Beards are prohibited for employees who are required to wear SCBA. (300.03)
What are the mustache regulations?
Must be neatly trimmed
May be worn but shall not extend into the seal of a SCBA
Handlebar type mustaches are allowed as long as they are neatly trimmed, not excessive, and do not connect with the sideburns. (300.03)
Can you have lip beards or goatees?
No they are prohibited. (300.03)
What are the sideburn regulations? (3)
1) neatly trimmed and close to the face to avoid a possible defective mask-face piece seal.
2) may not extend below the bottom of the ear canal.
3) muttonchops, flared sideburns, and any connecting with the mustache are prohibited. (300.03)
How many earrings are allowed?
Earrings are prohibited. (300.03)
Can bracelets be worn?
1 bracelet is allowed as long as it is not excessive and does not present a safety hazard. (300.03)
Can necklaces be worn?
Yes, as long as they are inside the t-shirt at all times. (300.03)
Can rings be worn? (2)
Only 1 ring per hand is admitted and rings that are excessively large or pretentious are prohibited. (300.03)
Can nail polish be worn?
No finger nail polish is allowed. (300.03)
Can other cosmetics be worn?
Cosmetics may be worn but they may not be excessive or extreme. No unnaturally dark or bright lipstick. (300.03)
How long can finger nails be?
No longer than 1/4” from the tip of the finger. (300.03)
What does the term uniform apply to?
Those items provided by the city. (300.04)
When are uniforms subject to inspection and by whom?
Daily inspection by the Lt, captain, or B/C. A more comprehensive inspection will be held during quarterly station inspections. (300.04)
Whose responsibility is it that uniforms are worn properly?
All personnel and ultimately the officers. (300.04)
How often will uniforms be replaced by the city and how?
On an as-needed basis by written request. (300.04)
When is the employee responsible for replacing the uniform?
If it was damaged or lost due to employee negligence. (300.04)
What is the Class A uniform? (10)
1) white long sleeve dress shirt
2) black tie
3) dress pants
4) bandage
5) name tag
6) collar ornaments
7) jacket (if appropriate)
8) dress hat
9) black belt
10) black shoes (300.04)
What is the Class B uniform? (10)
1) short sleeve dress shirt (blue or white)
2) uniform t-shirt
3) navy work pants
4) badge
5) name tag
6) collar ornaments (if appropriate)
7) jacket (if appropriate)
8) black belt
9) black shoes
10) baseball cap (optional) (300.04)
What is the Class C uniform? (6)
1) uniform t-shirt
2) navy work pants
3) jacket (if appropriate)
4) black belt
5) black shoes
6) baseball cap (optional) (300.04)
What is the Class D uniform? (7)
1) jump suit
2) uniform t-shirt (optional)
3) badge
4) collar ornaments (if appropriate)
5) black belt (if appropriate)
6) black shoes
7) baseball style cap (optional) (300.07)
Where is the badge to be worn?
On dress shirt above the flap on the left breast pocket. On jumpsuits in the badge holder or above the left breast pocket. (300.04)
What color are badges and for which ranks?
Silver for all ranks below Capt. Capt and above gold. (300.04)
Where is the name tag worn?
On the seam above the flap of the right breast pocket on dress shirts. (embroidered on jackets and jump suits) (300.04)
Who wears collar accessories? (bugles)
All personnel holding the rank of Lt and above. (300.04)
How should the bugles be worn?
Parallel to the point of the collar. When the individual is wearing a tie the bugles are to be worn straight up and down. (300.04)
How many bugles does each rank have?
Capt-2 uncrossed
B/C-2 crossed
Division chief-3 crossed
Deputy chief-4 crossed
Fire chief-5 crossed. (300.04)
What other pins may be worn?
1) 1 service pin may be worn 1/2” above the center of the name tag on dress shirt, jumpsuit, or jacket.
2) a union pin or American flag pin may be substituted as long as it does not exceed 1”.
3) at no time can more than 1 pin be worn except that a department commendation pin may be worn in addition to the 1 pin max. (300.04)
What uniform will employees have at the commencement of shift?
Full Class B. (300.04)
When will the class B uniform be worn? (7)
1) special details
2) public relations programs
3) inspections
4) educational classes
5) city and/or department meetings
6) at PSC
7) any other time requested by company officer or B/C (300.04)
When should the Class B uniform not be worn?
Any response or training requiring the use of bunker gear. (300.04)
When may jumpsuits be worn?
