Old Exams: Exam 2 Flashcards
In order to learn how to make more effective emotional appeals, Renaissance humanists studied:
Who wrote the following:
“Socrates separated the science of wise thinking from that of eloquent speaking, though in reality they are closely linked together.”
Cicero, in De Oratore
When a candidate, who is campaigning for political office speaks publicly why voting for her would be good for citizens and voting for her opponent would be bad for them, we describe such speeches as _____ rhetoric
Which of Cicero’s Five Classical Canons of Orations deals with the lexical (i.e. word choices we make in order to express our ideas?)
Which of the following was not one of the early forms of preaching in the Chrisitian Church?
Ramus accused Quintilian of overreaching in his definition of rhetoric by…..
Failing to “fit in the moral philosophy which he now attributes to rhetoric.
Four factors influenced the use of classical rhetoric in the early Christian church. Which of the following is not one of those factors?
The importance of carrying on the Greco-Roman rhetorical traditions
Which notion reflected the belief that the individuals duties should go first to his country that has given him citizenship and language?
Vita activa
Who argued the following:
“It is the duty then of the student and teach of holy scriptures who is the defender of the true faith and the opponent of error both to teach what is right and to correct what is wrong?”
______ used his wisdom and eloquence to adovocate on behalf of and eventually gave his life for the rule of law in Rome.
Which of the early Christian scholars made it possible for Christians to appreciate and teach eloquence without associating it with paganism, and in so doing permanently enriched Christian literature and rhetorical criticism in the Western World?
Who split the ancient and venerable Ciceronian pair of wisdom and eloquence when he described rhetoric as providing only linquistic embellishment and elegance of language along with the baits for capturing ears?”
Which of the following is taught in theological seminaries in order to train Christian teachers and preachers the rules for correctly interpreting scriptures in the Christian Bible?
For the Italian humanists, what was the source of emotions or passions in the human mind?
Who defined rhetoric or speech as simply the garment to clothe our reason?
When Ramus argued, “Speech is the garment to clothe our reason” he meant
That sound thinking is more important than eloquent speaking
A sermon in which the speaker begins by reading a verse from scripture then provides an interpretation of it and concludes by exhorting the congregation to obey the word of God and live according to the teaching discussed would be considered what form of preaching?
For some Renaissance humanists the _______ was to reject the essence of humanity and at the same time to undermine civilization.”
Vita contemplativa
Who among the following is considered by many scholars to have been the greatest teacher of rhetoric in Rome?