oncology Flashcards
large peripheral lung mass - which cancer type?
large cell carcinoma
cavitary lesion in a bronchus - which cancer type?
squamous cell cardinom
which lung ca assoc w/hypercalcemia?
squamous cell carcinoma
why hypercalcemia in squamous cell lung ca?
increased PTH production
hilar lung mass - which cancer?
small cell carcinoma
Pancoast syndrome - what is it?
- shoulder pain
- Horner’s syndrome
- hand muscle atrophy and weakness
JAK2 mutation is associated with which dz?
polycythemia vera
renal insufficiency in multiple myeloma - what is the etiology?
- light chain cast nephropathy
- light chain deposition dz
symptoms of hyperviscosity syndrome in multiple myeloma?
- nasal/oral bleeding
- blurry vision
- confusion/headache
- heart failure
treatment of hyperviscosity syndrome in MM?
plasmapheresis if symptomatic
which cancer is DIC most commonly associated with?
acute leukemia
what does trastuzumab target?
cancers that commonly metastasize to the spinal column?
- prostate
- breast
- lung
- non-Hodgkins
- renal cell carcinoma
lobular cardinoma in situ - next step?
excisional biopsy (LCIS is benign, but often upstaged to DCIS when excisional bx is done)
who should be tested for BRCA mutation?
- first degree relative w/bilateral breast cancer
- first degree relative w/breast + ovarian cancer
- mult first degree relatives w/breast cancer
- male relative w/breast cancer
whatn risk factor make you screen earlier for breast cancer?
- 2 first degree relatives (one <50 yo) w/breast cancer
- 3+ first or 2nd degree relatives w/breast cancer
- 1st or 2nd degree relative w/breast + ovarian cancer
- first degree w/bilateral breast cancer
- breast ca in male relative
breast ca screening - timing recommendations for general pop?
- every 2 years
- age 50-75
leading cause of death in survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma?
secondary malignancy
- breast
- lung
- GI
- acute leukemia
- non-Hodgkin
tumor makers for testiular cancer?
- B hcg
who to screen for lung ca?
- Age 55-80
- 30+ pack years
- smoked w/in past 15 years