Meteorology- Weather Reports and Charts Flashcards
Aviation Routine Weather Report
Is the wind in a METAR given in true or magnetic?
What are the two categories included in a METAR under significant weather?
Sky obscuration
What are three things that may cause a SPECI to be issued
Windshift of more than 45 degrees
Weather changing from VFR to MVFR or to IFR
What does VV mean in the following: VV005
The vertical visibility is 500 feet
What three things can a manual observer add to an AWOS?
Obscurations to visibility
Automated Surface Observing System
Automated Weather Observing System
When does the AUTO appear in a METAR?
It means that the report is either a AWOS or ASOS
How can you tell if a weather report is an ASOS or AWOS?
It will show AO1 or AO2 in the remarks
Ceiling Height Indicator Not Operating
Funnel Cloud
METAR: M 1/4SM, what is the visibility?
“less than” 1/4SM
METAR: SLP993 6////
Sea Level Pressure: 999.3 hPA
6////: Indeterminable amount of precipitation over the last 3 hours.
Flight Visibility is 0SM
Greater than 6 Statue Miles
It means Vicinity. This is 5-10 miles radius from the airport.
TAF: PROB30 and PROB40
30 to 39% chance that thunderstorms will occur
40 to 49% chance that thunderstorms will occur
TAF: Read the valid time in the following
031745Z 031818
Issued 3rd day of the month at 1745Z
Valid 3rd day of the month at 1800Z to the following day at 1800Z
TAF: PROB40 0103
There is a 40-49% probability between 0100Z and 0300Z
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: Are winds given in True or Magnetic?
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: The temperatures above what altitude are always negative?
24,000 feet
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: @26,000 it shows the following: 263821. What does this mean?
At 260 degrees TRUE, the wind velocity is 38 knots and the temperature is -21C.
What is the standard atmosphere and the lapse rate?
15C and 29.92
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: What is the significance of the following 9900+00
The wind is light and variable and the temperature is 0C
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: What is the significance of the following: 763821
Subtract 50 from 76, this gives you 26. This means that the wind is coming from 260 TRUE. Add 100 to 38, this means that the wind speed is 138 knots. The temperature is a -21C.
Winds and Temperatures Aloft: What if the winds are 200 knots or greater?
The chart simply codes the winds as if they were 199 knots.
What is an isobar?
Line of equal pressure reduced to see level
Surface Analysis Chart: How can you tell if the weather is VFR, MVFR, IFR
VFR- No line
MVFR- Line around it
IFR- Line around it with shading
The high level significant prog chart is used for what altitudes?
FL250 to FL600
Is the weather depiction chart actual or forecast?
Is a prognostic chart actual or forecast?
What does a convective sigmet talk about?
Embedded thunderstorms
Lines of thunderstorms
Thunderstorms with 3/4 inch hale and tornadoes
The outlook shown covers what time after the Sigmet?
2 to 6 hours
What are the four ways that ATC will describe precipitation?
Light, moderate, heavy, extreme
Sigmets are issued when conditions effect an area of at least how much?
At least 3,000 square miles.
What do the following MB values equate to in ft:
500 MB
300 MB
200 MB
18,000 ft
30,000 ft
39,000 ft