Motor Lesions Flashcards
Atrophy in UMN vs LMN lesion
. LMN: profound or severe
. UMN: disuse
. LMN sign
. Visible irregular contraction over surface of mm.
. LMN sign
. Not visible to naked eye
. Only detectable via EMG
. Spasticity: UMN sign
. Rigidity: basal ganglia disorder (cog-wheel, lead-pipe)
. Hypertonia and hyperreflexia
. Seen primarily in anti-gravity mm.
. Velocity dependent
. Slow passive stretch of m. Fails to exhibit inc. in m. Tone
. Rapid passive stretch will exhibit hypertonicity (clasped-knife effect)
. Clonus often seen
. LMN sign
. M. Tone depressed, often m. Flaccid
Disorders that effect coordination
. Cerebellar disorders
. Basal ganglia disorders
. Premotor or parietal motor cortex lesion (apraxia)
. UMMN sign
. Inc. exaggerated reflexes
. Clonus may be present
. Positive babinski
Disorders that effect gait
. Extrapyramidal disorder (destinations gait in parkinson’s)
. Cerebellar disorders (spinocerebellar lesions)
. Loss of sensory input (dorsal column ataxia)
. Total paralysis
. Quad: all 4 limbs
. Para: both arms or both legs
. Hemi: both limbs on one side of body
. Weakness of motor function
. Quad: weakness in all limbs
. Para: weakness in both legs or both arms
. Hemi: weakness in both limbs on one side of body
LMN lesion signs
. Focal and severe m. Weakness and plegia . Dec. m. Tone . Dec. reflexes . No babinski or clonus . Profound and severe m. Atrophy . M. Fasciculations seen
UPM lesions
. General m. Weakness . Inc. m. Tone w/ spasticity and clonus . Inc. deep tendon reflexes . Positive babinski . Little if any atrophy (disuse)
primary motor cortex lesion
. Contralat. M. Weakness not paralysis
. Paresis is worse for more distal mm. And its effects are seen most when fine, skilled movements are attempted
. Subtle weakness tested for using proctor drift
Premotor cortex lesions
. Impairment of ability to develop strategy for complex movements
. No paresis: m. Tone and strength are normal
. Patients make spatial and temporal errors in voluntary movements (apraxia/inability to perform learning skill)
. Individual is able to make simple movements but not complex ones (impair multiple joint coordination)
. Preservation: can start movement but not continue it to achieve goals