Limbic System Flashcards
Components of limbic system
. Hippocampal formation . Amygdala . Septal nuclei . Cingulate cortex . Entorhinal cortex . Perihinal cortex . Parahippocampal cortex
Hippocampus location
. Temporal lobe of each cerebral cortex
. Med. to inf. Horn of lat. ventricle
Structures and processes w/in hippocampus
. Subiculum
. Hippocampus proper
. Dentate gyrus
. Hippocampus proper and senate gyrus form 2 interlocking Cs
Hippocampus cortex
. 3 layers instead of 6 (paleocortex)
. Superficial molecular layer
. Deep polymorphic layer
. Structures are inside-out cortex so the molecular layer is on he side and the polymorphic layer is on the outside
. Middle layer: pyramidal cell layer in hippocampus, granule layer in dentate gyrus
. Area of hippocampus proper that is append by dentate gyrus
. Polymorphic layer of hippocampus
. Equivalent to white matter of neocortex
, transition layer from hippocampus to the parahippocampal gyrus (6 layered cortex)
. Changes gradually from 3 to 6 layers
A major flow of info through the hippocampus comes from the ___
. Entorhinal cortex
Functions of hippocampus
. Lying down new memories
. Neural activity can modify synaptic strength in certain areas of hippocampus
. Modified synaptic strength (long-term potentiation) may be storage mechanism for memory
Reasoning behind hippocampus. Helping with memory formation
. Bilateral lesions of hippocampus cause impairment of recent memory w/ only mild behavioral changes
. Memory for remote events is unaffected ASD well as general intelligence, but person can’t learn new facts
. Anterograde amnesia occurs
. Korsakoff’s syndrome destroys mammillary bodies and have issues forming new memories
. Major structures into and out of hippocampus
. Contains efferent and afferent fibers
Fornix pathway
. Begins as alveus (myelinated aff/efferents)
. Fibers travel post. And aggregate med. to form fimbria of fornix
. Fimbria thickness as it moves post. And splits off from hippocampus forming crura of each hippocampus
. 2 crura come together and form hippocampal commissure providing paths for hippocampi to communicate
. After hippocampal commissure the single fiber bundle is the fornix
. Continues as arc to ant. Commissure
Anterior commissure in relation to hippocampus
. Where fornix splits into 3 columns going to different structures
. Some fibers split before ant. Commissure (precommissural fornix)
. Some pass through to contralat. Hippocampus as second path for communication w/ each other
. Some split after the ant. Commissure (Post commissural fornix)
Precommissural fornix
. Split just before the ant. Commissure
. Goes to septal nuclei, ventral striatum, and the cingulate cortex
Postcommissural fornix
. Goes to mammillary bodies of hypothalamus and ant. Nuclei of thalamus
. Integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation
. Collection of small nuclei in mediodorsal portion of temporal lobe
. Ant. And dorsal to tip of inf. Horn of lat. ventricle
. Deep to uncus (periamygdaloid cortex), ant. To hippocampal formation
. Pathways w/ afferent and efferent fibers
. Receives input from all senses and visceral inputs
Visceral inputs to amygdala come from ___
. Hypothalamus
. Septal area
. Orbital cortex
. Parabranchial nucleus
Auditory, visual and somatosensory info comes from ___
Temporal and ant. Cingulate cortices
Major output pathways of amygdala
. Ant. Olfactory nucleus . Ant. Perforated substance . Piriform cortex . Orbitofrontal cortex . Ant. Cingulate cortex . Hypothalamus . Septal nucleus . Ventral striatum
Projections from ventral striatum is important in ____
. Links in a basal ganglia important for Stimulus-response assoc. learning
Ventral amygdalofugal pathway
. Connects hypothalamus and septal nucleus
. Amygdala’s major connection is to hypothalamus and septal nucleus through stria terminalis
. Important bc it is link where motivation and drive can influence responses
. Link where responses are learned and where associative learning takes place
Stria terminalis
. Efferents to Septum and hypothalamus
. Similar to fornix of hippocampus
. Connects only to subcortical structures
. 2 amygdala can communicate w/ each other through this or the ant. Commissure
Amygdala functions
. Intense emotion
Urbach-Wiethe disease
. Causes lesions of the amygdala from Ca deposits
. If occurs early in life patients can not discriminate emotion in facial expressions but their ability to identify faces remains
Amygdala lesion affect on emotion
. Flat affect, placid
Septal area
. Brain region that includes both cortical and subcortical nuclei
. Septal nuclei lie rostral to ant. Commissure and preoptic area near the base of the septum pellucidum
. Functions as pleasure center
. Stimulate provides primary reinforcement for drive related to food or sex
. Lesions result in alterations in sexual or foraging behavior