Deregulation Flashcards
what is deregulation
gov reduce legal BTE in a given industry
what does deregulatin incetivise
firms entering the mkt whihc promo comp and gov hopes promo eff
what graph do we use to show deregulation
monopoly but put comp outcome and
intention is to promo omp, new firms enter which diagram shows as move from uncomp outcomes to more comp outcomes
to show cs gain
what are the 3 positive of deregualtion
more firms will increase consumer choice- so icenitve for firm to be allocativley efiicent
increases productive and x efficiency
increases dynamic efficiency
what are teh 2 negatives of deregulaion
loss of natural moonply = higher avg cost lower productive efiicney + wastefu duplicaitno of resources - allocative inefficeny
formation of oligopolies and local monopolies
explain the mroe firms increase consumer choice so more inceitve for firms to beallocativley effiecnit benefit
more firms means more consumer choice
so more firms are prodcing g/s and satisfying needs and want
as a result of striving for allcoative efficinet
so ther is a big incentive for firms to produce where p=mc to satisyf consumers and enure ahead of comp
explain mro firms = more consumer choice = increase productiv and x efficiency
big incentive ot minimse costs and max profit to try and stay ahead of comp( as can charge higher prices or do dyno eff)
therfore to produce on min AC curve is desirable as its reducing any waste within the firm
explain how increases dynamic eficient
even though mkts more omp
still liekly some profit made which can be reinvested
as with hig comp any chance to get ahead will be taken
so invsting in brand new products , inovation , r&d , tech
firms will do as ot they can decrease costs decrease prices, imporve products whihc can help em be more ocmp and gain mkt share
explain the loss of natual monoplu negative
if previously natural monopoly by deregulating and allowing new firms to enter
we may see loss of natual monop which isnt goodd as can lead to increases in avg costs
therfore lower productive efficieny( no longer producing on min cost curve) as EOS will no onger be realsed
becuase mroe firms are in the mkt
explain loss of natural monopoly negative in terms of wasteful dUPE
May be a wasteful duplciaiton o resources
w natural monop makes more senes for 1 major firm to be dominating and providing resorce for mkt
w dereg and allowing more firms to duplciate resources you may open mkt to awste
this can elad to allcoatie ineff
as reosurces are not being best allocated to consuemr demand , if being dulplicated for no reason
what ca we arg if we in a natural monoply
there is no need to deregulation cuz of lower productive eff and duplication fo resources
explain formatin of local monoplies and oligopolies negatve arg
no guarntee as to wahts gonna happen after dereg
so no guarantee we’ll see huge levels of comp across the country
local olig and monop may be formed
they may abuse their power causing higher prices and lower Q
this can lead to allocative ineff and productive ineff
give examples of dereg forming local oligopolies and monplies
uk bus mkt being deregulated
caused this
w higher prices than intially
what are the 3 evluation poitns for deregulation
height of other barriers to entry
levle of gov regulation
explainnSR LR eval
if you see oligop and monop forming , chances are in he ong run contestability will fall which makes the whole idea of dereg a failure as were reducing the BTE so mkts become more contestable
so this could be a failure of the policy
may be contestable in SR
EXPLAIN TEH EVLA of height of other BTE
No guarantee that jsut by reducing legal BTE all of a sudden new firms nter and mkt becomes more contestable
what if ther’s other BTE e.g tehcnical or strategic that are high
this could deincentivise or prevent new firms comin g
so we wont see huge increase in comp and beenfits of comp
explain evla of lvl of gov regulation
if we do have monoplies and oligopolies we need strogn gov regulation - not legal form
but to regulte against anti comp behaviour
as will prevent formationof oligoplies etc as well as minimise their behaviour
what does more consumer surplus allow
conumers to purchase a wider range of g/s