Between 2000-0800, while responding to calls and participating in training. Uniformity must be maintained at all times. (300.04)
What if the Class B uniform is contaminated?
The station commander may make special considerations, but uniformity must still be maintained. (300.04)
What off duty hours can a uniform be worn?
1 hour prior to and after a shift. (300.04)
When may department approved shorts be worn?
During designated physical fitness training periods. (300.04)
When can white socks be worn?
Only during approved training or physical fitness periods. Never with low cut department approved shoes, only navy blue or black socks. (300.04)
When can sweatshirts/sweatpants be worn?
During scheduled physical fitness training periods. Never while responding to calls. (300.04)
Who does the rules of conduct apply to?
All uniform and civilian employees both on and off duty. (300.05)
What is defined as influencing or offering to influence or threatening the pay, career, or job of another person on the basis of their protected category?
harassment. (300.05)
What are unwelcome or deliberate comments gestures, physical contact of a sexual nature, jokes, insults, or cartoons related to a protected category, or simply conduct that could be construed as offensive?
Harassment. (300.05)
Members will not be involved in fist fights except?
As a last means of self defense. (300.05)
How long to report and criminal charge including any arrest or traffic citation that may result in loss of driving privileges and to who?
Within 24 hours to the fire chief. (300.05)
How long and to whom must you report a change in address or phone number?
Within 24 hours to immediate supervisor. (300.05)
What uniform must members have available at shift change?
Class B. (300.05)
No contact by a member within ___ after scheduled duty will be considered AWOL?
30 minutes. (300.05)
When should the station doors be closed and secured?
When the station is unattended and daily at 2100. (300.05)
Each fire station will be opened up daily no later than?
0730 (300.05)
Members will be out of bed no later than ?
0700 (300.05)
What times are visitors allowed in the station? Can exceptions be made?
1700-2100 only with permission of station commander. Reasonable exceptions can be made however after 2100 only when approved by fire chief. (300.05)
What are the rules for grocery shopping? (6)
1) 1 time per shift
2) in zone, out of zone with B/C approval
3) 1 member must remain with vehicle
4) shopping will not exceed 30 min
5) remain in service
6) vehicle may not be parked in fire lanes or interfere with traffic. (300.05)
When must you notify the fire chief or B/C of a subpoena, court order, or legal process?
Immediately. (300.05)
It is operationally necessary to schedule __ people per shift?q
35 people. (300.06)
Whenever possible there should be __ medics on all ALS units?
2 medics. (300.06)
Overtime is used to bring the personnel strength to a minimum of ?
35 personnel. (300.06)
At the following staffing levels, which units will have 2 personnel: 29, 30, 31?
29- R39, R83, R92
30- R39, R83
31- R83 (300.06)
After every unit has 3 personnel who is the first unit to get a fourth?
All extra personnel are designated as relief and assigned by the B/C as needed. (300.06)
When are stations bid?
October of odd years. (300.06 sec 2)
When are station bids effective?
January 1 of even years. (300.06 sec 2)
What are the minimum credentials for staffing 92?
4 team members and 2 divers. (300.06 sec 2)
When assigning annual or any other type of leave, what is the minimum staffing?
35 people., (300.07)
Routine scheduling shall allow a minimum of ___ personnel per rank off?
1 capt, 1 D/O, 1 Lt, 1 FF. B/C should not affect others. (300.07)
Vacation bidding minimum for FLS?
1 FLS captain and 2 inspectors. (300.07)
When will annual vacation bidding be bid and approved by?
Bid during first 2 weeks in November. Approved by Dec 1. (300.07)
How many vacation bids can an employee submit? how?
5, each bid is a continuous block excluding Kelly days up to the maximum days earned in a single year. (300.07)
How many passes are employees allowed at the bid process?
2 passes. (300.07)
Outside of annual bidding, how will vacation requests be considered?
First come first serve basis. (300.07)
Out of Class for the purpose of scheduling time off shall be limited to?
1 per rank. (300.07)
Are probys entitled to overtime?
No. (300.09)
Working out of class is to be used as the initial mechanism for filling vacancies __?
Only when overtime can be avoided. (300.09)
Holdover OT is used to fill OT slots expected to be no greater than ___?
8 hours. (300.09)
Overtime is offered in __?
24 hours blocks. the employee may take either the entire 24 or 1/2. (300.09)
If out on workers comp, employees shall be afforded the opportunity to work OT retro __?
