Comparative Reproductive Anatomy Flashcards
What is scrotum derived from and what is the wall made up of
Derived from skin and therefore supplied by cutaneous nerves and arteries
Scrotal wall is made up of skin, tunica dartos, and external spermatic fascia
In embryo, attaches the testis to the abdominal wall
In adult, serous coat containing testicular artery, pampiniform plexus, testicular nerves, and lymphatics from abdominal cavity
Attaches the testis to the mesonephric duct in embryo
Testis migrates along gubernaculum during descent
Proximal portion becomes the proper ligament of the testis and distal portion becomes the ligament of the tail of the epididymis
Cavity of the vaginal tunic
Forms from evagination of abdominal wall containing peritoneum
Three components within the confines of the cavity
Parietal layer of the vaginal tunic
Visceral layer of the vaginal tunic
Spermatic cord, testis, epididymis
Mesoductus deferens
Contains ductus deferens and blood/ nerve supply from pelvic cavity
Structures surround testis
Tunica vaginalis
Spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle
Wall of the scrotum
Vesicular gland
Paired, dorsolateral to bladder
Prostate gland
Associated with pelvic urethra
Bulbourethral gland
Lies on dorsal surface of pelvic urethra
Penis components
Roots- 2 crura and 1 bulb
Corpora cavernosum
Erectile tissue in each crus of root that fuse together at the body
Corpus spongiosum
Begins at bulb of the penis
Surround urethra in ventral half of the penis
Distally, expands to form erectile tissue of the glans
Describe anatomy of stallion (testes descent, accessory glands, penis, blood supply)
Descent of testis occurs late in gestation
Prostate is firm and lobated
Vesicular glands (seminal vesicles)
Bulbourethral glands
Penis- musculocavernosus
Has preputial fold
Long dorsal process
Blood supply- external pudendal, internal pudendal, obturator
Describe anatomy of the bull
Has teats on cranial surface of scrotum
Urethra has a diverticulum (urethral recess)
Penis- fibroelastic with sigmoid flexure caudal to scrotum; prominent urethral process
Covered with visceral peritoneum except at the border of mesovarium
Ovum ruptures through tunica albuguinea into ovarian bursa
Proper ovarian ligament
Connects uterine horn to the ovary
Uterine tubes
Open into ovarian bursa at infundibulum
Suspended by mesosalpinx
Cervix, two horns, body
Endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium
Mucous membrane makes rugae
Portion of vagina surround by labia
Site of major vestibular gland
Has external urethral orifice on ventral floor
Mare anatomy
Ovaries have ovulation fossa; uterine horns are short and body is long
Cervix has longitudinal folds and forms distinct vaginal recess (fornix)
Vestibular bulbs are large
Cow anatomy
Uterus has uterine caruncle
Cervix has transverse folds
Intercornual ligaments connect caudal ends of each uterine horn
Suburethral diverticulum in vestibule makes catheterization difficult