Operational Factors Flashcards
Velocity that critical engine is assumed to fail
Minimum speed for takeoff and achieve the required height above takeoff surface
Rotation speed
Single engine climb out speed
Accelerate stop distance
Distance required to get to V1 then come to a complete stop
Rotation speed and accelerate stop distance get greater when weight gets….?
Greater (directly related)
Can you use the stopway of a runway to stop during an aborted takeoff?
Explain how a jet engine works in simplified terms.
Intake, compression, power, exhaust (Suck, squeeze, bang, blow)
What is the most important limitation to a jet engine?
Limited exhaust gas temperature
Where is the highest temperature in the turbo jet engine?
Turbine inlet section
How do you measure the horsepower in a turboprop engine?
Equivalent shaft horsepower
If you have a decrease in outside air pressure and outside air temperature, what is going to happen to the thrust output of an engine and why?
The thrust output will become less because of the air being less dense.
How do you get maximum range performance out of a turbojet engine?
As weight is reduced, you will increase altitude or decrease speed.
Where do you get minimum fuel consumption? (Altitudes)
25,000 to the tropopause
What can cause compressor stall? (3 things)
Dirty blades
Ramming the engine
Volcanic ash
What is an indication of a transient compressor stall?
Intermittent light bangs
What is an indication of a compressor stall?
Strong vibrations and a loud roar
What should you do if you think you have a compressor stall? (3 things)
Reduce fuel flow
Reduce angle of attack
Increase airspeed
What prevents turbine engines from developing compressor stalls?
Compressor bleed valves
What causes the most severe wear and tear on a reciprocating engine?
High MAP and low RPM
What does high relative humidity do to the density altitude?
It increases the density altitude
What does a wastegate of a turbocharged engine do?
Controls the exhaust gas discharge
What is critical altitude?
The highest altitude at which you can get the maximum horsepower out of the engine.
If the pitot tube and the drain hole get clugged, what happens to the airspeed indicator?
It turns into an altimeter. The higher that you go up, the higher the speed.
If the pitot tube becomes blocked, what happens to the airspeed indicator?
The airspeed will drop to zero.
What is station pressure?
It is the actual pressure at field elevation.
What is the altimeter setting?
It is the station pressure corrected to mean sea level.
Corrected altitude
Indicated altitude corrected for non-standard temperature
Explain hot to cold and high to low, look out below
When flying from hot temp to cold temp, the indicated altitude will actually be higher than the true altitude.
If you have too big of a number in the kollsman window of the altimeter will the indicated altitude be higher or lower than the actual altitude?
Indicated altitude will be higher
If the OAT is higher than standard, will density altitude be higher or lower than pressure altitude?
Compass errors are caused by what?
Magnetic dip
Undershoot North
Overshoot South
Accelerate North
Decelerate South
If you are in a turn into a 360 degree turn, when will the compass read most accuratly?
90 (East) and 270 (West)
What are two ill effects of ice, snow, frost?
Increase the stall speed
Decrease the angle of attack at which a plane stalls
Frost can…
Reduce lift by how much
Increase drag by how much
Freezing Point Depressant
What is the two step de-icing process?
First, apply the heated Type 1
Then, apply cold Type 2
What is the minimum amount of Glycol in Type 1?
What is the minimum amount of Glycol in Type 2?
When are wing tip vortices the worst?
Heavy, slow, clean
When are wing tip vortices produced?
Anytime an airplane is producing lift.
When is the most dangerous ground condition in terms of wing tip vortices?
When you have a light quartering tailwind.
When is hydroplanning most likely to occur?
- When you have standing water or slush
- High speeds
- Smooth runway
Dynamic hydroplanning
Occurs at high speeds
What is the formula for when dynamic hydroplanning occurs?
9 times the square root of the tire pressure
Viscous hydroplanning
Requires a smooth runway, occurs at slow speeds
Reverted rubber hydroplanning
When you lock the wheels, create friction, change water to steam, and you hydroplan on the steam.
What are the official reporting of braking action?
Nil, poor, fair, good
Airport beacon: dual flashing white and a green
Military airport
Airport beacon: green, yellow, white
Lighted heliport
Hash marks on the runway are at what intervals? When do they start?
500 ft intervals, start at 3,000 ft
Touchdown Zone Lighting
What do the runway edge lights in the last 2,000 feet do?
They turn from white to yellow.
Centerline lights turn to what colors in the last 3,000 ft and the last 1,000 ft?
3,000- lights alternating white and red
1,000- lights all red
What colors are taxiway turn off lights?
What does a fixed distance marker look like?
It is the two solid bars 1,000 ft from the end of the runway.
Takeoff Hold Lights
Runway Entrance Lights
In a turbine aircraft you must stay on or above the VASI glide path: TRUE or FALSE
What is the benefit of a three bar VASI?
You have a glideslope for both a high cockpit and low cockpit aircraft.
What are the three lights of a three-lighted VASI? What is the range of this type of VASI?
Amber, Green, Red. 5NM
Describe a PAPI.
Four lights parallel to each other (PAPI=Parallel)
PAPI(P4R) What does P4R mean?
4 parallel lights on the right side of the runway.
When can you switch to ground control after landing?
Remain on tower control until instructed to switch to ground control.
Land and Hold Short Operations
If you accept a LASHO clearance, does that mean you can’t do a go around?
NO, you can still do a go around
Available Landing Distance
Transponder codes:
7500- Hijack
7600- Lost communications
7700- Emergency
What three things can you expect to get from ATC in class C airspace?
Traffic sequencing
Traffic separation (IFR traffic only)
Traffic advisories (VFR traffic)
Standard height of the following airspaces:
Class C
Class D (and radius)
Class C: Height- 4,000 AGL
Class D: Height- 2,500 AGL, 4.4 radius
Where are Warning Areas located?
They begin 3NM off the coast of the US.
Before you cross an ADIZ what must you do?
File either a IFR or DVFR flight plan.
When you are crossing an ADIZ you must give a time and a location of crossing. How close to the crossing time must you be? Within how many miles of your crossing location must you be?
Within 5 minutes of your crossing time.
Within 10 NM of your crossing location over land.
Within 20 NM of your crossing location over water.
When do you need to report a near midair collision?
When the separation is 500 feet.
What is special about TCAS II?
It gives you resolution advisories.
What is “minimum fuel”?
Emergency situation is possible should you receive any undue delays.
What is hypoxia?
Reduced oxygen to the brain
What is hyperventilation?
To much oxygen in the blood
What is a symptom of hyperventilation?
Tingling of the extremities
What is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?
How do you overcome spatial disorientation?
Relaying entirely on your instruments
What is the most efficient way to view at night?
Scan slowly to permit off center viewing
What is the a Somatogravic illusion?
Illusion of a nose up attitude
What is the Coriolis illusion?
Abrupt head movement can create the illusion that you are rotating on a different axis?
What is Autokinesis?
A single light in the dark tends to look like it is moving, even though it is not.
When you are making an approach over featureless terrain, you tend to be to low or high?
To low
When you are making an approach to a narrower than usual runway, you tend to be to low or high?
To low
Sudden penetration of fog can cause what illusion?
The illusion that you are pitching up.
What illusion can haze give you?
The illusion that the aircraft is farther from the runway than it actually is.
What illusion can rain on the windshield give you?
Can create an illusion that you are higher than you are.
One alcoholic drink can be detected in the blood for how long?
3 hours