1 year. (300.09)
For what hours must direct contact be made for an employee to be marked off the OT list?
0900-0700. (300.09)
If an employee is called after 1200 and chooses to work the entire shift, how long will he be marked off for?
12 hours. (300.09)
What events qualify for being placed back on the OT list? (7)
1) time exchange during any part of the OT shift
2) personnel on days where it would conflict with their regular schedule
3) detail during any part of the OT shift
4) personnel on approved leave, including days immediately prior to or after approved leave
5) On a Kelly day only if attached to a shift exchange or vacation day
6) workers comp or light duty
7) personnel should not work more than 48 continuous hours without a minimum rest of at least 8 hours. (300.09)
How do you get restored back on the OT list?
Provide proof to the fire chief or his designee within 7 days of returning to normal shift. (300.09)
Personnel who work less than __ will not be marked off the OT list?
8 hours. (300.09)
Personnel required to appear in court on the morning after shift will be released from duty at __?
2000 hours. (300.11)
Employees calling in unscheduled leave must do so when and to what numbers? (primary, secondary)
1 hour prior to start of shift. Primary- Records division 954-746-3510. Secondary- Shift commander 954-749-3404. (300.11)
Any overtime greater than __ must be accompanied by an overtime form?
2 hours. (300.12)
How much sick leave do shift/non shift personnel earn per year?
Shift 144 non shift 96. (300.13)
Personnel will be rated “needs improvement” under “punctuality/attendance” on their annual evaluation for the following sick time abuses? (4)
1) personnel who use more than 144 hours of unexcused sick leave
2) greater than expected sick days on Sat/Sun (3/year)
3) 3 sick days next to Kelly days.
4) 3 sick days in the same pay period as overtime. (300.13)
Unexcused sick hours for annual evaluation?
Excellent 0-24
Above average 25-72
Average 73-144
Needs improvement 145-192
Unsatisfactory 193-above (300.13)
Emergency annual leave can be used to care for __?
Employees sick spouse, child, or parent domiciled in employees home provided no other person can care for them.
Emergency leave table for annual evaluations?
Excellent 0-3 times 0-24 hours
Above average 4-5 times 25-48 hours
Average 6-9 times 49-72 hours
Needs improvement >9 times >72 hours. (300.14)
What uniform shall FF wear to funerals?
Department dress uniform with white long sleeve shirt, pants pressed, shoes shined and tie with gold or silver tie clip. (300.15)
How often should flags be lowered and inspected?
Annually or sooner if damage is noted. (300.16)
What is done with damaged flags?
It is lowered, folded, and forwarded to the logistics division, and a replacement flag shall be requested. ,(300.16)
At stations with only 1 flag pole (which st) how shall flags be flown?
72, 92 American flag on top, department flag underneath. (300.16)
At stations with 3 flag poles (which st) how shall flags be flown?
39, 59. American flag on pole furthest to viewers left with dept flag underneath. next pole will have FL flag, and city flag all the way to the right. (300.16)
At stations with 4 flag poles (which st) how shall flags be flown?
- American flag furthest to viewers left, followed by FL flag, city flag, department flag all the way to the right. (300.16)
Under what circumstances will flags be flown at half mast? (6)
1) National fallen FF memorial day 0800-0800 following day
2) Memorial Day 0800-1200
3) May 15 (Peace officer memorial day) 0800-0800 following day unless falls on Armed forces day (3rd Sat in May)
4) Presidential order
5) Governors executive order
6) order of the fire chief. (300.16)
When is national fallen FF memorial day?
First Sunday in October. (300.16)
How long will flags be flown at half staff for death of govt official by type? (4)
1) 30 days from death of current or former president
2) 10 days from death of current vice president, sitting or retired US supreme court justice, or speaker of house
3) from day of death to day of internment for assoc US supreme court justice, sec of an executive military dept, former vice president, or governor of FL
4) on day of death and following day for FL member of congress. (300.16)
What are the steps for raising/lowering the flag? (5)
1) Form single row facing flag, stand at attention, and render military salute
2) personnel raising flag will attach the flag to halyard and briskly raise to the top of the pole
3) American flag is raised first and lowered last
4) flag will be lowered slowly and ceremoniously
5) flags will be lowered right to left, American flag lowered last. (300.16)
When the FL fallen FF memorial flag is flown, what will it be in place of and for how long?
In place of department flag until internment. (300.16)
Any individual assigned to light duty for greater than __ must report to the training division prior to returning to their normal shift?
greater than 3 months. (300.17)
How often is an employee on light duty for on job injuries responsible for submitting medical status updates from the treating physician?
