Ophthalmology Flashcards
What is retinoblastoma and what are the cause of it?
This is when there is a loss or decreased red reflex in the eye. It can be caused by vitreous haemorrhage, cataracts or major corneal abrasions
What is a blow out fracture and what are the clinical signs of one?
Compression of the eye in an antero-posterior direction
(eg squash ball or fist)
* medial/inferior wall.
oClinical signs of blow out fracture:
* Lid ecchymosis and oedema
* Epistaxis
* decreased sensation of the ipsilateral cheek and lip
(damage nerves)
* Enopthalmos (sunken eye) or exophthalmos (proptosis).
* The hallmark sign - restriction of extraocular movement,
particularly upward gaze, as a result of entrapment of
the extraocular muscles
What investigation will be need for a blow out fracture?
1)Occipitomental (Waters) view plain X rays
2) CT Facial views
What is treatment needed?
* Ophthalmology referral – as 50%
associated with eyeball injury
* Max-fax f/u – for orbital fracture
* Antibiotics
* Nasal decongestants
* Ice packs
* Not to blow nos
What is Retrobullar hemorrhage?
Accumulation of blood in the retrobulbar space
What clinical feature of retrobulbar hemorrhage?
pain, periorbital ecchymosis, eyelid haematoma, proptosis, visual loss,
subconjunctival haemorrhage, nausea, and vomiting
What is globe rupture and its pathophysiology?
- Globe rupture describes a traumatic tear or puncture of the outermost coating of the globe and may involve either the sclera, cornea, or both.
It can either blunt or penetrating
-retinal damage, choroid damage, lens dislocation, ocular herniation
What are the symptoms?
- pain, loss of vision, diplopia
- distorted shape of the globe
-herniation through sclera visible
What is Hyphaema?
Hyphema is defined as accumulated red blood cells (RBC) in the anterior chamber of the eye.
Name symptoms of corneal abrasions
Lacrimation (teary eyes)
What is vitreous hemorrhage?
Vitreous hemorrhage is seen as blood floating in vitreous, occluding the view of retina variably.