MSK Flashcards
Tennis elbow aka…
Lateral epicondylitis
Features of lateral epicondylitis
- Pain and tenderness localised to lateral epicondyle
- Pain on resisted wrist extension
Golfer’s elbow aka…
Medial epicondylitis
Features of medial epicondylitis
- Pain and tenderness localised to medial epicondyle
- Pain aggravated by wrist flexion and pronation
- Symptoms may be accompanied by numbness/tingling in 4th and 5th finger due to ulnar nerve involvement
Features of radial tunnel syndrome
- Pain 4-5cm distal to lateral epicondyle
- Symptoms worsening by extending elbow and pronating forearm
Features of cubital tunnel syndrome
- Initially intermittent tingling in 4th and 5th finger
- May be worse when elbow resting on firm surface of flexed for extended periods
- Later numbness in 4th and 5th fingers with associated weakness
Features of olecranon bursitis
- Swelling over posterior aspect of elbow
- Associated pain, warmth, and erythema
- Typically middle aged patients
Where is intracapsular hip fracture
From edge of femoral head to insertion of capsule of hip joint
Where is extracapsular hip fracture
Trochanteric or subtrochanteric
Treatment of intracapsular hip fracture - undisplaced
Internal fixation, hemiarthroplasty if unfit
Treatment of intracapsular hip fracture - displaced
Replacement arhtroplasty (total or hemi)
Criteria for total hip replacement in displaced intracapsular fracture
- Able to walk independently outdoors with no more than use of stick
- Not cognitively impairment
- Medically fit for anaesthetic and procedureT
Treatment of extracapsular hip fractures
If stable intertrochanetric, dynamic hip screw
If reverse oblique, transverse, or subtrochanetric - intramedullary device
Features of osteoarthritis of knee
- Typically >50, often overweight
- May be severe pain
- Intermittent swelling
- Crepitus
- Limitation of movement
Clergymans knee aka…
Infrapatellar bursitis
Housemaids knee aka…
Prepatellar bursitis
ACL injury features
- May be caused by twisting of knee, popping noise may be noted
- Rapid onset of knee effusion
- Positive draw test
PCL injury features
May be caused by anterior force applied to proximal tibia, e.g. knee hitting dashboard during car accident
Collateral ligament injury features
- Tenderness over affected ligament
- Knee effusion may be seen
Meniscal lesion features
- May be caused by twisting of knee
- Locking and giving way common feature
- Tender joint line
L3 nerve root compression
- Sensory loss over anterior thigh
- Weak hip flexion, knee extension, and hip adduction
- Reduced knee reflex
- Positive femoral stretch test
L4 nerve root compression
- Sensory loss anterior aspect of knee and medial malleolus
- Weak knee extension and hip adduction
- Reduced knee reflex
- Positive femoral stretch test
L5 nerve root compression
- Sensory loss dorsum of foot
- Weakness in foot and big toe dorsiflexion
- Reflexes in tact
- Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
S1 nerve root compression
- Sensory loss posterolateral aspect leg and lateral aspect of foot
- Weakness in plantarflexion of foot
- Reduced ankle reflex
- Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
Roots of musculocutaneous nerve
Motor function of musculocutaneous nerve
Elbow flexion (biceps brachii) and supination
Sensory function of musculocutaneous nerve
Lateral part of forearm
Mechanism of injury musculocutaneous nerve
Isolated injury rare, usually injured as part of brachial plexus injury
Roots of axillary nerve
Motor function of axillary nerve
Shoulder abduction (deltoid muscle)
Sensory function of axillary nerve
Inferior region of deltoid muscle
Mechanism of injury of axillary nerve
Humeral neck fracture/dislocation
Clinical presentation of injury to axillary nerve
Flattened deltoid
Roots of radial nerve
Motor function of radial nerve
Extension of forearm, wrist, fingers, and thumb
Sensory function of radial nerve
Small area between dorsal aspect of 1st and 2nd metacarpals
Mechanism of injury of radial nerve
Humeral midshaft fracture
Clinical presentation of injury to radial nerve
Wrist drop
Roots of median nerve
C6, C8, T1
Motor function of median nerve
LOAF muscles
Lateral two lumbricals
Opponens pollis
Abductor pollis brevis
Flexor pollis brevis
Clinical features of median nerve lesion at wrist
Paralysis of thenar muscles, oppenens pollicis (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Clinical features of median nerve lesion at elbow
Loss of pronation of forearm and weak wrist flexionS
Sensory function of median nerve
Palmar aspect of lateral 3 1/2 fingers
Roots of ulnar nerve
C8, T1
Motor function of ulnar nerve
Intrinsic hand muscle except LOAF
Wrist flexion
Sensory function of ulnar nerve
Medial 1 1/2 fingers
Mechanism of injury of ulnar nerve
Medial epicondyle fracture
Clinical presentation of ulnar nerve lesion
Claw hand
Roots of long thoracic nerve
Motor function of long thoracic nerve
Serratus anterior
Mechanism of injury of long serratus nerve
Often during sport, e.g. following blow to ribs
Complication of mastectomy
Clinical presentation of damage to long thoracic nerve
Winged scapula
Roots injured in Erb-Duchenne palsy
Damage to upper trunk of brachial plexus - C5-6
Cause of Erb-Duchenne palsy
Shoulder dystocia