OB 2 Flashcards
Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for external cephalic version?
A. Early labor
B. Twin gestation
C. Oligohydramnios
D. Fetal-growth restriction
B. Twin gestation
Best answer; internal podalic version for the second twin
Maternal morbidity with forceps delivery is most closely predicted by?
A. Fetal station
B. Maternal parity
C. Length of second stage
D. Fetal gestational age
A. Fetal station
A 32-year-old primigravida undergoing induction of labor reaches the 2nd stage of labor after 36 hours. Before beginning to push she says she is too tired and desires operative vaginal delivery. Which of the following precludes her from having an operative vaginal delivery?
A. Head station is at station +1
B. Head in occiput anterior position
C. Scalp is visible in introitus without labial separation
D. Head station is at station +3
A. Head station is at station +1
A 35-year-old multigravida with an epidural in place has been pushing for 2 hours. Fetal head is at station +2 but has not reached the pelvic floor and is at left occiput posterior. Forceps delivery for this patient would be classified as
A. high
B. outlet
C. low
D. midpelvic
C. low
A primigravid is already pushing for 3h with the fetal scalp visible at the introitus without separating the labia. What type of forceps delivery is applicable on this patient?
A. Low
B. Midpelvic
C. High
D. Outlet
D. Outlet
Which of the following is not an acceptable indication for operative vaginal delivery?
A. Aortic stenosis
B. Maternal exhaustion
C. Pelvic floor protection
D. Shorten 2nd stage of labor
C. Pelvic floor protection
The most important determinant of success in vacuum extraction
A. Proper cup placement
B. Expertise of the operator
C. Negative pressure of 0.8 kg/cm2 is reached
D. Gentle intermittent tractions coordinated with maternal expulsive efforts
A. Proper cup placement
A 27-year-old multigravida at 40 weeks AOG is already at 6 cm. On repeat exam 4 hours later, she is still at 6 cm. What information would you like to determine your next step?
A. If contractions are adequate
B. If analgesia was given
C. The estimate fetal weight
D. If membranes were ruptured
A. If contractions are adequate
Which of the following statements is true of face mentum posterior presentations?
A. Most will convert to mentum anterior even in late labor
B. Oligohydramnios is the biggest risk factor
C. Prematurity is a predisposing factor
D. A mentum posterior is never deliverable
A. Most will convert to mentum anterior even in late labor
A 25 yo multigravida at 41 weeks with BMI of 38 progresses through the first stage of labor. She pushes for about 3 hours under epidural anesthesia. She delivers a 3400-gram infant via forceps. The next day she reports lower extremity weakness with foot drop and pain. What is the most likely cause?
A. Obesity
B. Prolonged second stage
C. Big baby
D. Anesthesia complication
B. Prolonged second stage
What is the best indicator of pelvic adequacy for vaginal breech delivery?
A. Adequate x-ray pelvimetry
B. Sonographic fetal biometry
C. Satisfactory progress in labor
D. Inability to reach sacral promontory in clinical pelvimetry
C. Satisfactory progress in labor
A multigravida patient at 39 weeks AOG came in for labor pains. Fundic HT is 30 cm, FHT 142/min. Internal exam revealed cervix dilation of 8 cm, 100% effaced, frank breech presentation. Uterine contractions 3-4 in 10 mins strong, 50-55 secs duration. What important factor should be assessed before contemplating a vaginal delivery on this patient?
A. Previous weights of her babies
B. Assessment of head flexion
C. Fetal heart tone
D. Presence of cord prolapse
B. Assessment of head flexion
Which of the following is a prerequisite of vacuum extraction, but not with forceps-assisted vaginal delivery?
A. Position of fetal head must be precisely known
C. Ruptured membranes
D. At least 34 weeks AOG
D. At least 34 weeks AOG
Which of the following will not cause uterine dysfunction?
A. Chorioamnionitis
B. Ambulation during labor
C. General anesthesia
D. Squatting during 2nd stage of labor
C. General anesthesia
A G1P0 at 38 weeks AOG came in due to hypogastric pain. FH 28 cm, FHT 148/min. Internal evaluation revealed 3 cm dilated cervix, 50% effaced, cephalic -3, intact membranes. 2h after, patient had the urge to bear down. IE revealed fully dilated cervix and she subsequently delivered after 30 minutes. What fatal condition is associated with this type of delivery?
