Oncology Flashcards
What is the tumor free percentage of animals with cutaneous MCT treated with tigilanol tiglate (Stelfonta). When are reccurances most likely to occur?
Most likely to occur within 3 months.
What is the distribution of where treatment failures occur for dogs treated with radiation therapy for Sino-nasal tumors?
75% occur within the field of treatment.
19% occur in the marginal area
6% occur out of field
What types of dogs are predisposed to B-cell CLL?
Small breed dogs and:
English Bulldogs who may have their own phenotype (younger 6 years, with lower MHC II and CD25 expression).
What percentage of dogs with B-CLL will have peripheral lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly?
Nb. 26% will be anaemic.
What is p53 and its role in prognosis of dogs with high grade lymphoma?
p53 is a protein that induces apoptosis in health therefore tumour cells can become apoptosis resistent if this is muated.
- 16% dogs had p53 mutation
- Mutation assoc. with lower response rates after remission induction (33% vs. 88%)
- Shorter OST in p53 mutation dogs (67 vs. 264 days)
In what circumstances is OHE likely to be beneficial in preventing recurrance of mammary carcinomas in dogs?
OHE was not significantly associated with reduced chance of relapse overall until looking at subgroups. It was beneficial if:
- Dogs had higher estradiol (E2)
- Tumours were grade 2
- Tumours expressed eostrogen receptor
What percentage of dogs become neutropenic following lomustine administration with the FDA approved product?
What is the relationship between lomustine concentrations in compounded formulations in the USA and their label concentration?
only 1 sample was within 10% of the label concentration with the remainder having concentrations ranging between 50 - 115% of their label concentrations
What is the relationship between the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 and proapoptitic molecule Bax in canine lymphoma type and survival?
Higher ratio in TCL but no significant impact on survival noted.
MST of canine brain tumours following SRT?
364 days
What percentage of dogs treated with toceranib become hypertensive?
Which neoplasias is the neoplasia index most likely to be increased in?
Lymphoma and histocytic sarcoma
What are the proven effects of monocyte function and phenotype in dogs with osteosarcoma?
CR2 and CXCR2 expression were lower in dogs with OSA compared to controls
- PGE2 and TNFa levels were higher in monocyte cutlures of dogs with OSA
- OSA dogs had monocytes with decreased chemotactic function
What impact does body condition have on dogs with lymphoma or osteosarcoma?
a) Overweight at diagnosis associated with decreased survival time for both
b) Underweight at diagnosis associated with decreased survival time for both
c) Underweight associated with decreased survival time and PFI in dogs with LSA
d) Underweight associated with decreased survival time only in dogs with LSA
What is the impact of zolundrunate on the expression of CXCR4 in canine OSA?
- Zolendrunate ecreased CXCR4 expression and functionality by 27.7% in 33% of cell lines evaluated
- Decreased CXCR expression in primary tumours by 33%
- Reduced circulating CXCR in 18/20 dogs with OSA
Risk factors for development of HS in Burnese mountain dogs
Diagnosis of an orthopaedic condition was a risk factor for development of HS
Dogs receiving prescription NSAIDS were at lower risk for development of HS
Relationship of the use of CT vs. AUS for detection of AGASACA metastasis in local Las?
CT likely to detect more sites of metastasis but AUS will detect at least 1 site, so essentially CT is probably better for surgical planning etc. but if the aim is just to document the presence of metastasis then AUS is fine.
Diagnostic asccuracy of cytology and histopathology in diagnosis of canine bone lesions
- Cytology was 83% accurate (sensitvity 83.3% and specificity 80%)
- histology was 82.1% accurate (sensitivity sensitivity 72.2% and specificity 100%)
- Tumour type correctly identified in only50% cases
- No cytologically malignant tuours were diagnosed in error
Response rate and PFI for rabacfosadine/doxorubicine for naive canine multicentric lymphoma?
Comparable to other protocols:
- Overall response rate 84%
- PFI 194 days (6 months)
Cutaneous plasmacytosis breeds, treatment responses and PFI/MST
- Most common breeds were golden (5/21) and labrador (3/21) retrievers
- Prednisolone and melphalan gave a RR of 73.7%, lomustine RR was 71.4%
- MPFI was 153 days and MST was 542 days
MST of canine SI adenocarcinoma treated surgically? What age is associated with a better prognosis?
544 days, age <8 years
What size of AGASACA is liklely to have a facourable survival time with surgery alone in early stage disease?
<3.2cm has an MST of 1,237 days
What is the most common response of dogs with AGASACA to toceranib?
Stable disease - achieved in around 50%
What is the most common presentation of cats with AGASACA?
Perineal ulceration and discharge
What breed is predisposed to a non-neoplastic B-cell lymphocytosis and what testing could be performed to determine if malignant?
English bulldogs with about 70% of these having a non-malignant process.
Detect by demonstration of CD21+ lymphocytes and IgG gene rearrangement which is polyclonal
Which breed of dog has a shorter survival time in b-cell CLL?
What are the prognostic factors for canine BCLL?
Ki-67 >40%, lymphocyte count > 60 and the presence of clinical signs at presentation
What JAK/STAT gene has been shown to be upregulated in canine lymphoma?
STAT3 and ERK1/1. The former is associated wiht survival
What abnormality of lymphoid organs are Golden Retrievers known for?
T-zone like cells are prominent in older golden retrievers
What has been associated wih decreased odds of TZL and what has been associated with increased OR?
Decreased: hypothyroidism and omega-3 supplementation
Increased: bladder infection or calculi
What tissue type does ePARR perform best on?
