Onc/Rheum/Adolescent Flashcards
Cell cycle
a. G1 (Gap1) = growth and preparation of chromosomes for replication (interphase)
b. S (synthesis) = synthesis of DNA and duplication of genome (interphase)
c. G2 (Gap 2)= preparation of mitosis (interphase)
d. M = mitosis
Tumour suppressor genes
i. Regulators of cellular growth and apoptosis
ii. Inactivation of BOTH alleles required for a tumour suppressor gene
1. Inheritance of one germline mutation can be AD
2. A second mutation at somatic level still required
iii. In inherited mutations, one inactivated allele may be inherited and the other undergoes spontaneous inactivation
iv. Examples: P53 (usually initiates apoptosis) , APC, Rb, BRCA
Proto-onco genes
i. Transcriptional factors, signal transducers, growth factors and growth factor-receptors
ii. Activating mutation in ONE gene results in an oncogene, via:
1. Amplification
2. Point mutations
3. Translocation
iii. These genes interfere with apoptosis, continue to proliferate
iv. Examples
1. Chromosome translocation
a. T(1;19) – pre- B ALL
b. T(14:18) – C Myc in Burkitt’s
c. T(9:22) – Philadelphia chromosome in ALL, CML
2. Gene amplification = N myc in neuroblastoma (poor prognosis)
3. Point mutation
a. 1p in AML – NRAS signal transducer, point mutation
b. 10q in MEN2
DNA repair genes
i. Function to repair damaged DNA
ii. Mutations result in replication of damaged DNA
iii. Examples
1. Fanconi anaemia (AR leukaemia)
2. Bloom’s syndrome (AR leukemia and lymphomas)
3. Ataxia-telangiectasia (AR lymphoreticular cancers)
4. Dysplastic nevus syndrome (AD melanoma)
Genes encoding telomeres
i. Telomeres – structures that cap ends of chromosomes protect the ends from degradation, rearrangement and fusion with other chromosomes
ii. With each cell division , a portion of the telomere is eroded so it eventually becomes nonfunctional cell should then undergo apoptosis
iii. Telomerase in the GIT/stem cells/BM is an enzyme that maintains and stabilizes telomeres, but it is usually absent from mature cells
iv. Expressed in 95% cancer cells
v. Examples
1. Congenital dyskeratosis (XR/AR leukaemia, H+N SCC)
Onc emergency
a. High white blood cell (total leukaemia WBC > 50-100x 10^9)
b. Most common in AML ( > ALL, CLL, CML) (up to 20% at diagnosis)
c. Pathophysiology
i. White cell plugs seen in microvasculature, leading to respiratory / neurological distress
ii. Other pathophysiological factors:
1. Increased blood viscosity
2. Cytokine production
3. Hypoxia
d. Clinical features
i. Alteration of consciousness, headache , dizziness, tinnitus, gait instability
ii. Dyspnoea, hypoxia
iii. Haemorrhage (due to release of fibrinolytic proteases released from blasts + consumption of coagulation factors) MAJOR RISK
e. Treatment
i. Cytoreduction – hydroxyurea
ii. Leukapharesis
iii. Aggressive hydration
iv. Start induction chemotherapy
v. WH red blood cell transfusions if possible
f. Prognosis
i. Mortality 20-40%
Tumour lysis syndrome
Onc emergency - high K/PO4/urate, low Ca, acidosis, AKI
Risk of TLS highest in
i. Patients who have rapidly proliferating cancers
1. Acute leukamias with WCC > 100
2. Lymphoma – especially T cell and B cell lymphoma (Burkitt’s lymphoma)
3. Some large tumours – especially abdominal tumours
ii. Patients with preexisting renal disease
b. Other risk factors
i. Large tumour burden
ii. Pretreatment hyperuricaemia ( > 7.5 mg/dL)/ hyperphosphatemia
iii. Preexisting nephropathy
iv. Dehydration
v. Initiation of chemotherapy/radiotherapy/steroids
c. Timing
i. Electrolyte imbalances may (rarely) occur within 6 hours of treatment, but generally within 24-48 hours
ii. Acute TLS generally resolves within 4-7 days after chemotherapy has been initiated
d. Physiology
i. Occurs due to cell breakdown
1. Following commencement of chemotherapy
2. Rarely before chemotherapy started
ii. Cell membrane ruptures
1. Potassium and phosphorous = released directly into the blood
2. Nucleic acids are released from cells = converted to uric acid by the liver
3. Hypocalcaemia = occurs as a result of the inverse relationship between phosphorous and calcium (ie. elevation of phosphorous causes a decrease in calcium
e. Consequences
i. Hyperuricaemia
1. Precipitation of uric acid in the renal tubules
2. Renal vasoconstriction
3. Inflammation
4. Promotes calcium phosphate deposition in the kidneys
5. All lead to acute oliguric renal failure
ii. Hyperphosphataemia
1. Promotes calcium deposition in the kidneys as calcium phosphate
2. Promotes uric acid deposition in the kidneys
iii. Key consequence = results in acidosis + renal impairment
1. Urate crystals may precipitate within and cause obstruction of the renal tubules uric acid nephropathy
2. Phosphate can also precipitate in renal tubules
f. Clinical manifestations
i. Nausea, vomiting
ii. Diarrhoea, anorexia
iii. Lethargy, haematuria
g. Complications
i. Acute kidney injury
ii. Cardiac dysrhythmias, sudden death
iii. Seizures
iv. Muscle cramps, tetany, syncope
h. Treatment
i. Monitoring: UEC, Uric acid
ii. Hyperhydration
iii. Low risk = allopurinol 10 mg/kg/day (TDS dosing)
1. Allopurinol blocks catabolism of hypoxanthine and xanthine ( ↓ uric acid, ↑ hypo/xanthine) by inhibiting xanthine oxidase
2. Xanthine more soluble than uric acid – BUT can still precipitate if very high levels
3. Note – avoid with mercaptopurines (azathioprine) as it promotes formation of active thioguanine nucleotides
4. If very large TLS, xanthine can also precipitate in the kidneys
iv. High risk = rasburicase
1. Rasburicase = degrades uric acid to water soluble allantoin
2. Should not be given fluids containing bicarbonate, increases risk of precipitation
v. Hyperhydration: 125 mL/ m2/ hour
Mediastinal compression (oncology)
a. Occurs in : T cell ALL (two thirds) + lymphoma
b. Pathophysiology:
i. Vena caval compression and bronchotracheal compression
ii. facial oedema, dyspnoea and orthopnoea
c. Clinical features
i. Prominent neck veins
ii. Facial oedema
iii. Wheezing/stridor/cough
iv. SOB/orthopnoea/lethargy
v. Chest pain
d. Management
i. Always look for pericardial effusion (AP + lateral XR)
iii. May need steroids and local irradiation
Coagulopathy (onc emergency)
a. Occurs in: APML (acute promyelocytic leukaemia)
b. 30% patients die before 14 days, often before starting treatment
c. Investigations (similar picture to DIC)
i. Low fibrinogen very suggestive
ii. Elevated D-dimer
iii. Reduced platelets
iv. PT/ APTT can be normal
d. Treatment
i. Aim to get platelets > 30-50, fibrinogen > 1
Spinal cord compression (oncology)
a. Cause
i. 5% of children with solid tumour:
1. Rhabdo
2. Osteosarcoma
3. Ewing’s
4. Neuroblatsoma
5. Metastases
b. Clinical features:
i. Back pain, ↑ on vertebral percussion
ii. Scoliosis, tenderness
iii. Incontinence/retention of urine
iv. Changes in sensation
c. Investigations: needs URGENT imaging
d. Management
i. Dexamethasone
ii. Chemotherapy
Febrile neutropenia - high risk treatment protocols
- AML treatment
- ALL induction, ALL delayed intensification, infant ALL
- Lymphoma induction
- Allogeneic transplant (day -14 to day +356)
- Autologous transplant (day -7 to day +30)
- Re-induction chemotherapy for any relapse
Febrile neutropenia - general
a. Overview
i. One of the common complications of cancer treatment
ii. Risk of serious bacterial infection is related to the degree and duration of neutropenia
iii. Bacteraemia is diagnosed in up to 1/3 of children with FN (GPC > GNB)
b. Key points
i. Fever and suspected or confirmed FN is a medical emergency
ii. Children with FN and signs of sepsis require urgent treatment
iii. Antibiotics must be administered within 30 minutes if there are signs of sepsis and within 60 minutes if there are no signs of sepsis
c. Definitions
i. Fever = single temperature >38.5 or sustained temp >38 over 1 hour
ii. Neutropenia = absolute neutrophil count < 500/mm3 or <1000/mm3 with predicted decline to <500/mm3 over the next 48 hours
iii. Suspected neutropenia = neutropenia should be suspected in any oncology patient that has received chemotherapy (oral or IV) within the last 14 days, and other children with recurrent neutropenia
e. Antibiotics
i. Piperacillin-tazobactam (OR flucloxacillin + ceftazadime)
ii. Depending on context add: amikacin, vanc (MRSA), or metro (GIT)
f. Ongoing management
i. Modifying antibiotics after 24-48 hours = Patient is clinically unstable OR a resistant organism has been identified add amikacin or vancomycin
ii. Prolonged (>72 hours) or recurrent fevers
1. Evaluate and consider treatment of invasive fungal infection (IFI)
iii. Treatment of suspected IFI
1. Empiric antifungal agent amphotericin (or caspofungin or voriconazole if contraindicated)
Patients high risk for invasive fungal infection
a. Relapsed acute leukaemia
b. AML
d. Allogeneic HSCT
e. Sever aplastic anaemia
f. Prolonged corticosteroid use
g. Prolonged ICU admission
Chemotherapy - general adverse effects
o Antiproliferative effects Marrow suppression • RBC have 120 days, less frequently affected (and take longer to recover) • WC and platelets recover rapidly Infertility Teratogenicity Ulceration of GIT (esp cyclophosphamide) Cystitis Hair loss Impaired wound healing Mucositis
o Infections
o Late complications
lymphomas, skin tumours
Gonadal failure
Vincristine associated neuropathy
- Key points
a. Vincristine treatment is limited by a progressive sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy
b. Exact mechanism not known
c. Experienced by nearly all children who have vincristine treatment - Timing
a. Can occur within a week of initiating vincristine and continue to worsen even after dosing and frequency is reduced
b. Can remain unchanged for up to 12 months following dose reduction
c. Can persist for years beyond treatment completion
d. Often gradual improvement following cessation - Manifestations
a. In most cases VIPN progresses distally to proximal - signs and symptoms often first appear in the toes and feet
b. Earliest feature = paraesthesia of fingertips and feet +/- muscle cramps
c. Types of neuropathy
i. Sensory neuropathy - Numbness, tingling and neuropathic pain
- Bilateral
- Upper and lower extremities
ii. Motor - Foot drop
- Reduced power
- Focal mononeuropathies – most commonly occumulotor nerve
iii. Autonomic neuropathy - Constipation
- Urinary retention
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Examination
a. Reduced light touch, pinprick vibration and temperature sensation
b. Hyporeflexia, loss or reduction in deep tendon reflexes
i. Hyporeflexia is the most common and severe VIPN manifestation - Risk factors
a. Treatment related
i. Higher dose
ii. Higher drug concentration
iii. Concomitant azole antifungals
iv. Pre-eexisting neurological condition such as Charcot-Marie Tooth
b. Patient related
i. Race – higher in Caucasians
ii. Age – higher occurrence in older children and adults
Lung toxicity with chemotherapy (agents and types)
Many agents cause lung toxicity (prev question bleomycin)
- inflammatory and fibrotic lung disease
- pneumonia (PJP most common)
- pulmonary lymphoproliferative disease
- rare<1%
- Major limitation to the use of this drug is the potential for life limiting pulmonary fibrosis (fibrosing alveolitis) which occurs in up to 10% of patients receiving the drug
- Onset of symptoms usually 1-6 months after bleomycin treatment, but may occur > 6 months following administration of bleomycin
- Injury can occur at any dose (but dose relationship)
- Associated with four main types of pulmonary toxicity
o Subacute progressive pulmonary fibrosis
o Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
o Organising pneumonia
o Acute chest pain syndrome during rapid infusion
- Treat with pred
Radiation therapy - acute side effects
- Acute side effects = <3 months after therapy begins
a. Fatigue
b. Nausea and vomiting
c. Radiation dermatitis + alopecia
i. Usually localized to site of radiotherapy
ii. May be permanent with high doses
d. Cerebral edema
e. Less commonly:
i. Transient focal neurologic symptoms – headache, memory impairment
ii. Pseudoprogression – on imaging
iii. Somnolence syndrome - extreme sleepiness without raised ICT
Radiation therapy - long term side effects
a. Endocrine
i. Occurs in 80% of adults that receive irradiation to the hypothalamic area > 20 Gy
ii. Hypothyroidism 15-20%
iii. GH > FSH/LH > TSH > ACTH
b. Secondary malignancy (10% after 20 years in CNS radiation)
i. Almost 70% of the second neoplasms are in the field of the original irradiation
ii. Radiation therapy increases the risk of second cancers in a dose-dependent manner for nongenetic neoplasms
iii. Following cranial irradiation increased risk of secondary CNS tumours, such as meningiomas, malignant gliomas, and nerve sheath tumors
iv. Radiation to bone increases risk of osteosarcoma
c. CNS
i. Neurocognitive effects
1. Early-delayed effects: short term learning, memory
2. Long term: cognitive effects
ii. Radiation necrosis necrosis of tissue that can occur up to 10 years after radiation. Causes sx of raised ICP, neurological sx/ cranial neuropathies. Mass enhancing lesion on imaging requires biopsy for diagnosis. May be self-limited/ require trial of treatment with steroids
iii. Cerebrovascular effects:
1. Occlusive vascular disease and strok
2. ICH
3. Cavernous malformations
d. Ophthal
i. Cataracts: develop in 60% of patients who receive 10Gy cranial irradiation
ii. Optic neuropathy
iii. Xeropthalmia (dry eye)
iv. Retinopathy: due to retinal ischaemia
e. Ototoxicity – tinnitus and high frequency hearing loss at > 30Gy (synergistic effect with cisplatin)
f. Fertility
i. Radiation > 15 Gy in prepubertal girls , > 10 Gy in pubertal girls
ii. Any pelvic irradiation in boys 0-> germ cell failure
iii. Gonadal irradiation 20-30 Gy in boys androgen in sufficiency
Cranial irradiation - side effects
a. Cortical atrophy in >50% of patients, some with leukoencephalopathy or calcifications
i. The younger the child > greater atrophy
b. Mineralizing microangiopathy
c. Cerebral necrosis serious complication of radiation-induced vascular disease
i. Clinical= headache, increased ICP, seizures, sensory deficits, and psychotic changes
d. Spinal cord
i. Radiation myelitis (transient or permanent) Lhermitte sign: sensation of little electrical shocks in the arms/legs with movements that stretch the spinal cord (ie neck flexion).
ii. Delayed myelopathy: sensory disassociation followed by spastic and flaccid paralysis
e. Endocrine
i. Any degree of hypopituitarism ranged from 37-77%
ii. Most common least common
1. Reduced growth hormone production/release (50%)
a. Due to compromised function of the pituitary-hypothalamic axis
b. Occurs at low dose (>18Gy)
2. Gonadotrophin deficiency or precocious puberty, females mostly (25%)
3. Hyperprolactinemia
4. ACTH deficiency
5. Central hypothyroidism
Radiation recall dermatitis
• Radiation recall dermatitis = inflammatory skin reaction that develops in an area of previously irradiated skin AFTER administration of certain promoting agents
o May be a long interval between administration of the causative agent and RRD
o Particularly associated with anthracyclines and anthra-cycline like drugs
o Other example drugs = bleomycin, doxorubicin, mercaptopurine, MTX
Radiation enhancement
• Radiation enhancement = enhancement of the dermatological toxicity of radiation therapy
o Occurs if radiosensitizing chemotherapy administered within one week of radiation therapy
o Results in painful erythema, edema, superficial desquamation and if severe erosions
o Eruption usually localises to the irradiated field, but there may be local extension
o Particularly associated with 5FU (flurouracil) as it is given at the same time as radiation therapy for GIT tumour
o Example drugs = bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate
Hodkin lymphoma - secondary malignancies
• Secondary malignancies among survivors of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and soft-tissue sarcomas higher than that of any other childhood cancers
• 18.5 fold increase in risk of secondary cancer following treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma
o 10 years following treatment – 10% develop secondary malignancy
o 30 years following treatment – 26% develop secondary malignancy
• Secondary malignancies
o Breast cancer = directly related to dose of radiation given
o Thyroid cancer
o AML = associated with use of alkylating agents, anthracycline and etoposide
o Soft tissue malignancy
• Latency of 3 years for AML
• Latency of 14 years for solid tumour
ALL - secondary malignancies
o 2-3% of ALL survivors develop secondary malignancy
o Risk greatest among those who receive cranial radiation or intensive therapy for relapse
o Most frequent secondary malignancies Brain cancer MDS/AML o Chemotherapies associated with risk Cyclophosphamide – biggest risk Doxorubicin
Endocrine complications of oncology treatment
- Highest risk
a. CNS tumours
b. Orbital/ facial sarcomas
c. Hodgkin lymphoma
d. HSCT - Common endocrinopathies
a. Hypothalamus + pituitary
i. Linear growth and/or metabolic disturbance due to GH deficiency - Brain tumours located near the hypothalamus/pituitary result in most risk
- GH deficiency is most common endocrinopathy following cranial irradiation
ii. Pubertal disorders - Precocious puberty
- Delayed puberty
- Pubertal arrest
iii. Central hypothyroidism
iv. ACTH deficiency
v. Diabetes insipidus = usually due to surgical intervention
b. Thyroid = hypothyroidism due to direct damage
c. Gonads = delayed puberty and infertility
Bone problems in childhood cancer patients
Avascular necrosis
a. Complication that can destroy the bone underlying the articular surface of joints – especially in weight-bearing joints of lower extremities
b. Associated with high-dose glucocorticoid treatment and bone marrow transplantation
e. Investigations
i. Crescent sign of avascular necrosis is seen on conventional radiographs
ii. It indicates imminent articular collapse.
f. Treatment
i. Conservative therapy – restriction of weight bearing
ii. Decrease or modification of glucocorticoid dose if possible
iii. Hip or knee often require surgical intervention – core decompression or joint replacement
Altered epiphyseal growth
a. Epiphyseal growth is altered temporarily during chemotherapy
b. Children with ALL display marked deceleration in growth velocity but generally catch up following chemotherapy completion
c. Agents that directly alter bone growth include
i. Glucocorticoids
ii. Doxorubicin
iii. Actinomycin D
iv. Methotrexate
v. Cisplatin
d. Direct irradiation can also retard bone growth
Reduced bone mineral density
a. MANY treatments reduce bone mineral density in oncology patients
i. Cranial irradiation
ii. HSCT
iii. Glucocorticoids
iv. High dose MTX
v. Alkylating agents
b. Other factors
i. GH deficiency – cerebral irradiation
ii. Hypogonadism
iii. Hyperthyroidism – irradiation
iv. Illness itself – deconditioning
Bone marrow aspirate - contraindications
Absolute contraindications
• Severe haemophilia
• Severe DIC
• Other related bleeding disorder
• Thrombocytopenia (regardless of severity) is not a contraindication – some centres give platelets if <20
• Most haematologists do not consider therapeutic anticoagulation to be an important risk factor for bleeding following bone marrow biopsy – practice varies
Bone marrow aspirate versus trephine
Bone marrow aspirate A needle is passed through the skin and into the iliac crest and a small amount of liquid bone marrow will be withdrawn into a syringe Info: Cellular morphology and cell count Cytogenetics Culture Flow cytometry Immunohistochemistry
Bone marrow trephine Is done immediately after the aspiration In some cases a second needle will be inserted into the same site after removal of the aspiration needle Alternatively the first needle may be left in place and used to take the trephine biopsy Info: Marrow’s overall cellularity Detection of focal lesions Extent of infiltration
Stem cell transplantation - indications
a. Malignancy
i. ALL
1. Any child with high risk disease: hypodiploid ALL , MLL rearrangements, induction failure, T cell ALL (IR + HR)
ii. AML
1. High risk disease: FLT3 +ve , monosomy 7, monosomy 5, 5q deletion, 3q deletion , complex karyotype ( 3 or more abnormalities)
2. Tx in first CR
3. NOT for favourable risk disease: 8:21 inv 16
iii. CML
b. Immunodeficiencies
i. Cellular – SCID/ DiGeorge, Wiskott-Aldrich, Hyper IgM
ii. Neutrophil – CGD/ LAD
c. Bone marrow failure
i. Severe aplastic anaemia – Fanconi, Blackfan Diamond, Congenital dyskeratosis, reticular dysgenesis
ii. Congenital neutropenias
iii. Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
iv. Anaemias – thalassemia, sickle cell disease
v. HLH, X linked lymphoproliferative disease
d. Storage disease
i. Leukodystrophies
1. Adrenoleukodystrophy (pre neurological deterioration)
2. Metachromatic leukodystrophy – 12 months before onset of sx
3. Does not reverse neuronal death
ii. Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe)
iii. MPS
1. Hurlers, Maroteaux- Lamy, Sly syndrome
2. NOT indicated: Hunters, Sanfilippo, Morquio
Stem cell transplant - cell sources
a. Bone marrow
- pros
• Moderately brisk engraftment
• Moderate risk of GVHD
• DLI available
- cons
• Increased risks of collection – GA, bleeding, pain
• Contains all marrow cells including RBC
b. Peripheral blood – needs increased dose
- pros
• Rapid engraftment
• Low risk during collection
• Only CD34+ stem cells collected
• Availability of donor lymphocyte infusion
- cons
• Increased rates of GVHD especially chronic GVHD
• Not practical procedure on small patient
c. Cord blood – lower cell dose
- pros
• Risk free collection
• Less requirement for HLA matching (accept 4/6, normally minimum 5/6)
• Low risk of transmitting infection
• Low incidence of GVHD (immune immaturity)
• Rapid availability
- cons
• Relatively low does available
• Slow engraftment (longer period neutropenia)
• No possibility of donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI)
Stem cell transplant - phases
- Phases of BMT
a. Conditioning
b. BMT infusion
c. Aplasia
d. Engraftment
e. GVHD acute
f. GVHD chronic - Summary of phases
a. Pre-engraftment = from transplantation to neutrophil recovery (day 20-30)
b. Early post-engraftment = from engraftment to day 100
c. Late post-engraftment = after day 100
HLA matching testing
HLA genes chromosome 6
i. Based on HLA typing
ii. Tested in 2 ways:
1. Serologic testing: uses antibody based assays for HLA antigens (does not ensure same genes)
2. Molecular typing: looks at underlying alleles on chromosome more specific if testing unmatched donors
Ideal donor is a matched sibling
i. 6/6 (used for related donors) : HLA A, B, DRB1
ii. 8/8 (for matched unrelated donors): HLA A, B, C, DRB1
iii. Mismatches described as graft vs host direction (patient possesses an allele not possessed by the donor, so you would get a graft vs host response) or host vs. graft (donor possesses one or more alleles not present in the patient, which would cause a host response towards the graft)
ii. HLA B and C sit very close together on chromosome 6, so C not specifically typed
iii. Mismatches at HLA-B and C better tolerated than A and DR
Stem cell transplant - complications - overview
a. Febrile neutropenia
b. Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
i. Most serious complications after myeloablative transplant
ii. Incidence 10-60%
iii. Risk factors
1. Older age (ie adults)
2. Poor performance status
3. Prior abdominal irradiation
4. Elevated busulphan
5. Recent gemtuzuab, ozagmicin (myeloarg), pembrolzumb (Keytruda)
iv. Clinical triad
1. Weight gain
2. Painful hepatomegaly
3. Jaunice
v. Onset within 30 days of transplant
vi. Platelet refractoriness = key feature (but could also represent platelet alloimmunisation or thrombotic microangiopathy)
d. Graft failure
i. Rare complication of HSCT
ii. More common with CBT – rates of 10-15%
iii. May result in iatrogenic aplastic anaemia or autologous reconstitution
Acute graft versus host disease - pathogenesis
i. Phase 1 = damage to host tissues by inflammation from the preparative chemo and/or radiotherapy regimen
ii. Phase 2 = T cell activation phase
1. Recipient and donor antigen presenting cells as well as inflammatory cytokines trigger activation of donor derived T cells which expand and differentiate
2. Minor MHC play a central role particularly in the setting of matched transplants
3. Initial inflammatory cascade is thought to begin in the gastrointestinal tract and patients with higher volumes of diarrhoea at the time of preparative regimen have a higher likelihood of acute diarrhoea
iii. Phase 3 = effector phase
1. T cells mediated cytotoxicity against target host cells
2. Additional production of cytokines – particularly TNF-alpha
a. Induces apoptosis of target tissues through TNF-alpha receptor
b. Activates macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, B and T cells
c. Stimulates production of other inflammatory cytokines
d. Increases expression of HLA antigens and facilitates T cell lysis
1. Competent cells in the graft
2. Recipient expresses antigens NOT present in the donor
3. Recipient incapable of mounting effective response to eliminate implanted cells
4. Donor T cells respond to recipient tissue antigen
a. Class I (A, B, C) present on all nucleated cells
b. Class II (DR/ DQ/ DP) present on hematopoietic cells but expression can be induced following injury
c. Minor histocompatibility antigens: autosome + sex chromosomes
5. Process:
a. Tissue damage activation of APC
b. Donor T cell activation
c. Production of cellular and inflammatory effectors
Acute graft versus host disease - manifestations
1. Erythema, pain , blistering
2. Biopsy: apoptotic bodies in the basal layer of the epithelium
1. Jaundice + deranged LFTs
2. DDX – drug toxicity, VOD, infection
3. Biopsy: bile duct destruction with apoptotic bodies
iii. GIT
1. N+V, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bleeding
2. DDx – infection, drug toxicity (ATB, MMF)
3. Biopsy: apoptotic bodies in the base of crypts
Acute graft versus host disease - treatment/prognosis
c. Treatment
i. Mild cutaneous (grade I)
1. Optimise immunosuppression
a. Push cyclosporine to 250
2. Topical steroids
ii. Grade II or higher= steroids 1-2 mg/kg
1. First line therapy , gold standard
2. Response – D3 for progression, D 5-7 partial response, D28 for complete response
3. Steroid refractory GVHD has dismal prognosis
d. Prognosis (Graded 0-4)
i. Grade III – survival rate 25%
ii. Grade IV – survival rate 5%
Chronic graft versus host disease - general
a. Autoimmune like disorders
b. Can be limited (skin / liver / both) or extensive (other organ involvement)
c. Target organs:
i. Skin – pigment/ moisture/ elasticity
ii. Joints – effusion/ stiffness/ contracture
iii. GIT – malabsorption/ stricture
iv. Liver – chronic change to cirrhosis
v. Conjunctivae – dry, sicca syndrome
vi. Mucosal surfaces – dry, ulcers, lichen planus
vii. Bronchial tree – bronchiolitis obliterans
d. Risk factors
i. HLA mismatch
ii. Pre-existing AGVHD
iii. HSV infection
iv. Age of donor
v. Peripheral blood stem cells
e. Treatment = immunosuppression
i. Prednisolone
ii. Cyclosporin
iii. Mycofenolate
iv. Azathioprine
Acute v chronic GVHD
i. Historically defined by time frame of more / less than 100 days
ii. Now mostly defined by clinical symptoms
Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome - general
- Key points
a. Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) = previously known hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD)
b. Resembles Budd Chiari syndrome clinically – however due to occlusion of the terminal hepatic venules and hepatic sinusoids, rather than hepatic veins and inferior vena cava - Pathogenesis
a. Injury to hepatic venous endothelium
c. Obstruct the sinusoidal blood flow of the liver
d. Venous occlusion necrosis of liver
e. Doppler ultrasound of hepatic vessels shows reversal or decreased flow
f. Develop hepato-renal syndrome
g. May be mild and self-limiting to a rapidly progressing fatal outcome resulting in MSOF - Clinical features
a. Usually occurs 12 days after HSCT (within 3 weeks)
i. Usually PRE-engraftment
ii. Rare after 30 days
b. Sudden weight gain
c. Jaundice
d. Hepatosplenomegaly / hepatic tenderness
e. Peripheral oedema + ascites - Investigations
a. ↑ AST, ALT, hyperbilirubinemia
b. Thrombocytopenia with refractoriness to platelet transfusion
c. USS Dopplers = liver sinusoids may be dilated and congested, reversal of flow - Treatment
a. Defibrotide
b. TIPS - Complications
a. 50% develop renal insufficiency (Hepatorenal syndrome)
b. Multiorgan failure – hepatic encephalopathy and death
Engraftment syndrome - general
- Key points
a. Noninfectious complication that is reported in 7-10% of autologous HCT, but only rarely following allogeneic HCT
b. Develops around 7 to 11 days following HCT during the time of neutrophil recovery
c. The engraftment syndrome usually causes only mild symptoms - Clinical manifestations
a. Cutaneous eruption that mimics acute graft vs host disease
b. Fever without identifiable infectious source
c. Signs of capillary leak syndrome (eg, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema with hypoxia, weight gain) - Peri-engraftment respiratory distress syndrome (PERDS)
a. Pulmonary component of engraftment syndrome
b. Reported in 3-5 percent of autologous HCT
c. Associated with increased capillary permeability that occurs during the neutrophil recovery phase following HCT
d. Characterized by combination of fever, hypoxemia, pulmonary opacities, absence of infection, fluid overload, or cardiac dysfunction, and presentation within five days of neutrophil engraftment
Peri-engraftment respiratory distress syndrome (PERDS) - general
Pulmonary component of engraftment syndrome
b. Reported in 3-5 percent of autologous HCT
c. Associated with increased capillary permeability that occurs during the neutrophil recovery phase following HCT
d. Characterized by combination of fever, hypoxemia, pulmonary opacities, absence of infection, fluid overload, or cardiac dysfunction, and presentation within five days of neutrophil engraftment
Infection following HSCT - timeline
a. Pre-engraftment = from transplantation to neutrophil recovery (day 20-30)
i. Febrile neutropenia
ii. Mucositis = HSV reactivation (prevalent throughout all phases but one of the few early viruses)
iii. Diarrhoea = C diff
iv. Pneumonia = nodular (bacterial or mould), diffuse (non-infectious)
v. Vascath associated cellulitis or blood-stream infection (Gram positive infection with CONS or Staph aureus are the most common, GN and Candida can also occur)
vi. Bacteria: gram neg bacilli, G pos spp, enterococci
vii. Candida an issue
b. Early post-engraftment = from engraftment to day 100
i. Pneumonia = nodular (bacterial), diffuse (PJP), respiratory viruses
ii. CMV becomes more common, HSV an ongoing issue,
iii. Pneumocystis (PJP) becomes a problem (bactrim prophylaxis), Candida ongoing
c. Late post-engraftment = after day 100
i. VZV becomes more prominent, CMV and HSV ongoing issues, EBV PTLD becomes a concern
ii. Encapsulated bacteria predominate
iii. Pneumocystis more prevalent, Candida less prevalent
Post BMT complications - hepatits, DDx/aetiology
Veno-Occlusive disease
A condition resulting from toxic injury to the hepatic sinusoidal capillaries that leads to obstruction of the small hepatic veins
• Classic cause of deranged LFTs during pre-engraftment period
• Occurs by day 21 – average day 12
Acute GVHD
• Most common cause of hepatitis during early post-engraftment period
• Both SOS and acute GVHD can present with abdominal pain and rising bilirubin
• Patients with hepatic dysfunction due to GVHD usually have concurrent involvement of skin and GIT
• Definitive diagnosis can be made by biopsy
Hepatic infections
• Uncommon during pre-engraftment period
• Abnormal liver function tests can be due to hepatic infections eg. CMV, VZV, EBV, HHV6, adenovirus
Drug toxicity
• Many drugs can be associated with cholestasis
Budd Chiari (a condition in which the hepatic veins (veins that drain the liver) are blocked or narrowed by a clot (mass of blood cells))
o Clinical presentation of hepatic SOS is indistinguishable from acute Budd Chiari
o Budd Chiari can be established non-invasively by demonstration of thrombosis of the hepatic veins and/or the intrahepatic or suprahepatic inferior vena cava on imaging
o NOT particularly associated with HSCT
Post BMT complications - diarrhoea, DDx/aetiology
Infectious • C Diff associated • Other enteric pathogens Early Post-Engraftment • CMV colitis • C. difficile • Adenovirus, Enteric pathogens such as Coxackie, rotavirus, norovirus
• Mucositis = common following conditioning regimen
• Medications = eg Mg (counteract cyclosporine) result in diarrhoea
• Typhlitis (caecum inflammation) (neutropenic enterocolitis) = occurs while neutropenic in engraftment phase
Early Post-Engraftment
• GVHD = most important and frequent cause of diarrhoea in the early post-engraftment period; usually occurs with other manifestations of GVHD particularly rash
• Medications
Post BMT complications - pneumonia, DDx/aetiology
Nodular Lesions
• Usually infectious etiologies during the pre-engraftment and engraftment period
Early Post-Engraftment
• Invasive aspergillosis is a more frequent cause of nodular infiltrates (40-50%) during early post-engraftment period – risk factors GVHD and CMV
• Other less common fungal infections can also occur in early post-engraftment period eg. mucurmycosis (5-10%), Fusarium spp, Scedosporium
Late Post-Engraftment
• Bacterial or fungal
Diffuse Lesions
• Usually non-infectious etiologies during to the pre-engraftment period
o Examples = pulmonary edema, lung damage due to conditioning regimen
o Haemorrhagic alveolitis or cytokine-driven inflammatory process (engraftment syndrome) can result in bilateral infiltrates around the time of engraftment
Early Post-Engraftment
• Infectious causes MUCH more likely in early post-engraftment period – CMV, respiratory viruses, PJP
• Non-infectious causes such as toxicity from conditioning regimen can also occur in post-engraftment period
Late Post-Engraftment
• Non-infectious = bronchiolitis obliterans/ bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and cryptogenic organising pneumonia (BOP)
• Infections = CMV, respiratory viruses, PCP
Post BMT complications - encephalitis, DDx/aetiology
• Most common in early post-engraftment period • Causes o HHV6 – reactivation occurs in 30-50% of patients o HSV o VZV o CMV o EBV o JC polyomavirus o Adenovirus o Toxoplasmosis
Post BMT complications - haemorrhagic cystitis, DDx/aetiology
• Most common cause of haemorrhagic cystitis during pre-engraftment period is due to toxicity from conditioning (cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, busulfan, TBI)
Viral infection • Viral infections most common in early pre-engraftment period • BK polyomavirus most common • Adenovirus second most common • Less frequent - CMV, JV polyomavirus
Haematological causes
• Thrombocytopenia
• GVHD – rare
Most common cancer childhood
- ALL is commonest malignancy of childhood
a. Leukaemia accounts for 30% of all malignant disease in children
i. 23% ALL
ii. 5% AML
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - background
- Epidemiology
a. Incidence – 30 per million
b. Commonest malignancy of childhood
c. Peak presentation 2-5 years
d. Slightly more common in boys - Risk factors
a. Down syndrome
b. NF1
c. Bloom syndrome
d. Ataxia telangiectasia - Pathophysiology
a. Lymphoid progenitor cell becomes genetically altered and undergoes dysregulated proliferation and clonal expansion
b. Leukaemic blasts thought to arise in bone marrow, but may be systemic by presentation
c. Cause unknown
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - classification
a. Morphology
i. 85% B cell in origin (most pre-B ALL)
1. CD10(-) = Pro-B
2. CD10 = Precursor B
3. Pre B
4. Mature B (Burkitt) – has different treatment approach
ii. 15% are T cell ALL
1. CD2/ 3/4/5/7/ 8
2. 10% of T cell ALL is ‘early T cell precursor phenotype (ETP ALL) high rate of remission failure and poor overall survival
b. Chromosomal abnormalities – see below
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - presentation
a. Bone marrow infiltration/failure
i. Signs of marrow failure
1. Anaemia fatigue and pallor
2. Thrombocytopenia petechiae and bleeding
3. Neutropenia recurrent fever
b. Extramedullary disease
i. Lymphadenopathy + hepatosplenomegaly
ii. Bone pain +++ – particularly lower extremities, can be severe and wake patient at night
iii. T cell disease mediastinal adenopathy causing major airway compression with stridor and/or superior vena cava obstruction
iv. Signs of CNS involvement are INFREQUENT at diagnosis:
1. Headache, nausea and vomiting
2. Irritability, nuchal rigidity and papilledema
3. Cranial nerve involvement – most frequently involving CNVII, CNIII, CNIV, CNVI
v. Rarely, leukaemia evolves as an intracranial or spinal mass, with symptoms relating to nerve compression
vi. Testicular involvement at diagnosis is rare – appears as painless testicular enlargement and is usually unilateral
c. Generalised signs and symptoms = weight loss, bone pain, lethargy, joint swelling + fever
d. Signs on examination
i. Pallor, listlessness, purpuric and petechial skin lesions, mucous membrane haemorrhage
ii. Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, (less common hepatomegaly)
iii. Bone and joint tenderness, swelling or effusion
iv. Signs of raised ICP: papilledema, retinal hemorrhages, cranial nerve palsies (as above)
v. Respiratory distress related to anaemia OR obstructive airway problems
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - risk stratification: high risk
i. Age = <1 or >10 years
ii. Presentation
1. WCC > 50 at diagnosis
2. CSF involvement
3. Testicular involvement
iii. Additional cytogenetic + molecular features
1. Hypodiploidy (chromosome number reduced <44)
2. KMT2A/MLL genetic rearrangements - translocations of 11q23 (eg. t4;11)
a. Found in most infant ALL
3. iAMP21 amplification
4. Philadelphia chromosome t(9;22) BCR-ABL fusion protein – very poor prognosis
a. Characteristic of CML
5. Abnormal 17p, Loss of 13q
iv. Response = failure to achieve remission by end of induction (D29)
1. If minimal residual disease (>0.01%) detectable at the end of induction prognosis worse unless treatment intensified
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - favourable cytogenetics
- Hyperdiploidy (chromosome number increased >50)
- Trisomies 4, 10
- ETV-RUNX protein (t12;21) (previously known as TEL-AML protein)
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - treatment (general)
a. Risk-directed therapy = age at diagnosis, initial WCC, immnophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of blast populations, rapidity of early treatment response, and assessment of MRD at end of induction
b. Standard treatment involves chemotherapy for 2-3 years
c. General
i. Correct thrombocytopenia + anaemia (if indicated)
ii. Treat infection
iii. Anticipate and prevent tumour lysis – monitor regularly
iv. Prophylaxis for PJP
d. Stratified based on risk
i. Specific treatment protocols for treatment of infant and T-cell ALL
ii. ‘Standard’ and ‘high’ pre-B ALL also treated as separate entities
iii. All children > 10 years and WCC >50 are automatically categorized as high risk
i. Backbone of treatment
1. Induction (achieve remission)
- Vincristine + corticosteroid + PEG asparaginase
2. CNS prophylaxis
a. Radiation plus IT MTX
b. Progressive replacement of radiation by HD MTX
3. Post-induction
iii. Interim maintenance = a less intensive ‘rest’ block to allow bone marrow recovery
iv. Delayed intensification = final burst of intensive chemo to eradicate any blasts prior to maintenance
4. Maintenance
- mainly oral medication at home with monthly visits for IV vincristine and quarterly LP/intrathecal therapy - lasts ~3 years depending on protocol
ii. Chemotherapeutics
1. 3 drugs = vincristine, steroid, asparaginase
2. 4 drugs = anthracycline for T cell and high risk
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - prognosis
a. 5 year survival = 85% (standard), 75% (high risk)
i. 90% overall cure rates
ii. 92% for standard risk
iii. 99% for double/triple trisomies or ETV6-RUNX1
b. T ALL = higher risk group than pre-B ALL
i. Overall 90% survival
ii. Presentation WCC not prognostic in T ALL
c. Philadelphia + ALL
i. Addition of TKI (imatinib/ dasatinib) improved outcome
ii. Current 7 year relapse free survival >70%
d. Relapse
i. Late (>18 months off therapy) isolated extramedullary relapse 70% with chemotherapy alone (with early achievement of MRD negative status)
ii. T cell <30%
iii. Early (>18 months since diagnosis and <6 months off therapy) relapse 50% (with transplant)
iv. Very early (<18 months since diagnosis) 20-30% with transplant
Acute myeloid leukaemia - general
- Epidemiology
a. 2nd most common leukaemia
b. 11% of childhood leukaemia
c. Relative frequency of AML increases in adolescence
d. Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML) = more common in certain regions of the world - Clinical presentation
a. Bone marrow failure
b. Blastic infiltration
c. Specific to AML
i. Subcutaneous nodules – ‘blueberry muffin’ lesions (especially in infants)
ii. Infiltration of gingiva (especially in monocytic subtypes)
iii. Signs and symptoms of DIC (especially indicative of APML)
iv. Discrete masses – chloromas, granulocytic sarcomas – can occur in the absence of apparent bone marrow involvement; typically seen with t(8;21) translocation - Can be seen in the orbit and epidural space
- Diagnosis
a. Bone marrow - >20% of bone marrow homogenous population of blast cells
i. Features that characterize early differentiation states of the myeloid-monocyte-megakaryocyte series
ii. Aurer rod characteristic of AML - Treatment
a. Aggressive chemotherapy successful in achieving remission in 85-90% of patients
b. Matched-sibling bone marrow or SCT after remission achieves long-term disease free survival in 2/3 of patients
c. Chemotherapy alone curative in 1/2 of patients
i. Characterised by gene rearrangement t15;17 = PML-RARA responsive to all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA, tretinoin) – combined with anthracyclines and cytarabine
ii. Marrow transplantation in first remission unnecessary
iii. Very good prognosis if survive induction
- Supportive care
a. Increased supportive care because of intensive therapy resulting in prolonged bone marrow suppression
b. High incidence of serious fungal and bacterial infections – especially streptococcal viridans - Prognosis
a. Current survival rate 60-70%
Acute myeloid leukaemia - favourable cytogenetics
i. Favourable prognosis
1. t(8;21), t(15;17), inv(16)
2. NPM1 – favourable risk factor if present by itself
ii. FLT3-ITD – adverse risk factor predicts relapse
Leukaemia and Down Syndrome
- Acute Leukamias
a. Acute leukaemia occurs 15-20x more frequently in children with DS
b. Ratio of ALL: AML same as general population
i. EXCEPT during first 3 years of life AML more common
c. Outcome of ALL poorer in children with DS
i. Partially explained by lack of good prognostic characteristics (eg. ETV6-RUN1) and trisomies
ii. Genetic abnormalities associated with inferior prognosis (eg. IKZF1)
iii. Remarkable sensitivity of MTX and metabolites – can develop toxicity if standard doses given
d. Outcome of AML better in children with DS
i. >80% long term survival
ii. After induction therapy children receive therapy that is less intensive - Myeloproliferative disorder
a. 10% of neonates with Down syndrome develop transient leukaemia or myeloproliferative disorder
b. Key features
i. High leukocyte counts
ii. Blast cells in peripheral blood
iii. Associated anaemia, thrombocytopenia and hepatosplenomegaly
c. Features usually resolve within the first 3 months of life
d. Neonates can require temporary transfusion support – however do not require chemotherapy unless life-threatening complications
e. Require close follow-up 20-30% develop typical leukaemia
i. Often acute megakaryotic leukaemia
ii. Usually by 3 years of life (mean onset 16 months)
iii. GATA1 mutation are present in blasts from patients with DS who have transient myeloproliferation disease and also in those with leukaemia
iv. Transient myeloproliferative disease can also occur in patients who do not have phenotypic features of DS
v. Blasts from these patients might have trisomy 21, suggesting a mosaic state
Chronic myelogeneous leukaemia - general
- Overview
a. Accounts for 2-3% of childhood leukaemia
b. 99% due to Philadelphia chromosome – t(9;22) (q34;q11) BCR-ABLE fusion protein - Clinical manifestations
a. Non-specific – fever, fatigue, weight loss and anorexia
b. Splenomegaly – can cause upper abdominal pain - Diagnosis
a. Peripheral blood = high WCC with myeloid cells at all different stages
b. Bone marrow = myeloid cells at different stages, Philadelphia chromosome on cytogenetics - Natural history
a. Initial chronic phase in which the malignant clone produces an elevated leukocyte count with a predominance of mature forms but with increased number of immature granulocytes
i. Also results in mild anaemia and thrombocytosis
b. Typically the chronic phase terminates 3-4 years after onset accelerated or ‘blast crisis’ phase
i. Blood counts rise dramatically and clinical picture indistinguishable from acute leukaemia
ii. Additional manifestations can occur from hyperleukocytosis including CNS manifestations - Treatment
a. Imatinib (first generation); dasatinib (second generation)
i. Inhibits BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase used in adults and children
ii. Major cytogenetic response in >70% of patients
iii. Second generation TK inhibitors improved remission rates
b. While waiting for response to TK inhibitor, disabling or life-threatening signs and symptoms of CML can be controlled during the chronic phase with hydroxyurea (gradually returns the WCC to normal)
c. Prolonged morphological and cytogenetic responses are expected
d. HLA-matched family donor allogeneic SCT 80% cure in children
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia - general
- Overview
a. Rare, aggressive disorder of infancy
b. Usually affects children < 2 years
c. Rare <1% of childhood leukemia
d. Do NOT have Philadelphia chromosome characteristic of CML
e. Most patients have mutations in the RAS/MAP kinase pathway - oncogene mutations including NF1, PTPN11, KRAS, NRAS - Risk factors
a. NF type 1
b. Noonan syndrome
i. Half have mutation in PTPN11
ii. Others have mutations in NRAS, KRAS - Clinical manifestations
a. 1/3rd present with an URTI with hepatosplenomegaly and a rash
b. Remainder may have a slower course – pallor, fever, bleeding, infection, cough, malaise - Investigations
a. FBE
i. Monocytosis
ii. Thrombocytopenia
iii. Anaemia
iv. Elevated foetal Hb
b. BM hypercellular myeloid cells, < 20% myeloblasts
c. Karyotype/FISH
d. Molecular analysis for above mutations - Treatment
a. Little evidence
b. SCT offers best opportunity to cure – much less success than for CML
Infant leukaemia - general
- Overview
a. 2% of childhood leukaemia in children < 1 years
b. Ratio of ALL to AML is 2:1
c. Leukaemic clones have been noted in cord blood at birth before symptoms appear
d. Chromosome translocations can also occur in utero during fetal haematopoeisis malignant clone formation
e. >80% of cases have rearrangements in MLL gene (11q23 band translocation; majority t(14;11))
i. Subset of patients have VERY high relapse rate
ii. Without this rearrangement – prognosis similar to older children with ALL
f. Leukaemic cell morphology – large irregular lymphoblasts, with a phenotype negative for CD10 (common ALL antigen) marker (pro-B) unlike most older children with B-ALL who are CD10+ - Clinical manifestations
a. Patients with MLL gene rearrangements
i. Hyperleukocytosis
ii. Extensive tissue infiltration organomegaly, CNS disease
iii. Subcutaneous nodules (leukaemia cutis)
iv. Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates tachypnoea; more often in infants than older children - Treatment
a. Intensive chemotherapy programs, usually including SCT in those with MLL gene rearrangements
b. Infants with AML often present with CNS or skin involvement and have a subtype known as acute myelomonocytic leukaemia – treatment same as older children with AML with similar outcome
Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis - background
- Key points
a. Aggressive and life-threatening syndrome of excess immune activation
b. Most frequently affects infants from birth to 18 months of age
c. NOT a malignancy
d. Syndrome of uncontrolled haemophagocytosis + activation of inflammatory cytokines - Pathophysiology
a. Syndrome of excessive inflammation and tissue destruction due to abnormal immune activation and excessive inflammation
b. Excessive inflammation due to lack of normal down-regulation of activated macrophages and lymphocytes
c. NK cells and/or CTLs fail to eliminate activated macrophages – results in excessive macrophage activity and highly elevated levels of IFN-g and other cytokines
d. Haemophagocytosis characterised by presence of RBC, platelets or WBC within the cytoplasm of macrophages
e. Cytokines found in high levels include IFN-g, TNF, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12, soluble IL-2 receptor (CD25)
Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis - classification
- Classification
a. Primary/ familial HLH = caused by gene mutation
i. Overview - Most AR
- Genes may involve perforin mutations (↓ CMI), hypertriglyceridemia, Munc 13-4 mutations (↓ monocyte killing)
- Decreased/ absent cytotoxicity: perforin granules unable to migrate and fuse with plasma membrane activation of T cells and macrophages, reduces threshold for developing HLH
b. Secondary/ sporadic/ acquired HLH = without known familial HLH
i. Infection-associated HLH
1. Viral = EBV, CMV, parvovirus, HSV, VZV, measles, HHV8, H1N1
2. Less commonly due to bacteria (eg. Brucella, GN bacteria, TB), parasites (eg. Leishmaniasis, malaria), and fungi
ii. Malignancy-associated HLH
1. Most commonly lymphoid cancers – T, NK and anaplastic large cell lymphomas and leukamias
c. Macrophage activation syndrome
i. Form of HLH that occurs primarily in patients with JIA or other rheumatological disease
Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis - familial mutations
ii. HLH familial mutations
1. PRF1/perforin
2. UNC14D/Muc-13-4
3. STX11/Syntaxin 11
4. STXBP2/Munc18-2
Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Fever (90-100%)
b. Maculopapular and/or petechiae (30%)
c. Hepatosplenomegaly (70-100%)
d. Lymphadenopathy (20-50%)
e. Respiratory distress (40-50%)
f. Symptoms of CNS involvement (50%) – aseptic meningitis, ADEM - Diagnostic criteria
a. A molecular diagnosis consistent with HLH (eg. PRF mutation, SAP mutation)
b. Having 5/8 of the following
i. Fever
ii. Splenomegaly
iii. Cytopenia = affecting >=2 cell lineages (Hb <9 g/dl, platelets <100,000/uL, neutrophils <1,000/uL)
iv. Hypertriglyceridaemia and/or hypofibrinogenaemia
v. Haemophagocytosis in the bone marrow, spleen or LN without evidence of malignancy
vi. Low or absent NK cell cytotoxicity = NK cell cytotoxicity, intracellular perforin expression, CD107a expression
vii. Hyperferritinaemia (>500 ng/ml)
viii. Elevated soluble CD25 (IL-2R alpha chain >= 2500 U/ml)
Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis - management
a. Overview
i. Variable treatment protocols
ii. Steroids +/- chemotherapeutic agents
iii. BM transplantation
b. Familial
i. Etoposide, corticosteroids and intrathecal MTX (not contraindicated by pancytopenia)
ii. ATG and cyclosporin for maintenance
iii. Stem cell transplant required for cure
c. Secondary
i. Prognosis may be good if infection treatment
ii. If infection unable to be treated, prognosis may be as poor as familial disease, CTx require
iii. Theory = cytotoxic effect on macrophages interrupts cytokine production
Lymphoma - general background
- Key points
a. Solid tumours of lymphoid origin – lymph nodes or extranodal lymphoid tissues (bone marrow, thymus, tonsils, spleen, GIT, liver or skin)
b. They differ from leukaemias only in that they do not originate from the bone marrow and are not characterised first by their presence in the circulation.
c. Lymphomas can develop in lymph nodes in almost any part of the body and spread
d. NHL cells can also spread into the CSF and/or bone marrow
e. Third most common paediatric malignancy, comprising 15% of all paediatric cancers. - Two major categories
a. Hodgkin’s Disease (HD)
b. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) - Clinical presentation
a. Lymphomas more often present with regional lymphadenopathy
b. Constitutional symptoms and signs include: fevers, anorexia, body aches and pains, weight loss and night sweats
c. Only 1/3 of children with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and 10% with NHL display constitutional symptoms/signs (less common compared with leukaemias)
d. “B symptoms” – Fevers, night sweats and weight loss
i. Their presence or absence has prognostic significance in HL
Concerning features with lymphadenopathy
i. Size > 1-2 cm
ii. Increasing size over 2-4 weeks
iii. Matted, firm, rubbery consistency or fixed to underlying tissues
iv. No associated tenderness, erythema, warmth or fluctuance
v. Supraclavicular, or low cervical location of LN
vi. Regional lymphadenopathy that predominates in non-cervical areas
vii. Fevers > 38.5 C for 2-4 weeks
viii. Constitutional symptoms
ix. Hepatosplenomegaly
Lymphoma - general investigations
c. Laboratory
i. FBC and film
ii. Biochemistry including EUC, CMP, LFT, LDH, Uric Acid, Ferritin, CRP
iii. Baseline immunologic profile (Immunoglobulins, T- and B-Cells)
iv. Viral serology – EBV, Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, CMV, HSV, VZV, Varicella
d. Radiology
i. USS – Of lymphadenopathy, Abdominal
ii. CXR
iii. CT Scan – Neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis
iv. PET Scan
v. MRI of bones, CT/MRI of spine, bone scan
e. Disease specific tests
i. ESR for HD
ii. CSF for NHL
iii. Peritoneal, pericardial or pleural fluid aspirates (if clinically indicated)
Most common malignancy in adolescents and young adults
Hodgking lymphoma
Hodgking lymphoma - background
- Key points
a. A malignancy of the germinal centre B-Cells that affects the reticuloendothelial and lymphatic systems
b. Characterised by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells (histopathologically)
c. Spread: slow, predictable, with extension to contiguous lymph nodes
d. Haematogenous spread also occurs (LESS COMMON) liver, spleen, bone, bone marrow or brain
e. Infiltration to non-lymphoid organs is rare
f. Highly sensitive to chemotherapy and irradiation
g. HL appears to arise in lymphoid tissue and spread to adjacent lymph node areas in an orderly fashion - Epidemiology
a. 6% of childhood cancers
b. Accounts for 40% of childhood lymphomas
c. Bimodal peaks of incidence, at 15-35 yo and > 50 yo
i. Incidence is rare under 5 yo
d. M:F ratio 3:1.
e. Most common malignancy in adolescents and young adults - Pathogenesis
a. Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell = pathognomonic of HL (but also seen in EBV)
i. Large cell with multiple or multilobated nuclei
ii. Clonal in origin; arise from the germinal B cells but typically has lost most B cell gene expression and function
iii. No single simple genetic aberration
b. Characterised by variable number of RS cells surrounded by inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils of different proportions depending on HL histological subtype
c. Reactive infiltration of eosinophils and CD68+ macrophages, and increased concentration of cytokines (eg. IL11, IL-6, TNF) associate with unfavourable prognosis including:
i. Presence of ‘’B” symptoms
ii. Decreased response to therapy
iii. Advanced stage
iv. Reduced survival
Hodgkin lymphoma - presentation and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Painless, non-tender, firm, rubbery cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy present in 90%
i. Usually some degree of mediastinal involvement
ii. Persists despite antibiotic therapy
b. Clinically detectable hepatosplenomegaly rare (25%)
c. Mediastinal mass (60%)
d. Depending on extent of disease
i. Symptoms and signs of airway obstruction = dyspnoea, hypoxia, cough
ii. Pleural or pericardial effusion
iii. Hepatocellular dysfunction
iv. Bone marrow infiltration = anaemia, neutrophilia, thrombocytopenia (5%)
e. Disease manifesting below the diaphragm is rare (3% of cases)
f. B symptoms (30%) important in staging = unexplained fever, weight loss >10% over 6 months, night sweats
g. Less common (and not of prognostic significance) = pruritis, lethargy, anorexia, pain worsens after alcohol - Diagnosis
a. CXR = identify presence or absence of large mediastinal mass; size is important in prognostication
b. Biopsy = excisional biopsy preferred
c. Bone marrow aspiration = to rule out advanced disease
d. Staging = CT neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis + PET scan
e. Bloods = FBE, ESR, serum ferritin (prognostication)
Hodgkin lymphoma - staging
- Staging = Ann Arbor
a. A = asymptomatic
b. B = B symptoms present
e. X = bulky nodal disease, nodal mass >1/3 of intra-thoracic diameter or 10cm in dimension
Stage I Involvement of single LN (I)
Involvement of single extralymphatic organ or site (IE)
Stage II Involvement of 2 or more LN regions on the same side of the diaphragm (II)
Localise involvement of extralymphatic organ or site and 1 more LN regions on the same side of the diaphragm (IIE)
Stage III Involvement of LN regions on both sides of the diaphragm (III)
May be complicated by involvement of the spleen (IIIS)
Or by localised involvement of extralymphatic organ or site (IIIE) or both (IIISE)
Stage IV Diffuse or disseminated involvement of 1 or more extralymphatic organs or tissues with or without associated LN involvement
Hodgkin lymphoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Treatment determined largely by disease stage, presence or absence of B symptoms, and the presence of bulky nodal disease
b. Treatment includes chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
c. Radiation therapy alone can lead to prolonged remission and high cure rates, however growth retardation, thyroid dysfunction, cardiac and pulmonary toxicity
d. Multi-agent combination chemotherapy resulted complete response 70-80%, cure rate 40-50% in those with advanced disease, however acute and long-term toxicity - Prognosis
a. 5-year OS for HD of all stages is > 80%
b. Favourable Prognostic Indicators
i. <10 yo, female, favourable subtypes (LP and NS) and Stage I non-bulky disease.
c. Unfavourable Prognostic Indicators
i. Persistently elevated ESR, LD histopathology, Stage IV/bulky disease (largest dimension > 10 cm), hypoalbuminaemia, B symptoms, male, poor response to chemotherapy - Relapse
a. Most relapses occur within the first 3 years after diagnosis; however up to 10 years have been reported
b. Relapse CANNOT be predicted accurately with this disease
c. Prognosis depends on: the time from completion of treatment to recurrence; the site of relapse (nodal vs extranodal); the presence of B-symptoms at relapse
Hodgkin lymphoma - complications of treatment
- Complications of treatment
a. Second Malignant Neoplasms
b. Infertility – Azospermia (males), amenorrhoea (females)
c. Pulmonary damage
d. Cardiac damage
e. Spinal cord damage
f. Radiation nephritis
g. Hypothyroidism
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - background
- Epidemiology
a. Accounts for 60% of lymphomas in children
b. 2nd most commonly malignancy in those 15-35 years old
c. Burkitt lymphoma most common in children 0-14 years
d. DLBCL most common in adolescents/young adults - Key points
a. Malignant solid tumour characterised by undifferentiated lymphoid cells
b. Spread: aggressive, diffuse, unpredictable
c. Involves lymphoid tissue and can infiltrate the BM and CNS
d. Characterised by a high growth fraction and doubling time
e. Early diagnosis and treatment is critical
f. Rapid chemotherapy response can occur, therefore there is a higher risk for tumour lysis
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - classification
a. Classification
i. Lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL)
1. Immature
2. If >25% BM involvement classified as ALL
3. 90% T cell origin, 10% B cell origin
ii. Burkitt lymphoma (BL)
1. Mature
2. Mostly B cell origin
iii. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) – further divided into sub-types
1. Mature
2. Most are B cell origin
3. Germinal centre B-cell like favourable prognosis and accounts for majority of paediatric cases of DLBCL
4. Activated B-cell like and primary mediastinal B cell type poorer prognosis
iv. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL)
1. Mature
2. 70% T cell origin, 20% null cell origin, 10% B cell origin
b. Summary:
i. BL and DLBCL = mainly B cell origin
ii. LBL = 90% T cell origin
iii. ALCL = 70% T cell origin
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - staging
- Murphy staging
a. Stage I: Involvement of single tumour or single anatomic area excluding the mediastinum or abdomen
b. Stage II: Two or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm or resectable primary abdominal
c. Stage III: Involvement of lymph node regions on both sides of the diaphragm; all primary mediastinal, paraspinal or extensive intra-abdominal disease
d. Stage IV: Any of the above and initial involvement of the CNS, BM or both
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. 70% of children present with advanced stage disease (stage III or IV) – including extranodal disease with bone marrow and CNS involvement
b. B symptoms can be seen (fever, weight loss, night sweats) uncommon except ALCL – but NOT prognostic
c. Capillary leak syndrome seen in ALK + ALLs
d. Site specific manifestations (some oncological emergencies)
i. Rapid lymph node enlargement
ii. Abdominal primary (ileocaecal area, appendix or colon) (35%) - Present with pain, distension, jaundice, GI issues, abdominal mass
- Ascites, increased abdominal girth or intestinal obstruction
iii. Mediastinal primary (26%) - Cough or dyspnoea with thoracic involvement
- Superior mediastinal syndrome – can occur as a consequence of large mediastinal mass causing obstruction of blood flow or airways
iv. Head and neck primary (13%) - Present with lymphadenopathy, mandibular swelling, single enlarged tonsil, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, cranial nerve palsies
v. CNS (rare) – Present with headaches, vomiting, irritability, signs of raised ICP (papilloedema)
vi. Constitutional symptoms (fevers, malaise, night sweats and weight loss) uncommon except in ALCL
vii. Localised bone pain
viii. Spinal cord tumours – cord compression and acute paraplegias emergent radiotherapy
ix. Tumour lysis syndrome – especially common in BL and LBL - Investigations
a. Basic bloods including LFTs and LDH
b. Bone marrow aspiration + biopsy
c. LP + CSF cytospin
d. CT neck, abdomen, pelvis (head if suspicious of CNS disease)
e. Pet scan
f. Tumour tissue – tested on flow cytometry for immnophenotypic origin (T, B or null) and cytogenetics (karyotype)
g. Additional tests – FISH, PCR. Microarray
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Treatment of potential life-threatening complications of NHL:
i. SVC syndrome in lymphoblastic lymphoma
ii. TLS in Burkitt’s or Burkitt’s-like NHL
b. Surgery = for diagnostic biopsy and/or excision
c. Radiation Therapy = emergency airway obstruction or CNS complications, may be used for local control or residual mass (e.g. advanced stage lymphoblastic lymphoma).
d. Chemotherapy = combination chemotherapy is usual, with overall cure rates of > 60-80%
i. Low stage NHLs: Treated with CHOP (It includes the drugs cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride (hydroxydaunorubicin), vincristine sulfate (Oncovin), and prednisone) - (+/- Rituximab – Anti-CD20)
ii. Higher-stage lymphoblastic lymphomas are treated on leukaemia protocols
iii. Higher-stage non-lymphoblastic NHLs require extremely aggressive chemotherapy with significant infection risks, but still have generally good remission rates
e. Relapse of disease = reinduction chemotherapy, followed by HSCT - Relapse
a. Minimal residual disease (MRD) – prognostic in ALCL and LBL
b. Patients who have progressive or relapsed disease re-induction chemotherapy + allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplantation - Prognosis
a. Localised disease = 90-100% chance of survival
b. Advanced disease = 70-95% chance of survival
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - late effects
a. Long-term complications
i. Solid tumours
ii. Leukaemia
iii. Cardiac disease
iv. Pulmonary complications
v. Thyroid disease
vi. Infertility
Burkitt lymphoma - general
Subtype Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Key points
a. M:F ratio 2-3:1
b. Mean age 11 years (non-endemic form)
c. Most common primary site = intra-abdominal (sporadic type) or jaw (endemic type)
d. Extremely rapidly-growing, therefore high risk for tumour lysis with initiation of treatment - Classification
a. Endemic type
Peak age: 7 yo
Jaw, orbit, paraspinal, abdomen, ovary
CNS involvement > BMA
Breakpoints upstream of c-myc
b. Sporadic type
Peak age: 11 yo
Abdomen, BM, nasopharynx, ovary
BMA involvement > CNS
Within c-myc - Cytogenetics
a. 90% have t (8;14) - c-myc gene on chromosome 8; chromosome 14 – heavy chains - Treatment
a. Paediatric BL and DLBCL are treated with similar chemotherapy regimens
i. If localised disease – chemotherapy for 6 weeks to 6 months excellent prognosis
ii. If advanced disease – multi-agent chemotherapy for 4 to 6 months
b. Primary mediastinal B cell lymphoma (PMBCL) – note inferior outcome when treated with the standard protocols
c. Rituximab
i. Monoclonal Ab directed at CD20 improves outcomes in adults with B-NHL
ii. No good studies on paediatric efficacy - Prognosis
a. Localised disease >90%
b. Disseminated (but not B-ALL) 80-90% on newer protocols
Lymphoblastic lymphoma - general
Subtype Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Key points
a. Comprise 30-35% of paediatric NHLs
i. 90-95% are derived from immature T-Cells (very similar to T-Cell ALL)
ii. Remainder pre-B Cell phenotype (as in ALL)
b. Cytologically, these tumours are indistinguishable from ALL and when greater than 25% of BM involvement exists, they are classified as ALL - Clinical presentation
a. 50-70% manifest as anterior mediastinal mass.
b. Patients present with respiratory distress and signs and symptoms associated with SVC syndrome
c. May also present as painless, non-tender masses in the head and neck region, or with supraclavicular or axillary lymphadenopathy
d. Abdominal involvement is rare, but a classic presentation is an older child with intussusception.
e. Spread to the CNS and BM may occur, but uncommon - Treatment
a. Requires 12-24 months of therapy including chemotherapy, intrathecal chemotherapy and cranial radiation in some cases
b. Similar protocol to those used for acute leukaemia
Large cell lymphoma - general
Subtype Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Key points
a. Heterogeneous group of tumours
b. Phenotypically includes B-Cell, T-Cell and indeterminate neoplasms
c. Comprises 15-20% of paediatric NHLs. The 3 phenotypes occur with equal frequency - Classification
a. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)
i. Predilection for mediastinum and abdomen
ii. Rarely involve the CNS or bone marrow
iii. More like Hodgkin’s Lymphoma than the other NHLs
b. Anaplastic Lymphoma
i. Express CD30 (Ki-1); ALK fusion protein.
ii. Also manifest in mediastinum, as well as involving skin, lymph nodes, testes and bone
iii. Majority of patients require multivalent chemotherapy
iv. CNS prophylaxis (intrathecal chemotherapy) may be required
v. CNS disease treated with intrathecal chemotherapy + radiotherapy
c. Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
i. Often involves the skin, CNS, lymph nodes, lung, testes, muscles and GIT
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder - general
- Key points
a. Lymphoid and/or plasmacytic proliferations occurring post solid organ transplantation or HSCT
b. Results from immunosuppression
c. One of the most serious and potentially fatal complications of transplantation
d. In most patients B cell proliferation results from infection with EBV in the setting of immunosuppression and decreased T cell immune surveillance - Epidemiology
a. Overall incidence 1% in transplant population
b. Most common malignancy complicating solid organ transplantation – accounting for 20% of cancers
i. Lower risk for HSCT, renal and liver transplants
ii. Higher among heart and lung transplants
iii. Highest following multi-organ transplant
c. PTLD accounts for a minority of secondary cancers following HSCT
d. Majority (>80%) occur in the first year post transplant - Risk factors
a. EBV serostatus of the recipient
i. Increased risk among EBV-negative recipients of EBV-positive donor organs
b. T cell immunosuppression - Clinical manifestations
a. Highly variable
b. Non-specific constitutional symptoms
c. Lymphadenopathy
d. >50% present with extra-nodal mass (GIT, lungs, skin, liver, CNS) - Treatment
a. Immunosuppression
b. Immunotherapy with CD20 Mab rituximab
c. Chemotherapy
d. Radiation therapy
e. EBV specific cytotoxic T cells – persistent disease - Prevention
a. Limiting immunosuppression
b. Aggressive withdrawal and tapering of agents required for graft acceptance
c. Anti-viral prophylaxis - Prognosis
a. Survival rate of 25-35%
Most common malignancy complicating solid organ transplantation
Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder
Neuroblastoma - background
- Key points
a. Heterogenous clinical presentation and course
b. Tumours that undergo spontaneous regression to very aggressive tumours unresponsive to very intensive multimodal therapy - Primary site + metastases
a. Site
i. Develop at ANY site of sympathetic nervous system - 50% adrenal gland
- 50% paraspinal and sympathetic ganglia
ii. Abdomen (70%), thorax (15%), pelvic/sacral (5%), neck (4%)
b. Metastases = more common in children >1 years at diagnosis
i. Occurs via local invasion or distant haematogenous or lymphatic routes
ii. Most common site regional or distant LN, long bones and skull, bone marrow, liver + skin
iii. Lung and brain metastases rare (3% of cases) - Epidemiology
a. Most common extracranial solid tumour in children
b. Accounts for 8-10% of childhood malignancies and 1/3 of cancer in infants
d. Median age at diagnosis 22 months; 90% of cases are diagnosed by 5 years of age (rare after age 6) - Pathology
a. Embryonal cancer of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system = derived from primordial neural crest cells
i. Undifferentiated small round cells (neuroblastoma)
ii. Tumours of mature and maturing Schwannian stroma with ganglion cells (ganglioneuroblastoma or ganglioneuroma)
Most common extracranial solid tumour in children
Neuroblastoma - risk factors
a. Most cases unknown
b. Familial neuroblastoma = accounts for 1-2% of all cases
i. Mutations in PHOX2B and ALK genes
ii. BARD1 gene also identified as genetic contributor
c. Associated conditions
i. Neural crest disorders –Hirschsprung disease, central hypoventilation syndrome, ROHADD
ii. NF type I
iii. Congenital cardiovascular malformations
iv. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and hemihypertrophy
v. Turner syndrome
d. Environmental factors = maternal and paternal chemical exposures, farming work, electronics
Neuroblastoma - manifestations and investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Reflects the tumour site and extent of disease
b. Symptoms can mimic many other disorders delayed diagnosis
c. Localised disease
i. Asymptomatic
ii. Symptoms due to mass effect - Spinal cord compression
a. Anatomic connection between the SNS and the spinal cord accounts for the propensity of the NB to infiltrate the intervertebral foraminae
b. Motor deficits are most common followed by radicular back pain, bladder and bowl dysfunction, and rarely sensory deficits
c. Only 5% have clinical evidence of epidural compression - Bowel obstruction
- Superior vena cava syndrome
- Neck adenopathy, Horner’s syndrome
- Thorax respiratory distress, Horner’s, incidental
- Pelvic/sacral mass, dysuria, constipation
d. Metastatic disease
i. Non-specific symptoms such as fever, pallor, anorexia, bone pain and irritability
ii. Ptosis and periorbital ecchymoses suggests orbital metastases
iii. Infants <1 year can present stage 4s widespread subcutaneous tumour nodules, massive liver involvement, limited bone marrow disease and a small primary tumour without bone involvement or other metastases
e. Systemic symptoms
i. Produce catecholamines sweating, hypertension (NB. hypertension may also be due to renal artery compression)
ii. Tumour lysis syndrome
iii. DIC - Investigations
a. Primary site imaging – CT/MRI
b. Bilateral BMATs
c. Tumour biopsy = histology, molecular
d. MIBG scan
e. Bone scan (if non-MIBG avid) +/- pet
f. Urine catecholamines (HVA/VMA) – 90% sensitivity in children >1 year
i. Homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid
Neuroblastoma - staging
INSS (Surgical)
1: localised, fully excised, lymph nodes negative
2A: localised, incompletely excised, ipsilateral lymph nodes negative
2B: localised, ipsilateral lymph nodes positive, contralateral nodes negative
3: Unresectable unilateral tumour infiltrate across midline OR unilateral tumour with contralateral lymph node involvement OR midline tumour with bilateral extension by infiltration
4: mets to distant lymph nodes/ bone/ bone marrow/ liver/ skin
4S: Stage 4 in infant <1 year
Stage L1 = localised disease without image-defined risk factors
Stage L2 = localised disease with image-defined risk factors
Stage M = metastatic
Stage MS = metastatic ‘special’ where MS is equivalent to 4s
Neuroblastoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Dependent on age + tumour stage + cytogenetic and molecular profile
b. Low risk (44%) = surgery alone
c. Intermediate risk (20%)
i. Many factors determine the amount of chemo required – age, stage, histo, biology/genetics
ii. Vary from 28 cycles of chemo +/- CRA
iii. Chemotherapy surgery /- radiotherapy
d. High risk (35%)
i. Intensive chemotherapy = cisplatin/etoposide/cyclophosphamide/vincristine/doxorubicin/topotecan
ii. Surgery
iii. High-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue - Carboplatin/etoposide/melphalan and cyclo/thiotepa (COG)
- Busulfan/melphalan (SIOP)
iv. Radiation
v. Immunotherapy
e. Stage 4S = very favourable prognosis and many regress spontaneously without therapy
i. Chemotherapy or resection of the primary tumour does NOT improve survival rates
ii. If massive liver involvement and respiratory compromise, low dose cyclophosphamide or hepatic irradiation may alleviate symptoms - Prognostic factors
a. Histological
i. Presence and amount of Schwannian stroma
ii. Degree of tumour cell differentiation
iii. Miosis-karyorrhexis index
b. Pathological
i. Poor prognosis - MYCN (N-myc) proto-oncogene = 25% highly associated with advanced stage + poor outcome
- Outcome + Prognosis
a. Intermediate-risk (including children with stage 3) excellent prognosis with >90% survival
b. High risk poor prognosis 25-35%
c. For children with stage 4S who require treatment to alleviate symptoms survival 81%
d. Management of relapse
i. Low risk = further surgery +/- chemotherapy
ii. Intermediate risk = further surgery +/- chemotherapy
iii. High risk = palliation, MIBG and Radionucleotide therapy, standard chemotherapy, studies, allogeneic SCT
Wilms tumour - background
- Key points
a. Primary malignant renal tumour
b. Can arise in 1 or both kidneys
c. Metastases = lungs, regional LN, liver - Epidemiology
a. Most common primary malignant renal tumour
b. Second most common abdominal tumour in childhood (6-7% of all childhood cancers)
c. 75% of cases occur in children <5 years; peak age 2-3 years
d. Bilateral tumours peak at a younger age - Risk factors
a. Sporadic – in most cases
b. 2% of patients have family history – autosomal dominant (BCR2 or TP53)
c. 10% associated with multiple malformation syndrome
Wilms tumour - genetics
WT1 (gene located on 11p13) encoding transcription factor –15-20% of tumours
Mutations in CTNNB1 encoding beta-catenin regulatory factor – 15% of tumours
Mutations in WTX encoding role in regulation pathway – 20% of tumours
P53 gene – seen in 75% of Wilm’s tumour with anaplastic histology
Wilms tumour - manifestations and investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Incidental discovery of asymptomatic abdominal mass – most common presentation
i. At presentation can be very large; as it is retroperitoneal mass can grow large
ii. Usually does NOT cross midline (cf. neuroblastoma)
b. Hypertension – 20% of patients
i. Secondary to increased renin activity
c. Coagulopathy – caused by an acquired von Willebrand syndrome
d. Less common
i. Abdominal pain, haematuria, fever
ii. Rapid enlargement and anaemia result from bleeding – rare presentation
iii. WT thrombus extending into the inferior vena cava (4-10%) and rarely into right atrium - Investigations
a. Basic bloods = microcytic anaemia from iron deficiency or anaemia of chronic disease, polycythaemia, elevated platelet count, and acquired deficiency of vWF or factor VII
b. Imaging
- CT/MRI (claw sign)
c. Biopsy
- discouraged as results in disease upstaging
- only perform if unusual presentation/imaging
d. Histology (from excision)
- histology most important prognostic predictor: presence of anaplasia determines aggressiveness of tumour and response to treatment
Wilms tumour - staging
1: complete resection, tumour limited to kidney, renal sinus not involved
2: complete resection but tumour extends through renal capsule or into renal sinus
3: incomplete resection, LN involved, tumour rupture, previous biopsy
4: haematogenous spread or distal LN
5: bilateral
Wilms tumour - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Differences around the world = chemo first, nephrectomy first; we do both
b. Surgery = total nephrectomy standard of care in unilateral Wilm’s tumour but small studies showing nephron sparing possible
c. Chemotherapy = most cases require it
i. VCR/AC-d for most
ii. Doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide/etoposide/carbo for HR
d. Radiotherapy = stage 3, +/- lung mets
- chemotherapy first
- nephron sparing surgery aiming to preserve as much kidney as possible
- +/- post op chemo
- prognosis usually favourable
- Outcome + Prognosis
a. Favorable stage I-III have >90% 5 year survival, 90% if stage IV
b. Anaplastic stage II-IV have 50% 5 year survival
c. Bilateral have 70% 5 year survival
Overall 60% 4 year survival, but much better outcomes if not anaplastic
Wilms tumour - long term toxicity of therapy
a. Radiosensitive
i. Doxorubicin/ actinomycin-D
ii. Radiation recall
b. Cardiotoxicity
i. Doxorubicin + radiotherapy
c. Single kidney hyperfiltration
d. Second malignant neoplasm
e. Menopause, infertility – if radiotherapy involves entire abdomen (usually if ruptured)
Wilms tumour - screening indications
BWS/isolated hemihypertrophy
WAGR/WT-1 related mutation
Siblings of familial Wilms, offspring of bilateral Wilms
Mesoblastic nephroma - general
a. Most common solid renal tumour identified in the neonatal period
b. Most frequent benign renal tumour of childhood
c. 3-10% of all paediatric renal tumours
d. Many diagnosed with prenatal USS
e. Can present with polyhydramnios, hydrops and premature delivery
f. Most patients are diagnosed <3 months of age (whereas WT rarely diagnosed before 6 months)
g. Radical nephrectomy treatment of choice
h. Local recurrence uncommon
i. Rare malignant variations – metastases to the lung, liver, heart and brain
Most common solid renal tumour of neonatal period
Mesoblastic nephroma
Most frequent benign renal tumour of childhood
Mesoblastic nephroma
Clear cell carcinoma of kidney - general
a. Uncommon in children – 3% of malignant tumours of the kidney
b. Peak incidence 1-4 years of age; usually presenting as abdominal mass
c. M > F
d. Bone is the most common site of distant metastases, followed by lung, abdomen, retroperitoneum, brain and liver
e. Staging work-up should include bone scan
f. Early stage disease has excellent prognosis (non-metastatic) and use intensive chemotherapy (3-4 drugs)
Rhabdoid tumour of kidney - general
a. Rare but aggressive cancer (2% of kidney tumours)
b. 80% occur in children <2 years
c. Haematuria common presenting feature
d. Both rhabdoid tumour of the kidney and CNS atypical rhabdoid tumours have deletions and mutations in hSNF5/InII gene and are considered to be related
e. Prognosis poor – 5 year survival <30%
f. High metastatic rate
g. 15% have synchronous brain lesions
h. Fever, haematuria and hyperglycaemia can occur
Renal cell carcinoma - general
a. Rare in children; 2-5% of all renal tumours
b. 20% have metastatic disease at diagnosis – lung, liver, bone, brain
c. Older age (10 years)
d. Present with frank haematuria, flank pain and/or palpable mass OR incidental finding
e. May have specific cytogenetic abnormality – ASPL-TFE3 gene fusion)
f. Can be associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease
g. Local LN involvement is not a poor prognostic indicator
h. Nephrectomy alone may be enough for early-stage RCC
i. Survival
i. 90-100% for stage 1
ii. 10% for stage 4
Rhabdomyosarcoma - background
- Epidemiology
a. 4-5% of paediatric malignancies
b. Most common soft tissue sarcoma
c. Accounts for >50% soft tissue sarcomas
d. 2/3 arise <6 years of age
e. Tumour of mesenchymal tissue (connective tissue, bone/fat/cartilage/vascular/haematopoetic) - Risk factors
a. Unknown
b. Li-Fraumeni syndrome - Site
a. Occurs at any site = head and neck (40%), genitourinary tract (20%), extremities (20%), other (20%)
i. Extremity lesions more likely in older children and to have alveolar histology - Pathogenesis
a. Believed to arise from same embryonic mesenchyme as striated skeletal muscle
b. On the basis of light microscopy belongs to the same general category of small round cell tumours
i. Includes Ewing sarcoma, neuroblastoma, NHL
Rhabdomyosarcoma - subtypes
a. Classification based on histology – determines treatment planning and prognosis
b. 2 subtypes
i. Embryonal type = 70-75% (no translocations)
1. Spindle and/or round cell tumour in loose myxoid or dense collagen stroma
2. 2 variants
a. Botryoid type = typically vaginal or nasopharyngeal site
b. Spindle cell = paratesticular
ii. Alveolar type = 20-25% of cases
1. Characterised by
a. T(2;13) or PAX3-FKHR (FOXO1)
b. T(1:13) or PAX-FKHR
2. Grow in nests that often have cleft like spaces resembling alveoli
3. Occurs most often in the trunk and extremities
Worse prognosis
Most common soft tissue sarcoma
Rhabdomyosarcoma - manifestations and investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Mass – may or may not be painful
b. Strongly influenced by site
c. Symptoms caused by displacement or obstruction of normal structures
i. Nasopharynx = nasal congestion, mouth breathing, epistaxis, difficulty swallowing + chewing
ii. Regional extension into cranium = cranial nerve paralysis, blindness, signs of increased ICP with headache and vomiting
iii. Face or cheek = swelling, pain, trismus, and if extension paralysis of cranial nerves
iv. Neck = progressive swelling with neurological symptoms after regional extension
v. Orbital = proptosis, periorbital edema, ptosis, change in visual acuity, local pain
vi. Middle ear = pain, hearing loss, chronic otorrhoea, mass in the ear canal; extension can result in cranial nerve paralysis and signs of intracranial mass on involved side
vii. Larynx = unremitting croupy cough
d. Other presenting features
i. Trunk or extremity = usually noticed after trauma and thought to be a haematoma; if swelling does not resolve or increases, malignancy should be suspected
ii. Genitourinary tract = haematuria, obstruction, recurrent UTI, incontinence, mass detectable on abdominal or rectal examination
iii. Paratesticular = painless, rapidly enlarging mass in scrotum
iv. Vaginal = grape-like mass of tumour bulging through the vaginal orifice; sarcoma bulges out of the virginal orifice (sarcoma botryroides) can cause urinary tract or large bowel symptoms - Vaginal bleeding or obstruction of urethra or rectum may occur
e. Tumours of any location may disseminate early and cause symptoms of pain or respiratory distress associated with pulmonary metastases
f. Extensive bone involvement can produce symptomatic hypercalcaemia - Investigations
a. Early diagnosis requires high index of suspicion
b. Imaging
i. CT or MRI to evaluate the primary tumour site include regional LN
ii. CT chest
iii. Bone scan +/- PET
iv. BBMATs
v. CSF (in parameningeal)
c. Biopsy
i. Very important aspect of diagnosis – LN also need to be sampled
ii. Histology = small, round, blue cell tumour
iii. Require Immunohistochemical stains including analysis of PAX/FOXO1 expression
Rhabdomyosarcoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Surgery
i. Aggressive but non-mutilating
ii. Up front best but only if likely clear margins without danger or functional impairment
b. Radiotherapy
c. Chemotherapy
i. Essential (for occult and obvious metastases, and to help with local control)
ii. Vincristine, actinomycin-d, cyclophosphamide (VAC)
iii. Ifosfamide, doxorubicin, topotecan, irinotecan
iv. HDCT not proven, not standard
v. Maintenance chemo – vinorelbine/cyclo
vi. Biologics eg. temsirolimus (mTOR inhibitor) - Prognosis
a. Localised = 70-75% survival
b. Metastatic = 25-30% survival
c. Resectable tumour + favourable histology 80-90% prolonged disease free survival
d. Unresectable tumour
i. Orbit high likelihood of tumour
ii. Other sites 65-70% long-term disease free survival
e. Disseminated disease poor prognosis; 50% achieve remission and only 50% of these are cured
f. Older children have poorer prognosis
Alveolar worse prognosis (a/w translocations 1:13 and 2:13)
“Other” soft tissue sarcomas (non-rhabdomyosarcoma) - general
- Key points
a. Heterogenous group of sarcomas
b. All rare
c. 3% of all childhood malignancies
d. Relatively rare in childhood – most information about natural history and treatment from adult studies
e. Median age of diagnosis 12 years
f. Commonly arise in the trunk or lower extremity - Histological sub-types
a. Synovial sarcoma (42%)
b. Fibrosarcoma (13%)
c. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (12%)
d. Neurogenic tumours (10%) - Treatment
a. Surgical resection mainstay of therapy
b. Careful evaluation for long or bony metastases
c. Chemotherapy + radiotherapy required for large, high-grade and unresectable tumours
d. Role of chemotherapy for non-rhabdomyosarcoma not as well defined
i. Most have poor response to chemo
ii. Except synovial sarcoma and infantile fibrosarcoma
e. Radiotherapy standard for large/residual
f. Pazopanib (TKI)
g. Patients with unresectable or metastatic disease treated with multi-agent chemotherapy in addition to irradiation and/or surgery
h. Patients with completely resected small (<5cm)) generally treated with surgery alone – generally excellent outcome regardless of whether tumour high or low grade
Most common primary malignant bone tumour in children and adolescents
Second is Ewing sarcoma, but Ewing sarcoma MORE common in patients <10 years old
Both are more likely to occur in second decade of life (10-20)
Osteosarcoma - general
Age: Second decade Race: All Cell: Spindle-cell producing osteoid Predisposition: Retinoblastoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Richmond-Thomas syndrome Site: Metaphysis of long-bone (O is closer to M) - distal femur and proximal tibia most common Presentation: local pain and swelling, history of injury Radiographic: - sclerotic destruction - sunburst pattern - Codman triangle DDx: Ewing, osteomyelitis Mets: Lungs, bone Treatment: - chemotherapy - ablative surgery - NOT radiosensitive Prognosis: - without mets = 70% - with mets = 30%
Ewing sarcoma - general
Age: Second decade
Race: White
Cell: Undifferentiated small round cell, probably of neural origin
Predisposition: None
Site: Diaphysis of long bones (E is closer to D), flat bones
- most commonly pelvis, femur
Presentation: Local pain and swelling, fever
- lytic lesions
- Multilaminar periosteal reaction (onion skinning)
DDx: Osteomyelitis, eosinophilic granuloma, Lymphoma, Neuroblastoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma
Mets: Lung, bone
- chemotherapy
- radiotherapy, surgery
- VERY radiosensitive
- without mets 70%
- with mets 30%
Osteosarcoma - background
- Epidemiology
a. Most common primary bone tumour in children/adolescence
b. Peaks 15-19 years - Risk factors
a. Syndromes
i. Hereditary retinoblastoma (RB1 gene)
ii. Li Fraumeni syndrome (p53)
iii. Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
e. Benign conditions with malignant transformation = Paget disease, endochondromatosis, multiple hereditary exostoses, fibrous dysplasia - Pathology
a. A mesenchymal malignancy in which the malignant cells produce osteoid
Osteosarcoma - classification/types
b. Classification
i. Conventional (80-90%)
1. Osteoblastic
2. Chrondroblastic
3. Fibroblastic
ii. Other
c. 4 pathological subtypes = osteoblastic, fibroblastic, chondroblastic and bone [no difference in outcome, although chondroblastic may not respond as well to chemotherapy]
d. Two variants of osteosarcoma = contrasting high-grade osteosarcoma which arise in the Diaphyseal region of long bone and invade the medullary cavity
i. Parosteal osteosarcoma = low-grade, well differentiated tumour that does NOT invade the medullary cavity and most commonly is found in the posterior aspect of the distal femur
1. Surgical resection alone often curative
2. Low potential for metastatic spread
ii. Periosteal osteosarcoma = rare variant that arises on the surface of the bone
1. Higher rate of metastatic spread than paraosteal type and intermediate prognosis
Osteosarcoma - manifestations, investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Pain, limp and swelling
b. Initial complaints often attributed to sports injury or sprain
c. Nocturnal pain concerning feature
d. On examination may have reduced ROM, joint effusion, tenderness or warmth - Investigations
a. Bloods = usually normal, may have elevated ALP or LDH
b. X-ray = lesion may be mixed lytic, sclerotic or both in appearance, new bone formation USUALLY visible
i. Classic radiographic appearance sunburst pattern – secondary to ossification in the soft tissues (typical but NOT sensitive or specific)
ii. Periosteal bone formation with lifting of the cortex may lead to the appearance of ‘Codman’s triangle’
c. MRI = evaluate tumour for its proximity to nerves and blood vessels, soft tissue + joint extension, and skip lesions
d. CT chest and Radionucleotide scanning = assess for lung and bony mets
e. Biopsy = diagnosis ALWAYS verified by histology
i. Needs to be done in a manner that it will not compromise the ultimate limb salvage procedure
ii. Histology = highly malignant, pleomorphic, spindle cell neoplasm associated with the formation of osteoid and bone
Osteosarcoma - treatment and prognosis
- Prognostic factors
a. Presence of metastases
b. Axial location
c. Large tumour size
d. Surgical resection
e. Response to chemo - <10% viable tumour (good), >10% viable tumour (bad) - Treatment
a. Surgery
i. Complete surgical removal of primary tumour AND metastases if present
ii. Limb salvage surgery
b. Radiation therapy
i. Restricted to inoperable tumours
ii. Need very high doses of 70Gy+
c. Chemotherapy
i. Pre-operative = cisplatin, doxorubicin, MTX - +/- ifosfamide and etoposide
ii. Side effects = deafness, cardiac and renal dysfunction - Relapse
a. Lung metastases only – cure possible with surgical resection only
b. No chemotherapy known to be curative but may enable complete resection of disease - Prognosis
a. One of the most important prognostic factors = histologic response to chemotherapy
b. Surgical resection alone curative only for patients with paraosteal osteosarcoma
c. Chemotherapy + surgery 5 year disease free survival of non-metastatic extremity osteosarcoma 65-75%
d. Poor prognosis for those with pelvic tumours
e. 20-30% of patients who have limited number of pulmonary metastases can be cured with aggressive chemotherapy and resection
f. Patients with bone metastases and those with widespread lung metastases have extremely poor prognosis
Ewing sarcoma - background
- Key points
a. Undifferentiated sarcoma of bone, but may also arise from soft tissue
i. 10% are extra-osseous
b. Ewing sarcoma family of tumours = refers to a group of small, round cell, undifferentiated tumours thought to be of neural crest origin including Ewing sarcoma of bone and soft tissue, and peripheral primitive neuro-ectodermal tumour
c. Treatment the same irrespective of whether they arise from bone or soft tissue
d. Site of tumour = extremities and central axis (pelvis, spine, and chest wall)
i. Primary tumours arising from the chest wall are referred to as Askin tumours - Epidemiology
a. 2nd most common bone tumour
b. Extremely rare in African or Chinese populations - Pathology
a. All are high grade
b. Need immunohistochemistry to differentiate from other small round cell tumours
i. CD99 + ve in >95%
c. Molecular
i. Rearrangement of EWS gene on Cx 22q12
ii. Mostly occurs with FL-1 gene on 11q24 - T(11;22) in 85%
- T(21;22) in 10%
Ewing sarcoma - manifestations and investigation
- Clinical manifestations
a. Similar to osteosarcoma – pain, swelling, limitation of motion, and tenderness over involved bone/soft tissue
b. Huge chest wall primary tumours respiratory distress
c. Paraspinal or vertebral primary spinal cord compression
d. Often associated with systemic manifestations = fever, weight loss (osteosarcoma less likely to have systemic symptoms) - Diagnosis
a. X-ray = destructive osteolytic lesion of the diaphysis with destruction of the osseous cortex, elevation of the periosteum and infiltration of the surrounding tissue, characteristic onion-skinning
b. Other imaging
- CT
c. Bone marrow asps
- to assess for mets
d. Biopsy
i. Immunohistochemical staining assists in the diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma to differentiate it from other small, round, blue cell tumours such as lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma
ii. Specific chromosomal translocation t(11;22) or variant often present
Ewing sarcoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Local control = Surgery +/- radiotherapy (54Gy)
i. Ewing sarcoma radiosensitive
b. Metastases = whole lung irradiation (16 Gy)
c. Multiagent chemotherapy (usually pre op)
d. High dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell re-infusion/rescue (high risk disease or relapse) - Prognosis
a. Small, non-metastatic, distally located tumours have best prognosis 75% cure
b. Pelvic tumours have worse outcome
c. Metastatic disease at diagnosis, especially bone or bone marrow have poor prognosis <30% survive long-term - Relapse
a. Late relapse, even as long as 10 years after diagnosis, possible
b. Very poor prognosis
i. Chemotherapy – VTC + gem/doc
ii. HDCT
iii. Surgery/RT
iv. Palliation
c. Note - Secondary malignancy after radiotherapy
Osteochondroma - general
AKA exostosis
a. Most common benign bone cyst
b. Most develop in childhood – arising from the metaphysis of long bone, particularly distal femur and proximal humerus, lesion enlarges with child until skeletal maturity
c. Most discovered at age 5-15 years bony, non-painful mass
d. X-ray = stalks or broad-based projections; marrow space of the involved bone are continuous with lesion
e. Malignant degeneration rare in children, 1% in adults
Multiple hereditary exostoses - general
a. Presence of multiple osteochondromas
b. Severely involved children can have short stature, limb-length inequality, premature partial physeal arrests, deformity of UL and LL
c. Require careful monitoring
Fibromas - general
Types: non-ossifying fibroma, fibrous cortical defect, metaphyseal defect
a. Fibrous lesion of bone that occur in 40% of children > 2 years
b. Most likely represent a defect in ossification rather than neoplasm and are usually asymptomatic
c. Most incidentally discovered; occasionally present with pathologic fracture
d. X-ray = sharply marginated eccentric lucency in the metaphyseal cortex; may be multilocular and expansile
i. Long axis of lesion runs parallel to the bone, 50% are bilateral or multiple
e. Most do not require biopsy or treatment due to characteristic radiographic appearance
f. Treatment = spontaneous regression occurs after skeletal maturity
i. Curettage and bone grafting may be recommended for lesions occupying >50% of the bone diameter due to risk of pathological fracture
Most common intra ocular tumour of childhood
Retinoblastoma - background
- Key points
a. Embryonal malignant tumour of the retina
b. Most common intra-ocular tumour in children
c. 11% of cases in first year of life – median age at diagnosis 18 months
d. Male = female
e. Survival rate in developed countries extremely high – progresses to metastatic disease and results in death of 50% of children worldwide
f. Unilateral + bilateral
i. 75% unilateral
ii. 25% bilateral (Always heritable – germline RB1 mutation)
g. Spread - Spread by direct extension; Haematogenous or lymphatic spread to distant sites including bones, bone marrow and lungs - Natural History
a. Tumour grows to fill eye and destroy the globe
b. Metastatic spread is diagnosed within the first 12 months of clinical presentation - Etiology + genetics
a. Retinoblastoma gene
i. Loss of function of the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) via gene mutation or deletion
ii. Located on chromosome 13q14 and encodes the retinoblastoma protein (tumour suppressor that controls cell cycle transition)
iii. 2 mutations are required for retinoblastoma; ‘two hit’ hypothesis for retinoblastoma to develop
b. Classification
i. Hereditary = Usually younger age + multifocal and bilateral - Most children have spontaneous new germinal mutations
- Note that 15% of unilateral retinoblastoma due to germinal mutations
- ALL 1st degree relatives need retinal examination to identify retinomas or retinal scars, which may suggest hereditary retinoblastoma even though retinoblastoma did not develop
ii. Sporadic = Usually older children + unifocal and unilateral
Retinoblastoma gene
a. Retinoblastoma gene
i. Loss of function of the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) via gene mutation or deletion
ii. Located on chromosome 13q14 and encodes the retinoblastoma protein (tumour suppressor that controls cell cycle transition)
iii. 2 mutations are required for retinoblastoma; ‘two hit’ hypothesis for retinoblastoma to develop
Retinoblastoma - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Leukocoria – white pupillary reflex – in child <2 years of age
b. Strabismus
c. Nystagmus
d. Decreased vision, orbital inflammation, hyphema and pupil irregularity can occur with advancing disease
e. Pain can occur in secondary glaucoma
f. 10% of retinoblastoma detected on routine screening - Diagnosis
a. Ophthalmology examination
i. Fundoscopy = chalky, white-gray retinal mass with soft, friable consistency
ii. Complete evaluation under anaesthesia
b. Histology – note that biopsies are CONTRAINDICATED
i. Retinoblastoma appears as a small round blue cell tumour with rosette formation
iii. Tend to outgrow their blood supply, resulting in necrosis and calcification
c. Orbital USS, CT or MRI = evaluate extent of intra-ocular disease and extra-ocular spread
i. Occasionally (60%), a pineal area (primitive neuroectodermal) tumour is detected in a child with hereditary and bilateral retinoblastoma (trilateral retinoblastoma)
ii. MRI allows for evaluation of optic nerve involvement
d. If metastases present (RARE at diagnosis)
i. CSF, bone marrow, and bone scan
Leukocoria - differentials
i. Persistent fetal vasculature (PVF)
ii. Coats disease = exudative retinal vascular disorder characterised by retinal telangiectasias and subretinal exudation serous retinal detachment
iii. Vitreous haemorrhage
iv. Toxocariasis = from dogs
v. Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy
Retinoblastoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Principles of treatment
i. Determined by size and location, if metastases are present, whether hereditary or sporadic disease
1. Primary goal = cure
ii. Secondary goal = preserving vision and decreasing risk of late effects (secondary malignancies)
iii. Avoid radiation if possible
iv. Careful follow-up to check for recurrence
b. Unilateral disease = enucleation if there is no potential for the salvage of useful vision
c. Bilateral disease = chemoreduction in combination with focal therapy (laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy)
i. If feasible, small tumours can be treated with focal therapy with careful follow-up for recurrence or new tumour growth
ii. Larger tumours often respond to multiagent chemotherapy
1. If chemotherapy fails, external beam irradiation can be considered
2. Brachytherapy, or episcleral plaque radiotherapy has less morbidity
iii. Enucleation may be required for unresponsive or recurrent tumours
e. Prognosis and likelihood of globe salvage is poor when
i. Delayed diagnosis >6 months
ii. Cataract
iii. History of intraocular surgery
iv. Radiotherapy or choroidal/ optic nerve/ orbital invasion
f. Chemotherapy = vincristine, carboblatin, etoposide
- Prognosis
a. 95% cure with modern treatment in developed countries
b. Routine opthal examinations should continue until the child is 7 years+
c. Prognosis for children with retinoblastoma that has spread outside the eye is poor
d. <10% with metastatic disease
e. Trilateral retinoblastoma is almost universally fatal
f. Children with germline RB1 mutations at significant risk for secondary malignancies soft tissue sarcomas, malignant melanoma; a risk further increased by radiation therapy
i. Most common cause of death for patients with heritable retinoblastoma is a secondary malignancy and not the initial primary retinoblastoma
Gonad/Germ Cell Neoplasms - Background
- Key points
a. Germ cells are precursors that make eggs + sperm
b. Classification
i. Gonadal = 1/3
ii. Extra-gonadal (aberrant migration) = 2/3
c. Malignant germ cell tumours (GCTs) and gonadal tumours are rare
d. Most malignant tumours of the gonads in children are GCTs
f. Sacrococcygeal tumours predominantly occur in girls
g. Testicular GCTs occur predominantly <4 years and after puberty - Risk factors
a. Klinefelter syndrome = increased risk of mediastinal GCTs
b. Down syndrome, undescended testes, infertility, testicular atrophy, testicular microlithiasis, testicular dysgenesis syndrome, and inguinal hernias risk of testicular cancer
i. Risk of testicular cancer in patients with cryptorchidism is reduced but not eliminated if orchidopexy is performed before 13 years - Pathogenesis
a. GCTs = arise from primordial germ cells
b. Non-GCTs = arise from coelomic epithelium
c. Testicular and sacrococcygeal GCTs arise during early childhood - Site
a. Extragonadal
i. CNS = rare (aggressive)
ii. Cervical = rare (teratoma, infant)
iii. Mediastinal = 5% (adolescents) Klinefelter 47 XXY
iv. Retroperitoneum = 10% (infants/children)
v. Sacrococcygeal = 50% (infants/ children)
b. Gonad
i. Testis = 25% (adolescents)
ii. Ovary = 10% (adolescents)
Gonad/Germ Cell Tumours - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Dependent on location, essentially mass effect
i. Ovarian tumours – usually large by the time of diagnosis
ii. Extra-gonadal GCTs – occur in midline, including suprasellar region, pineal region, neck, mediastinum, and retroperineal and sacrococcygeal areas
b. Symptoms relate to mass effect
c. Intracranial GCTs often present with anterior and posterior pituitary defects - Diagnosis
a. Tumour markers
i. AFP = elevated with endodermal sinus tumours and may be minimally elevated with teratomas - Infants normally have higher levels of AFP; fall to normal adult levels at 8 months
ii. bHCG = elevated with choriocarcinoma and germinomas
iii. LDH = non-specific; but can be used to help confirm diagnosis and help monitoring
b. Imaging = CT/MRI
c. Biopsy
Gonadoblastoma - general
i. Occur in patients with gonadal dysgenesis and all or parts of a Y chromosome
ii. Gonadal dysgenesis is characterized by failure to fully masculinize the external genitalia
iii. If the syndrome is diagnosed, imaging of the gonad with USS or CT is performed, and surgical resection of tumour is usually curative
iv. Prophylactic resection at the time of diagnosis is recommended, because gonadoblastomas, some of which contain malignant GCT elements, often develop
v. May produce abnormal amounts of estrogen
Teratoma - general
i. Occur in many locations and present as masses – sacrococcygeal region most common site
ii. Not associated with elevated markers unless malignancy is present
iii. Sacrococcygeal teratomas occur most commonly in infants and may be diagnosed in utero or at birth, with most found in girls
iv. Rate of malignancy in this location varies from <10% in children younger than 2 months of age to >50% in children older than 4 months of age
Germinomas - general
i. Occur intracranially, in the mediastinum and gonads
ii. Ovary dysgerminomas; testes seminomas
iii. Usually tumour marker negative masses despite being malignant
iv. Endodermal sinus or yolk sack + and choriocarcinoma appear highly malignant by histologic criteria
1. Both occur at gonadal and extragonadal sites
2. Embryonal carcinoma most often occur in the testes
3. Choriocarcinoma and embryonal carcinoma rarely occur in the pure form and are usually found as part of a mixed malignant GCT
Non-Germ Cell Gonadal Tumours - general
i. Very uncommon in paediatrics
ii. Occur predominantly in the in the ovary
iii. Epithelial carcinomas (usually an adult tumour), Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours, and granulosa cell tumours may occur in children
iv. Carcinomas account for about 1/3 of ovarian tumours in females younger than 20 years of age; most of these occur older teens and are of the serous or mucinous subtypes
v. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours and granulosa cell tumours produce hormones that can cause virilization, feminization, or precious puberty, depending on pubertal stage and the balance between Sertoli cells (estrogen production) and Leydig cells (androgen production)
vi. Diagnostic evaluation usually focuses on the chief complaint of inappropriate sex steroid effect and includes hormone measurements, which reflect gonadotropin independent sex steroid production
vii. Appropriate imaging also is performed to rule out a functioning gonadal tumour
viii. Surgery usually is curative
ix. No effective therapy for non-resectable disease has been found
Gonad/Germ Cell Tumours - treatment and prognosis
a. Complete surgical excision – except for intra-cranial tumours, where the primary therapy consists of radiation therapy and chemotherapy
b. Cisplatin based chemotherapy regimens usually curative in GCTs that cannot be completely resected, even if metastases are present
c. Sex cord stromal tumours tend to be refractory to chemotherapy
d. Testicular tumours
i. Inguinal approach is indicated, and complete resection includes spermatic cord
ii. When complete excision cannot be accomplished – pre-operative chemotherapy is indicated, with second-look surgery
iii. For completely resected non-seminomatous testicular tumours – debate about whether patient can be observed following surgery
iv. Teratomas (mature or immature) and completely resected malignant tumours – surgery alone
e. Ovarian tumours
i. Unless contralateral tumour also involved, fertility sparing surgery
- Prognosis
a. Overall cure rate for GCT > 80%
b. Age most predictive factor for extra-gonadal GCTs – children >12 years have increased risk of death
c. Histology has little effect on prognosis
d. Non-resected extra-gonadal GCTs have worse prognosis
Liver Neoplasms - general
• Hepatic tumours are rare in children; account for 1% of malignancies in children
• 50-60% of hepatic tumours in children are malignant
o >65% of these malignancies being hepatoblastomas (remainder HCCs)
• More common childhood malignancies including neuroblastoma, Wilm’s tumour, and lymphoma metastasize to the liver
• Benign liver tumours = haemangiomas, hamartomas, and haemangioendotheliomas
o Haemangioendothelioma – most common
Most common malignant liver tumour in children
Syndromes a/w Hepatoblastoma
i. Familial adenomatous polyposis
1. Most common genetic polyposis syndrome
2. Mutation in APC (adenomatous polyposis coli)
3. Pre-cancerous lesions within surface epithelium of intestine
4. Polyps generally develop late in the 1st decade of life or in adolescence (mean age of presentation is 16 yr)
5. At time of diagnosis 5 or more polyps are present in the colon and rectum.
6. By young adulthood number typically increases to hundreds or even thousands
ii. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
1. Increased expression of insulin-like growth factor 2
2. Routinely screened with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and abdominal ultrasound
iii. Hemihyperplasia – enlargement of one part or side of the body causing asymmetry
1. Routinely screened with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and abdominal ultrasound
iv. Type 1a glycogen storage disease
v. Li Fraumeni
vi. Goldenhar syndrome
vii. T18, T21
Hepatoblastoma - general
- Key points
a. Most common malignant liver tumour in children
b. Occurs predominantly in children <3 years of age; median age 1 year
c. Metastatic spread = hepatoblastoma more commonly involves regional LN and the lungs - Risk factors
a. Prematurity and low birthweight associated with increased incidence of hepatoblastoma
b. Syndromes associated - Clinical manifestations
a. Large, asymptomatic abdominal mass
b. Arises from the right lobe x3 more commonly than left lobe and is usually unifocal
c. As disease progresses fatigue, fever, weight loss, anorexia, vomiting, and abdominal pain may ensue
d. Rarely – presents with haemorrhage secondary to trauma or spontaneous rupture
e. Paraneoplastic
i. Paraneoplastic features of hepatoblastoma are not uncommon at presentation - Thrombocytosis
- Increased alkaline phosphatase
ii. β-hCG secretion isosexual precocious puberty in boys - Investigations
a. Biopsy = necessary to establish diagnosis and prognosis - Pure fetal histology subtype favourable outcome
- Small cell undifferentiated subtype – associated with normal AFP levels and worse outcome
b. Bloods
i. AFP = used in the diagnosis and monitoring Elevated in almost all hepatoblastomas
ii. Bilirubin and LFTs = usually normal
iii. Anaemia common
iv. Thrombocytosis occurs in 30%
v. Serologic testing for viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C) – usually negative
c. Imaging
i. Plain X-rays
ii. USS – differentiate malignant hepatic mass to malignant mass
iii. CT or MRI – defining intra-hepatic tumour involvement + the potential for surgical resection
iv. CT chest – to evaluate for chest metastases - Treatment
a. Cure of malignant hepatic tumours in children relies on complete resection of the tumour
i. As much as 85% of the liver can be resected – hepatic regeneration occurs within 3-4 months
b. Hepatoblastoma = surgery + systemic chemotherapy
i. 30% of children tumours resectable at diagnosis
ii. If unresectable with or without metastatic disease pre-resection chemotherapy + excision chemo
c. Liver transplant – more effective as the primary surgery than salvage - Prognosis
a. Low stage tumours – survival >90% with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy
b. Tumours unresectable at diagnosis – survival of 60%
c. Metastatic disease further reduces survival – but complete regression of disease can often be obtained with chemotherapy + surgical resection and isolated pulmonary metastatic disease – survival of 25%
Hepatocellular Carcinoma - general
- Key points
a. Occurs mostly in adolescents
b. Often associated with hep B or C
i. More common in East Asia where hepatitis B is endemic
ii. Incidence decreased since introduction of hepatitis B vaccination
c. Occurs in bimodal pattern younger age peak overlapping the age of hepatoblastoma presentation
d. Also occurs in the chronic form of
i. Hereditary tyrosinaemia
ii. Galactosaemia
iii. Glycogen storage disease
iv. Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
v. Biliary cirrhosis
e. Metastatic spread
i. Regional LN
ii. Lungs - Pathogenesis
a. Arises from abnormal or cirrhotic liver and presents as multicentric, invasive tumour consisting of large pleomorphic cells of epithelial origin
b. Cirrhosis in children less common than adults; congenital liver disorders are more common
c. Classification
i. Classical
ii. Fibrolamellar – occurs in adolescents and young adult patients - NOT associated with cirrhosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Hepatic mass with abdominal distension
b. Symptoms of anorexia, weight loss, and abdominal pain
c. Can present as an acute abdominal crisis with rupture of the tumour and haemoperitoneum - Diagnosis
a. Bloods
i. AFP = elevated in 60% of children
ii. Bilirubin = usually normal
iii. LFT = usually abnormal
b. Imaging
i. USS = can differentiate malignant from benign vascular lesions
ii. CT or MRI = accurate method for defining extent of intra-hepatic tumour involvement and the potential for surgical resection
iii. CT chest = evaluate for chest metastases - Treatment
a. Complete resection is crucial for curative treatment
i. Accomplished in 30-40% of cases – difficult due to multicentric origin of HCC
ii. Combination chemotherapy following surgery is necessary
b. For unresectable tumours – chemotherapy followed by surgical assessment
c. Liver transplant option for unresectable tumours
d. Even with complete resection 30% of children long-term survivors
Hepatoblastoma vs Hepatocellular Carcinoma - general
- HBL<3 ; HCC>3
- HBL: Things you’re born with (prematurity, genetic predisposition)
- HCC: Chronic liver injury (HBV, HCV, ETOH, metabolic disease)
- Complete resection is key to cure for both
- Cisplatin and carboplatin can cure HBL
- Metastatic HCC incurable
- AFP not specific
Hepatic Haemangioendothelioma - general
- Most common benign liver tumour
- Associated with hypothyroidism – receptors on the tumour inactivate T4
- Hypothyroidism resolves with tumour involution
- Steroids, propranolol + interferon hasten natural involution
Benign Thyroid Tumours - general
- Account for 75% of all thyroid nodules presenting in children
- Investigations = TFTs, USS of thyroid and lymph nodes, FNA
- If TSH is suppressed thyroid scan done
Melanoma - general
- Key points
a. More common in adolescent females than males
b. A type of skin cancer that develops from the pigment-producing cells known as melanocytes - Risk factors
a. UV light
i. In older patients and teenagers melanoma occurs on sun exposed areas
ii. In younger patients melanoma does not appear to be associate with sun exposure as it often occurs in skin not routinely exposed to sun
b. Fair skin
c. FHx of melanoma - Pediatric risk factors
a. Giant hair nevus (>10cm)
b. Dysplastic nevus syndrome
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum - Clinical presentation
a. Rapidly enlarging nevus that is dark, has changed colour, irregular borders, or bleeds easily
b. >50% of paediatric melanomas are non-pigmented - Diagnosis
a. Biopsy - Management
a. Surgical + adjuvant chemo +/- molecular inhibitors - Prognosis
a. Variable
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - general
- Rare in paediatric population
- One of the most common nasopharyngeal tumours in pediatric populations
- Usually associated with EBV in paediatrics
Adrenal Tumours - general
• Adrenocortical tumours (ACTs) = from adrenal cortex
• Phaechromocytomas (PHEO) = derived from catecholamine-producing chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
o If catecholamine producing tumours arise outside the medulla – paragangliomas
Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour - general
- Very rare and aggressive mesenchymal tumour
- Occurs predominantly in adolescents and young adult mails
- Associated with a diagnostic chromosomal translocation between the Ewing tumour gene and the Wilm tumour gene t(11;22)(p13;q12)
Colorectal Carcinoma - general
• Rare in paediatrics, even with predisposing conditions
- Two predisposing conditions for CRC
a. HNPCC = Lynch syndrome
i. Autosomal dominant
ii. Germline mutation in DNA mismatch repair genes – MLH1/MSH2MSH6/PMS2
iii. Extra-colonic malignancies
1. Endometrial Ca 50%-60% = BIGGEST risk
2. Other = stomach, small intestine, hepatobiliary system, renal pelvis and ureter, brain
3. Possible increased risk of pancreas, prostate, breast and cervix
b. Familial adenomatous polyposis
i. Autosomal dominant
ii. Mutation in APC tumour
iii. Extra-colonic malignancies
1. Upper gastrointestinal polyps
2. Duodenal adenomas
3. Nodular thyroid, thyroid cancer
4. Hepatoblastoma
5. Brain tumour
- Other conditions increasing risk of CRCL
a. MYH-associated polyposis
b. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
i. Autosomal dominant
ii. Features
1. Benign hamartomatous polyps in the GIT
2. Hyperpigmented macules on the lips and oral mucosa
c. Juvenile polyposis
Langerhans Histiocytosis - background
- Key points
Histiocytosis is a disease in which there are too many histiocyte cells in the skin and other organs. Normal histiocyte cells are part of the immune system (antigen presenting cells)
a. Rare histiocytic disorder
i. Must be distinguished histologically and immuno-phenotypically from other histiocytic and dendritic cell disorders, metastatic or solid haematopoietic neoplasms, and LHL and MAS
b. Characterised by single or multiple osteolytic bone lesions demonstrating infiltration with histiocytes
c. May infiltrate every organ – limited to one organ system (eg. bone) in half of patients
d. Normal Langerhans cell = APC of the skin
e. Most common in children 1-3 years of age
i. In this age group, it is often acute, disseminated disease
f. More indolent disease is more common in older children and adults - Key pathological findings
a. Birbeck granule
b. Antigen CD207 (langerin) expressed
c. CD1a +ve
Langerhans Histiocytosis - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Bone (80%)
i. Bone pain from lytic bone lesions
ii. May result in pathological fractures
b. Skin (40%)
i. Eczematous rash resembling candida infection
ii. Ulcerative lesions in skin folds/genital region
iii. Brown to purplish papules on any part of the body – Hashimoto-Pritzker rash
c. Lymphadenopathy (20%) + bone marrow
i. Bone marrow involvement anaemia, thrombocytopenia
d. Liver (16%) – risk organ
i. Ranges from cysts hepatomegaly liver dysfunction
e. Spleen (13%) – risk organ
f. Oral mucosa (13%)
g. Lung (10%) – less frequent in children
h. CNS (6%)
i. CNS involvement can occur – characterized by gliosis
ii. Neurodegeneration – ataxia, cognitive dysfunction
iii. Endocrinopathy - 25% of patient will have pituitary involvement within 10yrs of LCH diagnosis
- Diabetes insipidus is the most frequent endocrine abnormality
a. Prior (4%) concomitant (18%) or after diagnosis. - Other endocrine manifestations
a. Hypogonadism
b. Growth failure
c. Impaired OGTT, DM - Investigations
a. Tissue biopsy
b. Screen for system involvement – FBE/ LFTS/ Coags
c. Skeletal survey – plain films show radiolucent areas without reaction, punched out lytic lesions
d. Bone marrow
Langerhans Histiocytosis - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Single system disease: curettage/ low dose RTx/ injection of methylpred
b. Multisystem CTx
i. Vinblastine/ etoposide should be included
ii. Response rate is high - Prognosis
a. Single system disease is benign
b. Multisystem disease has good prognosis with CTx
Beckwith-Widemann Syndrome + Cancer
- Tumours associated
a. Wilm’s tumour
b. Hepatoblastoma
c. Neuroblastoma – less common - Genetics
a. Uniparental disomy (UDP) of 11p15.5 or gain of methylation of H19 imprinting centre (IC1) carry highest risk of tumour – Wilm’s and hepatoblastoma
b. Cyclin-dependent kinase 1C (CDKN1C) – at risk of neuroblastoma - Screening
a. Abdominal USS = every 3-6 months until aged 4 years
b. Renal USS including adrenals = every 3 months between ages of 4 and 8 years
c. AFP = every 2-3 months in the first 4 years of life
d. Periodic CXR and urinary homovanillic acid (HVA) and vanilmandelic acid (VMA) to screen for neuroblastoma suggested but not incorporated into most screening protocols
2nd most common malignancy in childhood and adolescence
Brain tumours (behind leukaemias)
Most common solid malignancy
Brain tumours (leukaemias most common overall)
Brain Tumours - general
- Epidemiology
a. 2nd most common malignancy in childhood and adolescence; incidence highest in children <5 years
b. Most common solid malignancy
c. 20-25% of all paediatric malignancy
d. Overall mortality approaches 30% - 70-75% 5 year survival
i. Highest mortality of any malignancy
ii. Leading cause of death in children
e. Highest morbidity (primarily neurological) of any malignancy - Etiology
a. Not well defined
b. Male predominance in the incidence of medulloblastoma and ependymoma
c. Familial and hereditary syndromes account for 5% of tumours
d. Cranial exposure to ionizing radiation - Clinical manifestations – summary
a. Varied
b. Depends on age, tumour size + location
c. Infants = vomiting, irritability, lethargy, increased HC (macrocephaly), bulging fontanelle
d. Older children = as above, headaches, early morning vomiting, changes in vision + strabismus, seizures, focal neuro, change in personality, change in gait, ‘learning disability’ - Location
a. Supratentorial 30-50%
b. Midline = 10-15%
c. Infratentorial = 50-60% - Investigations
a. Imaging
i. Magnetic Resonance Imaging – brain +/- spine
ii. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy = measurement of metabolites - N-acetyl aspartate: marker of neuronal and axonal integrity
- Choline: marker of cell membrane turn-over
- Creatine/phosphocreatine: stable, used internal control
iii. No place for CT scan – MISSES posterior fossa tumours - Diagnosis
a. Almost always based on histopathology
i. Grade - I/II: low grade (cytologic atypia in grade II)
- III/IV: high grade (mitoses, nuclear atypia, vascular proliferation, necrosis)
ii. Molecular profile
b. Staging
i. Not always relevant because rare dissemination outside CNS
ii. CSF/Spine imaging for embryonal tumours
c. Localisation
i. Brainstem/cerebellum/hemisphere
d. Patient age - Treatment
a. Surgery
i. Mainstay of treatment
Also radiotherapy (not for children <3)
iv. Major cause of late side-effects - Dose and volume dependant
- Neurocognitive and psychosocial deficits increase with time
- Cognitive impairment more pronounced in younger children
- Endocrinology
a. Hypothyroidism
b. Growth hormone deficiency
v. Significant risk of second malignancy
Chemotherapy (issues with BBB)
Brain Tumours - classification/types
- Tumours of the supporting cells
a. Gliomas / astrocytoma
b. Ependymoma
c. Oligodendrocytoma
d. Mixed gliomas - Tumours of primitive tissue
a. Medulloblastoma
b. Neuroblastoma
c. pNET
d. Atypical rhabdoid/ teratoid - Tumours of the meninges (meningioma)
- Germ cell tumours
- Craniopharyngioma
- Metastases (lymphoma, Wilms’, neuroblastoma) < 1
Alternatively Glial - Astrocyte - Oligodendrocyte Non-Glial - Neuron - Precursor stem cell
Ependymoma - key features
- Mean age at presentation 6 years
- Posterior fossa lesion leads to symptoms of raised ICP
- CN involvement (CNVI-X) is common
- Occur in NF2
- MRI = hypointense on T1, hyperintese on T2, gadolinium enhancement prominent, calcifications common
- Histology = perivascular pseudorosettes, ependymal rosettes, monomorphic nuclear morphology
Astrocytoma - key features
- Low grade tumour
- Characterised by indolent course
- Typical site is cerebellum
- Low metastatic potential in children
- Occur in 20% of individuals with NF1
- MRI = contrast enhancing nodule within the wall of a cystic mass
- Histology = Rosenthal fibres (also present in Alexander disease)
Most common malignant brain tumour in children
Medulloblastoma - key features
- Most common malignant brain tumour in children
- Male > female
- Short symptomatic course of weeks usually with evidence of hydrocephalus
- Histology = small round blue cell tumour [other small round cell tumour = Ewing’s, neuroblastoma, Wilms, retinoblastoma, hepatoblastoma]
- Associated with syndromes = Gorlin, Li-Fraumeni, Turcot, Gardner, Cowden
Atypical teratoid - key features
Brain tumour
• Uncommon
• Usually aged <2 years
• Large heterogenous posterior fossa tumour
Craniopharyngoma - key features
- Uncommon and relatively benign
- Age 10-14 at presentation
- Derived from the Rathke cleft with a large suprasellar tumour component an is calcified in 90%
Late Effects of Brain Tumour Treatment
a. Secondary neoplasms
i. Cumulative incidence 10%
ii. Most common
1. BCC
2. Meningioma
3. Malignant CNS tumour – glioma, astrocytoma
4. Soft tissue sarcoma
5. Thyroid cancer
iii. Risk of secondary neoplasm associated with maximum cranial irradiation dose
b. Neurocognitive effects
i. Common complication in children with CNS tumours
ii. Serial decrease in IQ points, greater in children <7 years
iii. Spatial learning difficulties
iv. Adaptive behaviour deficits
c. Cerebrovascular disease
i. Increased risk for late-occurring CVA complications including stroke
d. Endocrine abnormalities
i. Most common
1. GH deficiency
2. Pubertal delay
3. Hypothyroidism
e. Ototoxicity
i. Platins commonly used for CNS malignancy
f. Psychological
g. Social
Posterior fossa syndrome - general
a. Delayed neurological changes after PF tumour resection
i. 1-5 days post-surgery
b. Symptoms
i. Difficulty verbalizing
ii. Excessive irritability
iii. Nystagmus
iv. Mutism
v. Emotional lability
c. Cause unknown
d. 20% incidence after resection of medulloblastoma
Glioma - grades
• WHO grade I-II = LGG o >90% survival at 20 years o Key is improving morbidity • WHO grade III-IV = HGG – cellular atypia, mitotic rate, vascular proliferation, rate o Survival 30% at 3 years o GBM <10%
Glioma - classification/types
a. Astrocytoma
i. Pilocytic astrocytoma (grade I)
ii. Low-grade glioma (grade I or II)
iii. Fibrillary/infiltrating astrocytoma (grade II)
iv. Pilomyxoid astrocytoma (grade II)
b. Astrocytoma (by location)
i. Optic pathway/ hypothalamic glioma
ii. Posterior fossa pilocytic astrocytoma
iii. Tectal glioma
c. Ganglioglioma
d. Oligodendroglioma
e. PXA
f. Dysembropastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNT)
Low Grade Glioma - general
- Key points
a. Comprise the largest group of CNS tumours in children – mostly juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas
b. 2/3 occur in posterior fossa
c. Almost all tumours involving the optic pathway are juvenile astrocytomas (JPA)
d. Generally good outcomes
e. Histology = low to moderate cellularity with fibrillated areas rich in Rosenthal fibres - Treatment
a. Observation
b. Surgery +/- chemotherapy (non-resectable) +/- radiation therapy
c. Intervene if visual deterioration
d. Chemotherapy = carboplatin, vincristine, vinblastine
e. Single pathway disease – BRAF pathway aberration – accounting 80% of low-grade tumour
i. MEK inhibitor
ii. BRAF inhibitor
iii. mTOR inhibitor - Outcome
a. Generally good outcome
b. Indolent course; may stabilise at any point or even regress
c. Better prognosis in NF1
d. Overall survival 85-90%
High Grade Glioma - general
- Key points
a. Locally infiltrative astrocytic tumours
b. Leptomeningeal spread in <10% a diagnosis
c. Biopsy of high-grade poorly understood - Classification
a. Anaplastic astrocytoma
b. Glioblastoma multiforme - Treatment
a. Surgery = rarely able to achieve GTR
b. Chemoradiation with temozolomide is standard of care in adults
c. Overall survival <20% - Prognosis
a. Clinical = degree of tumour resection, tumour grade
b. Biological = p53 expression, proliferation index
c. Children <3 have better prognosis
Astrocytoma - general
- Key points
Type of GLIOMA
a. Heterogenous group of tumours – account for 40% of paediatric CNS malignancies
b. Occur throughout the CNS
c. Based on histological features: cellular atypia, mitotic rate, vascular proliferation, necrosis
d. 90% low grade, <10% high grade - Classified to grade = low grade (I-II) high grade (III-IV)
- Types
a. Pilocytic
b. Diffuse
c. Anaplastic
d. GBM
e. DIPG – separate type of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma - Management principles
a. Combination = most patients; surgery + radiation therapy +/- chemotherapy
i. Complete response to chemotherapy is uncommon
b. Observation = primary approach in selected group of patients
i. NF-1 – LGA of the optic chiasm/optic pathway may be found incidentally
ii. Midbrain astrocytoma – resolution of clinical symptoms after ventricular shunting, do not require further intervention
d. Patients with midline tumours in the hypothalamic/optic chiasmatic region poorer prognosis
e. Outcome
i. Complete surgical resection survival approaches 80-100%
ii. Partial resection (<80%) survival 50-95% depending on location
f. NOTE: astrocytomas associated with tuberous sclerosis have responded to everolimus
- Prognosis
a. Low grade > 90% survival at 20 years
b. Anaplastic astrocytomas – 30% at 3 years
c. GBM < 10%
d. Morbidity is high – radiation induced malignancy
Low grade astrocytoma - general
- Pilocytic astrocytomas most common (20% all brain tumours)
- Others: low grade glioma, fibrillary/ infiltrating astrocytoma, pilomyxoid astrocytoma
- Can also be classified by location – optic pathway, posterior fossa, tectal
Pilocytic astrocytoma - general
a. Key points
i. Most common astrocytoma in childhood; accounting for 20% of all brain tumours
ii. PA of the optic nerve and chiasmi region common finding in patients with NF-1 (15% incidence)
iii. Mostly locally aggressive
iv. Long clinical course
v. Low metastatic potential and RARELY invasive
b. Site = anywhere in the CNS
i. Classic site cerebellum
ii. Other common sites = hypothalamic/3rd ventricular region + the optic nerve and chiasmal region
c. Investigations
i. MRI
1. Often enhancing
2. Cystic components – often large, posterior fossa and OPG most common
3. Often associated hydrocephalus – aqueduct or 4th ventricle block
ii. Histology
1. Compact fibrillary tissue with loose microcystic spongy areas
2. Rosenthal fibres – condensed glial filaments
iii. Molecular features
1. 100% have molecular change in MAPK/ ERK/ BRAF pathway
a. Potential for targeted therapy
d. Treatment = surgical resection
i. Avoid RTx if possible (esp NF1, ↑ secondary malignancies + Moya Moya)
ii. CTx (carboplatin may delay radiation)
iii. Increasing role of BRAF and MEK inhibitors
e. Prognosis
i. 80-100% survival with total resection; high morbidity
ii. < 80% resection 50-95% survival (depending on site)
iii. < 5% undergo malignant transformation
Fibrillary infiltrating astrocytoma - general
a. Group of tumours characterised by pattern of diffuse infiltration of tumour cells amongst normal neural tissue and potential for anaplastic progression
b. Fibrillary LGA accounts for 15% of brain tumours
c. Histology = greater cellularity than normal brain parenchyma, with few mitotic figures, nuclear pleomorphism and microcysts
d. Molecular features = p53 mutation, overexpression of platelet derived growth factor alpha chain, platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha
e. MRI = lack of enhancement after contrast agent infusion
f. Evolution of fibrillary infiltrating astrocytoma into malignant astrocytoma is associated with cumulative acquisition of multiple molecular abnormalities
High Grade Astrocytoma - general
• Less common in children and adolescents than adults
• Account for 7-10% of all childhood tumours
• Very poor outcome, highly aggressive, high mortality (OS <20%)
• Rare in children
• Includes
o WHO III – anaplastic astrocytoma
o WHO IV – glioblastoma multiforme
Anaplastic glioma - general
High grade glioma
a. Includes anaplastic astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, anaplastic oligoastrocytoma
b. Histology = greater cellularity than low grade diffuse astrocytomas: cellular and nuclear atypia, mitosis and microvascular proliferation
c. Limited evidence on molecular abnormalities
d. ↑p53 mutations, loss of 19q/22q heterozygosity
Glioblastoma Multiforme - general
High grade glioma
a. Distinct disease in childhood
b. Histology = characteristic findings include dense cellularity, high mitotic index, microvascular proliferation, and foci of tumour necrosis
c. Molecular markers
i. IDH1/2 mutations are rare in childhood (common in adulthood
ii. H3F3A present in 1/3 of paediatric tumours
iii. Other associations – p53
d. Imaging = heterogenous, irregular enhancement, necrosis haemorrhage, high perfusion on FLAIR
e. Management
i. Surgical resection followed by involved-field radiation therapy
f. Outcome
i. Anaplastic astrocytoma – 5 year survival 15-30%
ii. GBM – 5 year survival 1-2%
DIPG (Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas) - general
High grade glioma
a. Brainstem tumours constitute 10-20% of all brain tumours in children – 80% are diffuse brainstem glioma
b. 1/5 mutation in ACVR1
c. Diagnosis based typically on RI
d. Very aggressive disease
e. Characterised by short history, cranial nerve enhancement
f. Imaging
i. Basilar artery encasement
ii. T2 hyperintense expansion of pons
iii. T1 isohypointense
iv. Minimal enhancement
g. Treatment + outcome
i. No treatment curative
ii. Radiation therapy standard of care
iii. Chemotherapy of no benefit
iv. 90% mortality at 2 years
Ependymoma - general
- Key points
a. Derived from ependymal lining of ventricular wall or from spinal canal
b. Composed of neoplastic ependymal cells
c. SLOW growing tumour
d. Occur anywhere along neuraxis - 70% occur in the posterior fossa
e. 50-60% for all types survival
f. 10% spread to leptomeningeal area
g. Increased in NF-2
h. Usually sharp interface with native brain - Epidemiology
a. Occur predominantly in childhood; account for 10% of childhood tumours
b. Mean age in children 6 years - Clinical presentation
a. Clinical presentation insidious and depends on location of tumour
c. Myxopapillary ependymoma = slow-growing tumour arising from the filum terminale and conus medullaris and appears to be a biologically different subtype - Diagnosis
a. MRI = well circumscribed tumour with variable and complex patterns of gadolinium enhancement, with or without cystic structures; T1 hypointense, T2 hyperintense
b. Histology = perivascular pseudorosettes, ependymal rosettes, monomorphic nuclear morphology, non-palisading foci of necrosis
c. Molecular features - Management
a. Surgery + irradiation +/- chemotherapy
i. Not usually chemosensitive
b. Extent of surgical resection major prognostic factor; surgery alone rarely curative - Prognosis
a. Overall = 50-60%
b. Risk factors for poor prognosis
i. Younger age
ii. Anaplastic histology
Most common group of malignant CNS tumours of childhood
Embryonal Tumours = Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour (PNET)
Medulloblastoma is most common individual malignant brain tumour
• Embryonal tumours or PNET – most common group of malignant CNS tumours of childhood
• New terminology
• Have potential to metastasize to the neuraxis and beyond
• All classified as WHO grade IV tumours
• Includes
o Medulloblastoma
o Supratentorial PNET
o Ependymoblastoma
o Medulloepithelialoblastoma
o Pineoblastoma
o Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour (ATRT)
Most common malignant brain tumour
Medulloblastoma - general
- Key features
a. Embryonal neurepithelial tumour
b. Cerebellar tumour – usually occurring in the midline
c. ONLY occurs in posterior fossa
d. Spread along the neuraxis – metastatic disease in 1/3 at presentation - Epidemiology
a. 20% of CNS paediatric tumours
b. Most common malignant brain tumour
c. More common in males (65%), median age 5-7 years
d. 60-80% 5 year survival; static - Chang system of staging
a. M0 = no metastases
b. M1 = microscopic tumour cells in CSF
c. M2 = gross nodule seeding intracranially
d. M3 = gross nodule seeding in spinal subarachnoid space
e. M4 = extra-neuraxis metastases - Molecular subtyping
i. WNT1 = good
ii. MYC+, p53 = bad
iii. SHH = intermediate - Investigations
a. MRI-B = homogenous, contrast enhancing, hyperintese on FLAIR
b. Vary by subgroup - Treatment
a. Surgery = maximal tumour resection
b. Radiotherapy = CSI
i. All patients
ii. Higher risk = higher dose
c. Chemotherapy
i. Adjuvant chemo during and after RT
ii. Higher risk require more aggressive chemotherapy regimens - Prognosis
a. 60-80% 5-year survival for average risk; reduced if metastases
b. Dependent on - extent of resection, stage, histology, molecular markers
Medulloblastoma - mollecular subtyping
b. WNT = CTNNB1 mutation WNT signalling and MYC + - favourable prognosis
i. 1/10 , M:F, children affected
ii. Rarely metastasizes
iii. Good prognosis: 100% cure rate
iv. Suggested by b-catenin mutation, monosomy 6, methylation profiling/ gene expression suggestive of WNT
c. SHH = PTCH1/ SMO/SUFU mutation: GLI2 amplification, MYCN + -
i. Affects infants
ii. Histology – classic, desmoplastic/ nodular/ LCA
iii. Uncommonly metastasizes
iv. Good prognosis in infants, otherwise poor (kids with p53 + SHH)
v. Suggested by Gab1 antibody,, SHH specific signalling mutation, methylation/ gene expression consistent with SHH
d. Group 3 = MYC poor prognosis
i. M>F, infants
ii. Classic/ LCA histology
iii. Frequently metastasizes
iv. Affects photoreceptors/ GABA ergic pathways, MYC ++++
e. Group 4 = generally poor prognosis
i. Children, M> F
ii. Classic + LCA histology
iii. Frequently metastasizes
iv. Intermediate risk
v. CDK6/MYCN amplification, minimal MYC/MYCN
Supratentorial PNET and pineoblastoma (sPNET and PB) - general
- NOTE: in new WHO now known as ‘embryonal tumour NOS’
- Very heterogenous group of tumours
- Predominantly tumour of childhood or adolescence – mean onset 5.5 years
- 3-5% of all childhood tumours
- Rare
- WHO grade IV
- Histologically similar to MB and often treated similarly – however distinct entity
- Do worse
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumours (ATRT) - general
- Key points
a. Embryonal malignancy
b. Highly malignant tumours
c. Usually in children < 3 years old
d. Disseminated disease in 20%
e. Short clinical history - Classification
a. Supratentorial = 25%
b. Infratentorial
c. Spinal - Histology = small round blue cell tumours , 90% show loss of INI1 nuclear staining (SMARCB1)
- Molecular features = partial or complete deletion of chromosome 22q associated with INI1 gene
- Imaging = cysts, haemorrhage, T1 hypointense, T2 iso-hypointense
a. Looks like PNET/ Medulloblastoma - Treatment
a. Aggressive chemo/ radiotherapy
i. Poor prognosis
ii. Median survival 12 months even with complete resection
iii. Consider 2nd look surgery after chemotherapy
iv. Early RT used in majority of survivors
b. Check for germline mutation – at risk for renal and soft tissue tumours
Choroid plexus tumours - general
- Key points
a. Accounts for 2-4% of childhood CNS tumours
b. Most common CNS tumour in children < 1 year; account for 10-20% of CNS tumours in infants
c. Intraventricular epithelial neoplasms arising from choroid plexus
d. Children present with signs and symptoms of raised ICP; may present with macrocephaly and focal neuro deficits
e. Most commonly occur supratentorially in the lateral ventricles
f. Tumours associated with Li-Fraumeni syndrome
g. Simian virus 40 may play a role in etiologic role in choroid plexus tumour - Classification
a. Choroid plexus papilloma = well circumscribed lesion that closely resembles normal choroid plexus histologically
b. Choroid plexus carcinoma = malignant tumour with metastatic potential to seed into the CSF pathways - Diagnosis
a. Immunopositivity for transthyretin (pre-albumin) is useful in confirming the diagnosis - Treatment and prognosis
a. Complete surgical resection of choroid plexus papilloma cure approaches 100%
b. Choroid plexus carcinoma cure 20-40%
i. Radiotherapy +/- chemotherapy may improve outcome
Sellar masses - general
The sellar region includes the sella turcica and the pituitary gland, together with the ventral adenohypophysis and dorsal neurohypophysis. The parasellar region encompasses the cavernous sinuses, suprasellar cistern, hypothalamus, and ventral inferior third ventricle.
- Differential diagnosis
a. Pituitary adenoma
b. Pituitary hyperplasia -pregnancy, primary hypothyroidism and primary hypogonadism
c. Other benign tumours
i. Craniopharyngioma
ii. Meningioma
d. Cyst
e. Abscess
f. AV fistula in cavernous sinus
g. MRI is the single best imaging modality to help distinguish - Clinical presentation
a. Neurological symptoms = visual impairment or headache
b. Incidental finding
c. Hormonal abnormalities
Craniopharyngoma - background
Sellar mass
- Key points
a. Solid/ mixed solid-cystic tumour – arises from the remnants of the Rathke’s pouch along a line from the nasopharynx to the diencephalon
b. Minimally invasive, adhere to adjacent brain parenchyma, and engulf normal brain structures
i. Benign histologically
ii. Large tumours extend in all directions – frequently resulting in obstructive hydrocephalus
c. Location = intrasellar or suprasellar
i. 95% have a large suprasellar component
ii. Most involve both the suprasellar and intrasellar spaces (75%)
iii. Minority (20%) purely suprasellar, purely intrasellar is rare - Epidemiology
a. Common tumour of childhood; accounts for 7-10% of all childhood tumours
b. 50% present clinically during childhood and adolescence – peak 5-14 years in children
c. Most have CTNNB1 gene mutation
d. 3rd most common after glioma + medulloblastoma - Differential diagnosis
a. Other tumours in the parasellar area = pituitary macroadenoma, meningioma, optic glioma, germinoma, teratoma, lymphoma, metastasis
b. Non-neoplastic cysts
c. Infiltrative disorders = sarcoidosis, histiocytosis
d. Specific DDx
i. Rathke cleft cyst - No solid or enhancing component
- Calcification rare
- Unilocular
- Majority are completely or mostly intrasellar
ii. Pituitary macroadenoma (with cystic degeneration or necrosis) - Can look very similar
- Usually has intrasellar epicenter with pituitary fossa enlargement rather than suprasellar epicenter
- Despite occasional presence of T1 bright cysts, calcification is often absent
Craniopharyngoma - manifestations and investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Endocrinological abnormalities
i. Results from direct damage or compression of normal structures
ii. Growth failure 95% - most common presenting features in children
iii. Frequency of endocrine abnormalities (GH> GnRH >TSH> ACTH) - GH = 75%, GnRH = 40%, TSH = 25%, ACTH = 25%
iv. Diabetes insipidus can occur if the pituitary stalk is involved
v. (Hyperprolactinaemia NOT a common feature cf. pituitary adenoma)
b. Visual disturbance
i. Present in 70% - bitemporal hemianopia most common
ii. Other abnormalities
c. Headache and vomiting - Investigations
a. Lateral skull X-ray = 90% have calcification
b. MRI = heterogenous lesion, solid and cystic components
i. Mixed density with calcification (T2 black)
ii. Calcification of the suprasellar region in 60-80% of patients
iii. 1 or more cysts present in 75%
iv. Cholesterol crystals
v. cystic calcified parasellar lesion is very likely to be a craniopharyngioma
c. Endocrine testing
d. Visual field testing
Craniopharyngoma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Surgery = indicated in almost all cases
b. Radiotherapy = for residual disease - Morbidity
a. Significant treatment related morbidity
b. Endocrinological
i. Panhypopituitarism = hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and/or GH insufficiency
ii. Hypothalamic dysfunction = obesity, disorders of temperature regulation, sleep disorder, or diabetes insipidus
iii. Complications of obesity
c. Neurological
i. Neurocognitive deficits – particularly among patients with hypothalamic involvement
ii. Hypothalamic obesity
iii. Sleep disorders and disrupted circadian rhythm
iv. Behavioural problems
d. Visual defects
i. Most patients have visual defects prior to treatment
ii. May be exacerbated by either surgery or radiation therapy - Prognosis
a. 50-90% five year survival - Secondary tumours
a. Use of radiotherapy associated with secondary development of meningioma and malignant glial tumours
Pituitary adenoma - general
- Key points
a. Rare in childhood, increases in frequency towards adolescence - Clinical features
a. Often secretory
i. ACTH most common
ii. GH + PRL second most common
b. Prolactinomas 50% - most common in older children
i. Associated with MEN1
ii. Causes growth arrest, pubertal delay, amenorrhoea, hypogonadism - Treatment:
a. Trans-sphenoidal adenectomy
b. Dopamine agonist may reduce tumour size and control PRL (bromocriptine)
Germ Cell Tumours - general
- Key points
a. Heterogenous group of tumours
b. Arise from midline structures – pineal and suprasellar regions
i. Other sites – sacrococcygeal, adults – anterior mediastinum, retroperitoneal
c. 5-10% are multifocal - Epidemiology
a. 3-5 % of pediatric brain tumours
b. More prevalent in Asian populations
c. Peak incidence 10-12 years of age - Classification
a. Non germinomatous: embryonal CA, endodermal sinus tumour, choriocarcinoma, teratoma, mixed tumours
b. Germinomas (60-65%) - Clinical features:
a. Peak 10-12 years
b. Diabetes insipidus, + hypopituitarism
c. Visual changes
d. Features of hydrocephalus - Investigations:
a. +ve bHCG/ AFP (in serum and CSF)
b. Pituitary stalk thickening/ pineal region
c. Can be bifocal
d. Main differential = Langerhans cell histiocytosis - Treatment
a. Chemotherapy + low dose radiation
b. CTx = carboplatin, etoposide, ifosfamide - Prognosis
a. Survival exceeds 90%
Pineal parenchymal tumours - general
- Key points
a. Most common malignancies after germ cell tumours that occur in the pineal region - Classification
a. Pineoblastoma – occurs predominantly in childhood
i. Considered a subgroup of childhood PNET
b. Pineocytoma
c. Mixed pineal parenchymal disease - Treatment
a. Surgical removal
b. Chemotherapy
Diencephalic syndrome - general
- Key points
a. Rare disorder
b. Caused by tumour in the diencephalon – region of brain including the hypothalamus and thalamus
c. Onset usually within first 3 years of life - Clinical manifestations
a. Failure to thrive
i. Abnormal progressive thinness and weakness (emaciation)
ii. Linear growth usually maintained
b. Hyper alertness
c. Hyperkinesia
d. Euphoria
e. Nystagmus
f. Hydrocephalus
g. Visual field defects
h. Optic pallor
i. Vomiting - Prognosis
a. Can be lethal if not treated - Diagnosis
a. MRI - Treatment
a. Surgery, radiation
ANA staining patterns
Homogenous ● SLE ● Mixed CT disease ● Drug induced lupus ● JIA
Speckled ● SLE ● Sjogren’s ● Polymyositis/dermatomyositis ● Systemic sclerosis/scleroderma
● Diffuse systemic sclerosis/scleroderma
● Polymositis
● Limited systemic sclerosis/ scleroderma
● Systemic sclerosis/sleroderma
ANA subtypes
o ENAs = extractable nuclear antibody
▪ Include = anti Ro, anti La, smith, RNP, Jo, SCL-70
▪ Never seen in normal individuals
▪ SLE = Smith, Ro, La (associated with neonatal lupus syndrome, cutaneous lupus and thrombocytopenia
● Ro (SSB) = SLE, Sjogrens, congenital heart block
● La (SSB) = recurrent spontaneous abortions, congenital heart block, neonatal lupus
● Smith = particularly CNS
▪ Sjogrens = Ro, La
▪ Scleroderma/ CREST/MCTD = RNP/ SCL70
▪ Diffuse systemic sclerosis = SCL70
▪ Polymyositis-scleroderma = PML-SCL
o dsDNA – another subtype of ANA
▪ For SLE - +ve in 60-70% of patients with SLE
▪ Associated with lupus nephritis – high specificity
▪ Can also reflect disease activity
ANCA antibodies
● Stain the cytoplasm of neutrophils, detected by immunofluorescence
● cANCA = PR3 = cytoplasm 🡪 Wegner
● pANCA = MPO = perinuclear staining 🡪 MPA, CSS, IPNCGN, (other = SLE, IBD, PSC, HSP , Kawasaki disease)
Antiphospholipid antibodies
● Include
o Anticardiolipin = IgG and IgM
o Anti-Beta 2 microglobulin = IgG and IgM
o Lupus anticoagulant
● May be transiently +ve in setting of infection
● Needs to be present in two tests 12 weeks apart
Arthritis - definition
Clinical sign o Joint effusion OR o 2+ of ▪ Joint line tenderness ▪ Limited ROM ▪ Pain with movement ▪ Warmth
Seropositive arthropathies
- JIA (some sub-types)
- RA
- Scleroderma
- Dermatomyositis
- Sjogren’s disease
Seronegative arthropathies
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Reiter’s disease
- IBD related arthopathy
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - background, manifestations
- Epidemiology
a. 1/1000
b. By definition, onset < 16 years of age
c. MUST have symptoms for 6 weeks
d. Usually associated with FHx (genetic predisposition + trigger)
e. Phenotypes very diverse - Pathogenesis
a. Not clearly understood
b. Underlying immunogenetic susceptibility + external trigger
c. T lymphocytes release proinflammatory cytokines: TNF alpha, IL6, IL1
d. Leads to inflammatory synovitis:
i. Villous hypertrophy + hyperplasia
ii. Hyperemia + edema of synovial tissue
iii. Advanced disease 🡪 pannus formation, erosion of articular cartilage and contiguous bone - Clinical manifestations
a. Arthritis
i. Morning stiffness, joint swelling, effusions, loss of function
ii. Any joint
iii. Large > small
iv. Also, axial, SI, TMJ
v. Pain not as common as adults
b. Systemic symptoms – systemic and polyarticular mainly fever, LOW, fatigue, anaemia
c. Extra-articular
i. Growth
ii. Osteopenia
iii. Cardiopulmonary
iv. Uveitis
d. Red flags
i. Fever
ii. Night time pain
iii. Pain out of keeping with the degree of inflammation
iv. Weight loss
v. Lymphadenopathy / hepatosplenomegaly
vi. Bone pain
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - diagnosis/investigations/criteria
- Diagnostic criteria
a. Age at onset: <16 yr
b. Arthritis (swelling or effusion, or the presence of 2 or more of the following signs: limitation of range of motion, tenderness or pain on motion, increased heat) in ≥1 joint
c. Duration of disease: ≥6 wk
d. Onset type defined by type of articular involvement in the 1st 6 mo after onset:
i. Polyarthritis: ≥5 inflamed joints
ii. Oligoarthritis: ≤4 inflamed joints
iii. Systemic-onset disease: arthritis with rash and a characteristic quotidian fever
e. Exclusion of other forms of juvenile arthritis - Diagnosis
a. Clinical
i. Diagnosis of JIA is clinical, in the presence of: - Age < 16 years
- Arthritis – swelling/ effusion, ↓ ROM, joint line tenderness, pain on motion in > 1 joints
- Sx lasting > 6 weeks
b. Investigations
i. FBE + film – inflammatory thrombocytosis, anaemia, leukocytosis
ii. Inflammatory markers – CRP, ESR
iii. Viral serology, ASOT – exclude viral infections
iv. Serology
1. ANA = 15% positive in normal children, may help to predict risk of uveitis
2. RF = low yield, used for classification, if positive predicts severe course illness
v. If MAS suspected = clotting cascade, ferritin, D dimer, fibrinogen, LDH, TG, LFTs
1. Expect ferritin of 500-1000 in systemic JIA; >1000 more consistent with MAS
vi. Further investigations
1. Ig – approx 4% IgA deficient
2. HLA-B27 = 10% Caucasian children, used for classification
3. LFT = often elevated transaminases
4. Ferritin = disproportionate elevation in systemic JIA vs
5. Clotting/ D dimer = suggestive of MAS
c. Imaging
i. Plain films 🡪 periarticular osteopenia, soft tissue swelling, joint space narrowing, erosions, new bone apposition and poor bone growth
ii. Ultrasounds – for effusions (eg. hip)
iii. Bone scan/T – for exclusion of other causes
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - classification/subtypes
a. Systemic arthritis = arthritis with or preceded by quotidian (daily) fever for at least 3 days, accompanied by one or more of
i. Evanescent erythematous rash
ii. Lymphadenopathy
iii. Hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly
iv. Serositis
b. Oligoarthritis = arthritis of 4 or fewer joints within the first 6 months – MOST COMMON
c. Polyarthritis = arthritis of 5 or more joints in the first 6 months
i. RF positive = tends to be adolescent girls with a course similar to adult RA
ii. RF negative
d. Psoriatic arthritis = arthritis AND psoriasis OR arthritis with 2 of
i. Dactylitis
ii. Nail pitting or onycholysis
iii. Psoriasis in first degree relative
e. Enthesitis related arthritis = arthritis AND enthesitis OR arthritis OR enthesitis with 2 of
i. Sacroiliac joint tenderness of inflammatory lumbo-sacral pain
ii. HLA-B27 positive
iii. Onset >6 years in male
iv. Acute (symptomatic) anterior uveitis
v. History of HLA-B27 positive disease in 1st degree relative
f. Undifferentiated = fits no above criteria
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - treatment
a. Goals
i. Reduce inflammation
ii. Reduce pain
iii. Preserve ROM + strength
iv. Allow for normal growth + development
b. First line
1. 25-35% response rate to monotherapy at 4-6weeks
ii. Steroids
1. Oral, IV, intra-articular injections
2. Systemic steroids often used in setting of fever, serositis, MAS, and as bridge to steroid sparing treatment effect
3. Intra-articular
a. Disease control lasts >6-12 months
b. Prevent leg length discrepancy/flexion deformity
4. Do not induce remission
5. IA steroids + MTX important for sustained remission
i. Non-biologic
1. Methotrexate
a. Weekly oral / subcutaneous
b. Need concurrent folic acid
c. Check immune status prior – must have varicella
d. 6-12 weeks to take full effect
e. Only drug subjected to RCT for JIA
f. Good efficacy = 70% respond; 60% flare on ceasing
g. Monitoring = FBE, LFT 3 monthly
h. AE = mouth ulcers, nausea, headache, infection
ii. Biologics
1. TNF alpha inhibitors = etanarcept , infliximab, adalimumab
a. Indications = inadequate response to MTX, poor prognostic factors, severe disease
b. Early aggressive combination therapy methotrexate + TNF-alpha
2. Anti IL1 = anakinra + anti-IL 6 = tocilizumab
a. Used for sJIA
b. If severe disease anakinra started immediately
3. Anti-cell surface markers = rituximab
e. Treatment algorithm
i. Trial NSAIDS for 4-6 weeks
1. Rarely enough for polyarticular disease/ systemic arthritis
2. 25-35% response rate at 4-6 weeks
ii. If no response / functional limitations (contracture/ leg length discrepancy) 🡪 intra-articular steroids
iii. If no response 🡪 DMARDs
1. MTX the oldest and least toxic DMARD, may take up to 6-12 weeks to see affect
2. Combination of TNF alpha blockade may be added if inadequate response
3. IL-1 receptor antagonists may be better for systemic symptoms
iv. Systemic steroids are generally avoided: only for severe systemic illness awaiting response to DMARD (do not induce remission on their own)
f. Supportive
i. Check immunisation status prior
ii. Screen for diseases that can reactivate - eg TB
iii. Annual influenza vaccination
iv. Dietary evaluation – adequate calcium, vitamin D, protein, and caloric intake
v. Physical therapy and occupational therapy – adjuncts to any treatment program
vi. Role of general paediatrician
1. Monitor growth
2. Nutrition
3. Bone health
4. Immunisation
5. Adherence
6. Coordinate care
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - complications/prognosis/longterm
- Complications
a. Uveitis - see next section
b. Osteopenia
c. Orthopaedic complications
i. Leg length discrepancy - Leg that is affected becomes longer due to hyperemia and inflammatory growth factors: accelerates growth initially – however premature growth plate closure 🡪 short bones
ii. Flexion contractures
iii. Popliteal cysts
iv. Contractures
v. Osteopenia
d. Psychosocial
e. Macrophage activation syndrome – systemic JIA - Prognosis
a. Prior to anti – TNF, 50% of children would have active disease persisting into childhood
b. Persistent oligoarthritis = good prognosis, majority achieve remission
c. Extended oligoarthritis = poor prognosis, chronic uveitis
d. Polyarticular JIA = require early aggressive therapy, poor prognosis
i. Poor prognostic factors = young age, RF seropositivity or rheumatoid nodules, anti-CCP, large number of affected joints, hip/hand/wrist disease
e. Systemic JIA = poor prognosis, difficult to control
i. Poor prognostic factors = polyarticular distribution, fever lasting >3 months, increased inflammatory markers
f. 30-40% long-term disability - Long-term management issues
a. Uveitis
b. Growth
i. Local deformity
ii. Overall
iii. Growth hormone
c. Bones
d. Drug monitoring
e. Pain management
f. Rehabilitation
g. Psychosocial developmental
h. Vocational planning
i. Transition planning
Oligoarticular JIA - general
a. <= 4 joints in first 6 months
b. Large joints
c. Hip involvement UNUSUAL – think mimic or ERA
d. Female: male 4:1
e. ANA +ve in 60%
f. Asymptomatic anterior uveitis 20-30% risk
i. Most common within 2 years but continue slit lamp screening until 10-12 years
Polyarticular JIA - general
a. >4 joints
b. Clinically – small and large joints, symmetrical
c. Consider other sites – TMJ, cervical spine
d. RF positive <10%
e. Sero positive tend to be RA pattern – nodules, early erosions, lower rate of remission
Psoriatic JIA - general
a. Key points
i. Arthritis + psoriasis
ii. Dactylitis
iii. Nail pits +/- skin involvement
iv. Asymmetric large/ small distribution
v. Family history psoriasis
vi. Uveitis common
b. Epidemiology
i. 1-2 / 10,000 children
ii. F>M
iii. Onset 25-40years most commonly – can occur in preschool and early adolescent years
iv. 5% patients with psoriasis
c. Clinical manifestations
i. Suspect in any child with oligo-polyarthritis + nail changes/dactylitis +/- FHx psoriasis
ii. Cutaneous
1. Psoriasis before arthritis most common
2. Red, scale plaques on extensor surfaces
iii. Nail changes
1. Pitting
2. Onycholysis
3. Hyperkeratosis
iv. Arthritis
1. Most commonly oligoarthritis asymmetrical random involvement
2. DIP joint arthritis with dactylitis is classic
3. Large (knees and ankles) and small (fingers and toes) joints may be involved
4. Sacroilitis uncommon (30%)
v. Enthesitis = 20-60%
vi. Iritis / uveitis
d. Investigations
i. As for ankylosing spondylitis
ii. HLAB27 (not a risk factor) but if positive more likely axial involvement
iii. 50% ANA positive
iv. X-ray = DIP involvement with erosions (pen in cup deformity)
e. Treatment = same as AS
Enthesitis JIA - general
a. Key points
i. Arthritis + enthesitis
ii. HLA-B27 positive
iii. Typically boys >6 years
iv. Inflammatory lower back pain and/or sacroilitis
v. Family history of ank spond
vi. Associated with acute anterior uveitis
b. Clinical manifestations
i. Symmetric and most commonly affects lower limbs
1. During the first 6 mo of disease – arthritis typically asymmetric, involving ≤4 joints
ii. Knees, ankles, and hips most frequently affected
iii. Inflammation of the small joints of the foot (tarsitis) is highly suggestive
iv. Sacroiliac joint arthritis = up to 40% develop clinical or radiographic evidence
c. Prognosis
i. May progress to AS
Temperomandibular joint dysfunction and JIA
Occurs in all forms of JIA
Involvement in 50%
Often asymptomatic
Findings: decreased mouth opening, clicking/crepitations, tenderness
Systemic JIA - diagnostic criteria
Arthritis in ≥1 joint with, or preceded by, fever of at least 2 wk in duration that is documented to be daily (“quotidian”*) for at least 3 days and accompanied by ≥1 of the following:
- Evanescent (nonfixed) erythematous rash
- Generalized lymph node enlargement
- Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly or both
- Serositis (pleura/pericardium/peritoneum)
Oligoarticular JIA - diagnostic criteria
Arthritis affecting 1-4 joints during the 1st 6 mo of disease. Two subcategories are recognized:
- Persistent oligoarthritis—affecting ≤4 joints throughout the disease course
- Extended oligoarthritis—affecting >4 joints after the 1st 6 mo of disease
Polyarticular JIA - diagnostic criteria
Arthritis affecting ≥5 joints during the 1st 6 mo of disease
Sub-classified as RF positive or negative
Psoriatic arthritis JIA - diagnostic criteria
Arthritis and psoriasis, or arthritis and at least 2 of the following:
- Dactylitis
- Nail pitting and onycholysis
- Psoriasis in 1st degree relative
Enthesitis related arthritis JIA - diagnostic criteria
Arthritis and enthesitis, or arthritis or enthesitis with at least 2 of the following:
- Presence of or a history of sacroiliac joint tenderness or inflammatory lumbosacral pain or both
- Presence of HLA-B27 antigen
- Onset of arthritis in a male >6 yr old
- Acute (symptomatic) anterior uveitis
- History of ankylosing spondylitis, enthesitis-related arthritis, sacroiliitis with inflammatory bowel disease, Reiter syndrome, or acute anterior uveitis in a 1st-degree relative
Uveitis - general
a. Inflammation of the uvea (middle portion of the eye – composed of iris, ciliary body/ choroid)
b. Individuals that have HLA-B27 are at increased risk
c. Location of uveitis
i. Anterior (iritis/ iridocyclitis/ciliary body) 🡪 MOST COMON
ii. Intermediate (vitreous humour)
iii. Posterior (chorioretinal)
d. Examination
i. Anterior = pain and redness, constricted pupil + pain, leukocytes in anterior chamber
ii. Posterior = more likely to be painless
e. Treatment
i. Underlying cause
ii. Topical steroids/ intraocular steroids if posterior
f. Complications
i. Band keratopathy (calcium deposition)
ii. Synechiae (adhesion of iris to lens)
iii. Cataract
iv. Hypertension
v. Glaucoma
Uveitis in JIA
a. Occurs in 25% children with JIA
b. Most develop arthritis BEFORE uveitis
c. Bilateral in 70-80% - highest risk within 4 years of onset
d. Risk factors
i. Age <6 years
ii. Female
iii. ANA positive
iv. RF negative
v. JIA subgroup - oligoarticular disease
vi. Time from diagnosis (75% occurs within 3 years of the diagnosis)
e. Classification
ii. Chronic = ASYMPTOMATIC
f. Screening (high risk 3 monthly, intermediate risk 6 monthly, low risk 12 monthly)
g. Treatment
i. Mydriatics
ii. Corticosteroids
iii. DMARDs
iv. MTX + anti-TNF (adalimumab, inflimxab) if severe
Systemic JIA - general
AKA Stills disease in adults
a. M=F
b. Onset < 16 years of age
c. 5-10% of cases
d. No peak age of onset
- Clinical manifestations (fever, arthritis, rash)
a. Fever - quotidian (daily pattern) - 98%
b. Arthritis 88%
i. May not be a prominent feature early in disease
ii. Can affect hands, wrists, ankles, knees, hips, C spine and TMJ
c. Rash 81%
i. Linear or circular and are most commonly distributed over the trunk and proximal extremities
ii. “Salmon pink”
iii. Nonpruritic
iv. Migratory, lesions lasting <1 hr
v. Triggers (Koebner phenomenon - lesions brought on by superficial trauma, heat)
d. Other features
i. Lymphadenopathy (31%), ii. Hepatomegaly, iii. Splenomegaly, iv. Pericarditis, v. Hepatitis, vi. Pulmonary manifestations - Investigations
a. Anaemia
b. ESR = usually elevated
i. Sudden fall in ESR/ platelet count often heralds the onset in MAS
c. Ferritin = extreme hyperferritinemia > 1000 – common, even in absence of overt MAS - Prognosis
a. Very variable
b. Can be monophasic/ polycyclic / persistent
i. Monophasic = resolves after 6 months, does not recur
ii. Polycyclic = recurrences of active systemic JIA with periods of disease inactivity in between
iii. Persistent
c. 40-50% of patients completely resolve
d. Patterns of disease
i. Systemic manifestations (ie fever + rash) but little to no arthritis
ii. Persistent systemic manifestations and progressive arthritis
iii. Progressive destructive arthritis despite resolution of systemic manifestations - Complications
a. Macrophage activation syndrome
b. Growth retardation
ii. Due to combination of steroids + systemic inflammation
iii. Less of an issue with modern immunosuppressants
c. Osteoporosis
i. Less common due to new immunosuppressants
d. Pulmonary complications
i. Include - Interstitial lung disease
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Lipoid pneumoniae
- Alveolar proteinosis
e. Other
i. Leg length discrepancies
ii. Restricted jaw opening
iii. Amyloidosis (20%)
Macrophage activation syndrome - background
- Key points
a. Severe complication of SJIA and important cause for morbidity + mortality
b. Synonymous with HLH secondary to rheumatic disease
c. M = F
d. Usually occurs in the first few days/ weeks of systemic JIA onset – but can occur at ANY time during disease
e. Occurs in 10% of children with sJIA, up to 30-40% subclinically
f. May follow infectious trigger or drug - Pathogenesis
a. NK cell function
i. Low NK activity 🡪 low number of NK cells 🡪 increased perforin
ii. Low NK activity with mildly decreased NK cells but LOW perforin expression
b. Pro-inflammatory cytokine storm
i. Fever, hyperferritinaemia, coagulopathy
ii. Bone marrow suppression with cytopenias
c. Infiltration of T cells, APCs and macrophages
i. Bone marrow, liver, spleen, LN, brain
d. Persistent T activation + NK cell dysfunction
i. Propagation of vicious cycle with more cytokines + further activation of immune cells - Rheumatologic triggers
a. Systemic JIA – 10%
b. Lupus
c. KD
Macrophage activation syndrome / HLH - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Key triad
i. Unremitting fever - NOT quotidian
ii. Rash
iii. Splenomegaly
b. Other features
i. Lethargy
ii. Hepatomegaly + lymphadenopathy
iii. Rash – petechial, purpuric
iv. Encephalopathy
v. Seizures
vi. Coma, shock - Investigations
a. Ferritin – higher than JIA, well over 1000
b. DROP in ESR (due to fibrinogen consumption) 🡪 important clue to differentiate sJIA
c. Cytopenia (at least 2 out of 3)
d. Hypertriglyceridemia / hypofibrinogenemia
e. Low or absent NK cell
f. Elevated soluble CD24 (IL2 receptor alpha)
g. Abnormal LFTs
h. Histology = haemophagocytosis - Diagnostic criteria
a. 2004 criteria
i. Fever
ii. Splenomegaly
iii. Cytopaenia 2/3 lines
iv. HyperTG
v. Ferritin >500
TOP 10 FEATURES ● Falling platelets ● Bone marrow haemophagocytosis ● Elevated ferritin ● Fever ● Falling leukocytes ● Elevated LFTs ● Falling ESR ● Raised TG ● Hypofibrinogenaemia ● CNS dysfunction
Macrophage activation syndrome / HLH - treatment, prognosis
- Treatment
a. High dose steroids
b. Anakinra – IL-1 receptor antagonist
c. Second line = cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, anakinra
d. BMT - Prognosis
a. Mortality 8-22%
Spondyloarthropathies - general
- Key points
a. Group of inflammatory disorders characterize by negative serology
b. Common features
i. Sacroiliitis
ii. Asymmetrical oligoarthritis – usually peripheral LL
iii. Enthesitis – inflammation of bone where ligaments/tendons attach (lateral calcification and joint fusion)
iv. Anterior uveitis
v. Familial association
vi. Increase incidence HLAB27 - Conditions
a. Ankylosing spondylitis -> ‘adult’ disorder
b. Enthesitis related arthritis (ERA) -> subtype of JIA
c. Arthritis associated with IBD
d. Reactive arthritis post GI / GU infections - Epidemiology
d. Increased frequency of HLA-B27 (> 90% of cases)
i. Found in 90% of JAS, 50% of ERA, 7% of healthy individuals - Clinical manifestations
a. Distinguishing features compared with other forms of juvenile arthritis
i. Arthritis of the axial skeleton (sacroiliac joints) and hips
ii. Enthesitis (inflammation at site of tendon, ligament, joint capsule attachment to bone)
iii. Symptomatic eye inflammation (acute anterior uveitis)
iv. Gastrointestinal inflammation (even in the absence of IBD) - Investigations
a. Inflammatory markers = variable elevation
b. Serology
i. RF = negative
ii. ANAs = negative (exception psoriatic arthritis – may be positive)
c. HLA B27 = present in > 90% of children with juvenile ank spond (less in ERA and other types) - Treatment
a. Similar to JIA
b. 1st line = NSAIDs/ IA steroids
c. 2nd line = DMARDs
i. Sulfasalazine/ MTX
ii. Biologics = TNF-alpha inhibitors
d. Supportive
i. Physical exercise
ii. OT - Complications
a. Ankylosis = fusion of adjacent bones
Ankylosing spondylitis - general
- Key points
a. Inflammatory arthritis characterised by progressive stiffening and fusion of the axial skeleton (SIJ and vertebrae)
b. Usually begins with oligoarthritis and enthesitis (most common presentation in children)
c. Often lower extremities + involves the hips (DIFFERENT to oligoarticular JIA)
d. Systemic symptoms are UNCOMMON (think about IBD) - Epidemiology
b. M>F
c. HLA B27 90% positive, population positive 8%
d. Adolescents/young adults - Clinical manifestations
a. Insidious onset – may begin with oligoarthritis and enthesitis
b. Recurrent episodes of back pain – sacroilitis (inflammatory -> worse in morning, improved with activity)
vii. Examination - Loss lumbar lordosis
- Decreased lateral flexion/flexion/extension
- Positive SIJ stress test
- Positive Schober’s test
c. Other common features
i. Asymmetrical oligoarthritis of large joints - Hips (unlike oligo JIA), knees, ankles, intertarsal joints
ii. Enthesitis - Plantar fasciitis, achille’s tendonitis
- Patella insertion, hips
iii. Anterior uveitis – up to 25%
iv. Aortitis and AR - Investigations
a. FBE - increase WCC, thrombocytosis
b. Increased ESR
c. Absent / negative serology
d. HLA B27 positive 90%
e. X-ray
i. Heel spurs
ii. Sacroiliitis = pseudowidening, sclerosis, fusion, squaring of vertebral, bamboo spine due to spondylitis
f. MRI = most sensitive for sacroilitis - Treatment
a. Conservative – back care, bedding, avoid contact sports, physio, physical therapy, low impact exercise
b. First line
i. NSAIDS, IA steroid of enthesitis
ii. Oral steroids, sulphasalazine, MTX
c. Biologicals – some evidence in children
i. Anti TNF – infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept
IBD related arthropathy - general
- Polyarthritis affecting large and small joints
a. Most common – follows exacerbations of bowel disease
b. Not associated with HLAB27
c. No sacroilitis - Sacroilitis
a. Less common
b. Independent to IBD course
c. HLAB27 positive
d. Similar to ankylosing spondylitis
Transient synovitis - general
● Typically affects hip, often post URTI
● Boys 3-10 years
● Acute onset severe pain in the hip (groin), with referred pain to the thigh or knee, lasting approximately 1 week
● ESR and WBC usually normal
● Radiologic or ultrasound– widening of the joint space secondary to effusion
● Aspiration of joint fluid often necessary to exclude septic arthritis and typically results in dramatic clinical improvement
● Trigger presumed to be viral, although responsible microbes have not been identified
Reactive and post infectious arthritis - general
- Key points
a. Joint inflammation due to a sterile inflammatory reaction after a recent infection
b. 75% are HLA-B27 +ve
c. Usually occurs in young males - Classification
a. Reactive arthritis = post enteropathic/urogenital infections
b. Post infectious arthritis = arthritis after other infections not classically considered in reactive arthritis group - Etiology
a. Enteropathic infections = salmonella, shigella, Yersinia, campylobacter jejuni, cryptosporidium parvum, giardia
b. Genitourinary infections = chlamydia, urea plasma
c. Other = GAS, Neisseria gonorrhoea - Pathogenesis
a. Reactive arthritis = molecular mimicry: autoreactive T lymphocytes cross react with antigens presented by HLAB27
b. Post-infectious arthritis = viruses isolated from joint OR viral antigen-immune complex deposited in joint - Clinical manifestations
a. Reactive arthritis
i. 2-4 weeks post infection
ii. Transient pain / joint swelling < 6 weeks
iii. Usually oligoarticular, LL > UL
iv. May be associated with dactylitis + enthesitis
v. Cutaneous manifestations
vi. Systemic symptoms = fever, malaise, fatigue
vii. Reiter’s disease = conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis
b. Post-infectious arthritis
i. Pain/joint swelling usually transient, lasting < 6 weeks - DDx = gonococcal arthritis, septic arthritis
- Investigations
a. Same as other seronegative arthropathy
b. No XR changes
c. Urine/faecal/blood specs for source
d. ASOT/anti-DNASe B = identify post-strep - Treatment
a. Usually not required – resolves
b. Pain management – NSAID
c. Intra-articular steroids rarely used - Complications/ Prognosis
a. Usually resolves without complication
b. May precede development of IBD, chronic arthritis, spondyloarthritis
c. Rare complications = uveitis, carditis
Systemic lupus erythematosus - background
- Epidemiology
a. Less common in children (1-6/100,000)
b. More common and severe in non-white population
c. F>M 5-9:1 (worse in adolescence)
d. Haematological + renal manifestations more severe in children compared to adult onset
e. Up to 50% of individuals with SLE diagnosed <16 years [lecture: 15-20% childhood onset]
f. UNUSUAL in <8y and Caucasian children
g. Peaks in females 19-29 years - Risk factors
a. Gender – 90% female, mostly in reproductive years
b. Genetic predisposition (complement deficiencies, famhx other AI disease, HLA DR2 and DR3) - Pathogenesis
a. Chronic autoimmune disease characterized by polyclonal B cell activation + production of autoantibodies 🡪 widespread inflammation (form of type 3 hypersensitivity)
b. Antigens released during cell necrosis/ apoptosis
i. Reduced ability to clear nucleic acids/ increased levels of apoptosis = ↑ antigens in blood stream
ii. Production of autoantibodies to nucleic acids
iii. Formation of immune complexes deposit in tissues 🡪 local complement activation
Systemic lupus erythematosus - manifestations
Relapsing remitting course
Most common:
- constitutional (fever, malaise, LOW) - 40-70%
- MSK (arthritis, arthralgia) - 20-75%
- Hepatosplenomegaly - (15-75%)
- Haematologic (cytopenias)
- Mucocutaneous (rash, ulcers) - 50%
- Renal (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome) - 20-80%
- LAD abnormalities (15-30%)
Mnemonic: DOPAMINE RASH Discoid rash Oral ulcers Photosensitivity Arthritis Malar rash (butterfly rash, spares nasolabial folds) Immune markers Neurologic (seizures, psychosis) ESR Renal ANA Serositis Haematologic (cytopenias)
b. Systemic
i. Fever
ii. Weight loss
iii. Fatigue, malaise
iv. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
v. Myalgia and arthralgia
vi. Lymphadenopathy
vii. Hepatosplenomegaly
c. Peripheral vasculitis
i. Swollen fingers
ii. Raynaud’s
iii. Sclerodactyly (localized thickening and tightness of the skin of the fingers or toes)
iv. Calcinosis (calcium deposits in any soft tissue)
v. Peri-ungual erythema (around the nails)
vi. Brown finger nails
vii. Telangiectasia
viii. Livedo reticularis (mottled skin)
ix. Superficial phlebitis
d. Cutaneous
i. Malar rash
1. Butterfly distribution
2. Cheeks + bridge of nose
3. SPARES nasolabial folds
4. Mild erythema, spotty to very angry
ii. Oral ulcers
1. Hard palate
2. Painless, shallow
3. Surrounding erythema
4. Vasculitic injection
5. Check nose
iii. Other rashes
1. Face, fingers + toes, hard palate, scalp/ears/extensor surfaces (discoid lupus)
2. Vasculitic, Petichiae, purpura
3. Photosensitivity – blisters/ sun exposed areas
e. Musculoskeletal
i. 90% arthritis
1. Less swollen than JIA
2. Often more painful
3. Non-erosive but can get deformities from ligamentous stretching
ii. Osteopenia
iii. Arthralgias
iv. Myalgias
v. Myopathy (rare)
f. Nephritis
i. Heterogeneity in presentation of the disease + unpredictable
Systemic lupus erythematosus - diagnostic criteria
4 or more of the following criteria, with 1 clinical and 1 lab
Clinical criteria Acute cutaneous lupus or subacute cutaneous lupus Chronic cutaneous lupus Oral ulcers or nasal ulcers Non-scarring alopecia Synovitis involving two or more joints Serositis Renal Neurologic (seizures, psychosis) Haemolytic anaemia Leukopenia (<4 000/mm3) or lymphopenia (1 000/mm3) Thrombocytopenia (<100 000/mm3)
Immunologic criteria ANA Anti-dsDNA Anti-Sm Low complement Direct Coombs test Antiphospholipid antibodies
Systemic lupus erythematosus - investigations
a. Haematological
i. FBE and film – anaemia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia
ii. Reticulocyte count and DCT positive
iii. Coags
iv. DAT – haemolytic anaemia
b. Inflammatory – CRP / ESR (ESR > CRP), Ferritin
c. Biochemistry – UEC/ LFT/ CMP
d. Complement levels = CH50, C3, C4
i. Typically decreased in active disease, improve with treatment
e. Coagulation screen
f. Renal Ix = urine dipstick, MCS, Pr:Cr ratio, biopsy
g. Thyroid screen
h. Immunity status – eg VZ IgG
i. Serology
Immune markers:
ANA (antinuclear antibody)
● High sensitivity (95-99%) and low specificity (50%)
● Positive in 95-99% of individuals with lupus
● 20% of healthy individuals also have positive ANA
● NOT reflective of disease activity
● Probability of having SLE if ANA is negative 0.15%
● 1:160 weak positive, 1:1200 strong positive
● ANA negative lupus is extremely rare
● Lower sensitivity (40-65%) and high specificity (98%)
● Positive in 60% of individuals with lupus
● Low prevalence in healthy individuals
● Correlates with disease activity
● Correlates with nephritis
ENA (extractable nuclear antibodies)
- include anti smith, Ro/SSA, La/SSB, RNP (ribonucleotide protein), ribosomal P
- anti Ro/La a/w neonatal lupus
- anti ribosomal P a/w neuropsychiatric manifestations
Antiphospholipid antibodies (cardiolipin, beta2microglobulin)
● Positive in 2/3 of individuals with SLE
● Associated with thrombophilia
Anti histone antibody
● Associated with drug induced lupus
● Also positive in 20% of individuals with lupus
Drug induced lupus - general
i. Triggered by minocycline, anticonvulsants, sulphonamides, antiarrhythmic agents, other durgs
ii. Usually occurs in patients who are prone to SLE
iii. Associated with antihistone antibodies
iv. Hepatitis more common
v. Males = females
vi. LESS likely to have = anti-dsDNA, low C’, renal or neurological disease
vii. Resolves after withdrawal of medication (can take months-years)
Systemic lupus erythematosus - treatment
a. Goals
i. Treat acute flares
ii. Prevent disease flares
iii. Minimise treatment related complications
iv. Minimise impact of incurable severe chronic disease
b. Lifestyle = avoid sun exposure + sunscreen
c. Pharmacological
i. Hydroxychloroquine
1. Recommended for ALL individuals with SLE
2. Roles
a. Treats mild SLE manifestations (rash and mild arthritis)
b. Prevents SLE flares
c. Improves lipid profiles
d. +/- Beneficial impact on mortality and renal outcomes.
3. Toxicities
a. Retinal pigmentation + color vision impairment 🡪 6-12 mo ophthalmology exams
ii. Steroids
1. Mainstay for treatment of significant manifestations of SLE
2. Work quickly to improve acute deterioration
iii. Steroid sparing immunosuppressive agents = MTX, leflunomide, AZA, MMF, cyclophosphamide
1. Moderate disease = MTX/ leflunomide, azathioprine
a. Note delay in starting medication + therapeutic effect
b. MTX = 8-16 weeks
2. Severe = IV/ oral cyclophosphamide
a. Reserved for the most severe, potentially life-threatening SLE manifestations, such as renal, neurologic, and cardiopulmonary disease.
b. Highly effective in controlling disease
c. Toxicities
i. Cytopenias
ii. Infection
iii. Haemorrhagic cystitis – ensure hydration
iv. Premature gonadal failure
v. Increased risk of future malignancy.
iv. New agent = belimumab
1. Monoclonal Ab against BLyS – B cell activating factor
a. Adjunctive therapy
i. Plasmapheresis
ii. IVIG
iv. Dialysis
v. Anticoagulation
Systemic lupus erythematosus - complications and prognosis
- Complications
a. Mortality
i. Short-term - Recurrent infections
- Complications of GN
- Neuropsychiatric
ii. Long-term - Atherosclerosis
- Malignancy
b. Atherosclerosis + CVD
i. Chronic immune dysregulation + inflammation
ii. Evident in young to mid adulthood
c. Musculoskeletal
i. Osteoporosis
ii. Compression fractures
iii. AVN – steroids
d. Recurrent infections
e. Hypertension
f. Infertility
g. Malignancy
h. CNS – Organic brain syndrome, seizures, psychosis, neurocognitive dysfunction
i. Ocular – Cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, blindness
j. Endocrine – Diabetes, obesity, growth failure, infertility, fetal wastage - Prognosis
a. Prognosis WORSE for paediatric onset SLE
b. Flare and quiescence pattern of disease
c. Untreated high mortality rate
d. 5-year prognosis 100%
e. 10-year prognosis 90%
i. Factors associated with worse outcome - Non-adherence
- CNS or cardiac disease
- Early HTN with renal disease
f. Mostly closely related to renal disease
g. Poor outcomes still in QOL, lower SES and chronic disease
Neonatal lupus - general
- Key points
a. 1-2% of babies born to mothers with autoimmune disease
b. Risk approx 2-10% in Ro/La +ve mother (unlikely iff negative)
c. 2% of offspring to mothers with anti-Ro/La Ab have CHB
d. 15-25% recurrence risk in future pregnancies - Pathogenesis
a. Passive transplacental passage of Anti-Ro, Anti-La, and less commonly Anti-U1RNP (usually only have cutaneous/haem manifestations) - Clinical manifestations
a. Cutaneous – 72%
i. Most common manifestation
ii. Annular/ macular rash
iii. Affects face, trunk and scalp – central clearing, scaly
vi. Usually appears within first 6 weeks of life after exposure to UV life (can develop up to 6 months) - Most commonly appears in the first week – not present at birth
vii. Lasts 3-4 months (lecture 6-8 months) with spontaneous resolution when maternal IgG Ab gone
viii. Rash flares with UV light
b. Congenital heart block – 65%
i. Occurs in 1-2% mothers with Ro/ La
ii. 16-18% recurrence rate
iii. 80-85% cases of congenital heart block due to neonatal lupus
iv. Anti Ro antagonizes L type calcium channels on human atrial cells and triggers inflammation, leading to fibrosis of AV, Sa nodes and bundle of HIS
v. Can be detected in utero by fetal echo beginning at 16 weeks gestation
vi. Rare after 30/40
vii. Can vary from first degree to complete with progressive cardiomyopathy
viii. Only nonreversible feature
c. Hepatitis – 52%
i. Asymptomatic elevation of LFT and bilirubin (usually self resolves)
ii. Mild hepatosplenomegaly, cholestasis
iii. Most settle by 6 months
d. Haematological
i. Anaemia
ii. Neutropenia
iii. Thrombocytopenia
iv. Rarely aplastic anaemia
e. Other
i. CNS = hydrocephalus, macrocephaly - Diagnosis
a. Maternal anti-Ro/ anti La
b. +ve test in mother OR fetus confirms diagnosis
c. Should also check FBE / LFT and TFT
d. Fetal echo and ECG - Management
a. Prenatal
i. Prenatal screening - Recommended for all women with SLE, Sjogrens, other autoimmune disease, or PHx of NL in previous pregnancy
- Weekly pulsed Doppler fetal TTE
iii. Paediatric cardiologist should monitor with fetal ECG from 16 weeks to delivery if anti Ro/ La +ve (Ab begin to be transferred at this time)
b. Neonatal
i. Cardiac pacing may be required 🡪 20-30% mortality in neonatal period - 65% require cardiac pacemaker
ii. IVIG +/- steroids sometimes used – no evidence
iii. Severe cardiomyopathy warranting transplantation - Prognosis
a. Excellent prognosis if cutaneous only
b. With cardiac pacing children with conduction system disease w/o cardiomyopathy also have good prognosis
Rheumatoid arthritis - general
- Epidemiology
a. 1-2% population
b. Peak is 30-50 years
c. F>M 2: 1 - Clinical features
a. Arthritis
i. Distal deforming symmetrical polyarthropathy - Involves: PIP, MCP, wrist, MTP, ankle
ii. Insidious onset and chronic
iii. Pain worse in morning, decrease with activity
iv. Stiffness and swelling
v. Loss of function
b. Extra-articular manifestations
i. Cardiac = early onset IHD, pericarditis, myocarditis
ii. Pulmonary = pleural disease, effusion, lung nodules, fibrosing alveolitis
iii. Eyes = scleritis, episcleritis, keratoconjunctivitis
iv. Neuro = carpal tunnel, tarsal tunnel, mononeuritis multiplex
v. Skin = cutaneous nodules, vasculitis, Sjogrens
vi. Renal = secondary damage due to amyloid deposition
vii. Anaemia of chronic disease
viii. Hepatosplenomegaly + lymphadenopathy - Natural history
a. Self-limiting <20%
b. Palindromic – relapsing and remitting, rare
c. Short duration progressive 20%
d. Long duration progressive 60-90% - Investigations
a. FBE = anaemia, leuckocytosis
b. ESR/ CRP = elevated
c. Serology = 85% RF positive, anti-CCP in adults, 30% ANA positive
Juvenile dermatomyositis - background
- Key points
a. Capillary vasculopathy
b. Most common idiopathic inflammatory myopathy of childhood
c. <18 years
d. Affects skin + skeletal muscle - Epidemiology
a. 3 cases / million/ year
b. No racial predilection
c. Peak age of onset 4-10 (second peak 45-65 years)
d. F>M 2:1 - Etiology
a. Multifactorial = genetic predisposition + environmental trigger
iv. Assoc with family history of autoimmune disease - Pathogenesis = capillary vasculopathy, immune complex deposition
Juvenile dermatomyositis - manifestations
Rash (heliotrope/Gottron), muscle weakness, lipodystrophy and calcinosis
a. Rash
i. First symptom in 50%, concurrent with weakness in 25%
ii. Photosensitivity with generalized erythema in sun exposed area (‘Shawl sign’)
iii. Heliotrope rash = discoloration of eyelids with periorbital edema (85%)
iv. Gottron papules = bright pink/ pale shiny plaques over the PIP and DIPs (90%)
v. Facial erythema crossing the nasolabial folds (40%) [cf. SLE]
vi. Thickening of small vessels in folds and gums
vii. Thickened erythematous rash on palms (Mechanic’s hands) – anti-Jo-1 Ab
b. Weakness
i. Symmetrical, proximal weakness – most obvious in limb girdles, neck and trunk muscles
ii. Often difficult to differentiate from fatigue
iii. Inability to perform sit up/ head lag/ Gower sign
iv. Trendelenberg often positive
v. Esophageal and respiratory muscles can also be affected 🡪 dysphonia, nasal speech, palatal elevation with gag, dysphagia and reflux
c. Lipodystrophy and calcinosis
i. Calcinosis
1. Sign of longstanding or untreated disease
2. Deposition of calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite crystals 🡪 subcutaneous plaques/ nodules
ii. Lipodystrophy = loss of SC and visceral fat over face and upper body, associated with metabolic syndrome
d. Other
i. Systemic = anorexia, fever, myalgia
ii. Nail fold capillary changes (80%) = dilated, leaking vessels, telangiectasias
iii. Skin ulcerations = poor phenotype
iv. Arthritis = non-erosive arthritis, usually affects knees
v. GIT = ulceration, perforation, haemorrhage, esophageal dysfunction
vi. Pulmonary = can get interstitial lung disease (10%)
Juvenile dermatomyositis - diagnostic criteria
- Diagnostic criteria
a. Presence of classic rash (heliotrope eyelid rash / Gottron papules)
b. PLUS 3 features of muscle weakness
i. Weakness = symmetrical, proximal
ii. Muscle enzyme activation = CK, AST, LDH, aldolase
iii. EMG changes = short, small polyphasic motor unit potentials, fibrillations, sharp waves etc
iv. Muscle biopsy
c. New diagnostic criteria also list MRI features
Juvenile dermatomyositis - treatment
b. Steroids
i. Mainstay of treatment
ii. Give IV if GI involvement
iii. If severe disease (respiratory oropharyngeal involvement) = high dose pulsed methylpred
iv. Vitamin D supplementation due to risk of osteoporosis
c. MTX
i. Can be used as a steroid sparing agent
ii. AE = immunosuppression, blood count dyscrasias, hepatitis, pulmonary toxicity, N/V, teratogenicity
iii. Give adjunctive folic acid
iv. Avoid live virus vaccines
d. Hydroxychloroquine
i. Second line DMARD
ii. Used to reduce rash and maintain remission
iii. Needs ophthalmologic monitoring
iv. AE = retina toxicity, haemolysis in patients with G6PD, GI intolerance, and skin/hair discoloration
e. IVIG, MMF, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide = severe disease
f. Non-pharmacological
i. Nutrition = may require NG or PEG feeds
ii. Respiratory = may require ventilation/tracheostomy if severe respiratory weakness
iii. MSK = OT and physiotherapy
Juvenile dermatomyositis - complications and prognosis
- Prognosis
a. Pretreatment = 1/3 improved, 1/3 chronic disease, 1/3 died
b. Current mortality rate 1%
c. Period of active symptoms < 1.5 years
d. 25% continue to have chronic weakness, 40% have chronic rash - Complications
a. Osteoporosis (Non-weight bearing, Medications)
b. Calcinosis – 30%
i. Well recognized in association with delay in diagnosis & treatment or inadequate treatment
ii. Develops within a few years of diagnosis
iii. Skin – usually on extremities trauma exposed (knees, elbows, buttocks)
iv. Deep tumoral (periarticular) muscle calcification – may affect joint motion
v. May ulcerate
c. Lipodystrophy – 20%
i. Acquired lipodystrophy & associated insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans, type 2 DM – recognised with JDM
ii. Progressive slow, symmetrical loss of SC fatty tissue that mainly involves the upper body
d. Cardiac – arrythmias (rare)
e. Bowel wall vasculitis – ischaemia, GI bleeding, perforation
f. Aspiration pneumonia + respiratory failure
Scleroderma - background
Sclerosis - stiffening of a tissue or anatomical feature, usually caused by a replacement of the normal organ-specific tissue with connective tissue.
Scleroderma - increased synthesis of collagen (leading to the sclerosis) in skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs.
- Epidemiology
a. Rare – 1/100,000 (peak 30-50s)
b. Localised more common than systemic disease 10:1
c. Linear and plaque morphea the most common types
d. > 8 years, F>M: 3:1 < 8 years, F = M - Etiology
a. Genetic -> HLA B8, HLA DR3
b. Autoantibodies:
i. ANA >75% (nucleolar pattern)
ii. ENA antibodies – SCL-70 = topoisomerase I diffuse
iii. ANA anti centromere antibody = CREST - Pathogenesis
a. Combination of vasculopathy, autoimmunity, immune activation and fibrosis
f. Cytokines induce fibroblasts to reproduce and synthesize excessive amounts of collagen
Scleroderma - classification
a. Juvenile Localised Scleroderma (JLS/Morphea) = no involvement of internal organs
i. Most common type in children
ii. Skin changes more commonly distal to elbows and knees
iii. Linear = lines of thickened skin, can be full thickness and very disfiguring
iv. Morphea = round patches of thickened skin, usually only skin and dermis
v. Classification
1. Circumscribed (plaque) morphea
2. Generalised Morphoea
3. Bullous morphea
4. Linear morphea
a. Limbs/trunk
b. En coup de sabre = scalp and/or face
c. Pary Romberg = hemifacial atrophy
5. Deep morphea
b. Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis (JSSc) = involvement of internal organs
i. Diffuse – most common type of generalized in children
1. Raynaud phenomenon followed, within one year, by puffy skin changes
2. Truncal and acral skin involvement
3. Nailfold capillary pattern – dilatation, dropout and tortuosity
4. Early and significant organ involvement – lung, GIT, myocardial
5. Anti-SCL-70 and anti-RNA polymerase positive
ii. Limited (includes CREST variant) – Rare in children
1. Raynaud phenomenon for years, ocassionaly decades
2. Skin limited to hands, face, feet and forearms
3. Nailfold capillary pattern
4. 10-15% incidence of late pulmonary hypertension, +/- skin calcification, gastrointestinal disease, telangiectasias (CREST syndrome) or interstitial lungs disease
a. Calcinosis & centromeric ANA pattern
b. Reynaud’s phenomenon
c. Esophageal involvement
d. Sclerodactyly (stiffness and tightening of skin of hands)
e. Telangiectasia (seen on face and limbs)
5. Renal disease rare
6. Anti-centromere (ACA) positive in 50-60%
7. CREST variant of limited sclerosis
CREST Syndrome - general
Subtype of scleroderma
a. Calcinosis & centromeric ANA pattern
b. Reynaud’s phenomenon
c. Esophageal involvement
d. Sclerodactyly (stiffness and tightening of skin of hands)
e. Telangiectasia (seen on face and limbs)
Scleroderma - manifestations
i. Raynaud’s phenomenon is usually first manifestation
1. Pallor > cyanosis > hyperemia (2 out of 3 for Dx, each lasts min-hours)
ii. Skin changes typically have 3 phases
1. Bilateral painless oedema – fingers, hands, face
2. Thickening and tightening (sclerosis) – tight and itchy, spread proximally from hands and leads to contractures
3. Atrophy and limb contractures – atrophy and wasting
iii. Other changes – calcification, telangiectasia, nail fold capillary changes, epidermal thinning, hair loss, decreased sweating
i. Polyarthropathy of small joint of hands/feet (RA distribution) – non progressive
ii. Myopathy and myositis 🡪 common
iii. Carpal tunnel syndrome
vi. Myopathy and myositis
i. Dry and sore eyes (similar to Sjogren’s)
d. GIT
i. Oesophagus: dysfunctional motility
1. Dysphagia: LOW
3. Aspiration pneumonia
ii. Small intestine 🡪 stasis with malabsorption symptoms
iii. Large intestine 🡪 constipation (dilation and atony may also affect colon)
iv. Rectal prolapse and faecal incontinence (associated with sphincter incompetence)
i. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
ii. Pulmonary HTN 🡪 interstitial lung disease, long standing limited cutaneous sclerosis (pulmonary artery involvement)
i. Myocardial defects
ii. Fibrosis 🡪 conduction defects
iii. Dilated cardiomyopathy 🡪 also seen in SLE but rare
iv. Pericardial defects 🡪 pericarditis
i. Renal disease is uncommon in kids (cf adults)
ii. HTN
iii. Scleroderma renal crisis 🡪 sudden onset accelerated HT
iv. Renal failure 🡪 major cause of death in systemic sclerosis
Scleroderma - diagnostic criteria
a. Major (required) = proximal skin sclerosis/induration of skin
b. Minor criteria (2 required)
i. Cutaneous = sclerodactyly
ii. Peripheral vascular = Raynaud phenomenon, nailfold capillary abnormalities (telangiectasias), digital tip ulcers
iii. Gastrointestinal = dysphagia, GERD
iv. Cardiac = arrythmias, heart failure
v. Renal = renal crisis, hypertension
vi. Respiratory = pulmonary fibrosis, decreased DLCO, pulmonary arterial hypertension
vii. Neurological = neuropathy, carpal tunnel
viii. Musculoskeletal = tendon friction rubs, arthritis, myositis
ix. Serological = ANA (anti-centromere, anti-topoisomerase (Scl-70), anti-fibrillarin, anti-PM/Scl, anti-fibrillin or anti—RNA polymerase I or III)
Scleroderma - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. UV therapy / topical steroids can be used for superficial structures
b. If deeper structures involved
i. Corticosteroids + MTX
ii. 3 months of IV steroids/ oral steroids
c. Other treatments for systemic sclerosis
i. Raynaud’s - Environmental = avoid cold, hand and foot warmers, avoid carrying bags
- Pharmacological
a. CCB
b. Topical nitrates
c. PDE inhibitors
ii. Renal disease + HTN = ACE-I
iii. Skin = MTX or MMF
iv. Pulmonary alveolitis + fibrosis prevention = cyclophosphamide + MMF
v. NOTE: Steroids – with caution, association with renal crisis - Prognosis
a. Localized scleroderma usually self-limited 🡪 softens after duration of 3-5 years
b. Prolonged activity associated with linear and deep disease subtypes
c. Systemic disease can have more variable prognosis – usually slowly progressive
i. 15-year survival rates 74-87%
ii. Most common cause of death is CHF due to myocardial + pulmonary fibrosis
Raynauds Phenomenon - general
- Key points
a. Raynaud’s disease – without underlying condition
i. Prevalence – 5% female population – common in teenage girls - Clinical manifestations
a. Triad of blanching, cyanosis then hyperemia of extremities
i. Arterial constriction = pallor
ii. Venous congestion = cyanosis
iii. Vasodilation = hyperemia - Associations
a. Scleroderma
b. Mixed CTD (connective tissue disease)
c. SLE - Risk factors for developing CTD
a. Older age at presentation
b. Digital tip pitting or ulceration
c. Nail fold cap changes
d. +ve ANA
e. +ve anti SCl 70 - Risk
a. Risk of teenage girl with normal physical and serological exam developing CTD is 3%
b. In presence of any abnormality 🡪 25% - DDx
a. Acrocyanosis
b. Chillblains
Vasculitis - large vessels
Large vessel
Giant cell arteritis (rare in children)
Medium vessel
Polyarteritis nodosa
Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
Kawasaki disease
Small vessel
ANCA associated
Microscopic polyangiitis
Wegner’s = granulomatosis with polyangiitis (pANCA)*
Churg-Strauss = eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (cANCA)*
Isolated cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Hypocomplementaemia urticarial vasculitis
Variable Behcet
Cogan syndrome
Vasculitis - medium vessels
Large vessel
Giant cell arteritis (rare in children)
Medium vessel
Polyarteritis nodosa
Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
Kawasaki disease
Small vessel
ANCA associated
Microscopic polyangiitis
Wegner’s = granulomatosis with polyangiitis (pANCA)*
Churg-Strauss = eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (cANCA)*
Isolated cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Hypocomplementaemia urticarial vasculitis
Variable Behcet
Cogan syndrome
Vasculitis - small vessels
Large vessel
Giant cell arteritis (rare in children)
Medium vessel
Polyarteritis nodosa
Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
Kawasaki disease
Small vessel
ANCA associated
Microscopic polyangiitis
Wegner’s = granulomatosis with polyangiitis (pANCA)*
Churg-Strauss = eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (cANCA)*
Isolated cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Hypocomplementaemia urticarial vasculitis
Variable Behcet
Cogan syndrome
Henoch Schonlein Purpura - general
- Key points
a. Most common vasculitis of childhood
b. Characterised by leukocytoclastic vasculitis + IgA deposition in small vessels In the skin, joints, GIT and kidney - Epidemiology
a. 14-20/100,000
b. M>F 1.2-1.8:1
c. 90% cases occur in children, usually 3-10 years of age
d. More common in autum/ winter /spring (often follows respiratory infection - Etiology + pathogenesis
iv. IgA deposition seen in walls of small vessels
c. Pathogenesis = still unknown
i. Infectious trigger usually precedes
ii. Deposition of IgA in tissues - Clinical manifestations
a. Cutaneous
i. Palpable purpuric rash (ESSENTIAL) with petechiae, ecchymoses
ii. Typically, symmetric, in gravity dependent areas
iii. Extensor surfaces
b. Arthritis and arthralgias
i. Occur in 75%
ii. Self-limited, oligoarticular
c. Gastrointestinal
i. Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea
ii. Paralytic ileus
iii. Melena
iv. Intussusception
d. Renal
i. Occurs in 50%
ii. Haematuria, proteinuria, HT, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome
iii. Usually 4 days to 4 weeks after presentation
iv. Classically focal segmental proliferative GN
e. CNS
i. Intracerebral haemorrhage
ii. Seizures
iii. Headache
iv. Behaviour changes - Investigations
a. Elevated inflammatory markers
b. ASOT +ve in 30%
c. Serum IgA does not require measurement
d. Urinalysis = 90% have haematuria, only 5% persistent/ recurrent
e. Skin biopsy = leukcocytoclastic vasculitis with perivascular neutrophils, deposition of IgA and C3 - Treatment
a. Supportive = monitor BP, check for testicular torsion, monitor for hematuria/proteinuria
b. Steroids = controversial
i. Reduce abdominal and joint pain but does not alter overall prognosis/ prevent disease - Prognosis
a. Most children have acute, self-limited course
b. 30% experience one or more recurrences, typically within 4-6 months of diagnosis
c. Renal disease occurs in 1-2% of children (8% of these go on to have ESRD)
Takayasu Arteritis - general
- Epidemiology
a. More common in Asians
b. Onset 10-40 years , 20% diagnosed < 19
c. F> M 2-4: 1 - Pathogenesis
a. Chronic large vessel disease - involves aorta and is major branches (ESSENTIAL)
c. Inflammation 🡪 blood vessel dilatation and aneurysm formation
d. Scarring and intimal proliferation 🡪 stenotic/ occluded vessels - Clinical manifestations
a. Depends on vessel affected - subclavian, renal and carotid most commonly involved
b. Systemic symptoms: fever, malaise weight loss, headache
c. Hypertension
d. Abdominal pain
e. Later manifestations = diminished pulses, asymmetric blood pressures, claudication, Raynaud phenomenon, renal failure
f. Rash, myositis, arthritis, myocarditis, ILD, GN splenomegaly - Diagnosis
a. Based on angiographic abnormalities on CT/ MR A AND one of the following:
i. Decreased peripheral artery pulses/claudication
ii. BP difference between arms / legs of > 10 mmHg
iii. Bruits
iv. Hypertension - Investigations
a. Imaging
b. Elevated acute phase reactants
c. No autoantibodies
d. Radiographic assessment main investigation – MRA/ CTA and arteriography - Treatment
a. Steroids mainstay of therapy
b. Steroid sparing agents – MTZ/ azathioprine, cyclophosphamide - Complications
a. Arterial stenosis
b. Aneurysms
c. Occlusion/ haemorrhage
d. Valvular disease - Prognosis
a. 20% patients are monophasic, other patients have relapses
b. Overall survival = 93% at 5 years, 97% at 10 years
Polyarteritis Nodosa (+Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa) - general
- Epidemiology
a. Rare in childhood
b. Mean age of dx 9
c. M=F
d. Often follows infection with group A strep/ chronic hepatitis B - Pathology
a. Necrotizing vasculitis, small-medium vessels
d. NO granulomas/ complement or immune complex deposition - Pathogenesis
a. Immune complexes thought to be involved
b. NO clear genetic associations - Clinical manifestations
a. Constitutional symptoms – weight loss, fever, malaise
b. Abdominal pain – due to mesenteric arterial inflammation
c. Kidneys most commonly affected
d. Renovascular arteritis 🡪 HT, haematuria, proteinuria
e. CVS 🡪 myocarditis, coronary arteritis, pericarditis and arrhythmias
f. Arthralgias, arthritis and myalgias are common
g. CNS 🡪 stroke/ TIA/ mononeuritis/ seizures
h. Lungs NOT involved
i. Cutaneous manifestations – purpura, livedo reticularis, ulcerations, painful nodules (can occur independently) - Diagnosis
a. Requires tissue biopsy/angiography - Treatment
a. Steroids- oral / pulsed
b. +/- IV cyclophosphamide
c. Treat underling cause if hepatitis B identified
d. Relapsing / refractory disease 🡪 MTX, dapsone, azathioprine, thalidomide, cyclosporine, anti-TNF agents - Complications
a. Ulceration/ infection of nodule
b. HT, Chronic renal disease
c. Decreased cardiac function, coronary artery disease - Prognosis
a. Less mortality than adult PAN
b. Cutaneous rarely transitions to systemic disease
Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa (CPAN) is a rare form of cutaneous vasculitis that involves small and medium sized arteries of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue without systemic involvement. It presents with tender subcutaneous nodules, digital gangrene, livedo reticularis and subcutaneous ulcerations.
ANCA Vasculitis - general
ANCA = anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
- Key points
a. Ab directed against neutrophil cytoplasmic Ag
b. cANCA = PR3 ANCA = granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA or Wegners)
c. pANCA = MPO ANCA = microscopic polyangiitis (MPA/renal limited vasculitis) - Etiology
a. Unknown - Clinical manifestations
a. Can present with slow progressive symptoms/ sudden acuity
b. Focal segmental necrotising PAUCI-IMMUNE crescentic GN
c. Fevers/malaise/weight loss
d. Joints/eyes/ skin/nervous system/ heart can also be involved - Investigations
a. Immunofluorescence
b. ELISA = confirm positive IF, detect specific antigen Ab directed against
i. MPO = myeloperoxidase
ii. PR 3 = proteinase 3 - Treatment
a. Immunosuppression = steroids, cyclophosphamide, rituximab
b. Severe necrotising GN and pulmonary haemorrhage – indications for PLEX
c. Maintenance = AZA, glucocorticoids - Prognosis
a. >80% mortality if untreated – 10% over 10-20 years with treatment
Wegners = Granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA) - general
● Necrotising, granulomatous, small vessel vasculitis with predilection for respiratory tract and kidneys
● Mean age at diagnosis is 14
● F>M 3-4:1
● Pathology = necrotizing vasculitis, crescentic GN with no immune complex deposition
Respiratory 84% ● Sinusitis + nasal ulceration ● Epistaxis ● Otitis media ● Hearing loss ● Pulmonary haemorrhage ● Subglottic stenosis ● Saddle nose deformity Kidney 88% ● Haematuria, proteinuria, HTN Eyes 44% ● Conjunctivitis ● Scleritis ● Uveitis ● Optic neuritis ● Invasive orbital pseudotumour Skin 60% ● Palpable purpura Nervous system 12% ● Peripheral neuropathy
Microscopic polyangitis (MPA) - general
● Small vessel necrotizing vasculitis, clinically similar to Wegener/GPA
● Rare in children
● Pathology: necrotizing vasculitis, crescentic GN with no immune complex deposition - NO granulomas
● Manifestations similar to WG, but sinus disease is less common
Churg Strauss - general
AKA Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), formerly known as allergic granulomatosis
ANCA vasculitis
● Small vessel granulomatous vasculitis characterized by refractory asthma + peripheral eosinophilia
● Rare in children
● Pathology = necrotizing vasculitis, crescentic GN with no immune complex deposition - perivascular eosinophilic infiltrates
● Dx criteria = 4 of: biopsy showing eosinophils in extravascular area, > 10% peripheral eosinophils, asthma, pulmonary involvement, sinus abnormality, peripheral abnormality
● Clinical manifestations
o Asthma predominant
o Cartilage destruction and renal involvement is RARE (20%)
o More commonly involves nerves, GT, pericardium and skin
● ANCA – pANCA +ve in 40-60% MPO > PRC
Behcets disease - general
- Key points
a. Most clinical manifestations are believed to be due to vasculitis
b. Can involve blood vessels of all sizes (small, medium and large) AND both arteries and veins
c. Clinical course characterised by exacerbations + remissions - Epidemiology
a. Uncommon in children - 5% of cases
b. Usually in late childhood – 8-12 years
c. No sex prevalence - Pathogenesis - unknown
- Clinical manifestations
a. Recurrent exacerbations and disease-free intervals
b. Ulcers - painful, oral, can also have genital after puberty
c. Ocular manifestations - uveitis, vireitis, retinal vasculitis
d. Cutaneous lesions = erythema nodosum, papulopustular acneiform lesions, folliculitis, purpura, ulcers
i. Pathergy – pustular reaction after sterile needle puncture
e. Vasculitis
i. Arterial or venous thrombosis – including DVT, cerebral dural sinus thrombosis
ii. Aneurysm formation
f. Arthritis = oligoarthritis, non-deforming
g. Abdominal pain, dyspepsia
h. CNS abnormalities = meningoencephalitis, cranial nerve palsies, psychosis, thrombophlebitis
i. Rare manifestations = orchitis, renal vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, or amyloidosis and cardiac involvement - Diagnosis
a. Usually not made until child is 20-30 years
b. Oral ulcers recurring 3 times within 12 months
c. AND 2 of the following:
i. Recurrent genital ulcerations
ii. Eye lesions (uveitis / retinal vasculitis)
iii. Skin lesions (erythema nodosum, pseudofolliculitis, acneiform nodules
d. Positive pathergy test result - Investigations = nil specific
- Treatment
a. LIMITED evidence
b. Steroids, colchicine, chlorambucil, azathioprine, cyclosporine and tacrolimus have been used
c. Colchicine = commonly used in those without internal organ involvement
i. Improves oral and genital ulcers, skin features + disease activity - Prpognosis
a. Variable clinical course
b. Need to monitor for uveitis
c. Mortality is low
Sjogren Syndrome - background
- Key points
a. Typically manifests at 35-45 years, 90% of cases among women
b. Mean age at diagnosis in children is 9-10 years; 75% are girls - Pathogenesis
a. Genetic predisposition + infectious trigger
b. Lymphocytes + plasma cells infiltrate salivary glands 🡪 destroy structure
c. May occur in conjunction with RA, SLE, systemic sclerosis, polymyositis - Classification
a. Primary Sjögren syndrome (sicca complex) – isolated disorder
b. Secondary Sjögren syndrome – associated with other rheumatic disorder (SLE, scleroderma, mixed CT disease), usually precedes the associated autoimmune disease by years
Sjogren Syndrome - manifestations and diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Recurrent parotid gland enlargement, parotitis – most common manifestations in children (>70%)
b. Xeropthalmia (dry eyes) = itchy, gritty, photophobia, blurred vision
c. Xerostomia (dry mouth) = increased dental caries, halitosis, dysphagia, fissured tongue) +/- recurrent parotitis +/- duct obstruction
d. Many other systemic features – lungs, pancreas, renal, MSK, haematological, PNS, CNS - Investigations
a. Objective signs of dryness of eye
i. Schirmer test – abnormal tear production (≤5 mm of wetting of filter paper strip in 5 min)
ii. Rose-Bengal staining – damaged ocular epithelial conjunctival and corneal cells.
iii. Slit lamp examination
b. ESR = elevated
c. FBE = normochromic normocytic anaemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia
d. Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
e. Serology
i. ANA = 80%
ii. RF = 66%
iii. Anti Ro/SS-A = 75%
iv. Anti La/SS-B = 65%
v. Anti–β-fodrin autoantibodies
f. Biopsy = lymphocytic infiltration - Diagnostic criteria = 4+ of the following criteria
a. Clinical symptoms
i. Oral: recurrent parotitis or enlargement of parotid gland, dry mouth (xerostomia)
ii. Ocular: dry eyes (xerophthalmia) recurrent conjunctivitis without obvious allergic or infectious etiology, keratoconjunctivitis sicca
iii. Other mucosal: recurrent vaginitis
iv. Systemic: fever, non-inflammatory arthralgias, hypokalemic paralysis, abdominal pain
b. Immunological abnormalities: >=1 of anti-SSA, anti-SSB, high titre antinuclear antibody, RF
c. Other abnormalities or investigations
i. Biochemical: elevated serum amylase
ii. Hematologic: leukopenia, high sedimentation rate
iii. Immunologic: polyclonal hyperimmunoglobulinemia
iv. Renal: renal tubular acidosis
v. Histologic proof of lymphocytic infiltration of salivary glands or other organs (i.e., liver)
vi. Objective documentation of ocular dryness (Bengal red staining or Schirmer test)
vii. Positive findings of parotid gland scintigraphy
d. Exclusion of all other autoimmune diseases
Sjogren Syndrome - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Artificial tears, fluids
b. Steroids / NSAIDS/ hydroxychloroquine can be used
c. Rarely use strong immunosuppressants (cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide) - Complications
a. ↑ risk of MALT lymphoma
b. Associated with neonatal lupus syndrome
c. Maternal Sjögren syndrome can be an antecedent to the neonatal lupus syndrome
Growing pains - general
o AKA Benign nocturnal pains of childhood
o Peak age 4-8 years old
o Affect 15-30% of children
o Intermittent, bilateral pain – mainly affects anterior thigh + calf (NOT joints)
o Can wake a child from sleep but resolves quickly with massage or analgesics
o Otherwise well – diagnosis of exclusion
Fibromyalgia - general
o Diffuse MSK pain in at least 3 areas of the body persisting for at least 3 months in the absence of an underlying condition
o At least 5 well defined tender points on examination
o Associated symptoms
▪ Poor sleep
▪ Fatigue
▪ Chronic anxiety/ tension
▪ Chronic headaches
▪ Soft tissue swelling
o Pathophysiology – relates to abnormal pain processing, abnormal levels of substance P in CSF, disordered mood, dysregulated HPA axis
o Treatment
▪ Education
▪ Exercise-based intervention
▪ Pain coping/stress management
▪ Pharmacological = TCA, SSRI, anticonvulsants
Erythromelalgia - general
o Episodic intense, pain and erythema in the hands and feet
o Can be triggered by exercise + heat exposure
o Most cases are sporadic
o Rare AD form = SCN9A mutation in chromosome – encodes sodium channel in dorsal root ganglia
o Associations
▪ Myeloproliferative disease
▪ Peripheral neuropathy
▪ Hypertension
▪ Rheumatic disease
o Treatment
▪ Avoid precipitants
▪ NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, antidepressants
Complex regional pain syndrome - general
o Characterised by burning limb pain that is subsequent to an injury, immobilsiation or other noxious event affecting an extremity
o Key features
▪ Pain disproportionate to the inciting event
▪ Allodynia (pain is caused by a stimulus that does not normally elicit pain)
▪ Hyperalgesia (experience an enhanced sensitivity to pain)
▪ Swelling of the distal extremities
▪ Indicators of autonomic dysfunction - cyanosis, mottling, hyperhidrosis
o Treatment
▪ Physical therapy
▪ Low-dose amitriptyline
Joint hypermobility syndrome - general
- Key points
a. Most common condition causing joint hypermobility
b. Affects 10-20% of people - Risk factors
a. F>M
b. Adolescence
c. Asians, west Africans - Clinical manifestations
a. Musculoskeletal
i. Recurrent acute pain from joint sprains and ligament/tendon injuries
ii. Recurrent subluxations and dislocations
iii. Injuries due to poor proprioception
iv. Marfanoid body habitus
b. Skin manifestations
i. Hyperextensible
ii. Easy bruising
iii. Wide, paper-thin and sunken scars
c. Gastrointestinal + urological
i. Hernias
ii. Bowel symptoms
iii. Pelvic floor weakness
d. Chronic pain
e. Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction - Investigations = nil
- DDx
a. Marfan = features NOT present – scoliosis, kyphosis, dilatation of the aortic root and aortic arch, aortic dissection, ectopia lentis, or dural ectasias
b. EDS = subtle; makes no difference in management - Treatment
a. Physical therapy
b. Splints and orthoses
Periodic Fever Syndromes - general
● Group of autoinflammatory diseases caused by error of the innate immune system
● Episodes of self-limited fever that occur in the absence of infection
● Common pathogenesis:
o Mutations in pathways continuing pattern recognition receptors (PRPs)
o PRPS (which include toll like receptors) recognize common aspects of viral / bacterial molecular structures
o PRP recognizes pathogen 🡪 activates intracellular proteins: regulate NFk-b, cell apoptosis, and IL-1 beta
o Mutations in this pathway = increased secretion of IL-1 beta
● Common features o Clinical ▪ Fevers ▪ Rashes ▪ Arthritis ▪ Serositis ▪ Ocular involvement o Investigations ▪ Elevated inflammatory markers during flares but normal between autoimmune disease ▪ No autoantibodies
- Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF)
- Tumour necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)
- Hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome
- Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes
a. Muckle wells syndrome
b. Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS)/ familial cold urticaria (FCU)
c. Chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous and articular disease/ neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease
d. Pyogenic antarthritic, pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA)
e. Blau syndrome - Periodic fever aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA)
Familial Mediterranean Fever - background
- Key points
a. Most common mendelian autoinflammatoy disease
b. 1-3 days of fever + serositis + arthritis + rash
c. Complicated by AA amyloidosis - Epidemiology
a. Primarily in groups of Mediterranean origin: Jews, Turks, Armenians, individuals of Arab descent
b. Rare among Ashkenazi jews, Germanss and Anglo- Saxons
c. Carrier rate in Armenians 1/500 - Genetics + pathogenesis
a. AR
b. MEFV gene
i. Expresses an amino acid pyrin / marenostrin - expressed in myeloid cells
ii. Up to 70 mutations identified – M694V, V726A, M6801, E148Q, M 6941
c. Exact pathogenesis unclear
i. Increased levels of IFN-g and other pro-inflammatory cytokines
ii. Pyrin – regulatory component of the ‘ inflammasome’ 🡪 complex of proteins that trigger release of IL-1 beta and mediators of apoptosis - inhibits processing or pro-Il-1- beta to IL-1- beta
iii. Mutations lead to stimulation of Il-1 beta processing and secretion 🡪 uncontrolled inflammation
d. Other proposed mechanisms = C5a inhibitor deficiency
Familial Mediterranean Fever - manifestations/diagnosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. 65% present before 5 years, 90% before 20 years
b. Well between flares
c. Triggers = exercise, cold, stress, fatigue, surgery, menstruation
d. Acute episodes lasting 1-4 days of fever +
i. Sterile peritonitis (abdominal pain)
ii. Arthritis/ arthralgia
iii. Pleuritis
e. Other symptoms
i. Erysipelas like rash
ii. Myalgia
iii. Splenomegaly
iv. Hypothyroidism
v. Orchitis
vi. Aseptic meningitis
f. Associated with HSP, polyarteritis nodosa, Behets disease - Investigations + diagnosis
a. Elevated inflammatory markers during attack
b. Elevated serum amyloid protein
c. Genetic testing using PCR and restriction analysis (will miss rare mutations)
Familial Mediterranean Fever - treatment/complications
- Treatment
a. Colchicine
i. Unknown mechanism, but suppresses neutrophil phagocytosis and chemotaxis
ii. Prevents attacks in 65%, improves number in 20-30%> 5-10% refractory
iii. Decreases probability of developing amyloidosis
iv. Continued during pregnancy + lactation
v. Side effects - Diarrhoea + GI symptoms
- Bone marrow suppression – rare
- Dose-related transaminitis
- Myopathy
b. IL-1 inhibitor = anakinra - Complications
a. Amyloidosis
i. Serum AA is an acute phase reactant – found in high levels during attacks
ii. Deposits ectopically – kidney, GIT, spleen, lung, testes thyroid, adrenals
iii. Rarely can result in cardiac amyloidosis
iv. Most common presenting sign is proteinuria; can progress to nephrotic syndrome + renal failure
v. 30-50% of untreated children, 75% of adults with FMF develop renal amyloidosis
vi. Risk factors - Homozygous for M694V mutation
- Country of origin – Middle East higher risk
b. Small bowel obstruction
c. Infertility
d. Infection
e. Thromboembolism
Hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D Syndrome - general
AKA Dutch fever
- Epidemiology
a. More common Dutch/ French population - Genetics + pathogenesis
a. AR
b. Mutations of mevalonate kinase (MVK) gene on chromosome 12
c. MVK: peroxisomal enzyme that enhances metabolism of mevalonic acid (part of cholesterol synthesis pathway)
d. Patients have decreased MVK activity in lymphocyte 🡪 increased mevalonic acid levels in plasma
e. Exact pathophysiology remains unclear - Clinical manifestations
a. Onset within 1st year of life
b. Recurrent episodes of fever lasting 3-7 days
c. Triggers = illness, immunisation, surgery
d. Abdominal pain +/- diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting
e. Cervical lymphadenopathy +/- splenomegaly
f. Other features = diffuse macular rash, aphthous ulcers, headaches
g. Symptoms resolve after fever declines
h. Rash and symmetric polyarthritis/ arthralgia may persist - Investigations + Diagnosis
a. FBE – leukocytosis during attack
b. Elevated immunoglobulin D – present in 80% of patients, not diagnostic (can be increased in other autoinflammatory disease)
c. Elevated acute phase reaction
d. Mevalonic acid in the urine may be elevated during febrile episodes (usually normal between episodes)
e. Genetic testing available for MVK - Treatment
a. NSAIDS – may treat symptoms and fever
b. Steroids – often used for those not improved by NSAID
c. Anakinra, etanercept (TNF-alpha inhibitor) may be effective - Complications + Prognosis
a. Symptoms may persist for years but become less prominent in adulthood
b. Usually normal lifespan
c. Incidence of AA amyloidosis in patients is LOW
d. Joint contractures and abdominal adhesions may occur
e. Mevalonic aciduria– severe mental retardation, ataxia, myopathy, cataracts, FTT
TRAPS - general
TNF receptor associated periodic syndrome
- Genetics + pathogenesis
a. AD
b. Mutation in TNF receptor 1A gene TNFRSF1A (chromosome 12)
c. Defective TNFR1 molecule on the cell surface is unable to neutralize TNF alpha - Clinical manifestations
a. Presents in first decade of life
b. Intermittent febrile episodes with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
i. May present as acute abdomen
c. Other symptoms
i. Oligoarthritis
ii. Myalgias
iii. Rash = erythematous macular rash, annular patches or serpiginous
iv. Ocular = conjunctivitis, unilateral periorbital edema
d. Episodes LONGER than FMF, 3 days to 3 weeks - Investigations
a. Elevated acute phase reactants
b. Low serum levels of soluble type 1A TNF receptor, increased serum levels of TNF - Treatment
a. NSAID – if mild disease
b. Prednisolone – can attenuate the length and severity of the attacks
c. Colchicine has NO effect
d. Biologic agents
i. Etanercept
ii. Anakinra
iii. Anti-TNF MAb = in some cases has led to paradoxical worsening of disease - Complications
a. AA amyloidosis – in up to 25%
i. Affects kidneys/ liver
ii. Risk factors = cysteine mutations and positive family history
Cryoporin Associated Periodic Syndromes - general
- Key points
a. Group of AD disorders
b. Mild to severe
i. Cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS1)
ii. Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS)
iii. Neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID) (also known as chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous and articular syndrome, or CINCA) - Genetics + Pathogenesis
a. AD or de novo mutations
b. Mutation in NLRP3 (CIAS1) – encodes cryopyrin - Common manifestations
a. All characterised by febrile attacks + urticarial rash
i. Rash mimics urticaria
ii. Histology = perivascular infiltrates are PMN rather than mast cells - Differences
a. FCAS – Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome
i. Least severe
ii. Febrile attacks 1-3 hours (up to 8 hours) after cold exposure
iii. Resolve within 24 hours
iv. Associated symptoms = polyarthralgia, conjunctivitis
v. AA amyloidosis rare
b. MWS – Muckle Well Syndrome
i. Not cold-induced
ii. Presents with fevers, myalgias, arthralgias, urticarial-like rash (same as FCAS)
iii. Associated with development of progressive sensorineural hearing loss
iv. Complications
2. AA amyloidosis – 30%
c. CINCA = Chronic Infantile Neurologic Disease With Mental Retardation (= NOMID)
i. Most severe entity
ii. Neonatal onset
iii. Clinical manifestations
1. Daily fevers
2. Dysmorphic features
3. Rash
4. Neurological disease
5. Destructive arthropathy – particularly of knees
iv. Complications = chronic aseptic meningitis, leading to increased ICP, optic disc edema, visual impairment, progressive sensorineural hearing loss, intellectual disability
- Treatment
a. Symptomatic treatment with NSAID, steroids + colchicine
b. NOMID = anakinra (IL-1 receptor antagonist) – lifechanging
c. FCAS and MWS
i. Rilonacept – soluble IL-1 receptor decoy
ii. Canakinumab – long-acting, fully humanized IgG1 anti–IL-1β monoclonal antibody
PAPA - general
pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne
● AD
● Mutations in the pSTP1P1 gene (chromosome 15) 🡪 adaptor protein proline serine threonine phosphatase interacting protein
● Clinical manifestations
o Recurrent episodes of sterile, pyogenic arthritis resulting in joint destruction 🡪 develops in childhood
o Pyoderma gangrenosum, severe cystic acne with skin ulcerations 🡪 develops in adolescence
o Fever not a major feature
● Treatment
o Corticosteroids
o IL-1 antagonists
o TNF inhibitors
PFAPA/Marshall Syndrome - general
period fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis
- Key points
a. NON-Mendelian periodic fever
b. Most common recurrent fever syndrome in children - Epidemiology
a. Sporadic
b. No ethnic predilection - Clinical manifestations
a. Presents 2-5 years of age
b. Recurrent fever, malaise, tonsillitis (negative throat culture), cervical lymphadenopathy and ulcers
c. Episodes last 4-6 days regardless of treatment
d. 8-12 episodes a year
e. Hepatosplenomegaly - Investigations
a. Elevated acute phase reactants, leuckocytosis - Treatment
a. Respond dramatically to a single dose of prednisolone
b. Cimetidine 20-40 mg/kg may induce remission
c. Tonsillectomy may improve symptoms in some - Prognosis
a. Most children spontaneously resolve after 4-8 years
Amyloidosis - background
- Key points
a. Group of conditions characterised by extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrous amyloid proteins - Classification (based on biochemical analysis)
a. AL = amyloid composed of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain, idiopathic/ myeloma associated
b. AA = amyloid A protein (secondary / reactive), hereditary periodic fever syndromes, chronic inflammatory and infective disorders
c. TTR amyloidosis = associated with AD and rare autosomal dominant familial causes - Pathogenesis
a. Amyloid = microscopic fibrils containing a nonfibrillar component, amyloid P
b. AA amyloid is formed from serum amyloid A (SAA) which is an acute phase reactant produced by the liver
c. SAA protein undergoes cleavage, misfolding and aggregation forming beta pleated sheets known as fibrils
d. Amyloid then deposits in various organs 🡪 spleen, adrenal, liver, GIT , kidney - Etiology
a. Hereditary amyloidosis = mutation in the amyloid fibril
b. Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis = develops in patients with chronic inflammatory states
i. Only AA amyloidosis occurs commonly in children
ii. Reduced incidence due to new DMARD and biologic agents
iii. Associated conditions - Periodic fever syndrome
a. FMF
c. CAPS – MWS (30%) - Inflammatory disease
- Chronic infections
- CF
- SLE, dermatomyositis, JIA, RA
Amyloidosis - manifestations/investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Usually begins 10 years after onset of inflammatory disease
b. Renal = 90%
i. Proteinuria
ii. Nephrotic syndrome 🡪 renal failure
c. GI = 20%
i. Chronic diarrhoea
ii. GI bleeding
iii. Abdominal pain
iv. Malabsorption
v. Hepatosplenomegaly
d. Other
i. Testes = 90%
ii. Anaemia
iii. Other = amyloid goiter, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, adrenal involvement, and pulmonary involvement - Investigations
a. Biopsy
i. Biopsies can only be taken from rectal mucosa, gingival tissue and abdominal fat
ii. Histologically characterised by eosinophilic material that stains with Congo red dye and apple green birefringence in polarized light
b. Other
i. Elevated acute phase reactants
ii. High levels of immunoglobulins
iii. IN AL amyloidosis: increased plasma cells in bone marrow/ serum or urine monoclonal immunoglobulins
Amyloidosis - treatment and prognosis
- Treatment
a. Aggressive management of underlying cause
b. Colchicine = FMF
c. Chlorambucil = JIA (however associated with malignancy)
d. Biologic agents
i. Anti-TNF agents
ii. IL-1 antagonists = anakinra (IL-1 receptor), rilonacept (soluble IL-1 decoy), canakinumab (humanised IgG1 anti IL-1 beta)
iii. IL-6 antagonist = tocilizumab - Prognosis
a. 40-60% patients die from ESRF, median survival 2-10 years
b. ESRF causing of death in 40-60%
c. Risk factors = older age, lower albumin, pre-existing CKD, prolonged elevation of SAA
Sarcoidosis - background
- Key points
a. Rare multisystem granulomatous disorder
b. 2 age-dependent patterns occur in children – paediatric onset adult sarcoidosis + early-onset sarcoidosis
c. Rare in childhood: 0.22-0.27/100,000 children
d. Increases with age, peak onset 20-39 year - Pathogenesis
a. Remains unclear
b. Some trigger elicits exaggerated immune response 🡪 formation of granulomas
c. Granulomas are noncaseating, epitheloid granulomatous
e. Sarcoid macrophage can also secrete calcitriol, leading to hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
Sarcoidosis - manifestations/investigations
- Clinical manifestations
a. Paediatric onset adult sarcoidosis
i. Similar to adult sarcoidosis
ii. Systemic features predominate – fever, weight loss, malaise
iii. Pulmonary involvement most frequent 🡪 thoracic lymph nodes, bilateral lymphadenopathy, parenchymal infiltrates and military nodules
iv. Extrathoracic lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly can occur
v. Cutaneous disease: plaques, nodules, erythema nodosum
vi. Ocular involvement: uveitis, conjunctival granulomas, orbital/ lacrimal gland infiltration
vii. Renal disease (rare): proteinuria, transient pyuria, microscopic haematuria, renal insufficiency
viii. Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria (less common in children)
b. Early onset sarcoidosis
i. Triad - Rash
- Uveitis
- Polyarthritis
ii. Like Blau without family history
iii. Pulmonary disease is less common
iv. Arthritis usually polyarticular, symmetric with large boggy effusions
v. Noncaseating granulomas demonstrated with biopsy of skin/joint synovium
c. Blau syndrome
i. AD familial form
ii. Mutations in the CARD15/NOD2 gene on chromosome 16
iii. Early onset granulomatous inflammation – rash, uveitis, arthritis - Investigations/ diagnosis
a. Blood
i. FBE = anaemia, leukopenia and eosinophilia
ii. Elevated acute phase reactions + hypergammaglobulinaemia
iii. Hypercalcemia + hypercalciuria = less common in children
iv. ACE = may be elevated (produced by epithelioid cells)
b. Biopsy
i. Histology = non-caseating granulomas
ii. BAL
c. Imaging
i. CXR, ii. PET = may identify active lesions
d. PFT = restrictive lung disease
e. Opthal slit lamp examination
f. Kveim Sltzbach test: intradermal injection of human sarcoid tissue extract, monitor for granuloma formation
Sarcoidosis - treatment/prognosis
- Treatment
a. No consensus
b. Steroids usually the mainstay
c. Other immunosuppressive agents: MTX, TNF alpha antagonists, azathioprine, hydroxychloroquine, thalidomide
d. Monitor with regular PFS, echocardiogram/ECG, urinalysis, renal function tests, hepatic enzymes, calcium, ophthalmologic examination every 3-6 months
e. ACE and inflammatory markers can be monitored – ACE does not always correlate - Prognosis
a. Not well defined in childhood
b. Outcome worse if there is multiorgan/ CNS involvement
c. Children with EOS have a poorer prognosis
i. Greatest morbidity is associated with ocular complications – cataract, synechiae, loss of visual acuity or blindness
ii. Progressive polyarthritis may result in joint destruction
d. The overall mortality rate in childhood sarcoidosis is low
Patellofemoral pain syndrome - general
● History of overuse, often involves running with a change in training (eg, increased mileage or pace).
● Diffuse anterior, peripatellar pain.
● Knee may “give way”.
● Pain with squatting, running (downhill), stairs, or arising after prolonged sitting.
● Tender medial/lateral patella ● Normal movement ● Effusion rare ● Patellofemoral compression test +ve ● VMO atrophy ● Lower extremity malalignment
● Most common condition seen in adolescents referred to sports medicine specialists.
● Knee effusion, abnormal knee motion, or ligamentous laxity require assessment for intra-articular damage.
Osteochondritis dessicans - general
Radiopedia: Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is the end result of the aseptic separation of an osteochondral fragment with the gradual fragmentation of the articular surface and results in an osteochondral defect. It is often associated with intraarticular loose bodies.
● History of acute injury or highly active patient with pain that worsens with exercise.
● Poorly localized pain with activity that may progress to stiffness, swelling, and mechanical symptoms of locking or catching
● Tenderness over the medial femoral condyle in the flexed knee.
● Plain radiographs, including tunnel views of the knee, show crescent shaped lucency on the medial femoral condyle.
Osgood Schlatter disease - general
Tibial tuberosity apophyseal avulsion
● Overuse – particularly jumping
● Growth spurt
● Increases with activity
● Pain at tibial tubercle.
● Tenderness at tibial tubercle
● Focal swelling and warmth directly over the apophysis
● No effusion or ligamentous laxity
● Imaging is not necessary unless red flags
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease - general
Patellar apophyseal avulsion
● Overuse – particularly jumping
● Common during growth spurt.
● Increases with activity
● Pain at inferior patellar pole
● Tenderness at inferior pole of patella
● Focal swelling and warmth directly over the apophysis
● No effusion or ligamentous laxity
● Imaging is not necessary unless red flags
Eating Disorders - general background
- Types of eating disorder
a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Bulimia nervosa
c. Binge eating disorder
d. Avoidant/ restrictive food intake disorder - Epidemiology
a. Dieting and focus on body image in adolescent girls very common
b. Anorexia 0.5-1%, bulimia 2-3%, binge eating 2-3%
c. Adolescent onset
i. Incidence of AN is relatively stable - Males account for 10-15% total AN
ii. Age of AN and BN increasing
d. Affects all ethnicities and social groups
e. Lifetime prevalence 7% (according to US study)
f. 3rd most common chronic incidence in female illness
g. Highest rate of mortality amongst mental illnesses
h. Atypical AN increasing risk - Etiology
a. Genetic factors – 50% of variation of AN and BN explained by genetic factors
i. First degree relatives: 6-10x
ii. Twin studies – greater concordance in monozygotic twins
iii. Predisposing personality traits
b. Biological factors
i. Starvation reproduces symptoms of eating disorders (preoccupation with food, anxiety, irritability, low mood, social withdrawal)
ii. Purging can also result in short term improvement in mood related to instability of dopamine/ serotonin
c. Environmental
i. Familial = eating behaviour, weight concerns, communication
ii. Ballet, gymnastics, modelling
iii. Sociocultural norms
iv. Dieting = the biggest risk factor for eating disorder - Around 2/3 of eating disorders arise in girls who have been moderate dieters in the past
Dieting - abnormal dieting and warning signs
- Abnormal dieting
a. Associated with decreasing weight goals
b. Associated with increasing body criticism
c. Increasing social isolation
d. Loss of menstruation or failure to start menstruating at the right time
e. Vomiting - Warning signs
a. Preference for eating along
b. Extremely limited food choices
c. Cooking for others, but not eating
d. Rituals around eating
e. Excessive fluid intake
f. Frequent visits to the bathroom after eating
g. Frequent weighing
h. Obsessive exercising
Anorexia nervosa - DSM criteria
• Criteria
o Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory and physical health. (weight that is less than minimally normal or expected)
o Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain, even though at a significantly low weight
o Disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape is experienced (persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight) [usually <90% IBW]
- Subtypes = restrictive type/purging type
- Severity = mild (BMI or BMI centile >17), moderate (16-17), severe (15-16), extreme (<15)
Bulimia nervosa - DSM criteria
• Criteria
o Recurrent binge eating
Binge eating = eating in a discrete period an amount of food that is definitely larger than most would eat in a similar situation and time period + a sense of lack of control over eating during episodes
o Inappropriate compensatory weight control behaviours
o Frequency > 1/ week for 3 month
o Self-evaluation unduly influenced by body weight/ shape
o Absence of AN
• Severity = mild (1-3/week), moderate (4-7/week), severe (8-13/week), extreme (>14 week)
Binge eating disorder - DSM criteria
• Criteria
o Episodes of binge eating
o Binges associated with 3 of: rapid eating/ feeling uncomfortably full / eating when not hungry/ eating alone/ feeling disgusted after
o Occur at least once a week for 3 months
o Not in the context of bulimia/ AN
ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) - DSM criteria
• Criteria
o Eating or feeding disturbance with persistent failure to meet nutritional needs associated with
Significant weight loss/ growth failure
Significant nutritional deficiency
Dependence on enteral feeding or oral nutritional supplements
Marked interference with psychosocial functioning
o Not better explained by absence of food or culturally sanctioned practice
o Not another medical condition/ mental disorder
• Subtypes
o Phobias – eg. Fear of vomiting
o Somatising
o ASD (and ‘fussy eaters’)
Atypical anorexia nervosa - DSM criteria
• Atypical anorexia nervosa
o Features of AN BUT overweight or normal weight
o Usually premorbid weight elevation and loses a large amount of weight – has all the cognitions and behaviours of anorexia
- Atypical BN
- Purging disorder
- Binge eating disorder (low frequency/ limited duration)
- Night eating syndrome
Eating Disorders - general - assessment/hx/ex/ix/ddx
- Assessment
a. Assess = type, duration, severity, complications
b. Normal medical history + family history
c. Specific ED questions
i. How restricting started
ii. Pattern of food consumed
iii. Any binging/ purging
iv. Exercise history (including private)
v. Maximum and minimum weight ‘goal weight’
vi. Rapidity of weight loss
d. 24 hour dietary history
i. Quantities, variety
ii. Fluids
iii. Dairy products
iv. Any other specific eating habits (eating alone etc)
v. Family dietary patterns
e. Exercise history
f. Periods
g. HEADSS assessment
h. Mood/anxiety/OCD
i. Common to AN and BN – anxiety, depression
ii. AN – OCD
iii. BN – substance abuse, sexual abuse, personality disorders
i. Physical symptoms
i. Cold intolerance
ii. Constipation
iii. Fatigue
iv. Poor concentration
v. Dizziness/ syncope
vi. Screen for symptoms associated with any potential medical conditions - Examination
a. Plot growth - % median BMI
i. Remember BMI increases with age
b. Temperature
c. Look for hypothermia/ acrocyanosis, livedo reticularis
d. CVS: HR, BP, postural changes
e. Other features – caries, parotid enlargement, adenoapthy
f. Signs of other chronic medical conditions - Investigations
a. Baseline bloods - FBE, UEC, CMP, ESR, LFT, Fe studies
b. Blood gas
c. Endocrine assessment = FSH, LH, Oestradiol/testosterone
d. Celiac
e. Bones = vit D, bone age, bone densitometry (Medicare funded once a year)
f. ECG - Differential diagnosis
a. Malignancy
b. Thyroid disease
c. Occult infection
d. Celiac disease, IBD
Anorexia - background
- Epidemiology
a. Women > men – lifetime prevalence 3x higher in females than males
b. Median age of onset 18 years - Aetiology
a. Family history
b. Genetics – there is a clear genetic risk
c. Temperament/personality factors
d. Obsessionality
e. Dieting + loss of weight – key risk factor
f. Age of onset/sex differences - Comorbid conditions
a. Anorexia
b. OCD
c. Social phobia
Anorexia - complications
a. Note most resolve with restoration of weight EXCEPT for reduced BMD and possibly atrophy
i. Caries
ii. Parotid enlargement
iii. Submandibular adenopathy
i. Bradycardia/palpitations
ii. Postural hypotension
iii. Functional changes
1. Decreased cardiac output: reduced exercise capacity, attenuated BP response to exercise
2. Bradycardia: due to increased vagal tone, decreased metabolic rate
iv. Structural changes
1. Decreased cardiac mass and myocardial fibrosis
2. Mitral valve prolapse (as heart muscle decreases in size whilst structural valve tissue remains the same). Present in up to 20%
3. Pericardial effusions – tend to resolve with weight gain
v. ECG changes
1. May get small volume ST/ T wave changes and prolonged QT ?significance [long QT is a marker of electrolyte disturbance or medications – SCD related to QT dispersion]
2. Increased HR variability
i. Sex hormones + Reproduction
1. ↓ oestradiol, FSH, LH, testosterone
2. Arrested psychosexual development
3. Loss of libido
4. Amenorrhoea (precedes weight loss in 1/3 to ½ due to 1 hypothalamic defect)
a. Due to decreased pulsatility of GnRH
b. Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
c. Resumption of menses with weight gain – difficult to predict; usually BMI > 19
5. Unplanned pregnancy more common; rates of infertility same
ii. Growth hormones = ↑ GH high ↓ IGF-1
iii. Thyroid = sick euthyroid (↓T3/T4, normal or low TSH)
iv. ↑ cortisol (loss of diurnal variation, failure of dexamethasone suppression) – acne, hirsutism
v. Arrested growth
vi. Fatigue, cold intolerance, hypothermia
i. urea (dehydration, GFR), low urea if malnutrition
ii. Mild proteinuria, haematuria, pyuria
iii. Renal calculi
i. Healthy children = gain 45-60% BMD in second decade, peaking in 3rd decade, declines 1-2% per year
ii. 50% of AN have BMD < 2.5 SD
iii. Bone loss can persist even after weight restoration – increases risk for long term fractures
iv. Resultant osteopenia/osteoporosis
v. Multifactorial
1. Amenorrhoea – oestrogen deficiency
2. Low BMI
3. Low dietary Ca/vitamin D
4. High cortisol levels
5. Deficient IGF- 1 levels
6. Strenuous exercise
g. GIT
i. Gastroparesis (which means partial paralysis of the stomach, is a disease in which the stomach cannot empty itself of food in a normal way)
ii. Constipation
iii. Oesophagitis
iv. Decreased intestinal motility
v. Constipation + rectal prolapse
vi. Elevated LFTs + amylase
vii. SMA syndrome (rare) = when the reduction of fatty tissue that separates superior mesentery artery and aorta leads to compression of duodenum between these two vessels = small bowel obstruction
i. Cytopenias and bone marrow suppression can occur
i. Low K, Na, Mg, PO4, glucose, temperature
ii. Lipid abnormalities
i. Brain atrophy evident on imaging (pseudoatrophy – returns to normal after recovery) (unknown about subtle long-term effects)
ii. Ventricular enlargement
iii. Reduced basal blood flow to brain, increased flow to medial temporal lobe areas seen in psychosis (improves after weight gain)
iv. Peripheral neuropathy
v. Likely imbalance in dopamine/serotonergic pathways
vi. Hypothalamic dysfunction: thermoregulation, satiety, sleep
i. Xerosis (abnormally dry skin)
ii. Lanugo like body hair
iii. Hair loss
iv. Carotenoderma (orange pigmentation of the skin resulting from carotene deposition)
v. Acne
vi. Hyperpigmentation, seborrheic dermatitis, acrocyanosis, petechiae, livedo reticularis, paronychia
i. Social isolation, depression, anxiety, obsessional symptoms, perfectionistic traits, rigid cognitive styles
ii. Loss of libido, alertness/concentration, dysphoria
iii. Introversion, poor peer relationships, low self-esteem
Anorexia nervosa - management (general)
a. Key points
i. Acute vs long term treatment (medically unstable vs weight restoration vs cure)
ii. Controversy over treatment outcomes
iii. Only clear outcomes proven for adolescent AN with family based treatment
b. Treatment goals
i. Resume growth and puberty
ii. Return to menstruation
iii. Normalise eating
iv. Treat underlying psychological conditions
c. Approaches
i. Inpatient – no clear benefit
1. Medical stabilisation = nutrition, bed rest
ii. Outpatient
1. Day program – southern health, Butterfly foundation
2. Individual therapy – CBT-E, Adolescent Focused Therapy
3. Family therapy – multifamily therapy*
4. Family based treatment***
5. Karolinska Institute
d. Indications for admission
i. Physical
1. HR < 50 (40 in some centres)
2. Postural drop of > 20 systolic
3. Dehydration
4. Hypothermia (T < 36)
5. Electrolyte abnormalities eg. low K
ii. Psychiatric
1. Suicide or other at risk behaviour (eg. acute bulimic phase)
2. Other = severe weight loss (> 30% pre morbid weight), failure of outpatient treatment, concerns of growth failure
f. Principles of management
i. Bed rest
ii. Slow up titration
iii. Monitor for refeeding syndrome
g. Use of medications
i. No evidence that medication changes clinical course
ii. SSRIs
1. Most trials show NO benefit for weight restoration
2. Useful with comorbid depression + OCD
3. No evidence of benefit AFTER weight restoration
iii. Atypical antipsychotics
1. Occasional use
2. No evidence it changes course of treatment
3. Olanzapine or quetiapine – used in conjunction with FBT to help manage the distress of eating disorder symptoms at meal times
4. Olanzapine RCT – do not get weight gain or help with delusional thinking, it did help anxiety of eating disorder thoughts
Refeeding syndrome - general
a. Syndrome of electrolyte disturbance seen after feeding introduced after a period of starvation
b. Pathophysiology
i. Starvation = low CHO intake low insulin secretion
ii. Fat catabolism predominates therefore FFA and ketones > glucose
iii. In severe starvation, body stores of K, Mg, PO4 depleted, although serum levels are maintained
iv. Refeeding CHO metabolism increased insulin stimulates PO4, K, Mg into cells fall in serum concentration
v. Occurs within 3-4 days of refeeding
1. Phosphate and K+ generally drop after 48 hours
c. Consequences
i. Deranged electrolytes
1. Hypophosphataemia = hallmark of refeeding
2. Other = HypoK, HypoMg, Na+ and fluid retention
3. Thiamine deficiency
4. Hyperglycaemia
ii. Life-threatening sequelae = arrythmia, cardiac failure, confusion, convulsions, coma
d. Management
i. Replacement of deranged electrolytes
ii. Usually start with 500 mg TDS phos and daily phosphate levels – then wean by 2 weeks
Anorexia nervosa - prognosis
- Prognosis
a. Mortality rate 12x higher than the annual death rate from all causes in females 15 to 24 years
b. Crude mortality is 5% per decade (6% overall, 2% in adolescents)
i. 50% due to cardiovascular complications, 50% due to suicide
c. Highest mortality of any mental health condition
d. Overall
i. <50% fully recover
ii. 30% partially recover
iii. 20% remain chronically ill
e. Core symptoms = weight restoration (60%), menstruation (60%), normalized eating (50%)
f. Average length of illness is 5-7 years
8. Prognostic factors Poor outcome • Onset <11 years of age, or onset in adulthood • Psychiatric and somatic comorbidities • Obsessionality and impulsivity • Purging and binging behaviour • More significant weight loss • Family dysfunction • Longer duration of illness
Good outcome
• Early age at onset/ adolescent onset (<14 years, but must be >11 years)
• Good relationship with family
• Shorter duration of illness
Family based therapy - general
- Key points
a. Developed in the 1980s (published in 2002) in the UK
b. Suitable for children with anorexia up to 19 years of age with less than 3 years duration
c. Outpatient treatment that aims to assist parents in the process of bringing about the recovery of their child in the home setting
d. 20 sessions – 6-12 months - Treatment consists of 3 phases over approximately 6 months (nowadays)
a. Phase 1 = intensive refeeding
i. Parent refeed until reach 90-95% of IBW
ii. Anorexia is externalised to manage guilt and expressed emotion
iii. Siblings role is to support the young person’s distress
iv. Weekly sessions
v. 6 meals per day
b. Phase 2 = transition to adolescent control
i. Patient very gradually learns to take control of eating without parental control
ii. Parental control and siblings role is faded very gradually
iii. Completed at menstruation or 100% IBW
iv. Fortnightly sessions
c. Phase 3 = return to adolescent control
i. Aim is to return the adolescent family cycle to normal after the delay caused by anorexia
ii. May include issues present at onset or helping parents to spend more time together
iii. Can also include comorbid conditions
iv. Monthly sessions - Core principles
a. Agnostic view of AN
i. Causes of AN are NOT the focus of treatment; causes of AN are unknown
ii. Dispels notion family is to blame for AN + family not viewed as cause of AN
b. Separate client from the anorexia
i. Adolescent viewed as having little control over the anorexia
ii. Model seeks to separate the patient from the AN
iii. Through separation parents encouraged to take action against the illness NOT child
c. Privilege families resourcefulness
d. Hospitalisation is temporary solution
e. Target of intervention is the anorexia (NOT the child or family)
f. Structural change made to defeating AN
i. May indirectly have a therapeutic effect
ii. The therapist only challenges the structural elements of the family that interfere with weight gain
iii. Attention is given to developing a strong parental alliance, strengthening the sibling sub-system and fostering open communication
g. Therapist resists expert stance
h. Medical safety precedes adolescent issues - Evidence
a. 50-70% chance of recovery (compared to individual therapy)
b. Less likely to get readmitted
c. Note no difference in IP vs OP
Bulimina nervosa - general
- Epidemiology
a. Tends to emerge in later adolescence
b. Typified by impulsivity +/- features of borderline personality disorder
c. May be associated with PHX of obesity - Management
a. Psychoeducation
b. Dietary management
i. Regular meals
ii. DELAY purging (less likely to vomit if delayed by > 30 minutes)
iii. Distraction
c. Cognitive behavioural therapy
i. Le Grange study 2015
ii. Improved rates of abstinence in family based therapy compared to cognitive based therapy after 6 months of therapy
d. SSRIs
i. High doses – evidence of working
ii. Fluoxetine is the only SSRI better than placebo (eg. 60 mg)
iii. Needs to be high dose
iv. Need to ensure it is not purged
v. Other medications – topiramate + lisdexamphetamine
e. Increasing evidence for FBT
i. Good outcomes BN with CBT/medication (? FBT) - More evidence for individual work
Gender Dysphoria/Transgender - background/terminology
- Terminology
a. Sex assigned at birth = determined by chromosomes, gonads, hormones and physical appearance; essentially constant
b. Gender = social construct
c. Gender identity = a person’s internal sense of being male, female, or a blend of both or neither
i. Expressed from a very early age
d. Gender expression/role = the way many people show their gender to others (eg. haircuts, clothing)
e. Gender dysphoria
i. Medical term that describes the distress a transgender or gender diverse person experiences in relation to this incongruence
ii. Being transgender is considered part of spectrum of gender diversity – gender dysphoria is associated with severe psychiatric disadvantage
f. Transgender = when person experiences incongruence between one’s experienced or expressed gender or one’s assigned gender - Epidemiology
a. 1.2% transgender, 2.5% unsure in NZ study
b. Average age of presentation 12yo, most report concerns from 3-4yo - Comorbidities
a. Self-harm 80%
b. Attempted suicide 50%
c. Physical abuse 30%
d. Verbal abuse 67%
e. Social exclusion 40%
Gender Dysphoria/Transgender - management
a. Stages of clinical intervention
i. Triage assessment = pubertal status, mental health needs, medical needs
ii. Multidisciplinary assessment – 2 independent mental health assessments
1. Puberty blockers
a. Reversible
b. GnRH analogues – Lucrin or zolodex
2. Main complication = reduced bone density due to depressed sex hormone levels
3. Start in Tanner stage 2 or above
4. Stops development of secondary sexual characteristics whilst continue to grow physically, emotionally and cognitively
1. Estrogen
2. Testosterone
3. Illegal before age 18 unless go to Family Court - age 14-15 is ideal
1. Surgery and ongoing hormones
2. Top surgery in men = therapeutic
3. Bottom surgery not recommended – impact on sexual function and reproduction
b. Fertility counselling
i. All children + adolescents receive fertility counselling prior to any medical intervention
ii. Young people assigned female at birth but identifying as male
1. Testosterone reduces fertility but pregnancy remains possible in future if ceased
2. Storage of eggs or ovarian tissue can be offered but not necessarily recommended as possibility of future pregnancy without intervention, the invasiveness of the retrieval procedure and the requirement for estrogen stimulation
iii. Young people assigned male at birth but identifying as female
1. Infertility occurs following use of estrogen
2. Storage of sperm if patient is post pubertal is recommended
3. Storage of testicular tissue via biopsy is recommended + offered if patient is pre-pubertal or in early puberty
c. Symptom management
i. Often fixing one thing helps everything – e.g. sleep
ii. Migraine preventers can be helpful; sandamigran (pizotifen), beta blocker, clonidine, topiramate
iii. Sleep hygiene; consider TCA, amitriptyline
d. Lifestyle/energy management
i. Social, academic, physical
1. Some kids miss up to 4 years of school!
2. Recovery after activity
ii. Not doing too much
iii. Commitment to attend something on a regular basis
iv. Consider what did they want to do before they got sick, how can they get there
e. Other
i. Family and emotional support – including siblings
ii. Aim to reduce consequences of illness
iii. Psychology often most helpful when recovering
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - background
- Key points
a. Also known as systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID)
b. Controversial disease entity - Etiology = unknown
a. Infection – EBV, other viruses
i. Typically after infective process in Australia
ii. Multiple, EBV most frequent; not only viral
iii. Presents similarly to overtraining syndrome in elite athletes
iv. NOTE: in Japan, typical onset end of primary school – chronic sleep deprivation and stress rather than post infective
b. Immune dysfunction
c. Endocrine-metabolic dysfunction
d. Neurally mediated hypotension
e. ?autoimmune association – often have elevated ANA
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - diagnostic criteria
a. Fakuda criteria
i. Fatigue
1. Clinically evaluated, unexplained
2. Persistent or relapsing
3. 6+ months
4. New onset
5. Not result of ongoing exertion
6. Not alleviated by rest
7. Substantial impact on daily life
ii. 4+ of associated symptoms
1. Impaired memory/concentration
2. Sore throat
3. Tender LN
4. Muscle pain
5. Joint pain without arthritis
6. Headache
7. Unrefreshing sleep
8. Post exertional malaise >24 hours – key feature
b. 2015 IOM diagnostic criteria
i. Diagnosis requires 3 of the following
1. A substantial reduction or impairment in the ability to engage in pre-illness levels of occupational, educational, social, or personal activities that persists for more than six months and is accompanied by fatigue, which is often profound, is of new or definite onset (not lifelong), is not the result of ongoing excessive exertion, and is substantially alleviated by rest
2. Post-exertional malaise - Worsening of a patient’s symptoms and function after exposure to physical or cognitive stressors that were normally tolerated before disease onset.
3. Unrefreshing sleep
ii. At least one of the following two manifestations also required
1. Cognitive impairment - Problems with thinking or executive function exacerbated by exertion, effort, or stress or time pressure.
2. Orthostatic intolerance - Worsening of symptoms upon assuming and maintaining upright posture. Symptoms are improved, although not necessarily abolished, by lying back down or elevating the feet.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - manifestations, treatment, prognosis
- Clinical manifestations
a. Relatively sudden onset of fatigue, often associated with a typical infection such as an upper respiratory infection or mononucleosis
b. Overwhelming fatigue associated with additional symptoms (eg, altered sleep and cognition)
c. Symptoms are characteristically exacerbated by excessive physical activity
d. Affected patients are typically highly functioning individuals who are “struck down” with this disease
e. Prior history of psychiatric disorder is common
f. Highest frequency in winter months - Treatment
a. Cognitive behavioural therapy
i. Effective in some patients
ii. May be useful in those with idiopathic chronic fatigue
b. Exercise therapy - Prognosis
a. Duration of illness – average 5 years but can be a lot longer
b. Engaging in education best predictor of functional and emotional wellbeing