Admin Flashcards
What are the 7 principles of Naval Logistics?
Flexibility Economy Attainability Responsiveness Sustainable Survivability Simplicity FEARSSS
What 3 major classes of warship existed at the inception of the Navy?
Ships of the Line
What is the oldest US Navy commissioned vessel?
USS Constitution
Oct 21, 1797
What is the Navy’s birthday?
October 13, 1775
What was the first ship named after an enlisted man?
Osmond Ingram (DDG 225) February 28, 1919
What is the origin of the hand salute?
Men in armor raised their visors to be recognized
What is the significance of saluting the ensign?
Gesture of respect to other nations.
What is the significance of dipping the Ensign?
Gesture of respect between nations.
Gun Salutes
21 - Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and the president 17 - admiral 15 - vice admiral 13 - rear admiral 11 - commodore
National flag
Emblem of the U.S. Flown as a symbol of nationality
A flag or banner, as a military or naval standard used to indicate nationality
Merchant ensign
National flag flown by civil ships to denote nationality
Horizontal dimension of a flag flown from a vertical staff
Vertical dimension of a flag flown from a vertical staff
Union Jack
white stars and blue field of the Union of the U.S. National flag
Great white Fleet
Dec. 16, 1907
Exercise demonstrated the strength of the U.S. Navy.
Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7, 1941
The U.S. Entered WWII
Coral Sea
May 4-8, 1942
Fought completely by air
June 4-7
Turning point of WWII
Nov 13-15, 1942
5 Sullivan brothers’ deaths re-instated the policy concerning family member separation
June 6, 1944
D-Day, largest seaborne invasion in history
Leyte Gulf
October 23, 1944
Final blow to the Japanese
USS Independence
7 ships had the same name
USS Forestal Fire
July 29, 1967
Increased firefighting and damage control training
USS Stark attack
Only successful anti-ship missile attack on a U.S. Navy warship
USS Cole attack
October 12, 2000
The Navy implemented measures in anti-terrorism and force protection
September 11 attacks
September 11, 2001
Homeland Security established and start of War on Terror
Commander in Chief
President of the United States
Barrack Obama
Secretary of Defense
Honorable Ashton Carter
Secretary of the Navy
Honorable Ray Mabus
Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral John Greenert
Pacific Commander
Admiral Locklear
Pacific fleet
Admiral Harry Harris
Type commander
Vice admiral Copeman
Immediate superior in command
Rear Admiral Wetherald
Commander of 7th fleet
Vice Admiral Thomas
Commanding officer
Executive officer
Master Chief Stevens
Command Master Chief
C7F -
3-M coordinator
Senior Chief Ignacio
Sexual Assault Precention and response
Drugs and alcohol programs advisor
Command managed equal opportunity
Operational commands
US Fleet Forces command - Atlantic Naval Forces Europe - Europe Central Command - Middle East Southern Command - South America MSC (military sealift command) Washington DC - worldwide
2nd fleet
3rd Fleet
Point Loma, CA
CA coast to International dateline
4th Fleet
Jacksonville, FL
Caribbean, and Atlantic/Pacific oceans around central and South America
5th Fleet
Manama, Bahrain
Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, coast of east Africa as far south as Kenya
6th Fleet
Naples, Italy
Europe and Africa
7th Fleet
Yokosuka, Japan
International dateline to western border of India
10th fleet
Cyber Command. Fort Meade, MD
Provides operational support to navy commanders worldwide.
Standard Organization and Regulations of the Navy
Provides all navy units with basic organization information
Foundation of Military Law in U.S.
Administrative Billet
Policy for assignment of personnel, berthing, maintenance, visiting, recall, and zone inspections.
Operational billet
Policies and procedures in such areas as the boat bill, cold weather, darken ship, EMCON, etc.
Emergency billet
Procedures for controlling the effects of major emergency or disaster suffered by the ship
Special Billet
Procedures for defense against sneak/swimmer attack l, evacuate civilians, POW, etc
Battle billet
Assign personnel and stations necessary to fight the ship
Watch quarter and station billet
Each person in the division is listed by billet number displaying assignments for battle, watch, operational, and emergency bills
8 o’clock reports
Received by XO form department heads before 1830 underway
12 o’clock reports
Received by OOD from MOOW before 1200 import
Reports include what?
Aviation fuel Boat Draft Fuel and water Magazine temp Muster
Types of discharge
Honorable General Other than honorable Bad conduct Dishonorable
Effects of enlisted evals
Type of discharge
Good conduct awards
Eligibility for reenlistment
Type 1 - CONUS shore duty 2 - CONUS shipboard duty 3- overseas shore duty 4 - overseas shipboard duty 5- neutral duty 6- preferred overseas shore duty
Enlisted service record pages
2- dependent application/ emergency data
4- awards and quals (NAVPERS 1070/604)
7- court martial and NJP that affect basic pay (NAVPERS 1626/7)
13- administrative remarks
C7F N codes
N0 exec N1 admin N2 Intel N3 operations N4 logistics N5 information systems
What are the six areas of Naval doctrine?
Warfare Intelligence Logistics Planning Operations Command + control