OIAN Flashcards
Origin: Clavicular insertion
Insertion: mastoid process
Action: unilateral advances limb and turns head
Nerve: accessory, axillary, and cervical nerves
Origin: clavicular intersection
Insertion: crest of humerus
Action: bilateral flexes head and neck
Nerve: accessory, axillary, and cervical nerves
Origin: manubrium of sternum
Insertion: ramus of mandible
Action: unilateral turn head and neck; bilateral flexes head and neck
Nerve: ventral branch of accessory nerve
Trapezius cervicis
Origin: funiculus nuchae
Insertion: spine of scapula
Action: elevate, advance scapula
Nerve: dorsal branch of accessory nerve
Trapezius thoracis
Origin: supraspinous ligament
Insertion: spine of scapula
Action: elevate, retract scapula
Nerve: dorsal branch of nerve
Middle gluteal
Origin: aponeurosis of longissimus lumborum, ilium, and sacrosciatic ligament
Insertion: greater trochanter
Action: extend hip and abduct thigh
Nerve: cranial and caudal gluteal nerve
Biceps femoris
Origin: sacrum, sacrosciatic ligament, ischial tuberosity
Insertion: fascia lata-patella, lateral patellar ligament, calcaneal tuber
Action: extend hip and abduct thigh
Nerve: caudal gluteal and sciatic
Origin: cd 1-2 and ventral ischial tuberosity
Insertion: tibial crest, crural fascia, calcaneal tuber
Action: extend hip, flex stifle, extend hock
Nerve: caudal gluteal and sciatic
Rectus femoris
O: body of ilium
I: tibial tuberosity
A: flex hip, extend stifle
N: femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
O: lateral surface of femur
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extend stifle
N: femoral nerve
Vastus medialis
O:medial surface of femur
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extend stifle joint
N: femoral nerve
Vastus intermedius
O: cranial surface of femur
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extend stifle
N: femoral nerve
Tibialis cranialis
O: lateral condyle of tibia
I: third metatarsal, first and second tarsal
A: flex hock
N: deep peroneal
Peroneus tertius
O: extensor fossa of the femur
I: third metatarsal, third tarsal, fourth tarsal, calcaneus
A: flex hock when stifle is flexed, extend stifle when tarsus is extended
N: sensory branches of deep peroneal
Long digital extensor
O: extensor fossa of femur
I: extensor process of third phalanx
A: extend stifle and digit, flex the hock
N: deep peroneal
Lateral digital extensor
O: lateral collateral ligament of stifle joint and adjacent areas of tibia and fibula
I: tendon of insertion of long digital extensor
A: extend digit and flex hock
N: superficial peroneal
O: supracondyloid tuberosity of femur
I: calcaneal tuber
A: flex stifle, extend hock
N: tibial
Superficial digital flexor
O: supracondyloid fossa of femur
I: calcaneal tuber, proximal extremity of second phalanx and distal extremity of first phalanx
A: Flex digit and stifle, extend hock
N: tibial
Deep digital flexor
O: lateral condyle and lateral border of tibia and fibula
I: flexor surface of third phalanx
A: flex digit and extend hock
N: tibial
O: distal row of tarsal bones, and proximal extremity of third metatarsal bone
I: abaxial surface of proximal sesamoid bones and conjoined tendon of insertion of the long and lateral digital extensor muscles
A: support fetlock
N: sensory branches of the tibial
Levator labii
O: zygomatic, lacrimal, and superioris maxillary bones
I: upper lip
A: raise upper lip
N: facial nerve
O: maxilla and mandible
I: commissure of mouth
A: retract commissure of the mouth and flatten the cheeks
N: facial
O: facial crest of zygomatic arch
I: ramus of mandible
A: close mouth
N: trigeminal (mandibular)
O: jugular process of occipital bone
I: caudal border of mandible
A: open the mouth
N: facial
Cricoaryteenoideus dorsalis
O: lamina of cricoid cartilage
I: arytenoid cartilage (muscular process)
A: open glottis
N: recurrent laryngeal
Cricoarytenoideus lateralis
O: arch of cricoid cartilage
I: arytenoid cartilage (muscular process)
A: close glottis)
N: recurrent laryngeal
O: supraspinous fossa and spine of scapula
I: greater and lesser tubercles of humerus
A: Extend the shoulder, cranial shoulder stabilizer
N: Suprascapular
O: infraspinous fossa
I: greater tubercle of the humerus
A: abduct the arm; tendon acts as lateral collateral ligament of shoulder
N: Suprascapular nerve
O: spine of scapula and aponeurosis over infraspinatus muscle
I: deltoid tuberosity
A: Flex the shoulder and abduct the arm
N: Axillary nerve
O: subscapular fossa
I: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: adduct the humerus; medial shoulder stabilizer
N: Subscapular and axillary
Biceps brachii
O: supraglenoid tubercle
I: radial tuberosity, tendon of extensor carpi radialis via lacertus fibrosus
A: flex the elbow, extend the shoulder and carpus
N: musculocutaneous (proximal branch)
Long head of triceps brachii
O: caudal border of scapula
I: olecranon
A: extend the elbow and flex the shoulder
N: radial nerve
Lateral head of triceps brachii
O: lateral surface of humerus
I: olecranon
A: extend the elbow
N: radial nerve
Medial head of triceps brachii
O: medial surface of humerus
I: olecranon
A: extend the elbow
N: radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis
O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: metacarpal tuberosity MC3
A: extend carpus and flex elbow
N: radial
Ulnaris lateralis
O: lateral epcondyle of humerus
I: accesory carpal bone C and MC 4
A: flex the carpus and extend elbow
N: radial
Common digital extensor
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus, lateral tuberosity of radius, lateral surface of body of ulna
I: extensor process of third phalanx
A: extend digit and carpus and flex the elbow
N: radial
Flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: second metacarpal bone
A: flex carpus and extend elbow
N: median nerve
Superficial digital flexor
O: medial epicondyle of humerus and caudal surface of radius
I: proximal part of second phalanx and distal part of first phalanx
A: flex digit and carpus and extend elbow
N: Ulnar
Deep digital flexor
O: medial epicondyle of humerus, olecranon, and caudal surface of radius
I: flexor surface of third phalanx
A: flex ddigit and carpus and extend elbow
N: median and ulnar nerve
Interosseus (suspensory ligament)
O: palmar surface of third metacarpal bone and distal row of carpal bones
I: abaxial surfaces of proximal sesammids and tendon of common digital extensor
A: support the fetlock (prevent overextension)
N: palmar metacarpal nerve