Obstetrics Flashcards
Categories CI to breatfeeding
- Drugs
- Infection
- Galactosaemia
Drugs containdicated in breastfeeding
- Some antibiotics
- Lithium
- Benzodiazepines
- Aspirin
- Carbimazole
- Methotrexate
- Sulphonylureas
- Cytotoxic drugs
- Amiodarone
Antibiotics contraindicated in breastfeeding
- Ciprofloxacin
- Tetracycline
- Chloramphenicol
- Sulphonamines
Risk factors amniotic fluid embolism
- Increasing maternal age
- Induction
Symptoms amniotic fluid embolism
Chills, shivering, sweating
Signs amniotic fluid embolism
Diagnosis amniotic fluid embolism
Diagnosis of exclusion - no definitive test
Management amniotic fluid embolism
Vitamin D supps pregnancy
When is booking visit
8-12 weeks (ideally <10)
Investigations done at booking
- FBC, blood group, rhesus, red cell alloantibodies, haemoglobinopathies
- Hep B, syphilis
Urine culture - detect asymptomatic bacteriuria
Purpose of 11-13+6 weeks scan
- Confirm dates
- Exclude multiple pregnancy
- Down syndrome screening
When to consider iron 16 week antental appt
Hb <11
When is anomaly scan
18 - 20+6
What is done at 28 week antenatal visit
Second screen for anaemia and atypical red cell alloantibodies
When to consider iron 28 weeks
Hb <10.5
When is presentation of baby checked antenatally
36 weeks - offer ECV if indicated
When is anti-D prophylaxis given to rhesus neg women
28 weeks and 34 weeks
Causes of first trimester bleeding
Spontaneous abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole
Causes of second trimester bleeding
Spontaneous abortion
Hydatidiform mole
Placental abruption
Causes of third trimester bleeding
Bloody show
Placental abruption
Placenta praevia
Vasa praevia
Features hydatidiform mole
- Bleeding in first or early second trimester
- Exaggerated symptoms of pregnancy, e.g. hyperem
- Uterus large for dates
- Serum hCG very high
Features placental abruption
- Constant lower abdominal pain
- Shock out of proportion with visible blood loss
- Tender, tense uterus with normal lie and presentation
- Fetal heart may be distressed
Features vasa praevia
Rupture of membranes followed immediately by vaginal bleeding
Fetal bradycardia classically seen
Treatment nipple candidiasis
Miconazole cream for mother
Nystatin suspension for baby
Indications for antibiotics mastitis
- Systemically unwell
- Nipple fissure present
- Symptoms do not improve after 12-24 hours of effective milk removal
- If culture indicates infection
First line antibiotic mastitis
Complication mastitis
Breast abscess
Treatment breast abscess caused by mastitis
Usually needs I&D
Presentation breast engorgement
- Bilateral
- Worse just before a feed
- Milk doesn’t flow well, infant find it difficult to latch and suckle
- Fever - usually settles within 24 hours
- Breasts may appear red
Complications engorgement
Blocked milk ducts
Difficulties with breastfeeding
Presentation Raynaud’s disease of niple
- Pain often intermittent, present during and immediately after feeding
- Blanching of nipple → cyanosis and/or erythema
- Nipple pain resolves when nipples return to normal colour
Non-medical management of Raynaud’s disease of nipple
- Minimising exposure to cold
- Use of heat packs following breastfeed
- Avoiding caffeine
- Stopping smoking
Medical management Raynaud’s disease of nipple
Oral nifedipine
Suppression of lactation
- Stop suckling/expressing
- Supportive measures - well-supported bra, analgesia
- Cabergoline
Risk factors breech presentation
- Uterine malformations, fibroids
- Placenta praevia
- Polyhydraminos or oligohydraminos
- Fetal abnormality, e.g. CNS malformation, chromosomal disorders
- Prematurity
When should ECV be offered
36 weeks in nulliparous
37 weeks in multiparous
Absolute contraindications to ECV
- C-section required
- Antepartum haemorrhage in last 7 days
- Abnormal CTG
- Major uterine anomaly
- Ruptured membranes
- Multiple pregnancy
Why is C-section indicated in cervical cancer
Vaginal delivery can disseminate cancer cells
Timeframe emergency sections
Cat 1 - 30 mins
Cat 2 - 75 mins
Cause baseline bradycardia on CTG
- Increased fetal vagal tone
- Maternal beta blocker use
Cause baseline tachycardia on CTG
- Maternal pyrexia
- Chorioamnionitis
- Hypoxia
- Prematurity
Normal baseline variability CTG
> 5 beats/min
Cause loss of baseline variability on CTG
What is early decel
Decel of HR which commences with onset of contraction and returns to normal on completion of contraction
Cause early decel on CTG
Usually normal, indicates head compression
What is late decel
Decel of HR which lags the onset of contraction, does not return to normal 30 seconds after end of contraction
Cause late decel
Fetal distress, e.g. asphyxia, placental insufficiency
What is variable decel
Decels independent of contractions
Cause variable decel on CTG
Cord compression
Risk to mother of chickenpox in pregnancy
5x increase risk of pneumonitis
Risk of fetal varicella syndrome based on gestation
1% risk if exposed before 20 weeks
Very small number of cases 20-28 weeks
No cases following 28 weeks
Features fetal varicella syndrome
Skin scarring
Eye defects - microphthalmia
Limb hypoplasia
Learning disbilities
Risk of shingles in infancy based on gestation at exposure
