ODD and CD Flashcards
internalizing vs externalizing behaviours
- focus on inner self, inner directed emotions
- depression, anxiety
- behaviours or symptoms that affect others, outer directed B
diagnosis requires persistent pattern of B that is:
1. atypical for child’s dev age and dev level
2. severe enough to cause distress to child/others or negatively affected functioning
DSM5 criteria for ODD
- pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/definant B, or vindictiveness
- lasting at least 6 months
- > 4 symptoms from any of the above categories exhibited with at least 1 person other than sibling
- causes distress in individuals/others in immediate social context, or impairs functioning
DSM5 criteria for ODD: angry/irritable
- loses temper
- is touchy or easily annoyed
- angry or resentful
DSM5 criteria for ODD: argumentative/defiant B
- argues with authority and adults
- actively defies/refuses to comply with requests from authority or with rules
- deliberately annoys or others
- blames others for mistakes/misbehaviours
DSM5 criteria for ODD: vindictiveness
- spiteful or vindictive
DSM5 criteria for CD
- repetitive, persistent pattern of antisocial B
- > 3 from any following categories
- aggression to people/animals
- destruction of property
- deceitful/theft
- serious violation of rules - causes significant impairment in social academic or occupational functioning
DSM5 criteria for CD: aggression to people and animals
- bullies/threatens/intimates
- initiates physical fights
- used a weapon that can cause harm
- physically cruel to people and animals
- stolen while confronting victim
- forced someone into sex activity
DSM5 criteria for CD: destruction of property
- deliberately enaged in firesetting with intention to cause damage
- deliberately destroyed others’ property
DSM5 criteria for CD: deceitfulness/theft
- broken into someone’s house/building/car
- often lies to obtain good favours or to avoid obligations
- stolen items of nontrivial value (e.g. shoplifting)
DSM5 criteria for CD: serious violation of rules
- stays out at night despite parental prohibition (before 13)
- run away from home
- truant from school (before 13)
CD specifiers
- onset/course: childhood onset = <10y - teen onset = 10+
- with limited prosocial emotions (antisocial Bs)
- prevalence ODD = 3.3%
- prevalence CD = 3.2%
- 2-4x higher in males (sex differences emerge by 4y, decrease in adolescence)
CD with limited prosocial emotions
at least 2 symptoms in 12 months
1. lack of remorse/guilt
2. callous - lack of empathy
3. unconcerned about performance
4. shallow/deficient affect
developmental course of CD: how does the child’s age/developmental stage impact the presentation of the symptoms
- frequency + form of disruptive Bs change across development
- more overt aggression in preschool + early childhood, more covert in teens
- onset: when do symptoms first emerge
- continuity vs discontinuity
- implications for prognosis
childhood onset of CD characteristics
- chronic course (perisstent Bs across dev)
- predominantly males
- more aggressive/violent
- more biological risk factors
- severe family dysfunction
adolescent onset of CD characteristics
- stronger environmental contribution
- socialized
- less violent
- often do not have ADHD or ODD
- more females
- many desist but some do not