opaganga esa Flashcards
Is consider as the gold standard to measure energy requirements in Intensive care Unit patients?
a) Indirect calorimetry
Is a common micronutrient deficiency in patients with COVID-19
Vit D
Is it considered as a conditionally essential amino acid involved in wound healing in patients with Sepsis or Trauma?
Please select the nutrient that is consider as a specialized pro-resolving mediator due their anti-inflammatory
activity. Commonly used for trauma, surgical and oncologic patients?
Omega-3 fatty acids
Adult females with obesity and breast cancer. Please select the caloric suggestion for this type of patient:
b) 21-25 kcal/kg of weight
Is consider as an indirect indicator of hyper catabolism in cancer patients:
a) High levels of C reactive protein
Patient with short bowel syndrome with malabsorption. Consider which type of enteral formula should you consider
as appropriate.
d) Olygomeric formula
Patient with nonfunctional GI tract for gastrointestinal ischemia. Which kind of nutritional medical therapy should you
Parenteral Nutrition
Characteristics of the polymeric formula for renal disease patient with hemodialysis?
a) High in protein
b) Low content of sodium
c) Low content of potassium
d) All options are characteristics of a rena
According to ERAS protocol, which are characteristics of the immunonutrition formulas Post surgery:
c) With Arginine, glutamine and Omega 3 fatty acids
The muscle depletion in oncology patients are related with:
b) High risk of chemotherapy toxicity
Which of the following are consider as pillars in ERAS protocol?
a) Early oral nutrition
Male patient with severe acute pancreatitis with abdominal pain. Which of the following type of administration (via of
administration) should be consider for a relative reduction in exocrine pancreatic secretion?
b) Naso-Jejunal tube feeding
Which of the following are the optimal intake of protein in patients with acute pancreatitis?
b) 1.2-1.5 g/kg/day
Patient with hepatic encephalopathy, child Pugh C, with ascites and malnutrition. Which of the following formulas
should you consider for oral nutrition supplementation?
Hypercaloric, Based in branched chain aminoacids (BCAA)
Enteral and parenteral nutrition must be initiated even though the patient is hemodynamically unstable:
a) False
To enhance recovery after surgery is recommended to includes a light meal up to six hours prior to a surgical
procedure, and clear fluids up to two hours before the procedure.
b) True
. Nutrition therapy in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is focus on the following target:
a) Insulin resistance & oxidative stress
Adult patient with severe malnutrition and the presence of an enterocutaneous fistula in duodenum, the fluid output
is more than 750 ml/day. Which should be the preferred route for the nutrition therapy?
c) Parenteral nutrition
What is the amount of protein suggested in patients with enteroatmospheric fistula & high fistula output according to
ASPEN guidelines?
a) 1.5- 2 g/kg/day
Which of the following nutrients has been demonstrated a benefit in the fistula closure rates?
Select the Type of diet with scientific evidence for liver steatosis nutrition therapy?
c) Mediterranean diet
Adult woman with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis with a height of 1.75 mt, weight of 120 kg. What is the initial target of
weight loss that has been shown to improve the liver histology and the liver enzymes parameters
a) Lose 12 Kilograms → 10%
Abdominal perimeter is considered as one of the best nutritional indicators in patients with liver cirrhosis
b) False
Some of the principal changes in the body composition of decompensated patients with liver cirrhosis:
b) Increase the amount of extracellular water
According to the rule-of-thumb which is the amount of energy that non-overweight liver cirrhosis patients can
a) 30-35 kcal/Kg of body weight
Which of the following is a common micronutrient deficiencies in patients with liver cirrhosis:
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin E
c) Zinc
d) All of the options are common deficiencies in this patient
Patient with liver cirrhosis and ascites. Which of the follow is the sodium consumption recommendation?
b) 2000 mg of sodium per day
The prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy includes the prescription of a low protein diet
a) False
Which of the following is a benefit of the EPA/DHA consumption in oncological patient?
b) Reduce the systemic inflammation
Oral nutritional supplementation during hemodialysis sessions are consider as safe for the renal patient:
a) True
Main carbohydrate given through Parenteral Nutrition
c) Dextrose
Is consider as one risk factor for the development of protein-energy wasting in patients with chronic kidney disease:
b) Uremic anorexia
According with the international society of renal nutrition and metabolism (ISRNM) which of the following is a
biochemical parameter for protein-energy wasting?
