Obstetrical complications Flashcards
what is preterm labor
preterm birth/labor is defined as birth that occurs after 20 weeks gestation but before 37 weeks
diagnosis of preterm labor is _ _ accompanied with _ _ or cervical dilation of _ cm and _% effaced
uterine contractions
cervical change
cervical dilation of 2cm and or 80% effaced
prematurity is the leading cause of infant _
what causes a preterm labor?
spontaneous is the most common reason
multiple gestations
preterm premature rupture of membranes
hypertension in pregnancy
cervical incompetence , uterine anomalies- fibroids, T shaped, bicornate (cant support baby)
antepartum hemorrhage
intrauterine growth restriction
_ are twice as likely as caucasions to have a preterm birth
what socioeconomic factors can lead to PTL
high stress, no access to prenatal care, poor nutrition, genetic differences?
what are some medical/OB risk factors for preterm labor
history of PTL
history of second trimester abortion
repeated spontaenous first trimester abortions
bleeding in the first trimester
multiple babies in the sac
polyhradminos - more pressure on cervic
incompentent cervic
prevention of PTL is aimed at what 4 main pathways
- infection (cervical)
- placental-vascular
- psychosocial stress
- unterine stretch
what infections do we want to treat to assess the infection cervical pathway to stop PTL
bacterial vaginosis (clue cell)
group B step infections (antibiotics)
gonorrhea and chlamydia
there is a link between infection and progressive changes in the cervical _
cervical _ is a predictor for preterm birth risk
the relative risk of PTL increases as cervical length _
the relative risk of 2.4 for PTL in a cervical length of _
the relative risk of 6.2 for PTL in cervical length of
how can you routinely screen for cervical length
ulatrasound ( this is inmportant in someone with history of PTL or cold knife conization procedures)
what screening tool can we use to determine cervical length
fetal fibronectin (FFN)
this is released from the basement membrane of fetal membranes in times of disruption of membranes, cervical shortening, infection, or uterine activity
has good negative predictive value
positive predictive value is low because it could be indicating something else going on
the placental-vascular pathway begins at the time of _
the placental-vascular pathway is at the level of the _ _ _ interface
placental-decidual-myometrial interface
what components make up the placental vascular pathway
immunologic component- preeclampsia
vascular component- invasion
lower resistance connection of spiral arteries-inefficient connection
alteration in any of the components of the placental-decidual-myometrial interface (immunologic component, spiral artery connection, vascular component) may result in poor fetal _ which is a risk factor for _ as well as growth restriction and preeclampsia
mental and pyschial stress are thought to induce a stress response that increases release of _ and _
cortisol and catecholamines
cortisol is released from _ _ and stimulates early placent _ _ homrone gene expression which assits in labor at term
adernal gland
corticotrophin release hormone
catecholamines affect _ _ and can cause uterine _
blood flow
uterine contractions
how can you midfy the stress-strain pathway
stress reduction and good nutrition
what causes uterine stretch in the uterine stretch pathway
increasing volume: polyhydraminos and multiple gestations
symptoms of PTL
mesutral like cramping, backache, increase in discharge/blood discharge and uterine contractions
how do you evaluate PTL
- cervical exam to assess dilation, effacement, and fetal presenting part
- evaluate for correctable problems like infection
- monitor uterine activity and fetal heart rate
- reevlauate cervix and hydrate the patient
- take cultures for group B strep and empircally treat and LABS cbc, urinalysis
- obtain ultrasound to determine fetal presentation, growth, amniotic fluid, and to rule our congenital anomalies
hydration and rest will resolve _ in about 20% of patients in PTL
but will not stop labor!
what infection should be have cultures taken when a person is admitted for PTL
group B strep
need to give them penicillin to emprically treat
how do you manage PTL
begin tocolysis if gestational age is less than 34 weeks
get magnesium sulfate
and prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (idomethicin)
how does magnesium sulfate work
it competes for calcium for entry into the cell at the time of depolarization
theraputic serum levels of magnesium sulfate
5.5-7.0 mg/dL
given intravenously, can titrate down
continue magnesium sulfate therapy until recieved both doses of _
magnesium sulfate is important in _
neuroprotection against cerebral palsy
magnesium sulfate is given when patient is at risk for delivering within _ days. and is currently given if less than _ weeks
7 days of delivering
less than 32 weeks gestation
side effects of magnesium (maternal)
feeling warm
respiratory depression at levels of 12
cardiac arrest at levels greater than 30
side effects of magnesium sulfate (neonate)
loww of muscle tone
lower apgar score
what is nifedepinde?
an oral tocolytic to supress preterm labor
MOA of nifedipine
inhibits the slow inward current of calcium during the second phase of action potential
side effects of nidedipine (baby and mom)
what is a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor - ideomethacin
a pgf2a inhibitor that inhibits prostaglandin production that induces myometrial contractions
it is only used on short term basis (extreme prematurity)
indomethacin can be given _ or _
orally or rectally
indomethacin can result in _ and can cause premature closure of fetal _ _ and result in pulmonary hypertension and heart failure
ductus arteriosis
infants exposed to indomethacin are greater risk of _ and _
necrotizing enterocolitis and intracranial hemorrhage
_ are used to mature premature fetal lungs
glucocorticoids (betamethasone and dexmethasone)