OP 9 - Benjamin Franklin Bridge (09) Flashcards
DC 1 will coordinate and BC 4 will schedule this test of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge box.
Annual Dry Run Test.
This to familiarize the companies with the various standpipe connections and access to the bridge. Units will not respond on to the bridge. A reduced speed response will be observed by companies participating in the dry run. DRPA police will be notified in advance of the dry run.
Where will the first due in engine respond on The Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Directly to the incident.
Where will the second due in engine respond on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
They will service the standpipe on the south side of the bridge anchorage on Race St., West of Christopher Columbus Boulevard.
Where will the third due in engine respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
To the staging area, Bridge Plaza 6th & Race Sts.
Where will the fourth due in engine respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
They will service the standpipes at third Street under the bridge. They will contact the first BC to determine if they are to service the eastbound or westbound standpipe.
Where will the first due in the ladder respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Respond directly to the incident and assume the duties of the safety company.
Where will the second due in ladder respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Respond to the staging area, Bridge Plaza sixth and race Street.
Where will the first in BC respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Directly to the incident.
Where will the second due in BC respond to on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Respond to the staging area, Bridge Plaza sixth and race Street.
If the Marine unit is dispatched to a run on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, what is their responsibility?
They may service the bridge standpipes at the Philadelphia tower or the Camden tower.
At what pressure are the standpipes on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge charged to?
150 PSI by two 3” hose lines.
Members must use extreme caution not to provide a supplemental supply line from either the Philadelphia or Camden tower standpipe discharges into a pumper connected to the domestic low-pressure system, true or false?
True. The towers are supplied with Delaware river water.
Who should be used in order to contact the Camden city fire department who may have to pressurize the Camden standpipes or to contact the PATCO supervisor if the need arises?
DRPA police.
The Marine unit will be staffed on the box assignment and standby until order to proceed to the bridge on a Benjamin Franklin Bridge run, true or false?
The Marine unit can pressurize the standpipe or be used for other assignments.
Who must be notified of sewer run off of contaminated product on the Ben Franklin Bridge?
Water department’s industrial waste.
The drainage system for the bridge discharges into the city sewer system while over land areas and into the river in all other areas. Contaminated runoff could pose environmental problem.
Who should be called to monitor run off and spillage into the Delaware river?
The Coast Guard. It is likely the product from a spill or a leak, even if it does not get into the drainage system, will drip into the river. They can order a cleanup company to respond with containment equipment.
A flusher truck is available at the DRPA’s administration building for the fire department’s use, true or false?
True. It is equipped with 3000 gallons of water and 2 1/2 inch NST connections. Maintenance personnel are trained to drive and operate it.
DRPA police maintain a jeep like vehicle on the Camden side of the bridge that can be used to evacuate pedestrians or to transport personnel and equipment along the pedestrian walkway, true or false?
True. The walkway can be accessed at fifth Street. The pedestrian walkway across the bridge is higher than the roadway and PATCO line.
The PPD is equipped with two helicopters that the fire department can request for use as an elevated observation post or a command and control platform, true or false?
Can a septa third rail test meter be used on a PATCO line?
Who can shut off power to the Patco high-speed line during a Benjamin Franklin Bridge emergency?
A DRPA police supervisor.
When the PATCO line is involved in any type of incident on the bridge a supervisor from the high-speed line will automatically respond. He/she will be equipped with a third rail test meter that can handle 700 volts.
A company (usually the ladder) dispatched to an expressway or bridge response to assist in developing a safe operating environment. The primary function is to prevent escalation of the incident in the form of a secondary collision and provide for the safety of all persons involved in the incident.
Safety company
What will the safety company do on a Benjamin Franklin Bridge run?
They will block traffic for the duration of the operation or until the DRPA Police Department arrives on the scene and assumes traffic control.
One method is to shut down the affected Lane, plus one more as a buffer zone. Another method is to shut down all lanes until a large traffic jam is created, then to open one appropriate Lane to allow a slow trickle of motorists to pass safely.
The safety company is not to be recalled until the operation is completed or a safe corridor of operation has been established.
Each member is responsible for their own personal safety, as well as the safety of others while operating on a bridge, true or false?
DRPA police will usually have all traffic stopped in both directions, even on minor incidents. If possible the incident commander will request DRPA police to stop traffic at the on ramps and clear the bridge of traffic.
Members operating on the bridge are not to assume the traffic is stopped.
What are the responsibilities of Guide persons on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge?
Wear high visibility reflective vest.
Always operate between the incident and safety company apparatus.
Constantly monitor traffic conditions due to the chance of a secondary collision.
Members should stay off the roadway and walk on the shoulder or divider facing the traffic.
How should flares or safety lights be placed on a Benjamin Franklin Bridge run?
The furthest flare is placed about 3 feet from the edge of the roadway. The next flare is placed equidistant back to the scene of the operation, moving the flare or safety light about 3 feet further into the roadway at each point. This is continued until the lane or entire roadway is completely blocked.
Two persons should be used for placement, one to watch for oncoming traffic and the other for actual placement.
NEVER walk on the roadway with your back to traffic.