1-2% risk if maternal exposure in 2nd or 3rd trimester
When is there a risk of severe neonatal varicella
If mother develops rash 5 days before - 2 days after birth
First step in management of chickenpox exposure in pregnancy
If any doubt about previous chickenpox, urgent varicella antibodies in maternal blood
Management chickenpox exposure in pregnancy if not immune
Oral aciclovir (or valaciclovir) given at days 7-14 after exposure (not immediately)
Management of chickenpox in pregnancy
Specialist advice
Oral aciclovir given if pregnant women ≥20 weeks, and presents within 24 hours of rash. If <20 weeks, aciclovir ‘considered with caution’
Components of combined test for Down’s syndrome
- Nuchal translucency
- Serum b-hCG
Results of combined test suggesting DS
High HCG
High nuchal translucency
What other conditions give similar results to DS on combined test
Edwards and Pataus (but hcg tends to be lower)
When is quadruple test for DS offered
15-20 weeks
Components of quadruple test for DS
- Alpha fetoprotein
- Unconjugated oestriol
- hCG
- Inhibin A
Results of quadruple test suggesting DS
- Alpha fetoprotein low
- Unconjugated oestriol low
- hCG high
- Inhibin A high
Quadruple test results DS vs Edwards
Inhibin A normal in Edwards
Cause of isolated raised alpha-fetoprotein on quad test
Neural tube defects
What to do if high risk on DS screening
Offer NIPT or diagnostic (amnio/CVS) - NIPT lower risk
Definition pre-eclampsia
New onset BP ≥140/90 after 20 weeks and one of;
- Proteinuria
- Other organ involvement, e.g. renal insufficiency, liver, neuro, haem, uteroplacental
Neurological complications of pre-E
- Eclampsia
- Altered mental status
- Blindness
- Stroke
- Clonus
- Severe headaches
- Persistent visual scotomata
Fetal complications pre-E
Other comlications pre-E
Liver involvement - elevated transaminases
Haemorrhage - placental abruption, intra-abdominal, intra-cerebral
Cardiac failure
Features of severe pre-E
HTN >160/110
Proteinuria ++/+++
Visual disturbance
RUQ/epigastric pain
Plts <100/abnormal liver enzymes/HELLP
High risk factors pre-E
HTN in prev preg
Autoimmune disease, e.g. SLE, antiphospholipid
T1 or T2DM
Chronic HTN
Moderate risk factors pre-E
First preg
Age 40+
Preg interval >10 years
BMI ≥35 at booking
Family Hx
Multiple preg
Risk reduction of pre-E
Aspirin 75-150mg OD from 12 weeks if;
≥1 high risk factor
≥2 moderate risk factors
First line anti-HTN pre-E
Oral labetalol
Other anti-HTN options in pre-E
Treatment eclampsia
Magnesium - prevents seizures in severe pre-E and treats seizures in eclampsia
Dose magnesium in eclampsia
IV bolus 4g over 5-10 mins followed by infusion 1g/hour
Treatment resp depression caused by magnesium sulphate
Calcium gluconate
How long to continue magnesium in eclampsia
24 hours after last seizure or delivery
Least teratogenic anti-epileptic
Sodium valproate in preg associated with
Neural tube defects
Phenytoin in preg associated with
Cleft palate
Coag disorders - give mother vit K in last month of preg
Lamotrigine in preg
Studies so far suggest rate of congenital malformations low. Dose may need increasing in preg
Breastfeeding and anti-epileptic
Safe (except maybe barbiturates)
Causes folic acid deficiency
- Phenytoin
- Methotrexate
- Pregnancy
- Alcohol excess
Consequence of folic acid deficiency
- Macrocytic, megaloblastic anaemia
- Neural tube defects
Indications for 5mg folic acid
- Either partner had NTD, prev preg with NTD, or FHx NTD
- Anti-epileptic drugs
- Coeliac, diabetes, thalassaemia trait
- BMI ≥30
Risk factors gestational diabetes
BMI >30
Previous macrosomic baby ≥4.5kg
Previous gestational diabetes
First-degree relative with diabetes
Family origin with high prevalence of diabetes - South Asian, black Caribbean, Middle Eastern
When do do OGTT
- If previously had gestational diabetes, ASAP after booking at at 24-28 weeks if first test is normal
- If risk factors, 24-28 weeks
Alternative to OGTT for gestational diabetes
Self-monitoring of BM
Diagnostic threshold for gestational diabetes
Fasting glucose ≥5.6
2-hour glucose ≥7.8
First line management gestational diabetes with fasting glucose <7
Trial of diet and exercise
Second line management gestational diabetes with fasting glucose <7
If targets not met within 1-2 weeks of alterating diet/exercise, add metformin
Third line management gestational diabetes with fasting glucose <7
Add insulin (short acting)
When to start insulin immediately in gestational diabetes
- Fasting glucose ≥7
- Fasting glucose 6-6.9 and evidence of complications e.g. macrosomia, polyhydramnios
Alternative to metformin/insulin in gestational diabetes
Used if can’t tolerate metformin, or don’t meet targets with metformin but decline insulin
Management pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy
- Weight loss of BMI >27
- Stop oral hypoglycaemic agents, apart from metformin, and start insulin
- Folic acid 5mg/day
- Tight glycaemic control
- Treat retinopathy - can worsen in pregnancy
Glucose targets in gestational diabetes
Fasting 5.3
1 hour after meals 7.8
2 hours after meals 6.4
What is a complete hydatidiform mole
Benign tumour of trophoblastic material