Weekly or as reasonably available. (300.17)
A determination for a light duty assignment is based on ___?
The type of job(s) available and the benefit to the dept and the citizens of Sunrise. (300.17)
How often does the awards review board meet?
Quarterly, or as the chairperson feels the need arises. (301.00)
Who shall make up the awards review board?
1 staff rep, 1 shift rep, 1 member appointed by the fire chief. (301.00)
What is the primary purpose of corrective action?
Assist the employee in understanding that either a performance problem or an opportunity for improvement exists. (302.00)
The FD will accept and investigate complaints from __?
Any citizen, public official, or other member. (302.00)
What are the 3 steps to the corrective action process?
Coaching, counseling, formal administrative process. (302.00)
What should be the primary method to focus on corrective modification?
Coaching. (302.00)
Is coaching considered discipline?
No coaching is the foundation of training. (302.00)
Which parts of the corrective action process are informal?
Coaching and counseling. (302.00)
Where should coaching that requires additional effort be documented?
RMS. (302.00)
Who sits in on coaching, counseling?
coaching-subordinate and supervisor
counseling-subordinate, supervisor, B/C. (302.00)
What is a progressive process grounded in a written plan?
Counseling. (302.00)
What 3 components must a written plan have?
Statement of problem, what actions need to modified or changed, and a timeline. (302.00)
What is a good timeline for a written plan?
Timelines rarely exceed 90 days. (302.00)
The formal administrative process will adhere to what?
The FF bill of rights. (302.00)
What are the 3 steps to the formal administrative process?
Informal inquiry or “fact finding mission,” formal investigation, and administrative proceeding “predetermination.” (302.00)
When do employees have Weingarten rights?
During investigatory interviews only. (302.00)
What is an investigatory interview?
When a supervisor questions an employee to obtain information which could be used as a basis for discipline or asks an employee to defend his conduct. (302.00)
What is an informal inquiry?
A meeting by the fire chief or designee with a FF which an allegation of misconduct has come to attention. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the facts and determine whether a formal investigation should be commenced. Weingarten rights apply. (302.00)
What is the process of the formal investigation?
Investigation ordered by fire chief for the purpose of gathering evidence of misconduct. Weingarten rights apply. If charges are recommended, item will proceed to administrative proceeding. (302.00)
What is the administrative proceeding?
Any non-judicial hearing which may result in the recommendation of disciplinary action including suspension or termination. Will be conducted by the fire chief and he will issue discharge of discipline. (302.00)
In general, what 5 options will be considered for discharge of discipline?
Verbal reprimand, written reprimand, suspension, demotion, termination. (302.00)
When is immediate corrective action by the B/C justified?
When in his opinion the employee is physically or mentally impaired or the safety of on duty personnel or the public is jeopardized. (302.00)
Who investigates lateness/AWOL?
Operations division chief. (302.01)
Who investigates citizen complaints?
Administrative deputy chief. (302.02)
How long will citizen complaints be maintained for?
1 year after final action. (302.02)
What should we advise citizens complaining anonymously?
We can not react to anonymous complaints. (302.02)
Anyone who receives a complaint must forward it to the administrative deputy chief within ?
3 business days. (302.02)
What 5 things must be obtained for a complaint?
1) nature/description of complaint 2) location/date/time of incident 3) names of employees/units involved 4) contact phone # and address 5) name of complainant and witnesses. (302.02)
How long after the complaint is received must the complainant be notified by the fire chief/designee?
5 calendar days. (302.02)
How often should patient areas of rescues be cleaned?
After each transport. (303.01)
How often should all frontline apparatus be cleaned?
Daily or more frequently if needed. (303.01)
What day shall the dive truck have all its equipment checked out?
Every Saturday. (303.01)
Who reviews the checkouts daily and for what?
The station officer. For items which require immediate attention such as safety issues, severe leaks, or no headlights. (303.01)
Who does the station officer contact for items requiring immediate attention found during checkout?
The logistics officer and/or the city garage. (303.01)
Who are completed checkouts forwarded to?
The logistics officer except haz-mat and dive to respective coordinator. (303.01)
How hi should the engine pump pressure be raised during morning checkout?
150 psi. (303.01)
Aerials shall be __(3)__ everyday. What shall be checked?
Raised, extended, rotated. Hydraulic reservoir levels. (303.01)
How long shall generators/power packs be run during check outs?
