Operations Flashcards
Primary mission of CIC
Gather Process Display Evaluate Disseminate
Secondary mission of CIC
Control - Helo
Assist - bridge
Who is the operations officer?
LT Schneider
Who is the CIC officer?
ENS Blevins
What is a CASREP?
Casualty report
4 types of CASREP
Info required in CASREP
Initiating department
CASREP categories
CAT4 - most serious. Cannot get underway within 72 hours
CAT3 - serious. Prevents unit from at least 1 primary mission
CAT2 - less serious. Can get underway and perform mission tasking
CAT1 - used for training purposes
What is a SITREP?
Situations report
3 types of SITREP
Pinnacle - goes to president
Navy Blue - goes to CNO
Unit - goes to ISIC or CO
What is LOGREQ?
Logistics request. To make known logistics requirements during import period
What is MOVREP?
Moving report. When unit is more than 4hours ahead or behind plan of intended movement (PIM) track OR 100+ nautical miles off course
What does EEFI stand for?
Essential elements of friendly information
When do we use EEFI?
When info is disclosed in the wrong circuit
What is RCS?
Remote control station for CIWS
What in CIC can fire CIWS?
Remote control panel
What is CSTT?
Combat systems training team
What is SPS-40?
Air radar
Who mans the SPS-40?
ADT (air detection tracker)
ADC (air direction controller) during flight quarters
How many modes does the SPS-40 have?
Short range and long range
What is SPS-73?
Navigation radar
What is SPS-67?
Surface radar
Who mans the SPS-67?
SDT (surface detection tracker)
How many modes does the SPS-67 have?
Long pulse
Short pulse
Medium pulse
What is DDRT?
Digital dead reckoning tracer
What is the primary and secondary purpose of DDRT?
Primary - geographical plot of ships position
Secondary - man overboard
What does the gyro repeater do?
Points constantly to true north
What kind of radar repeaters do we have and where are they?
3 in CIC
1 on bridge
What does TACAN stand for?
Tactical air navigation
What is the mission of TACAN?
Give magnetic range and bearing to Helo
How many modes of operation for TACAN?
Normal - constant bearing and range
Demand - Helo asks for bearing and range
What is IFF?
Identify friend or foe
What kind of IFF do we use?
How many modes of IFF do we have?
5 Mission and country Personal identification feature Selective identification feature NATO/Crypto Altitude
What are the emergency codes for IFF?
7500 - hijacking
7600 - loss of comms
7700 - General
4X - military only
What are the radio telephones for?
Voice tactical and administrative comms between ships and aircraft
What is VMS?
Voyage management system (electronic charts)
What is RD-674B?
Digital voice logger. Records all external comms
What does TAO stand for?
Tactical actions officer
What is the Fathometer?
Displays depth from keep of ship
What are the 5 conditions of steaming?
GQ modified GQ wartime Peacetime Inport
What is the navigational draft of the ship?
9.1 meters
What is the ULQ-16?
Fine grain pulse analyzer
What is the SLA-10B?
Blanks out own ship emissions
What is the ULQ-16 used with?
SLQ-32 to gather more information on target
What is LOA?
Lighting off assistant
What is OPORD?
Operational order. Directs the conduct of operation
What is OPLAN?
Operational plan. A complete format of a plan, prepared well in advance, for conducting military operations
What is OPTASK?
Operational task. A detailed instruction in how warfare specifics will be accomplished during an operation or exercise
What is a task force?
Component of a fleet
What is a task group?
Component of a task force
What is a task unit?
Component of a task group
What is a task element?
Component of a task unit
What is a battle force?
Standing naval task force
What is a battle group?
A standing naval task group
What is an amphibious ready group?
A standing naval amphibious group
Strategic plot
True display of position, movement, and strength of own and enemy forces
Geographic plot
Maintained on the DDRT.
True display of position and tracks of friendly and enemy tracks
Surface summary plot
Relative display of positions and contacts required for complete surface picture
Equipment status board
all equipment in CIC, and which is operating and out of commission
Communications status board
Radio circuit assignments, frequencies, equipment allocation; radio remote station channelization; and use
Reason for navigational plotting
When in the vicinity of land, to warn the bridge if any ship danger
What is TDS?
Tactical data system
A computerized digital processing system that enables the task force combat
List the data links we use
4A 11 14 16 Hawk
Link 4A
A 2 way link between NTDS and ATDS units to control fighter and attack aircraft
Link 11
A 2 way link between NTDS to NTDS. Real time link to exchange data
Link 14
A 1 way NTDS to non-NTDS, non-real time link to exchange data
Link 16
A 2 way NTDS to NTDS, realtime link to exchange data between other services and some NATO countries
Hawk link
A 2 way NTDS to SH-60b, realtime link to exchange data
What affects radar operations?
Atmospheric conditions
Sea return
Height of antenna and target
Relationship between pilot house and CIC
Keeps OOD informed of all surface, subsurface, and air contacts
Relationship between signal bridge and CIC
Visual information
Relationship between radio central and CIC
External comms
Relationship between weapons stations and CIC
Controlled from CIC
Relationship between lookouts and CIC
Visual information
What is EMCON
Emission control. Management of all electromagnetic and electro-acoustic emissions
What is ES?
Electronic support. Interception
What is EA?
Electronic attack. Jamming
What is EP?
Electronic protect. Protects own interception and exploitation
What is AW?
Air warfare. Defense against airborne weapons
What is SUW?
Surface warfare. Operations by surface ships and subs to surface enemies
What types are radio voice messages are there?
Flash Z - less than 10 minutes
Immediate (O) - 30 minutes
Priority (P) - 3 hours
Routine (R) - 6 hours
Unauthorized disclosure has occurred over a non-secured circuit
Position Capabilities Operation Electronic warfare Personnel COMSEC Wrong circuit
Alert suspected initiative deception in non-secure R/T circuit
Security classification categories
Confidential - blue
Secret - red
Top secret - orange
Emergency destruction
Emergency plan for protection, removal, or destruction of classified material
What are the training cycles?
LOA - light off assessment
CART - command assessment of readiness and training
TSTA - tailored ships training availability
FEP - final evaluation program
Planning board for training
All required training goals and evolutions required to meet those goals/inspections
Long range training plan. Annual cycle
Short range training schedule. Semi-annual
CSTT duties
Combat systems training team
Trains combat systems personnel in a multi-warfare environment
SERT duties
Ships electronic readiness team
Responds to actual combat systems casualties
ETT duties
Engineering training team
Responds to all engineering casualties
DCTT duties
Damage control training team
Repair lockers and personnel in damage to ship
STT duties
Seamanship training team
Seamanship, ship handling, lookout/signal training
ATT duties
Aviation training team
Flight deck fire party
ITT duties
Integrated training team
Individual and integrated training team packages
What does CIC stand for?
Combat information center