Olfaction And Taste Flashcards
Olfactory mucosa location
. Sup. And post. Part of nasal cavity
. Consists of columnar epithelium surrounding olfactory receptors (only neurons that communicate w/ external environment)
Neuron development in olfactory mucosa
. Basal cells near lamina propria develop into olfactory receptors every 5-8 weeks
. Bipolar olfactory neurons has a dendrite to apical mucosa and terminal ending w/ 5-25 cilia in mucosa on surface
. Each cilia has 40 receptors membrane proteins for interactions w/ odors
. Unmyelinated axons of bipolar neurons make up CN I
. CN I passes from nasal cavity to interior of braincase via foramina in cribiform plate of ethmoid bone to terminate in olfactory bulbs
Olfactory bulbs
. Flattened ovoid bodies resting on cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
. 1st processing station for olfactory info
. Receives input from olfactory n. And contains second order neurons (mitral cells)
. Axons of mitral cells form olfactory tract
Olfactory tracts
. Prominent fibers from olfactory bulbs course post towards ant. Perforated substance
. At ant. Perforated substance, the tracts split into 2 striae
Medial olfactory stria
. Few fibers
. Project to septal area
. Continue to hypothalamus (MFB), thalamus (DMN) hippocampus and upper brainstem
Lateral olfactory stria
. Contains vast majority of fibers of olfactory tract
. Carries them to piriform cortex, periamygdaloid cortex, and amygdala
Olfactory cortices
. Lat. olfactory: thin layer of gray matter overlying the lat. olfactory stria
. Small portion of the incus: prepiriform cortex, periamygdaloid cortex
. Primary olfactory cortex projects to the amygdala and the olfactory assoc. cortex
Olfactory association cortex
. Ant. Part of parahippocampal gyrus
. Called entorhinal cortex
. Has heavy projections to hippocampal formation allowing olfactory info into limbic system
. Primary + assoc. cortices = piriform cortex
T/F taste receptors specialized epithelial cells that come in contact w/ peripheral n. Fiber
Sweet taste location
Tip of tongue
Salt location
. Sides of tongue
Sour location
Sides of tongue
Bitter location
. Post. Portions of tongue
Taste receptor structure
. Receptors located in buds on surface (1 bud = 40-60 receptor)
. Apical ends of recepto cells extend into taste pore
. Sensory fibers attach to basal surface of receptor cells
. Each receptor has life of 1-2 weeks then is replaced y basal cell differentiation in taste buds
. Distributed on dorsal tongue, palate, and pharynx
Types of taste buds
. Fungiform and filiform (ant. 2/3)
. Foliate (lat. margins)
. Circumvallate (v sharped 2/3 back on dorsum of tongue)