Operations Flashcards
What does TAO stand for?
Tactical Actions Officer
What is the main mission of CDC?
To gather, process, display, evaluate, disseminate information, and to control and assist
What is important about the TAO?
- Primarily responsible for the defense of the ship
- Only other person besides the CO who has weapons release authority
What are the watch stations in CDC?
ADWC, AIC, ATM, CDCWO, IDOP, Strike Controller, Surface Tracker, TAO, TIC
What does ADWC stand for?
Air Defense Weapons Coordinator
What does the ADWC do?
Receives reports from IDOP; Passes to TAO; coordinated with Strike on Point Defense; overall in charge of the air picture
What does CDCWO stand for?
Combat Direction Center Watch Officer
What does the CDCWO do?
- During Condition 3 Responsible for all CDC functions
- During Condition 1 Responsible for the surface picture
What does AIC stand for?
Air Intercept Controller
What does the AIC do?
Maintains close advisory control of aircraft
What does TIC stand for?
Tactical Information Coordinator
What does the TIC do?
Manages data links; Link 11(Alligator) & Link 16(Timber)
What does IDOP stand for?
Identification Operator
What does the IDOP do?
-ID’s air contacts using IFF and reports them to ADWC
What does ATM stand for?
Auto Track Manager
What does the ATM do?
Same as IDOP but has the capability to manipulate radars(makes them more or less sensitive due to weather, sea return, etc)
What does the Strike Controller do?
- Manned during flight ops
- Checks aircraft modes of IFF, safety of flight
What does the Surface Tracker do?
-Tracks surface contacts
What does TOP stand for?
Tactical Operations Plot
What does TOP do?
- Liaison between Bridge and CDC
- primarily responsible for surface tracking
Where is TOP located?
O9 level behind bridge
What do lookouts do?
Correlates lookout information on surface and air contacts to determine targets course, speed, and CPA
What does IFF stand for?
Identify Friend or Foe
What are the 5 modes of IFF?
Platform, Positive ID, Mission, US Military, Altitude