Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellum functions
. Equilibrium and coordination of eye movements
. Maintenance of muscle tone and posture
. Coordination and adjustments of motor movements
. Planning and programming of voluntary movements
. Learning of movements
Cerebellum assists in movement of the ipsilateral or contralateral side?
Cerebellar fissures
. Primary
. Posterolateral
Cerebellar lobes
. Ant lobe: ant. Primary fissure
. Post. : post, to primary and posterolat. Fissures
. Flocculonodular: ant. To posterolat. Fissure, small and inconspicuous
Cerebellar peduncles
. Inf.: afferents from spinal cord and inf. Olive, some efferents mainly to vestibular nuclei and brainstem reticular formation
. Middle: afferents from pontocerebellar projections of contralat. Basilar pontine nuclei
. Sup: efferents from deep cerebellar nuclei to thalamus (VL) and red nucleus, some afferent from ventral spinocerebellar tract
Layers of cerebellar cortex
. Molecular
. Purkinje
. Granular
Molecular layer
. Cell free area
. Most superficial
. Primarily contains purkinje cell dendrites and axons or granular cell (parallel fibers) and small interneurons
Purkinje cell layer
. Purkinje cell is only neuron to project out of cerebellar cortex
. Project to deep cerebellar nuclei
. Cells have elaborate dendritic trees
Granular cell layer
. Granule cells that function as interneurons
. Excite purkinje neurons
. Give rise to parallel fibers that synapse on purkinje cell dendrites in molecular layer of cortex
. 1 purkinje cell receives input from 100,000 granule cells
Cerebellar cortex receives all cerebellar afferents or efferents?
. Cerebellar cortex then regulates neurons in deep cerebellar nuclei
Medullary layer of cerebellum
. Underlying white white
. Contains both cerebellar cortex afferent and efferent fibers
. Comprises the central core of each folium
Climbing fibers
. Axons of neurons in contralat. Inf. Olivary nucleus in medulla enter cerebellum through inf. Cerebellar peduncle
. Project to and terminate on purkinje cell dendrites
. Fibers climb up the dendrite
. Carry training info related to movements
Mossy fibers
. All other cerebellar afferents fall into this category
. Numerous sites of origin, enter cerebellum through inf., middle., and sup. Cerebellar peduncles
. Project to and terminate on granule cells
. Carry state info about mm., internal and external environments
Cerebellar cortex efferents
. Purkinje neurons (to deep cerebellar nuclei)
. Deep cerebellar nuclei: axons exit cerebellum via sup. Cerebellar peduncle to terminate in contralat. Red nucleus and VL of thalamus
. Some axons exit via juxtarestiform body to terminate in ipsilateral vestibular nuclei and RF in brainstem
. Deep cerebellar nuclei in white matter (fastigial, globose, emboliform, dentate)
T/F connectivity of the cerebellar cortex is extremely uniform and very complex