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Operational Procedures
> OP 12 - Railroads (98) > Flashcards
OP 12 - Railroads (98) Flashcards
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Operational Procedures
(45 decks)
OP 1- River Emergencies (99)
OP 41 - Rapid Assessment Medical Support (RAMS) Teams (15)
OP 42- Procedure for Member Assaulted On Duty (18)
OP 2 - Hazardous Chemicals & Material/Site Control (12)
OP 3 - Borderline Response - Alarm Outside The City (03)
OP 4 - Block Inspection Procedure (12)
OP 5 - Marine Units, Staffing & Response (93)
OP 6 - Confined Space Emergencies (10)
OP 7 - Expressway Procedures (08)
OP 9 - Benjamin Franklin Bridge (09)
OP 10 - Walt Whitman Bridge (99)
OP 11 - Response To Bomb Threats (11)
OP 12 - Railroads (98)
OP 13 - Philadelphia Northeast Airport (09)
OP 14 - Task Force (99)
OP 15 - Inspection Of Domestic & Private Fire Hydrants (05)
OP 16 - Water Supply For Firefighting (10)
OP 17 - Water Supply Emergencies (05)
OP 18 - Fire Investigation Procedures (06)
OP 19 - Philadelphia Incident Command System (07)
OP 20 - Girard Point Bridge (90)
OP 21 - Community Outreach Procedure (04)
OP 22 - Cease Operations Procedure (07)
OP 23 - Critical Incident Debriefing (05)
OP 24 - Radiological Incident Procedure (12)
OP 25 - Utilization Of Helicopters For Medical Transport (04)
OP 26 - Subway & Subway Elevated Procedures (01)
OP 26A - PATCO High Speed Lines (00)
OP 27 - Riots & Civil Disturbances (04)
OP 28 - Energized Electrical Wires & Electrical Equipment (08)
OP 29 - Clandestine Drug Operations (05)
OP 30 - Philadelphia International Airport (09)
OP 31 - Petroleum Properties & Chemical Plants (09)
OP 32 - Betsy Ross Bridge (05)
OP 33 - High Rise Emergency Procedure (04)
OP 34 - LNG/ LPG Emergencies (05)
OP 35 - Multiple/Mass Casualty (11)
OP 36 - Philadelphia Prisons And Correctional Facilities (09)
OP 37 - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus & PASS Device (04)
OP 38 - Rapid Intervention Teams (01)
OP 39 - Carbon Monoxide Detector, Procedure For Use Of (03)
OP 40 - Incident Safety Officer (05)
OP 7 - Section III- I-95 Tunnel
OP 7 - Section V- Route 1
OP 7 - Section VI - Vine Street - I-676