Deck Flashcards
What is the wildcat used for?
Raise and lower the anchor chain
How is a line measured?
How is a wire measured?
What is any line greater than 5in called?
Name the 9 animals in the foclse
Wildcat, jackass, gatorback, bullnose, mousing, rat tail, pelican hook, birds nest, frog feet
Purpose of the capstan
Bring tension to the mooring lines
How many shots in an anchor chain?
What is the last shot called?
Danger shot
What is the second to last shot called?
Warning/caution shot
What is the first shot called?
What is the swivel used for?
To prevent kinking and twisting
How much does the anchor weigh?
What is the purpose of the splash guard?
To prevent water from going through the hawsepipe
What is the purpose of the chocks?
Fair lead mooring lines to the pier
What is the bullnose for?
Mooring to a buoy or did towing
What does RHIB stand for?
Rigid hull inflatable boat
Who are the RHIB riders?
Boat officer
Boat engineer
SAR swimmer
How many people can a RHIB carry?
What are the RHIB serial numbers?
What does the “7m” and “02” in the RHIB serial numbers stand for?
7m - 7 meters
02 - 2002
What is used to raise and lower the RHIB?
SLAD (slew arm davit)
How do you secure the RHIB?
Forward and aft gripes
Secure port to starboard using belly bands
RHIB must have 90% of the boat touching skids
What are the steps for launching and recovering the RHIB?
Release hook Cast off aft Cast off forward Release sea painter Recovering - reverse steps
What is the purpose of the Sea Painter?
Connects to the front of the RHIB
Keeps boat along side of ship
What do you use to slack off the Sea Painter?
Lizard line
What are the 3 types of MOB recovery?
Shipboard recovery
Small boat recovery
Helo recovery
What lines are connected to the J-bar davit and what are they used for?
Vang lines - keeps line from swinging
What kind of fueling probe receiver do we have?
Single probe
What do we use the P&D line for?
CO to CO communication and to determine distance between the ships.
What is the color of flags on the P&D line?
Green Red Yellow Blue White Green
What distance is the P&D line?
What are the BITTS used for?
Secure the mooring lines
What mooring lines are used in the forecastle?
Lines 1, 2, and 3
What mooring lines are in aft?
Lines 8 and 9
Mooring stations 1-8 have what lines?
1/2 - line 4
3/4 - line 5
5/6 - line 6
7/8 - line 7
What is the accommodation ladder used for?
To embark/disembark personnel while anchored out
What are the components of the chain stopper?
Turn buckle
Pelican hook
Detachable link
What are the detachable links components?
C-plate Coupling plates (2) Hair pin Taper pin Lead plug
How many life rafts do we have and what type?
63 Mark VII
What type of Helo do we have onboard?
How many refueling stations do we have and where are they?
4 stations
2 on port
2 on starboard
What are the positions and helmets during UNREP?
OIC/safety officer - white Rig Captain - yellow Rigger - blue Line Handler - blue Phone talker - green Signalman - green HM - white with green cross Fuels - purple GM - red
Where are the CONREP stations?
Stations 3 and 4
What do the colors for flight ops mean?
Red - start/stop engines
Yellow - engage/disengage
Green - read deck for launch/recovery
Who is the POIC on the flight deck?
LSE (landing signalmen enlisted)
What are the flight deck uniform colors?
Chock and chain - blue LSE - yellow Firefighter - red Fueling team - purple Maintenance - green Flight deck officer - white HM - white with Red Cross
What does STReAM stand for?
Standard tensioned replenishment alongside method?
What are the 2 types of UNREP?
VERTREP - cargo delivered by Helo
CONREP - 2 ships connected
What are the watches on the bridge?
OOD, JOOD, conning officer, helmsman, Lee helmsman, status board/JL Phone talker, QMOW, BMOW
Name signaling devices in each life raft.
Signal mirror, flares, distress marker light, radio beacon, dye marker, radar reflector
Name survival gear in each life raft.
Patch kit, air pump, water, MRE, motion sickness pills, desalinization reverse osmosis pump, fishing tackle, sea anchor
What information is passed out in the 1MC during abandon ship?
Magnetic bearing to land
Distance to land
Friend or foe
Temperature of water
What is the Yankee flag used for?
Dragging anchor
How long is a fathom?