a) Serum cholesterol less than 100 mg/dL
According with the international society of renal nutrition and metabolism (ISRNM) which of the following is an
anthropometric parameter for protein-energy wasting?
c) IMC < 23 kg/m2
Non-dialyzed adult men, with chronic kidney disease (KDOKI classification=3), he has an albumin of 2.8 g/dL and he
lost 10% of his usual weight in less than 1 month. He is eating less than 25 kcal/day (consume less than 70% of his
caloric requirement). Please select your nutrition therapy recommendation:
a) Initiate oral nutritional supplementation and achieve an intake of 0.8 g/kg/day of protein
intradialytic oral nutritional supplementation in patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodialysis is not
recommended due the risk of Broncho aspiration
b) False
In a patient with mild acute pancreatitis that tolerate the oral feeding. Which of the following diets is recommended
to reinitiate oral feeding?
b) Low-fat, soft oral diet
Which of the following is consider a recommendation that improves the tolerance of enteral feeding?
a) Modify the infusion rate or the type of the formula
In an adult male patient with moderate acute pancreatitis, you decided to initiate enteral nutrition via a nasogastric
tube in the hospital. Her current body weight is 65 Kg and the energy requirement is 30 Kcal/kg/day. How many
calories does the patient needs everyday?
d) 1950 kcal
In an adult male patient with moderate acute pancreatitis, you decided to initiate enteral nutrition using a
nasogastric tube feeding at the hospital. Her current body weight is 65 Kg and the energy requirement is 30
Kcal/kg/day. Which type of formula do you consider as the best option?
a) Polymeric standard formula
In an adult male patient with moderate acute pancreatitis, you decided to initiate enteral nutrition via a nasogastric
tube in the hospital. Her current body weight is 65 Kg and the energy requirement is 30 Kcal/kg/day. Which infusion
method do you consider as the best option because he has some symptoms of distension and diarrhea?
c) Overnight
Female adult with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that requires oral nutritional supplementation. Please
select which type of formula is consider as a good option for this type of patient?
a) Polymeric, Low in carbohydrates and high in lipids
A patient undergoing hemodynamic instability is a good candidate for Parenteral Nutrition
b) False
Hypocaloric nutrition (not exceeding 70% of EE) should be administered in the early phase of acute illness.
a) True
Patient with non functional GI tract for gastrointestinal ischemia. Which kind of nutritional medical therapy should
you consider?
b) Parenteral Nutrition
Which of the following enteral feeding methods consists of giving a measured amount of formula, in a slowly way
with a syringe over an identified time.
b) Bolus
Which type of malnutrition or Undernutrition is the Cancer Cachexia
d) Disease related malnutrition with inflammation
Which of the following are one of the 3 components for sarcopenia diagnosis in geriatric patients?
c) Muscle function
Patient with Pancreatic cancer with total parenteral Nutrition. (male, 45 years of age, 60 kg weight, 1.65 m height;
estimating a requirement of 1.6 g of protein per weight kg).
50. Calculate the amount of energy that the patient needs using the rule-of-thumb (35 Kcal/kg of body weight)
b) 2100 Kcal
Calculate the protein requirements of the patient:
a) 96 g
1. 6 g x 60 kg = 96 g
Calculate the grams of Nitrogen included in the parenteral nutrition:
b) 15.36
(1 g N = 6.25g protein
Using Aminoacids at 20% (20 g/100 mL), please calculate the milliliters of aminoacids that you will need for the PNT
a) 480 mL
. What is the relationship between non-protein calories: g Nitrogen in the PNT solution?
a) 111:1
Calculate how many grams of dextrose would be needed for a peripheral parenteral Nutrition given the amount of
1230 kcal of carbohydrates; estimating a 50% volume of carbohydrates (50 g/100 mL).
a) 180g
There are 3.4 kcal/g dextrose
Calculate how many milliliters of dextrose would be needed for a Parenteral Nutrition given the amount of 1230 kcal
of carbohydrates; estimating a 50% volume of carbohydrates.
b) 360 mL