Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy Flashcards
what are some fetal complications of chronic hypertension
fetal growth restriction
preterm birth
placental abruptions
still birth
congenital anomalies
what are some maternal risks of chronic HTN
liver failure, kidney failure, preeclampsia/eclampsia
normal blood pressure ranges
less than 120/80
what is elevated blood pressure ranges
what is stage 1 hypertension ranges
what is stage 2 hypertesion ranges
> 140/90
what are hypertensive crisis ranges?
may have signs of end organ damage
what are the parameters for chronic hypertension?
present before or recognized during the first half of pregnancy and persists after 12 week postpartum
what is gestational hypertension
hypertension recognized after 20 weeks gestation
what is pre-eclampsia
gestational HTN with proteinuria and sometimes edema
can be superimposed on chronic HTN
what is ecclampsia?
pre-eclampsia + clonic tonic seizures
what is superimposed pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
pre-clampsia/eclampsia transposed onto chronic HTN
most causes of chronic hypertension are?
(can also be vascular disorders, endocrine disorders, renal disorders, Connective tissue disorders)
how do you take an acurate blood pressure
patient seated after resting for 10 minutes with legs uncrossed and back supported
use appropriate cuff size
appropriate cuff sice for blood pressure
length 1.5 times the upper arm circumfrence
how do you evaluate chronic HTN in pregnancy
rule out underlying disease
assess for end organ damage (CBC, CMP, EKG, 24 hour urine collection)
check for fetal well being
- initial ultrasound for accurate dating
- screening ultrasound
for a mother with chronic HTN when should you do growth ultrasounds ?
monthly after 28 weeks
antepartum fetal testing begins when in a mother with chronic HTN
32-34 weeks gestation
mild chronic HTN in pregnancy. people range, how do you treat
less than 160/110
begin asprin therapy at 81 mg daily at 12 weeks until delivery
initiate antihypertensive medication if the threshold above is met
how frequently are appointments with chronic mild HTN in pregnancy
prenantal visits 2-4 weeks until 34-36 weeks
then weekly
with antepartum fetal testing : NST, Biophysical profile
when do you proceed to delivery in a mother with chronic MILD HTN
38-39 weeks gestation
how do you manage a mom with SEVERE chronic HTN in pregnancy
BP: over 160/110
start a antihypertensive!
what antihypertensives should you avoid in pregnancy and what are their side effects
Ace inhibitors ad angiotensin receptor blockers
they result in fetal growth restrictions, clavarial hypoplasia, malformations
how do you manage a pregnant patient with SERVER HTN (over 160/110)
24 hour urine collection every trimester
observe for signs of precclampsia/ecclapmsia
antepartum fetal surveillance with ultrasounds and nonstress tests/biophysical profiles