OCD Flashcards
What disorders are listed in the Obsessive- Compulsive and Related Disorders chapter of the DSM-5?
Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Body Dysmorphic Disorder; Hoarding Disorder; Excoriation Disorder (Skin-Picking); Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling Disorder).
What are some commonalities between the disorders listed in the OC and Related Disorders chapter? (3 things).
- Repetitive behaviours or mental acts (that are difficult to stop).
- They are highly comorbid with one another.
- All are likely to be in first degree relatives (immediate family) of the proband.
If someone has an OC and Related Disorder, how likely is it that their identical twin will have the same disorder? What about a sibling?
Identical twins: 50%;
Non-identical: 20%.
What are the two most general symptoms of OCD and for a person to be diagnosed, do they need to present with both?
Obsessions and compulsions. No, only need one or both.
What is the DSM-5’s description of an Obsession? (2 things).
- Recurrent, persistent thoughts/urges/images that cause distress.
- Attempts to ignore, suppress or neutralise the thoughts/urges/images.
What is the DSM-5’s description of a Compulsion? (2 things).
- Repetitive behaviours or mental acts that is performed to suppress an obsession.
- They are not connected in a realistic way with the obsession, or are clearly excessive.
What two elements indicate that an obsession and/or a compulsion have become a mental illness?
- They are time-consuming.
- They cause clinically significant distress or impairment in normal functioning.
To be considered clinically significant, how must time (per day) must a person spend on their compulsion and/or obsession?
More than 1 hour per day.
Why is OCD considered different to Anxiety Disorders?
Because of the compulsion to act in a specific way.
Sometimes, people only have obsessive thoughts, what do they do instead of a compulsion? (3 steps).
- Suppress the thought;
- check to see if the thought is there;
- recreate the thought.
What does POOR INSIGHT of the illness indicate?
It indicates that the illness will be hard to treat (poor prognosis).
What does tic-related OCD indicate? (2 things).
That the person probably had a childhood onset of OCD and they may have neurological deficits.
What are 4 common dimensions in OCD that have been identified as the focus of the obsession?
- Cleaning;
- Harm;
- Symmetry;
- Forbidden or taboo thoughts.
In the CLEANING dimension, what is the focus of the obsession and the compulsion?
Obsession: contamination focus.
Compulsion: cleaning, washing, showering excessively.
In the HARM dimension, what is the focus of the obsession and the compulsion?
Obsession: focuses on a fear of harm to oneself or others.
Compulsion: Checking.