OP 16 - Water Supply For Firefighting (10) Flashcards
Who is an officer responsible for providing and coordinating all support for an emergency incident from Department resources and department related agencies. Including water supply, communications and R&R activities.
Logistics Officer.
When a 2nd alarm is dispatched, 4 BC’s will be sent. Which chief is the Logistics Officer?
The first in BC on the 2nd alarm.
Who should establish a water communications post utilizing him/herself, the BC aide or the logistics company officer stationed at the communications vehicle to relay orders and coordinate water supply using the designated fireground channel?
Logistics officer (BC).
Who should the logistics officer obtain water maps from to assist with coordinating water supply?
1st in BC’s car, first or second in engine or Field Comm 1.
Who will give instructions to arriving companies pertaining to water supply via the radio or designate a member from the logistics company to relay orders?
Logistics Officer.
What type of companies will be dispatched on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th alarms and should be made aware of 12” or greater water mains that are available?
Pipeline Companies.
Should the logistics officer keep the IC informed of water supply conditions?
Who will the logistics officer utilize to survey the fireground for available hydrants, pumped with available outlets & a pumping potential (15lbs or more), available outlets on 5” manifolds, or unused equipment (pumpers, hose line mater stream appliances)?
Members of the logistics company.
What should the logistics officer do with the water department supervisor who responds automatically on a 2nd alarm?
Ensure that he reports to FCOM 1 & is assigned a portable radio with the designation of W-1.
What should the logistics officer do as soon as conditions on the fireground stabilize?
Survey the fireground for available members. They can be utilized if necessary in other locations or removed from the fireground to place makeup companies in service.
Should the logistics officer open streets to traffic as soon as possible?
Who will survey and recommend to the IC the companies that can be returned to service?
Logistics officer (BC).
What will the logistics officer do prior to a change of shift?
Determine the exact location of all companies requiring relief and relay this info to the Command post.
Where will companies report to when relieving on the fireground?
Command post. They will then be given the location of their company.
Is the Logistics officer evaluation sheet required on all extra alarms?
Yes. If relieved on the fireground, both logistics officers will consolidate their reports.