How will a worker knwo if theyve got a job
if MRP = wage
how are workers paid
according to mrp
state 4 problems of MRP
How can we measure productivity
teamwork make it difficult to measure individual productivity
Imperfect labour markets (TU)
might be dififcult ot measure in certina industries e.g teaching
why might it be hard ot measure productitivyt in teahcing profession
output they produce may not be marketed
so hard to w/o MRP of teachers
if its hard to w/o MRP of teacherswhy is it a problem for schookls
difficult to know at a given wage rate numbers to employ
its good saying in theory
we know wage rate and MRP so can decide # of workers for firm to employ
but in reality if we don’t know MRP
it’s difficult to decide number of workes for firm to employ
what is hte probelm with assuming indi prodcutivity can be measured
in real world many rpoffession wher eindsutrys work in teams e.g mkting and commuications
what happens when indi work and produce outpt in teemas - what is difficult ot do
measure productivity of eahc individual
int erms of teamowrk and the problem of not being able/dificult to measure an individuasls productivty if a worker is looking for a new job whats the problem for firms
dififcult for firms to know indi MRP
and thefore see if it = to wage rate
what is the overall problem for firms and MRP theory when we assume indidividual prodcutivity canbe measure
at given wage rate dificil to know whether to employ person or not
Whats wrong with assumption workes are paid according to MRP in terms of self employment
Self employed may not use this idea when paying themselves,- as may not pay according to marginal revenue product
So this distorts theory of workers paid by MRP
in tems of imperfect labour markets and TU what assumption do we make
were working with perfectly competitive LM
Give example of what could be an imperfect labour market
trade unions bargaining for higer wages
explain how TU bargaining for higher wage and being a imperfect market can distrupt our theory
higher wages being bargained for could have nothing to do with MRP of workers
maybe TU just want workers to be paid more even if pay increase is greater than MRP
Throwing off theory and going against fact workers always paid according to MRP
So overall what do 2 key assumptions do our 4 criticism disrupt
workers paid according to RMP
firms make employment decison based on MRP of workers
these break down so MRP theory breaks down