obstetrics: ANC, LW and PP Flashcards
threshold for using HC for EDD
CRL >84mm
Nuchal translucency threshold
obesity increases risks of which maternal complications
PPHx2 GDM x3.6 VTE x9 Hypertensive disorders SB x2 Fetal macrosomia C/S Death (MBRRACE2015 - 30% of women who died were obese)
Class I obesity
BMI 30-34.9
Class II obesity
BMI 35-39.9
Class III obesity
BMI >40 (increases M/M by 60%)
how long to wait after bariatric surgery prior to conception
12-18 months
% pregnancies affected by PIH
% of pregnancies affected by PET
incidence eclampsia
27/10 000 (approx 1/370)
mortality eclampsia
stillbirth eclampsia
22/1000 (approx 1/45)
high risk factors for aspirin
- prev PET/PIH - CKD - Autoimmune conditions - DM - Chronic HTN
Moderate risk factors for aspirin (2+)
- primip - age >40 - pregnancy interval ?10 - BMI >35 - FHx - multiple pregnancy
indications for delivery <37/40 in PET
- uncontrolled BP x3 medications - Sat <90% - Deteriorating bloods - Neuro features - Abruption - abnormal doppler or CTG
antidote to MgSO4
10ml 10% calcium gluconate
HELLP incidence
15-20% of PET cases
HELLP associated with DIC in ___%
21% up to 50% will require blood products
HELLP diagnostic criteria
MAH LDH >600 Haptoglobin <25 PLT <100 AST >70
SGA: UA Doppler Normal - When to repeat USS?
Fortnightly: AC & LV; EFW UA Doppler (MCA after 32 weeks)
SGA: UA Doppler Normal - When to offer delivery?
at 37/40 with involvement of senior clinician
SGA: UA Doppler Normal - When to recommend delivery?
by 37/40 if MCA Doppler PI <5th centile
SGA: UA Doppler normal - when to consider delivery?
>34/40 if static growth over 3 weeks
SGA: PI or RI >2SDs, EDV present - when to repeat USS?
Weekly AC & LV; EFW Twice weekly UA Doppler
SGA: PI or RI >2SDs, EDV present - when to recommend delivery?
by 37/40
SGA: PI or RI >2SDs, EDV present - when to consider delivery?
>34/40 if static growth over 3 weeks
SGA: AREDV - when to repeat USS?
weekly AC & LV; EFW Daily UA Doppler, DV Doppler +/- cCTG if DV doppler unavailable
SGA: AREDV - when to recommend delivery?
<32/40 after steroids if abnormal DV doppler and/or cCTG STV <3ms
SGA: AREDV - fetal prerequisites for early delivery
>24/40 and EFW >500g
SGA: AREDV - when to consider delivery?
30-32/40 even when DV doppler is normal
definition of abnormal uterine artery doppler
PI >95th centile and/or notching
if severe SGA identified at 18-20 week scan :
offer referral for a detailed fetal anatomical survey and uterine artery doppler by a fetal maternal specialist;
SGA: karyotyping should be offered for
severely SGA foetuses (<3 centile) with structural abnormalities; and those detected <23/40 *triploidy most common*
timing of birth for DCDA twins
37+0 to 37+6
timing of birth for MCDA twins
36+0 to 36+6
timing of birth for MCMA twins (uncomplicated)
32+0 to 33+6
timing of birth for triplets (uncomplicated)
35 to 35+6
multiple pregnancy: if decline birth at recommended timing:
- ANC wkly with obstetrician - AFI + doppler weekly - Growth USS 2 wkly
MC twins - TTTS - timing of birth
34-36+6 if no other indications
MC twins - type 1 SGR - timing of birth
MC twins - Type 2-3 SGR - timing of birth
By 32/40 unless growth velocity significantly abnormal or worsening dopplers
MC Twins - after twin 1 demise - incidence of 2nd IUFD
MC Twins - after twin 1 demise - incidence of neurological abnormality in 2nd twin
GBS: if benpen mild allergy, what alternative?
cefuroxime 1.5g then 750mg q8h
GBS: if benpen severe allergy, what alternative?
vancomycin 1g q12h
what % of women with GBS+ on swab 35-57/40 will be negative at delivery?
what % of women with GBS- swab at 35-37/40 will be positive at delivery?
