Auditory System Flashcards
Hair cells
. Polarized epithelial cells
. Apical end specialized for reception and translation of mechanical energy into receptor currents
. Basal end specialized for transmission of info to the CNS via synaptic contacts w/ primary afferent neuron (housed into spinal ganglion)
. Part fo bony labyrinth
. Bony tube that winds spirally 23/4 turns around a modiolus (central pillar of bone)
Cochlear duct
. Part of membranous labyrinth
. Enter cochlea and is attached at edge of the 2 sides of the cochlea
. Divides cochlea into 2 long spiral chambers (Scala vestibuli above duct and scala tympani below duct)
. Scala vestibule and tympani communicate w/ each other at apex of modiolus via helictrema (small opening) and are both filled w/ perilymph
. Duct is filled w/ endolymph
Roof of cochlear duct
Vestibular (Reissner’s) membrane
Lateral wall of cochlear duct
. Spiral ligament
. Thickening of endosteum that lines cochlea
. Upper part of ligament is stria vascularis (vascularized epithelium that produces endolymph)
Floor of cochlear duct
. Basilar membrane that stretched from spiral ligament to osseous spiral lamina
Osseous spiral lamina
. Bony plate that winds around modiolus like threads of a screw
. Composed of 2 bony plates w/ n. Fibers in between
. Periosteum of upper surface forms an elevation (spiral limbus)
Tectorial membrane
. Thin, jelly-like membrane that arises from spiral limbus and overlies hair cells of organ of Corti
Organ of corti lies on ____
Basilar membrane
Organ of corti
. Complex epithelial structure consisting of neuroepithelial hair cells and supporting cells
. Hair cells arranged in rows: inner form single row, outer hairs for 3 rows
. Free surfaces of hair cells covered w/ sterocilia but no kinocilium
. Kinocilium embedded in tectorial membrane
. Base of each hair cell is contacted by afferent and efferent n. Endings
Spiral ganglion
. Located w/in modiolus of cochlea
. Contains 30,000 bipolar neurons
. 90% innervate hair cells w/ 1 fiber innervating 1 inner hair cell
. Each hair cell receives 10 fibers
. Inner cells are tuned to a specific tone
. 10% innervate outer hair cells w/ 1 fiber innervating many outer hair cells
. Outer hair cells receive olivocochlear synapses and function in fine-tuning aural input
Cochlear n. And nuclei
. Central process of spiral ganglion cells form cochlear n.
. Primary afferent fibers making up cochlear n. Bifurcate prior to termination in cochlear nuclei
. 1 collateral terminated in ventral cochlear nucleus
. Other collateral bifurcated once more to terminate in ventral cochlear nucleus and dorsal cochlear nucleus
. Yield 3 branches from each primary afferent fiber
Mechanical transduction through ear
. Airborne sound waves strike tympanic membrane which vibrates in response
. Vibrations transmitted across tympanic cavity via 3 bony ossicles
. Foot plate of stapes moves to and from oval window, transmitting vibration to fluid-filled inner ear
. Pressure from compression of perilymph is released via round window
How pressure waves get from perilymph to endolymph
. Pressure waves in perilymph result from oscillations of foot plate of stapes
. Pressure waves enter scala vestibuli and via helicotrema are transmitted to scala tympani
. Pressure waves transmitted through endolymph of cochlear duct makes basilar membrane vibrate
Characteristics of basilar membrane
. Narrow and taut near base of cochlea Vibrates preferentially to sounds of high pitch
. Membrane is wide and floppy neat apex of cochlea and vibrates preferentially to low pitch sounds
. Continuous resonance spectrum exists between 2 sides of membrane
Interactions between basilar membrane and hair cells
. Oscillations of basilar membrane alter the conformation between hair cell stereocilia and tectorial membrane
. Deformation of hair cells causes alteration of the pattern oof discharge in contacting afferent fibers
. APs generated in activated spiral ganglion cells and are propagated along central processes of bipolar neurons (cochlear n.) as it exits modiolus passing through internal acoustic meatus w/ vestibular component of CN VIII and enters brainstem at pontocerebellar angle
Dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei
. Located dorsal and lat. to inf. Cerebellar peduncle
. Nuclei organized tonotopically
Acoustic striae
. Fibers in 3 striae cross midline to enter contralat.