FNA with a sensitivity and specificity 100%. OPn histologically fixed samples sensitivity was 92% and specficifty 92%. Flow cytometry samples perform the worst in terms of sensivity
What are the features of malignant vs. non-malignant lymph nodes imaged on US in the diagnosis of canine multicentric lymphoma?
Increased size, and longer short-to-lon axis ratio.
May also note higher elasticity scores and resistivity index on doppler imaging
What marker of DNA syntheis has been shown to have higher activity in cases of canine lymphoma and been associated with outcomes?
Serum thymidine kinase 1 (sTK1) with lower levels predicting outcomes
What are the environmental risk factors for development of lymphoma in boxers?
Living within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant, 2 miles of a chemical suppier or crematorium
Which ubiquitin-specific protease has been shown to be overexpressed in canine tumour cells?
What percentage of dogs treated with rabacfosadine for a lymphoma relapse achieved A CR?
What drug could doxorubicin be substituted for in a CHOP protocol without affecting survival times?
What CBC finding may predict survival in dogs with lymphoma?
Neutrophilia is associated with poorer progression free survival
What bacteria have been shown to be increased in ileal and colonic samples of cats with SCL?
Ileal: Fusobacterium and Bacteroides
Colon: Fusobacterium
What bacteria has been correlated to CD11b+ and NF-kB expression in feline alimentary lymphoma?
What drug may be used to prevent nephrotoxicity in dogs undergoing treatment with cisplatin and what is the MoA of this drug?
Tavosept, this is converted into mesna in the kidneys which locally inactivates platinum drugs, this aiming to prevent tubular injury
What hormonal derrangement has been noted with tocernib therapy?
Clinically insignificant decreases in fT4 and increased TSH
What neutrophil cutoff may be appropriate for determining whether dogs should or should not receive cytotoxic chemotherapy?
What is the prevalence of cardiotoxicity secondary to doxorubicin administration in dogs and the risk factors for this?
4% overall with 15.4% in at-risk breeds
Risk factors:
- higher cumulative dose
- Increased bodyweight
- Decrease in FS% after 5 doses
- Development of VPCs
- Duration of infusion is NOT associated with toxicity
What miR may be useful to measure in predicting DOX toxicitiy?
In cats receiving DOX, what percentage develop increased serum creatinine and what subpopulation of cats is this more likely in?
Around 30% with cats having single agent DOX (as apposed to CHOP) being at increased risk
What is the response rate of dogs with GIST to toceranib in the gross disease setting?
71% overall
What percentage of dogs with HSA may have muscle metastasis and what is the main clinical sign associated with this?
24.6%, with lameness or reluctance to move being frequnt
What drug has been shown to have a similar survival time to DOX based protocols in the adjunctive treatment of canine HSA?
Monocyte count was predictive of survival in this study
What percetnage of dogs with incidental splenic lesions have benign tumours?
What is the prognostic factor that has been identified for dogs with stage II splenic HSA?
Mitotic score on histopathology
What thoracic radiographic findings suggest a heart base mass with good specificity?
A soft-tissue mass like opacity cranial to the heart or tracheal deviation
What minerals are increased/decreased in the livers of dogs with HCC?
Copper and zinc have been demonstrated to be higher whilst trace minerals lower
MST and % of dogs that develop metastatic disease with isolated splenic HS?
MST 427 days
35% develop metastasis
What is the increase in risk of primary lung tumours in dogs living in high radon areas?
What is the upper limit of % mast cells in normal canine lymph nodes?
What is the minimum margin for a low grade mast cell tumour based on literature?
Tiglinalol tiglate:
- Response rate to a single treatment
- Factors associated with success
- time to wound healing
- Recurrance rate
- 75%
- Wound formation and wound size relative to tumour volume
- 28 - 42 days
- 89% don’t have recurrance with the majority of recurrances occuring within 12 weeks
Wat miRNAs have been shown to be increased in canine mammary carcinomas?
miR-19b, miR-125a
miR-18a is higher in dogs with evidence of lymphatic invasion
What degree of densinometric M-protein reduction may predict survival in dogs with MM?
≥90% reduction
Which mammary gland is associated with a lower prevalence of mammary carcinoma in dogs?
What drug, added to cell culture of OSA cells along wiht doxorubicin has been shown to upregulate apoptosis?
What type of metastasis is expected in dogs that have cutaneous or SWT OSA metastasis?
Pulmonay (rather than bony)
What is the benefit of metastasectomy on dogs with Stage III OSA?
If they have already been in stage II and treated for this with <3 nodules then it can improve survival. The DFI preceding entry into stage III is not associated with this benefit
Has metronomic cyclophosphamide shown any benefit in the treatment of canine OSA?
What percentage of cats undergoing SRT for pituitary acromegaly may be expected to achieve remission?
nb. 95% do have improved glycaemic control
In terms of location, which locations of primary intracranial neoplasia are likely to respond best to SRT?
cerebral > brainstem > cerebellum
What does of IMRT is associated with increased development of KCS?
> 20Gy
What is the advantage of SBRT in the treatment of nasal tumours over standard techniques?
a) improved survival
b) Improved clinical signs
c) Reduced cost
d) reduced adverse effects
What environmental factors have been associated with increased OR of development of TCC?
Household insecticide use
Proximty to a farm is associated with decreased risk
What is the main side effect of radiation therapy for TCC in dogs, even though it is noted to have a survival benefit?
Urinary incontinance which occurs in 31% cases
What treatments may be beneficial for cats with TCC?
Partial cystectomy and NSAIDs
What size of oral melanoma is less/more likely to have evidence of lymphatic invasion histologically?
<6.5 unlikely, >24.5 likely