OB5 Flashcards
Which of the following changes are not part of the physiological changes in a pregnant woman?
A. Blood increased by 450 ml/min in mid-trimester
B. Maternal hemorrhage averages 40-45% more than pre-pregnant state after 32-34 weeks AOG
C. Moderate erythroid hyperplasia develops in the bone marrow
D. More erythrocytes than plasma are added to the maternal blood circulation
D. More erythrocytes than plasma are added to the maternal blood circulation
An 18 y/o G1P1 (1001) delivered a live baby boy weighing 2.3 kg after an 8-hour labor. 30 minutes after placental delivery, profuse vaginal bleeding was noted. The effect of hemorrhage on this patient is dependent on this risk factor
A. Maternal pregnancy blood volume
B. Pregnancy induced hypervolemia
D. Length of labor
B. Pregnancy induced hypervolemia
Which of the following groups of pregnant women is not susceptible to postpartum hemorrhage?
A. Obese
B. Preeclamptic
C. With chronic renal failure disease
D. Eclamptic
A 26 yo G1P0 came in for hypogastric pain. FH is 38 cm and ultrasound revealed multifetal pregnancy cephalic/cephalic presentation. She was brought immediately to the delivery room since she was already bearing down and is 8 cm dilated. 2 hours after, same IE was noted and thus was scheduled for CS. After the delivery of the placenta, profuse bleeding and boggy uterus was noted. Which of the following is not a risk factor for her case?
A. Primiparity
B. Overdistended uterus
C. Augmented labor
D. Labor dystocia
Dx: Uterine Atony
C. Augmented labor
In a primigravid patient who had uterine atony after delivery, several uterotonics were already given but the uterus is still boggy, which surgical procedures cannot be done on her?
A. B-Lynch compression
B. Internal iliac artery ligation
C. Augmentation
D. Hysterectomy
C. Augmentation
A G3P2 delivered a live baby girl weighing 3.5 kg. 1 hr after postpartum care, the patient complained of an excruciating pain on her vulva and has difficulty in voiding. On physical exam, intact episiotomy was noted but a 5x4 cm fluctuant tender mass was noted in the left lateral portion at the 9 o’clock position of the middle third of the vagina. Which should be done to this patient?
A. Expectant management
B. Surgical exploration
C. Interventional embolization
D. Ice packing
B. Surgical exploration
A multigravida delivered spontaneously at home. After delivery, a scaphoid abdomen and a red fleshy mass was noted at the perineal area. What is the cause of this condition?
A. Cord traction after delivery of the placenta
B. Tetanic contraction
C. Placenta in fundal area
D. Precipitous delivery
C. Placenta in fundal area
A G2P1 (1001), hypogastric pain. FH 38 cm. IE cervix 6 cm, cephalic -1. Intact membranes bulging. Sudden rupture of membranes after IE. What condition will this patient be predisposed to?
A. Placenta previa
B. Uterine atony
C. Abruptio placenta
D. Uterine invasion
A. Placenta previa
Which of the following conditions is not associated with abruptio placenta?
A. Asherman’s syndrome
C. Couvelaire uterus
A. Asherman’s syndrome
A G3P2 (2002) at 32 weeks came in for abdominal pain. FH 32 cm FHT (-). IE 3 cm 30% effaced and had stained port wine amniotic fluid. What is the best management?
A. Vaginal delivery
B. Cesarean delivery
C. Partial breech extraction
D. Total breech extraction
A. Vaginal delivery
Tetanic contractions were noted in a multigravida patient at 38 weeks. IE was 3 cm, 30% effaced, cephalic -3, intact membranes. Amniotomy revealed port wine discoloration of the amniotic fluid. Oxytocin was infused to the ongoing fluid. What is the rationale of adding oxytocin?
A. Hasten delivery
B. Decrease implantation site bleeding
C. Reduce thromboplastin infusion to the maternal circulation
D. Coordinate the uncoordinated uterine contractions
D. Coordinate the uncoordinated uterine contractions
A G2P1 (1001) came in due to vaginal bleeding at 28 weeks AOG. On the speculum exam, fetal vessels were noted at the cervical os. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Placenta previa
B. Abruptio placenta
C. Vasa previa
D. Partial mole
C. Vasa previa
A G3P2 (2002) 30 weeks AOG came for consult complaining of painless vaginal bleeding which soaked her underwear. What is the cause?
A. Placenta abruptio
B. Amniotic fluid embolism
C. Placenta previa
D. Vasa previa
C. Placenta previa
A multigravida had an ultrasound finding of placenta previa at 36 weeks AOG. All her previous pregnancies were delivered vaginally. She has no history of previous bleeding. Which of the following would give an imprecise result in this condition on the ultrasound?
A. Distended bladder
B. Large posterior placenta
C. Well-developed placenta
D. Small fundal placenta
A. Distended bladder
A 35-week AOG patient came in due to vaginal spotting for 3 days and then bleeding suddenly stopped. What is the appropriate mode of delivery on a 37-38 weeks AOG patient?
A. Vaginal delivery
B. Low segment CS
C. Classical CS
D. Fundal CS
C. Classical CS
Which of the following conditions would most likely benefit from peripartum hysterectomy?
A. G5, 38 yo, 37 weeks AOG, CS due to fetal distress, couvelaire uterus noted intraoperatively
B. G5, 38 yo, 37 weeks, previous classical CS 1x due to transverse lie, anterior placenta previa on ultrasound
C. G5, 38 yo, 37 weeks, S/P curettage, CS due to fetal distress
D. G5, 38 yo, 37 weeks, S/P myomectomy, posterior placenta on ultrasound
B. G5, 38 yo, 37 weeks, previous classical CS 1x due to transverse lie, anterior placenta previa on ultrasound
The underlying cause of placenta accreta
A. Absence of Nitabuch’s layer
B. Thickened decidua basalis
C. Incomplete development of the fibrinoid layer
D. Thickened spongy layer
C. Incomplete development of the fibrinoid layer
A multipara pregnant woman 37 weeks AOG had an ultrasound having posterior placenta previa. She has a history of 1 CS and 1 curettage. What is the recommended mode of delivery?
A. Low transverse CS
B. CS hysterectomy
C. Classical CS
D. Internal artery ligation
C. Classical CS
G1P0 at 37 weeks AOG came in due to soaking napkins. She was diagnosed at 34 weeks AOG with placenta previa totalis. Emergency CS done. After placenta delivery, there was profuse vaginal bleeding. Which should less likely be done?
A. Giving uterotonics
B. Oversew placenta site
C. Tightly pack lower uterine segment with gauze
D. Hysterectomy
D. Hysterectomy
Which of the following patients has a higher risk of having placenta accreta in a patient with placenta previa at 34 weeks AOG?
A. Hx of 1 curettage
B. Hx of 1 low transverse CS
C. Hx of classical CS
D. Hx of myomectomy
C. Hx of classical CS
Consumptive coagulopathy is not associated with this condition
A. Placenta abruptio
B. Amniotic fluid embolism
C. Placenta previa
D. Exotoxin by gram-positive bacteria
C. Placenta previa
In a multigravida patient who had postpartum hemorrhage, which of the following vital signs is the most important to monitor?
A. Blood pressure
B. Respiratory rate
C. Heart rate
D. Urine output
D. Urine output
This type of blood is given to patients with DIC
A. Whole blood
B. Packed RBC
D. Platelet concentrates
Uterine rupture from a previously intact uterus during labor involves the
A. lower uterine segment
B. midsegment
C. fundal segment
D. posterior segment
A. lower uterine segment