Obstetric history and examination Flashcards
what do you have to ensure you have the correct date for in obstetric history?
Due date
7 symptoms to ask about in obstetric history
Headache, visual disturbances, blood pressure, baby moving, bleeding, protein in urine, swelling
What questions can you ask about the pregnancy so far?
Babies growth, any issues, previous scans
General history questions in obstetrics? i.e obstetric, gynae, medical issues
Previously pregnant, gynae issues, smear test, blood transfusions, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy
Important social history questions in obstetric history taking?
Smoking, drinking, help at home, occupation
Important family history to ask about in obstetric history?
Family pregnancy issues, DVT, diabetes, inherited issues
What key findings are you looking for upon abdominal examination?
abdominal distension, scarring from previous appendectomy/laparoscopy/CS, striae, black linea nigra, distended veins, inverted or everted umbilicus
What is the next step in examination after inspection of the abdomen?
Fundal height
How do you examine the fundal height?
Resistance felt working down from sternum, place measuring take from here to pubic symphysis
How many weeks gestation is a fundal height at the umbilicus
24 weeks
How many weeks gestation is half way between umbilicus and sternum
32 weeks
How many weeks gestation is the fundal height nearly at the sternum
36 weeks gestation
What do you do in the examination after the fundal height?
Lie of the baby
How do you determine the lie of the baby?
face lady, one hand on abdomen other feel the other side, longitudinal or transverse?
what presentations of the baby can you get and how do you determine this?
Cephalic or breached - feel for head at pelvic area, facing away from the female
When is the baby classified as engaged?
When less than 2/5ths can be felt of the head
After determining fundal height, fetal lie, presentation and engagement what do you examine?
Fetal heart beat
What do you finally comment on in an obstetric exam?
Fluid level around baby
What are you looking for in the tone of uterus?
Any tightening, tenderness
Questions asked at first antenatal visit?
Period history, gynae history, obstetric history, PMH (endocrine, cardiac, respiratory), SH, FH (hereditory), DH (teratogenesis), allergies, blood transfusion history
What questions do you need to ask diabetics during their antenatal visit?
Diabetic control prior to pregnancy, nephropathy, retinopathy, hypertension and CV control