Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Does faecal culture identify faecal dysbiosis?
What is the OR for dogs with PLE receiving assisted enteral feeding when treated with dietary and immunosuppressive treatment for a positive outcome?
OR = 7 in this group.
N.b. dogs that had dietary treatment alone had an OR of 36.1 when managed with diet alone. Bear in mind that this could reflect animals that had less severe disease process, however.
What dose of oral cobalamin has been shown to be effective at increasing cobalamin concentrations in dogs, what duration of follow up did this occur over?
250mcg/10kg, follow up was 20 - 202 days in a retrospective study that looked at this. Mean increase was 794ng/mL
Which fluoroquinolone has been shown to have reduced oral bioavailability when given with sucralfate? Which one was not affected? How can the affect on oral bioavailability be improved?
Ciprofloxacin was affected whilst enrofloxacin was not. Oral bioavailability of ciprofloxacin improved when sucralfate was given 2 hours after ciprofloxacin.
What liver enzyme elevation is associated with increased duration of hospitalisation in canine acute pancreatitis?
What percentages of the following was found in a study of the cytologic findings of canine and feline bile aspirates?
a. Infectious agents
b. inflammation
c. cytologic identification of infection vs. culture
30% canine, 22% feline
5% canine, 19% feline
24% for cytology and 21% for culture
What are the most common organisms identified on bile culture?
E. coli (14.8%) and Enterococcus (6.7%)
What clfinicopathologic variable is associated with the presence of micro-organisms on canine bile aspirates?
Increased cPLI
What is intestinal leiomyositis, what are the presenting signs and prognois?
Autoimmune inflammation of the lamina propria of the GIT, casues an acute presentation of intestinal pseudo-obstruction. It has a poor prognosis in the small case series presented (MST 19 days)
What is the potential prevalence of biliary sludge in healthy dogs?
What is the effect of omeprazole on serum gastrin in cats? What happens to stomach acidity following discontinuation of therapy?
Only variable that was affected was serum gastrin that was significantly increased during omeprazole treatment. Hyperacifity was also noted in cats folowing cessation of omeprazole treatment.
n.b. calcium, Mg, cobalamin, Mg were all unaffected.
Which diagnostic test is more liekly to detect platynosomum eggs in cats?
Cholecystocentesis is superior to faecal egg counts in the number of eggs detected.
What bacterial organism should be considered if neutrophilic enteropathy is noted in a cat that has gastrointestinal biopsies?
Campylobacter coli
How many times can reusable endoscopy forceps be used without affecting the quality of biopsy samples?
At least 10x
What is the relationship between complication rate/severity in dogs that have a PEG tube placement who are or are not receiving corticosteroids?
Similar complication rate but severe complications more frequent in steroid-treated group
What handling method of endoscopic biopsy samples may be best?
USe of a synthetic sponge, this gave less artifacts and histopathology that was more definitive than samples prepared on a cucumber slice or floating in formalin.
What is the most common other organ affected with IBD in feline triaditis?
Cholangitis or all three, pancreatitis + IBD is much less common
Most common bacterial isolates in canine cholangitis
E.coli > Enterococcus > Clostridium
Incidence of biliary tract rupture in canine cholangitis/cholexystitis?
1/3 cases
What factors seem to be predictive of a good response to treatment in cats with EPI?
- TLI <4ug/l
- Cobalamin supplementation
Which of the following is associated with increased leptin concentrations in dogs with GB mucocoele
a. Having HAC
b. Having DM
c. Having surgical treatment vs. mnedical
d. Leptin actually lower in GB mucocoele compared to healthy controls
Feasibility of 99mTc labelled human albumin for diagnosis of PLE in dogs?
- 7 dogs had 99mTc labelled human serum albumin injected and compared to healthy dogs
- 1 control dog had exudation into the GI tract
- all 7 dogs with PLE had Tc labelled albumin ecudation into the gut
- 5 dogs had Tc exudation into the GI tract that was not disputed (2 docal and 3 diffuse)
- 2 dogs had disagreement as to whether it was focal or diffuse
Intestinal histopathology findings that have increased frequency in dogs with PLE (albumin <30g/L)
- Higher WSAVA scores
- Villous stunting
- Epithelial injury
- Crypt distension
- Lacteal dilation
- Intraepithelial lymphocytes
- Neutrophils in lamina propria
Effect of synbiotic supplementation wiht E. faecium, FOS and acacia in sheltered dogs on the incidence of diarrhoea?
- Mean percentage ofdays with diarrhoea was less in the synbiotic group (2%) compared to 3.2% in the placebo group
- Occurance of diarrhoea within first 14 days was lower in synbiotic group (18.*%) compared to placebo group (27.2%).
- Occurance of >2 consecutive days of diarrhoe was lower in the synbiotic group (4.6%) compared to 8% in the placebo group