OINA: Legs (Anterior) Flashcards
Popliteal Fossa content
Popliteal vessels
Small saphenous vein
Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Genicular branch of obturator nerve
Connective tissues
Lymph nodes
Contents of the anterior fascial compartment of the leg
Muscles: Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius, and extensor hallucis longus
Blood Supply: Anterior tibial artery
Nerve Supply: Deep peroneal nerve
Tibialis anterior
O: Lateral surface of shaft of tibia and interosseous membrane
I: Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal bone
N: Deep peroneal nerve L4,L5
A: Extends foot at ankle joint;inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints, holds up medial longitudinal arch of foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O: Anterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Extensor expension of lateral four toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve L5,S1
A: Extends toes, extend foot at ankle joint
Peroneus Tertius
O: Anterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of 5th metacarpal bone
N: Deep peroneal nerve L5, S1
A: Extends foot at ankle jt, Everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O: Anterior surface of fibula
I: Base of distal phalanx of great toe
N: Deep peroneal nerve L5, S1
A: Extends big toe, extends foot at ankle joint, inverts foot at subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints
Extensor Digitorum brevis
O: Calcaneus
I: By four tendons into the proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor tendons to 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve S1, S2
A: Extends toes