Observational Techniques Flashcards
what are observations?
non-experimental method - allow researchers to study observable behavior within a natural or controlled setting, allowing them to study more complex interactions between variables in a more natural way.
what are naturalistic observations?
Watching and recording behavior in the setting within which it would normally occur (e.g. watching workers in a factory).
what are controlled observations?
Watching and recording behavior within a structured environment (i.e. one where some variables are managed, e.g. in a laboratory).
what are overt observations?
Participants’ behavior is watched and recorded with their knowledge and consent
what are covert observations?
Participants’ behavior is watched and recorded without their knowledge or consent
what is participant observation?
researcher becomes a member of the group whose behavior he/she is watching and recording
what is non participant observation?
The researcher remains outside of the group whose behaviour he/she is watching an recording
what is interobserver reliability?
agreement between different people observing or assessing the same thing
evaluation of overt observations
+ no ethical issues - got consent
- behavior may not be
evaluation of covert observations
+ high ecological validity
- ethical issues
evaluation of participants observation
+ high ecological validity
- hard to record observations retrospectively
evaluation of non-participant observations
+ observations made as they happen - more reliable
- meaning behind behaviour may be unknown
evaluation controlled observation
+ more reliable
- lacks ecological validity
evaluation naturalistic observation
+ high ecological validity/demand characteristics less likely
- less reliable