3-5 minutes. (303.01)
What type of cleaning is done on a rescue after any contact with a known communicable disease patient?
Schedule B cleaning. (303.01)
What is a schedule A cleaning?
Clean all compartments, clean and lube all hand tools, clean entire interior, armor all tires. (303.01)
What is schedule B cleaning for engines?
Back flush pump, lube discharge handles and drains, lube deluge gun, lube ladders and check halyards, lube suction. (303.01)
How do you back flush the pump?
Remove all PIRVs and screens, scrape out plumbing with wire brush or spanner, pump water in through discharge, put nozzle on at least 1 gate and flow at 150 psi. (303.01)
What is schedule B for aerials?
Check ladder for cracks, cables for wear, check and lube nylon blocks, flow water through and lube water way, check all switches, lube outriggers, rotate and extend aerial. (303.01)
What is involved in schedule B for rescues?
Spray mild degreaser into AC and allow to sit for 5 minutes then rinse, wipe down interior with disinfectant, mop floor with 1:100 bleach, disinfect Lifepack, clean med box, clean suction, disinfect backboards. (303.01)
Where shall completed vehicle work orders be faxed immediately after completion in track it?
City garage 954-749-4078 AND logistics 954-746-3455. (303.01)
When are vehicle work orders sent to logistics to ensure continuity following repairs?
After ALL repairs from a vehicle repair form are completed. (303.01)
Station duty for Sunday?
Apparatus day. (303.02)
Station duty for Monday?
Kitchen including refrigerator and hood. (303.02)
Station duty for Tuesday?
Bathroom including laundry and locker rooms. (303.02)
Station duty for Wednesday?
Dorm day including weight room. (303.02)
Station duty for Thursday?
Lobby and office including bathroom. (303.02)
Station duty for Friday?
Living area, dining, day room, courtyard and patio. (303.02)
Station duty for Saturday?
Bays including exterior grounds. (303.02)
During what months do we do bi-annual cleaning?
January and July. (303.02)
Who is responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle and its personnel?
The officer. (303.03)
Who is responsible for deploying backers while backing a vehicle?
The officer. (303.03)
Who is in control of the vehicle and therefore responsible for its movement?
The driver. (303.03)
When can apparatus be driven off a hardened or paved roadway?
Never. (303.03)
Which personnel receive take home vehicles?
At the chiefs discretion. (303.03)
To whom would the driver of a take home vehicle report a traffic accident?
On duty B/C. (303.03)
Whose responsibility is the execution of the daily activity schedule?
The station officer, under approval of the shift commander. (303.04)
Who is responsible for vehicle movement within the district?
The station officer. (303.05)
Who is responsible for vehicle movement across district boundaries?
B/C. (303.05)
If the B/C is unavailable, who should vehicles check with for movement across district boundaries?
First the station officer then dispatch. (303.05)
What is the turnout time for all personnel and units under normal circumstances?
60 seconds. (303.05)
OT lasting longer than __ requires an authorization form?
2 hours. (303.06)
NFPA for hose testing and maintenance?
- (304.01)
How often shall fire hose be tested?
Within 90 days prior to being placed in service then annually thereafter. (304.01)
How often shall fire hose be rotated?
Twice a year. (304.01)
How and when is hose testing/rotation assigned?
Annually by logistics B/C to each shift B/C prior to Feb 15 of each year. (304.01)
When shall hose testing be completed?
Shift B/C will ensure it is completed by the end of March. (304.01)
When does the second hose rotation occur?
September. (304.01)
Who will supervise hose inspection and testing?
The company officer. (304.01)
Who does the company officer forward the completed hose testing from to?
Logistics division. (304.01)
How do you handle engraved hose numbers that can’t be read?
They shall be re-etched. If unreadable contact logistics B/C. (304.01)
Who reviews hose testing results?
Logistics B/C. (304.01)
What happens to hose that fails pressure test?
It shall be red tagged by the company officer with the reason and logistics will be contacted to arrange repairs. (304.01)
How shall hose be laid out to test?
Hose of the same test pressure shall not exceed 300 ft and shall be straight, flat, and w/o kinks or twists. (304.01)
What shall be on the far end of each hose being tested?
Test cap with bleeder valve or nozzle with non twist shut off. (304.01)
How shall hose be pressurized for testing?
Pressure raised to 45 psi and discharge end raised above highest point. Test cap then closed slowly followed by the water supply. (304.01)
What shall be done once hose is full and at 45 psi?
