Offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 Flashcards
Q: Why was the Computer Misuse Act 1990 enacted?
Computer Misuse Act 1990- enacted to deal with activities such as hacking.
Q: What is the law on unauthorised access to computer material?
S1 1990 Act- unauthorised access to computer material
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if-
(a) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer;
(b) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised; and
(c) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case.
(2) The intent a person has to have to commit an offence under this section need not be directed at—
(a) Any particular program or data;
(b) a program or data of any particular kind; or
(c) a program or data held in any particular computer.
Q: What are the AR and MR of the offence?
AR: causing a computer to perform a function to secure unauthorised access to data. This means more than looking at info on a screen, D must make a computer do something eg: logging on, even if he is unsuccessful or denied access.
MR: D must know that access is unauthorised and must intend to secure access to the programme or data. The offence is about knowingly securing unauthorised access, rather than unauthorised use.
Q: Does the person have to intend to use the data for a criminal purpose?
The offence under s1 may be committed by someone accessing and looking at info he is not authorised to access. He does not have to intend to use that data for any criminal purpose. He just accesses it.
Q: What type of offence is s1? What is the sentence?
Triable either way offence.
Carries a maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment on indictment.
Q: How is ‘computer’ defined?
Not defined in the Act and should be given its ordinary meaning. It can be assumed that smart phones and tablets would fall under the definition.
Q: What if you have authorised access to some parts of the data but not all of it?
Any access D intends to secure must be unauthorised. If you are authorised to access certain data and not others, the offence will still be complete.
Q: What is meant by ‘performs any function’?
S17 1990 Act- clarifies the terms in the offence
(2) A person secures access to any program or data held in a computer if by causing a computer to perform any function he—
(a) alters or erases the program or data;
(b) copies or moves it to any storage medium other than that in which it is held or to a different location in the storage medium in which it is held;
(c) uses it; or
(d) has it output from the computer in which it is held (whether by having it displayed or in any other manner).
Q: What powers are used for entry, search and seizure?
General PACE powers of entry, search and seizure will apply to this offence.
Q: What is the law on authorised access with intent to commit a further offence?
S2 1990 Act- unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences
(1) A person is guilty of an offence under this section if he commits an offence under section 1 above (“the unauthorised access offence”) with intent—
(a) to commit an offence to which this section applies; or
(b) to facilitate the commission of such an offence (whether by himself or by any other person);
and the offence he intends to commit or facilitate is referred to below in this section as the further offence.
(2) This section applies to offences-
(a) for which the sentence is fixed by law; or
(b) for which a person of 21 years or over, not previously convicted, may be sentenced to imprisonment of at least 5 years.
Q: How is the s2 offence an extension of the s1 offence?
It is all about someone who commits the unauthorised access offence intending to commit or facilitate the commission (either himself or by someone else) of a further serious offence. Serious is with a sentence fixed by law or one carrying a sentence of 5 years or more.
Q: Does the offence have to be committed at the same time as the unauthorised access offence?
This offence does not have to be committed at the same time as the unauthorised access offence and may be committed in the future. Eg; when data is accessed to use it at a future point in time to commit fraud.
Q: What type of offence is s2? What sentence does it carry?
Triable either way offence.
Carries a sentence of 5 years on indictment.
Q: What does s2(4) add regarding the further offence?
S2(4) A person may be guilty of an offence under this section even though the facts are such that the commission of the further offence is impossible. Eg: bank account of someone is accessed and then it turns out the person has no funds.
Q: What is the law of a denial-of-service attack?
S3 1990 Act-creates an offence dealing with a denial-of-service attack, where a hacker denies victims a service that they are entitled to eg: causing a system to crash.
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if-
(a) he does any unauthorised act in relation to a computer;
(b) at the time when he does the act he knows that it is unauthorised; and
(c) either subsection (2) or subsection (3) below applies.
(2) This subsection applies if the person intends by doing the act—
(a) to impair the operation of any computer;
(b) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer; or
(c) to impair the operation of any such program or the reliability of any such data
(3) This subsection applies if the person is reckless as to whether the act will do any of the things mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d) to (c) of subsection (2) above.
Q: Summary of s3 offence?
This offence applies where someone does an unauthorised computer act which he knows to be unauthorised and he either intends or is reckless about impairing the operation of any computer or preventing or hindering access to data.
Q: What might the unauthorised act be?
The unauthorised act intended to impair might be installing programmes or malicious code such as viruses which deny access.
Q: What if the impairment is only temporary?
Temporary impairment is covered the same as permanent impairment.
Case law indicates that causing a computer to record that info came from one source when it in fact came from another affects the reliability of info on the computer and is therefore covered by the offence.
Q: What type of offence is s3? What sentence does it carry?
Triable either way offence.
Carries a sentence of 10 years on indictment.
Q: What is the offence concerning acts causing, or creating a risk of serious damage?
S3ZA 1990 Act- creates an offence concerning unauthorised acts causing, or creating a risk of serious damage
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if-
(a) the person does any unauthorised act in relation to a computer;
(b) at the time of doing the act the person knows that it is unauthorised;
(c) the act causes, or creates a significant risk of, serious damage of a material kind; and
(d) the person intends by doing the act to cause serious damage of a material kind or is reckless as to whether such damage is caused.
Q: Summary of the s3ZA offence?
The offender needs to do an unauthorised computer act, whilst knowing the act is unauthorised, intending or being reckless about serious material damage being caused and for serious material damage to actually be caused by the act.
Q: When is damage of a ‘material kind’?
Damage is of a ‘material kind’ for the purposes of this section if it is-
(a) damage to human welfare in any place;
(b) damage to the environment of any place;
(c) damage to the economy of any country; or
(d) damage to the national security of any country.
Q: What is meant by ‘causes damage to human welfare’?
For the purposes of subsection (2)(a) an act causes damage to human welfare only if it causes-
(a) loss to human life
(b) human illness or injury
(c) disruption of a supply of money, food, water, energy or fuel;
(d) disruption of a system of communication;
(e) disruption of facilities for transport; or
(f) disruption of services relating to health.
Q: Does the act have to cause damage directly? Does it have to be the main cause of damage?
S3ZA(4) It is immaterial for the purposes of subsection (2) whether or not an act causing damage-
(a) does so directly
(b) Is the only or main cause of the damage
So an act that indirectly contributes to any of the forms of damage above may be enough.
Q: Does the damage need to be serious?
The damage itself needs to be serious.
Q: What type of offence is s3ZA? What is the sentence?
Indictable offence.
Carries a 14-year sentence.
Q: What is the offence or making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offences?
Making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offences under s3ZA or s1 or s3 is also an offence under s3A.
Offence is aimed at the market in electronic hacker tools, particularly in the context of organised crime.
Q: Wording of s3A?
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he makes, adapts, supplies or offers to supply any article intending it to be used to commit, or to assist in the commission of, an offence under section 1, 3 or 3ZA
(2) A person is guilty of an offence if he supplies or offers to supply any article believing that it is likely to be used to commit, or to assist in the commission of, an offence under section 1, 3 or 3ZA
(3) A person is guilty of an offence if he obtains any article—
(a) intending to use it to commit, or to assist in the commission of, an offence under section 1, 3 or 3ZA, or
(b) with a view to
its being supplied for use to commit, or to assist in the commission of, an offence under section 1, 3 or 3ZA
Q: What is meant by ‘article?
S3A(4)- includes any program or data held in electronic form.
Q: What type of offence is s3A? What is the sentence?
Triable either way and carries a maximum of 2 years of indictment.