Exam #1 Flashcards
Greek for “setting opposite” (From “against” + “position”)
○ “Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.”
§ Polonius (Shakespeare’s Hamlet)
○ “Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.”
○ “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”
§ Neil Armstrong
○ “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
§ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Greek Chiazo, “to shape like the letter X” AB:BA
○ “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your county.”
§ President John F. Kennedy (1961)
○ “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
§ Jesus, Matthew 23: 11-12
○ “It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have honors and not deserve them.”
§ Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Scala (klimax)
Going up a ladder or “scaling the walls”
○ “All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor then perhaps in our lifetime on this planet.”
§ President John F. Kennedy (1961)
○ “I speak to you for the time as Prime Minister in a solemn hour for the life of our country, of our empire, of our allies, and, above all, of the cause of freedom.”
§ Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1940)
what is right for that specific moment, knowledge of the past is important, fitting response, study situation (r and t)
speech writers, sophists, who could be hired for a high fee
Epistēmē v. doxa
Episteme = socratics: true knowledge and knowledge building
Doxa: sophists - opinion
Practical wisdom
To prepon
• “But to choose from these elements those which should be employed for each subject, to join them together, to arrange them properly, and also, not to miss what the occasion demands but appropriately to adorn the whole speech…” (B/H, p. 74).
Kategoria v. apolgia
Kategoria= accusation
o Atheism
o Corrupting Athenian youth
Socrates’ Apologia= self-defense
o On a Mission from God for the benefit of his fellow Athenians!
iatroi logoi
healing words
iatros tes psuches
healer of the soul (what socrates wished to be)
mind/intellect (common sense)
our will/the passions of the inner self
appetite, desire or yearning
Plato’s word for rhetoric
human well-being or happiness; goal of deliberative oratory
Human flourishing . What are you meant to be or do?
○ Whats going to lead to human flourising? How do we reason under uncertainty
an ultimate object or aim.
Greek for “counterpart”
○ For self defense ○ Useful for a popular audience ○ Useful for learning opposing arguments ○ A tool (like money, health, military strategy)
Gorgias of Leontini was a Greek (non-Athenian) sophist and rhetorician who formed part of the first generation of sophists in Ancient Greece around 485-380 B.C. He asserted to have the skill of persuasion and thought rhetoric to have magical powers over words due to language’s ability to control the mind. Gorgias was also big in the use of rhyme and style in order to make his arguments more convincing and “magical”.
writer not speaker, logographers - did not believe in J justice. Legal writing, speeches not organized
Believed in phronesis - tied together sophists and socratics
different because he was concerned about building good citizens believed in kairos knows he cannot teach virtue but knows it can be morally impoving
• 436-338 BC • Student of Gorgias • Influenced by Protagoras and prodicus • Early logographer ○ Lysias, The Father of Lawyers • Sophist and Philosopher • Leadership (393-92 BC) • As a philosopher: rejects Plato's view: Episteme (absolute knowledge) ○ Philosphy
“Truth”, interpersonal communication, dialectic, soul, mind should control soul
○ Socrates asks questions so that people can understand that they essentially know nothing. He has no wisdom, so he is searching for wisdom constantly. ○ The best life is to constantly search for a good life. It's not attainable. ○ The problem is that some people think they have wisdom when in reality they do not. They are the people chained to walls staring at shadows.