Checked for leaks at each coupling and tightened with a spanner. Couplings marked with black marker to determine slips. (304.01)
How shall pressure be raised to test pressure?
Slowly, not greater than 15 psi per sec up to service pressure. Pressure shall be maintained by boosts if necessary for stabilization of 1 min/100 ft. (304.01)
After stabilization period, how long shall hose hold pressure without boosts?
5 minutes. (304.01)
What is test pressure for hose manufactured July 1987 or after?
Stenciled in each length and reads “service test to __ psi per NFPA 1962”. (304.01)
What is test pressure for hose manufactured prior to July 1987?
1-3/4” and 2 1/2” 300 psi. 5” 200 psi. (304.01)
While hose is at test pressure, how shall it be inspected for leaks?
Inspector shall walk no closer than 15 ft on the left side (while facing free end standing at pump). (304.01)
What safety equipment must be worn during hose testing?
Helmet, gloves, eye protection. (304.01)
After testing what shall be done with hose before being placed back in service or storage?
Cleaned, drained, and dried. (304.01)
What shall be used on hose that is oily or greasy?
A mild detergent and scrub brush. It must then be rinsed and dried. (304.01)
All new hose placed in service after Oct 1, 1998 shall be marked how?
Engraved in female or either stortz coupling, First 2 digits year of purchase. Third digit size of hose rounded down. (1.5=1, 1.75=1, 2.5=2, 5=5). Last 3 digits a sequential 3 digit ID number for each length purchased that year. ex: 1.75” purchased in ‘98=981007 (304.01)
Who is responsible for maintaining hose inventory records and problems with hose?
Logistics division. (304.01)
What is considered station level training and is skills based training that closely mirrors NFPA for all recognized job classifications?
Performance objectives. (305.01)
What is considered station level/individual training in self-paced learning modules of selected topics for all recognized job classifications? These are pre-designated courses by an outside vendor.
Online training. (305.01)
What is considered station level/battalion facilitated training to tie together individual task/skills into a complete evolution?
Multi company skills/training. (305.01)
What is considered station level/battalion facilitated/operations division facilitated training to provide a common operational understanding and vehicle familiarization from agencies across jurisdictional boundaries? It should always be coordinated through the shift commander.
Mutual aid training. (305.01)
What is considered training that requires additional resources that are not available to station officers such as cars for extrication or the fire academy?
Operations division facilitated training. (305.01)
What is considered course delivery in the classroom?
Classroom training. (305.01)
What is considered off site training such as other FDs, colleges, academies…?It is always required to be documented in the online training platform.
Off Property training. (305.01)
How often does the operations division outline training and issue it to the station level?
Outlines annually and issues quarterly. (305.01)
Who is considered the best training officer and why?
The station captain because he knows the crews and monitors proficiency or identifies deficiency during emergency events and training evolutions. (305.01)
All EMS training will be conducted under the approval of?
The medical director/Training division. (305.01)
Who is facilitated training supported by?
The operations division. (305.01)
Who is considered a company officer?
Captain or acting captain. (305.01)
Who is responsible for delivering training, ensuring completion, and competing all necessary paperwork/records associated?
All company officers. (305.01)
Who is responsible for assessing company training needs and ensuring that training is delivered to station personnel as needed?
Company officers. (305.01)
What target solutions are to be completed daily?
PPE and SCBA checkout, Area familiarization, daily vehicle/equipment inspection/maintenance, drive on roadway, officer exchange of information. (305.01)
What target solutions are to be completed weekly?
Weekly preventative maintenance NFPA 1002. (305.01)
How far in advance should company officers attempt to call the training division when in need of resources?
At least 1 shift. (305.01)
What is the OPM for personal appearance?
What is the OPM for rules of conduct?
What is the OPM for sick/emergency leave?
What is the OPM for corrective action?
What is the lateness/AWOL OPM?
What is the citizen complaint OPM?
In addition to injuries, what can the light duty program also be utilized for?
Performance-related issues and other temporary assignments. (300.17)
How do battalion chiefs and EMS captains get assigned Kelly days?
At the discretion of the fire chief. (300.02)
When a conflict arises in training what shall be the prevailing order?
Sunrise OPMs and protocols. (305.01)
For the rank of B/C how can annual leave be approved?
If there is approved personnel to work out of class the B/C can automatically approve to receive the day off. If not they must submit the request to the fire chief. (300.07)