GBS PROM at term - risk of serious infection
fetal circulating blood volume
incidence APH
3-5% of pregnancies
blood loss 1000 -1500 associated with what changes in obs
tachycardia, tachypnea, slight recordable fall in SBP
blood loss >1500ml associated with what changes in obs
SBP <80 worsening tachycardia & tachypnea altered mental state
timing of delivery for uncomplicated placenta previa
timing of delivery for placenta previa with history of PVB
timing of delivery for placenta accreta
35-36+6/40 (recommend elective admission from 34/40)
timing of delivery for vasa previa if confirmed prior to labour
inducing labour for VBAC associated with ____x risk of C/S
inducing labour for VBAC associated with ____x risk of uterine rupture
breech complicates ___% term deliveries
spontaneous version of breech in nulliparous women after 36/40
unsuccessful ECV: what proportion will spontaneously turn to ceph
successful ECV: what proportion will turn back to breech
recurrence of breech next pregnancy
proportion of babies in breech position at 28/40
vulval and vulvovaginal hematomas arise from damage to ____
branches of pudendal artery
paravaginal hematomas arise from damage to _____
uterine artery
supralevator/supravaginal hematomas arise from damage to _____
uterine artery in broad ligament
OASIS incidence overall
OASIS incidence primip
OASIS incidence multip
OASIS incidence forceps with epis
OASIS incidence in shoulder dystocia
OASIS incidence forceps without epis
OASIS repair anorectal mucosa
continuous or interrupted 3-0 polyglactin (modern braided)
OASIS repair IAS
interrupted to mattress 3-0 PDS or 2-0 polyglactin
OASIS repair EAS
overlapping or end-to-end 3-0 PDS or 2-0 polyglactin
OASIS risk of recurrence
OASIS worsening of symptoms after 2nd NVD
shoulder dystocia recurrence
1-25% (10x increase)
shoulder dystocia in DM
2-4x increased risk
shoulder dystocia risk of BPI
shoulder dystocia humeral fractures with delivery of posterior arm
minimal fetal fraction for cffDNA
failed cell-free DNA tests
1-5% higher failure rates in pregnancies with Edwards and Pataus. on repeat sampling, 60% obtain results
main determinants of low fetal fraction cffDNA
maternal obesity small placental mass
Cervical length <25mm - risk of PTL
25% under 28 weeks
Cervical length <20mm - risk of PTL
42% under 32 weeks 62% under 34 weeks
most likely surgical complication in repeat sections
blood transfusion
PROM: risk of infection
1% compared to 0.5% for women with intact membranes
PROM: what % women go into labour within 24h
PROM: until IOL started or if expectant management beyond 24h
- record temp every 4h during day - do not do CRP or LVS - avoid sex - assess fetal movement and heart rate at initial contact and every 24h
PROM: if labour not started 24h later
IOL should stay in hospital for at least 12h after birth
average duration of first stage
primip: 8-18h multip: 5-12h
delay in second stage: primip
suspect after 1h active Diagnose after 2h should have birth within 3h of active
delay in second stage: multip
suspect after 30 minutes active diagnose after 1h active should have birth within 2h of active
able for episiotomy
45-60 degrees right mediolateral
delay in second stage: how often should obstetric review occur
every 15-30 minutes after initial assessment
prolonged 3rd stage
30 minutes active, or 60 minutes physiological
active management of 3rd stage “care package”
uterotonic drug deferred clamping CCT
third stage: N/V in active vs. physiological
100/1000 vs 50/1000
third stage: PPH>1L in active vs physiological
13/1000 vs 29/1000
third stage: need for blood transfusion active vs. physiological
14/1000 vs 40/1000
active management choice of drug for low risk care
syntocinon 10u IM
active management for c/s
syntocinon 5u IV
active management for NVD - absence of hypertension but increased risk of minor PPH
mec obs
1h, 2h then 2h until 12h
PROM neonatal obs
1h, 2h, 6h, 12h