. Axons from dorsal cochlear nucleus form dorsal acoustic stria and ascend to form lat. lemniscus
. Axons from post. Portion ventral cochlear nucleus form intermediate acoustic stria, main branch projects to lat. lemniscus and collaterals project bilat. To sup. Olivary complexes
. Axons from ant. Portion of ventral cochlear nucleus form trapezoid body (ventral acoustic stria) and is largest of 3 striae, collaterals project bilat. To sup. Olivary complex
Superior olivary complex in auditory system
. In caudal pons
. Consists of med. and lat. sup. Olivary nucleus and nucleus of trapezoid body
. 1st point in auditory pathway that input from both sides converges
. Cells sensitive to differences in time of arrival of auditory stimuli from both ears
. Function to localize sound in space but auditory cortex still necessary to interpret input
. Send axons bilaterally to lat. lemnisci
Lateral lemniscus
. Receives secondary fibers from contralat. Cochlear nuclei via acoustic striae, and tertiary fibers from ipsilat and contralat. Sup. Olivary complex
. In lat. pons, fibers either enter nucleus of lat. lemniscus, enter RF to become part of reticular activating system (RAS), or enter inf. Colliculus
Nucleus of lateral lemniscus
. Communicate w/ one another via a commissure
. Send axons to ipsilat. Inf. Colliculus
Inf. Colliculus in auditory system
. Located in caudal midbrain
. Receives afferents from ipsilat lat. lemniscus, bilateral sup. Olivary nuclei, and contralat. Cochlear nuclei
. Sends fibers to opposite inf. Colliculus via commissure of inf. Colliculus and to ipsilat. Med. geniculate nucleus of thalamus via brachium of inf. Colliculus
Medial geniculate nucleus (MGN)
. Located in caudal and ventral thalamus
. Axons project to ipsilat. Primary auditory cortex via sublenticular part of internal capsule
Primary auditory cortex
. Located deep w/in lat. fissure
. Also called transverse temporal gyrus of Heschl (area 41,42)
. Cells show tonotopic organization
Auditory assoc. cortex
. Post. 2/3 of the sup. Temporal gyrus (part of area 42, area 22)
. In dominant hemisphere
. Largely synonymous w/ Wernicke’s area
Descending auditory pathways
. Olivocochlear bundle arises from nuclei close to sup. Olivary complex
. Axons leave brainstem in vestibular division of CN VIII, crossing into cochlear division in internal acoustic meatus
. Axons terminate on hair cells in organ of Corti or presynpatically on afferent fibers
. Pre and postsynaptic inhibition is used to inhibit all hair cells except those in the region of max. Basilar displacement
. Called auditory sharpening: results in dec. background noise
Conduction deafness
. Vibrations do not reach oval window
. Hear better via bone conduction than normal route of air conduction
. Causes: otosclerosis (fixation of foot plate of stapes from abnormal growth of annular ligament), otitis media, excess cerumen (ear wax) in external auditory canal
Sensoryneural deafness
. Due to disease of cochlea, cochlear division of CN VIII, or cochlear nuclei in medulla
. Causes: prolonged exposure to loud noise, med side effects, acoustic neuroma (Schwann cells grow too much in space of pontocerebellar angle impeding n. Transmission), BM, rubella, syphilis, Ménière’s disease
Absent hearing
. Reduction in hearing
. Hearing loss assoc. w/ aging
. Most common cause of hearing loss
. Gradual bilateral loss w/ high-frequency tones lost first
Ipsilateral hearing loss
. Caused by damage to cochlear division of CN VIII or to cochlear nuclei
Lesions of primary auditory cortex
. Affect ability to localize sounds in space
. Due to commissures connecting both sides of cortices, unilateral lesion is difficult to recognize clinically
Air conduction screening
. Hearing by air conduction requires intact outer, middle, and inner ear structures
. Damage to any of these could result in hearing loss via air conduction
Bone conduction screening
. Hearing via bone conduction only requires intact inner ear structures
. Sensorineural deficit indicated when hearing loss is measured by bone conduction
Unilateral conduction deafness
. Patient does not hear sound when tuning fork is next to ear
Unilateral sensorineural deafness
. Patient hears the sounds somewhat better when tuning fork is next to ear than on mastoid process
Weber test
. Normal: sound come inside patient’s head
. Unilateral conduction: sounds louder in abnormal ear
. Unilateral sensorineural: sounds louder in normal ear
Cochlear implant
. Partial resorption of hearing from cartilage or complete hair cell loss
. Consists of microphone to detect sound, electronic processor that transform sound waves into code of electrical stimuli
. Array of stimulating electrodes in cochlea inserted through round window into scala tympani where it lies close to peripheral axons of primary auditory neurons
. Electrodes positioned to stimulated n. Fibers
Success of cochlear implant depends on ____
. Number of surviving primary auditory neurons
. Orientation of electrodes w/ respect to neurons
. Coding scheme of processor used