Obstacles to Unification 1861-1870 Flashcards
What were the main obstacles to unification come 1861-1870?
France/Austria in Rome and Venetia Death of Cavour/political weakness The papacy The south Piedmontisation The Brigands War 1861-1865 Socioeconomic situation
Why were the French an obstacle to unity?
They occupied Rome
What was the 1864 September Convention?
Turin to Florence, France would leave Rome
What did the 1864 September Convention lead to?
Riots in Turin, 23 dead
Why did Austria still have power in Italy?
Maintained control in Venetia
Had the backing of the Great Powers including Britaina dn notably Queen Victoria
What did Cavour die of?
June 1861 - malaria
Name the first 5 PMs after Cavour’s death in five years?
Ricasoli Rattazzi Farini Minghetti La Marmora
What percentage of the population made up the electorate?
What positive policies were introduced?
- criminal legal code/civil law code
- united army under Prussian guidance
- united navy
- united education system (under state control)
Why did the Pope oppose Cavour?
Lost 2/3 of his land
What was the period of control with Pope and VEII leading?
Fractious cohabitation
How was church power questioned?
1859 Darwin ‘Origin of Species’
1860 Ernest Renan - Bible inaccurate
When was the Syllabus of Errors published by the Pope?
What did the Syllabus of Errors state?
church control education
church says no to religious tolerance
church reasserts temporal power
What was Piedmont’s response to the Pope?
Increased taxation
What was papal infallibility?
1869 pope unquestionable
Why was the south a problem?
south didn’t agree to everything because of plebiscite corruption (Nice no nos) and they wanted to get rid of repression
Why did Piedmontese leaders have very little knowledge of the south?
Cavour never travelled past Tuscany
Why was Piedmontisation an issue?
Naples - 53 decrees, 2 days
What did Piedmontisation entail?
Standardised coinage, measures, weights
Piedmontese constitution became Italian
Dissolution of 2382 monasteries to pay for Piedmontisation (upset religious feelings and no charitable institutions remaining)
When was the Brigands War?
Why did brigandage increase in the south?
Conscription and increased taxes
Which Brigand leader fled in 1865?
Carmine Crocco
What were the brigands tactics?
Rob, murder, assassinate
What four factors led to a poor socioeconomic status in Italy?
Land Sales
Why was debt a problem?
2450 million Lire debt after 1850 Cavour policies
Took on debt of all states
1865 Flour Tax
1868 Grist Tax - led to riots, 250 killed
1/3 Italian bonds in foreign hands
Peasants moved to cities (poor living conditions)
Why was industry an issue?
30% of produce went to debt repayment
Nassau Senior: production = Roman Empire
Only 3,000,000 in industry by 1861
Lack of coal
Why were land sales an issue
Peasant farmers had no capital and had to sell land
In the south, common land removed
Why was transport an issue?
Little interest in canals
No railways in Sardinia/Sicily
Dual economy created
What improvements were made to transport?
1857 Venetian and Lombard railways linked
1857 Mount Cenis tunnel completion
Used roads built by Roman Empire