Federal Aviation Regulations Flashcards
What does the term “domestic” mean?
Means a SCHEDULED airline that is limited to flying in the continental United States.
What does the term “Flag” mean?
Means a SCHEDULED airline that flies beyond the continental United States.
What are non-scheduled carriers called?
Commercial or supplemental
What type of certificate do scheduled carriers have?
Air Carrier Certificate
What type of certificate do non-scheduled carriers have?
Operating Certificate
What is a crewmember?
A person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time.
What is operational control?
Authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight.
What is NTSB 830?
A rule that deals with accidents and incidents
When an aircraft is involved in an accident which results in substantial damage, what must you do?
Notify the nearest NTSB field office immediately
If you are involved in an accident, what must you do?
Must file a written report to the NTSB within 10 days.
What is substantial damage?
Failure of a component which would adversely affect the performance and which would require replacement
What is a the definition of a serious injury?
What is an accident?
What is an incident?
What type of incidents must you notify the NTSB of immediately
If you are involved in an incident are you required to provide a written report?
Only if requested to do so by the NTSB.
To act as PIC, when must you have a type rating? (2 items)
- Gross weight of more than 12,500 lbs
- Turbojet-powered aircraft
If you already have several type ratings, but don’t have your ATP and you get your ATP, what happens to your previous type ratings?
They get upgraded to an ATP.
Are all type ratings up to ATP standards?
If you are not an instructor, but have your ATP, can you give flight instruction (assuming you work for the airlines)? What might some limitations be?
- Only in the Category/class/type in which you are rated and there are dual controls
- Not more than 8 hours a day
- Not more than 36 hours in a 7-day period
How long is a temporary medical certificate good for?
Valid for a maximum of 60 days
When does a first class medical expire?
Under 40- Good to the end of the 12th month after the date of your exam.
Over 40- Good to the end of the 6th month after the date of your exam.
A pilot has a flight on August 1st, the pilot took his first class medical on February 28th. Can he fly on August 1st flight? Explain.
February month does not count. Count six months starting with March. March, April, May, June, July, August. The medical is good until the end of August.
If you are taking a checkride for the ATP in a simulator, do you need a valid medical?
If you are taking a checkride for the ATP in an aircraft, do you need a valid medical?
When may the SIC log instrument time?
Only when the SIC is controlling the aircraft solely by instruments.
How do you maintain recency under IFR? (3 items)
Within last 6 months, you must have:
- 6 approaches
- Holding procedures
- Intercepting and tracking course using nav system
What is a category II approach?
An approach that is flown to lower minimums.
To be eligible for the practical test for a category II authorization, what do you need to have complete? (3 items)
- Within the previous 6 months
- At least 6 ILS approaches to CAT I DH’s
- At least 3 must have been conducted manually
Upon original issuance of a Category II authorization, what minimums can you go down too? (2 items) How can this limitation be removed? (3 items)
- DH(HAT) 150 feet
- RVR 1600 feet
Can be removed when:
- 3 Category II ILS approaches have been completed wo 150’ DH
- Since the beginning of the sixth preceding month
- 100 hours in make and model
How often must a VOR be checked?
Within the last 30 days.
What must be included when recording a VOR check?
Date, place, bearing error, and signature
What is the max variation for a dual check, air check, ground check?
4 degrees between them (dual)
6 degrees between them (air)
4 degrees (ground)
VHF Omni Test
If you are flying at or above 24,000 feet and using VOR, what else is required?
When must an altimeter system be inspected?
When must a transponder be instpected?
24 months
24 months
When must you have a transponder?
Controlled airspace at and above 10,000 MSL, unless below 2,500 AGL
Can the FAA use a flight data recorder or voice recorder in determining if you broke a regulation?
How long must voice data and flight recorder information be kept after an accident or incident?
60 days
What is a Minimum Equipment List?
Indicates the required items which may be inoperative.
What part of the regulation are the minimum north atlantic navigation requirements listed?
FAR Part 91
If you are ferrying an aircraft with one engine inoperative, who can you have onboard? What weather conditions must you have?
Only required flight crewmembers. VFR at departure and destination airports
At a towered controlled airport, large and turbine powered aircraft, must enter the traffic pattern at what altitude?
1,500 AGL
At a towered controlled airport, large and turbine powered aircraft, must take off how?
Climb as rapidly as practicable to 1,500 AGL
Speed limits:
At or above 10,000 MSL
Below 10,000 MSL
Under the tier of Class B
VFR corridor through Class B
Class C and Class D (within 2,500 ft AGL and 4 NM of the airport)
No speed limit
250 knots
200 knots
200 knots
200 knots
What is the minimum speed that ATC may request of a turbine-powered aircraft when you are departed an airport? What is the minimum speed arriving at an airport? What about within 20nm of an airport when arriving?
230 knots
210 knots
170 knots
An airport may not be qualified for alternate use if…?
The NAVAIDs used for the final approach are unmonitored.
Alcohol consumption can’t occur within how many hours of a flight?
8 hours
If you have a conviction for a DWI, what must you do?
Provide a written report to the FAA not later than 60 days after the conviction.
If you are carrying a maximum risk category prisoner, what rules apply?
- No more than 1 person in custody may be carried on a flight
- Must be accompanied by 2 armed guards
- Escort must be seated between the prisoner and the aisle
If you are carrying a regular prisoner, what rules apply?
Prisoner shall be boarded first, and prisoner taken off last.
Can you carry a firearm on an airline?
Yes, on checked baggage, unloaded, passenger must be carrying the key.
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting