oligopoly Flashcards
state the 6 charcteristics
few firms dominate mkt
firms have differntiated goods
high bte/e
interdependence between firms
non price competition
profit max not always sole obj
few frims dominate teh maket so describe the concetration ratio
oligopoly is no more than x firms with collectivley around waht % of market share
casue firms have differntiated goods they are p
price makers
theere are major bte give examples of these
high start up costs
sunk costs
brand loyalty
explain interdependence
firms make choices and descision based on actions and reactions of rival firm
therfore we see price rigifity
as not much comp on price so tend to be sticky and rigis
explain why non price competition is signficant
means prices tend to be sticky and rigid
competition is more based on branding adv , quality of p/s
explain why we dont know sole obj of firms and why prof ma xx may not always be sole obj
oligopolies are like dog fights for market share
firms are very close to having contorl ofd the market - similar ot a monopoly
so anything they can do to give htem that power measn they will
so if prof max yes
but if other obj better they will pursue that instead
cuase we dont know what obj of oligopoies is referring to teh mcq
the behaviour of firms is
gove me gloabl oligopoly examples
soft drink
car inddustry
give me uk oligopoly eaples
supermakret , energy mkt
bus mkt
airline mkt - short haul and long haul
draw the kinked demand currve to show interdependce and gives us conlusion of price rigiidty
draw elastic curve
draw inleastic cirve
label this
point in between them draw p1 and q1
price costs revenue - y axis
quantity - x axis
firms dont want to chnge price why
price settled at p1
above this price is elastic
below this price is inelastic
so no sense to change price
- if raise to p2 qd decreases more than proportionatley to increase in price , cause moved onto elastic part of demand curve
why wont firms follow rise in orice
looking to gain market share so keep price of p1 annd undercut the firm
firm that raise prices loose customers to riva
why will the firm that raises the price suffer
all other firms will keep price at p1
qd has dropped significantly as a result market share and total revenue have decreased
why wont firm drop price to p3
although demand increases from q1 - q3 it is proprotionaltley less than reduction in price becuasefirm has moved onto inelastic section of demand curve
other firms are going to follow looking to protect makret share - a price war will occur
firms will see drops in totoal revenue as demand is inelastic