A. Uterine atony
B. Uterine rupture
C. Extensive lacerations of cervix, vagina, vulva, and perineum
D. Amniotic fluid embolism
D. Amniotic fluid embolism
Which of the following malpresentations can be delivered vaginally in term fetuses?
A. Face – mentum anterior
B. Face – mentum posterior
C. Shoulder presentation
D. Footling breech
A. Face – mentum anterior
A G5P4 (4004) at 38 wks AOG, came in due to hypogastric pain. FH 31 cm, FHT 142/min. On evaluation, the cervix is 5 cm dilated, 50% effaced with shoulder palpated. What is the cause of the malpresentations in this case?
A. High parity
B. Preterm baby
C. Placenta previa
A. High parity
Type of breech presentation that may be delivered vaginally
A. Frank breech
B. Footling breech
C. Complete breech
D. Incomplete breech
A. Frank breech
A G2P1 (1001) came in at the ER for a scheduled cesarean section due to footling breech presentation. What type of breech delivery is used to deliver the baby?
A. Total breech extraction
B. Partial breech extraction
C. Spontaneous breech delivery
D. Combined partial and spontaneous delivery
A. Total breech extraction
This maneuver is done during vaginal breech delivery to deliver a fetus whose trunk failed to rotate anteriorly
A. Loveset maneuver
B. Pinard maneuver
C. Modified Prague maneuver
D. Mauriceau maneuver
C. Modified Prague maneuver
This maneuver involves breech decomposition to bring the fetal feet within reach of the operator
A. Loveset maneuver
B. Pinard maneuver
C. Modified Prague maneuver
D. Mauriceau maneuver
B. Pinard maneuver
This maneuver of the delivery of the aftercoming head shows that the index and middle fingers of one hand is applied on the maxilla to maintain head flexion while the body of the fetus is straddled on the operator’s forearm
A. Loveset maneuver
B. Pinard maneuver
C. Prague maneuver
D. Mauriceau maneuver
D. Mauriceau maneuver
Type of forceps used for delivery of the aftercoming head
A. Simpson
B. Kieland
C. Piper
D. Mauriceau
C. Piper
A G3P2 (2002) at 38 weeks AOG came in due to hypogastric pain. IE revealed a 3-cm dilated cervix, 50% effaced with a foot palpated. Which of the following factors would favor a CS delivery in this case?
A. Healthy and term baby
B. Fetus <3800 to 4000 grams
C. Frank breech
D. Hyperextended head
D. Hyperextended head
A G1 came in already fully dilated. After delivery of the fetal head, the remainder of the body didn’t follow with the anterior shoulder wedged behind the symphysis pubis. To release it, the resident progressively rotated the posterior shoulder 180 degrees to release the impacted shoulder. What maneuver was done?
A. Rubin maneuver
B. Wood’s corkscrew maneuver
C. Hibbard maneuver
D. McRoberts maneuver
B. Wood’s corkscrew maneuver
This maneuver involves cephalic replacement into the pelvis followed by CS delivery in an entrapped aftercoming head
A. Rubin maneuver
B. Zavanelli maneuver
C. Hibbard maneuver
D. Woods corkscrew maneuver
B. Zavanelli maneuver
This maneuver involves application of pressure on the fetal jaw and neck in the direction of the maternal rectum, with strong fundal pressure applied by an assistant as the anterior shoulder is freed
A. Rubin maneuver
B. Zavanelli maneuver
C. Hibbard maneuver
D. Woods corkscrew maneuver
C. Hibbard maneuver
To prevent undue head compression, how should traction be applied in forceps delivery?
A. Gentle intermittent traction with uterine contractions
B. Strong steady traction
C. Strong but intermittent along with uterine contractions
D. Gentle but steady
A. Gentle intermittent traction with uterine contractions
A G1 had been pushing for 2h already and is already exhausted. Vacuum delivery was done. Which of the following complications may result from using metal cup instruments?
A. Hyperbilirubinemia
B. Fetal coagulopathy
C. Shoulder dystocia
D. Erb’s palsy
A. Hyperbilirubinemia
This maneuver for shoulder dystocia is associated with higher incidence of orthopedic & neurological damage
A. Suprapubic pressure
B. McRobert’s maneuver
C. Hibbard maneuver
D. Woods corkscrew
C. Hibbard maneuver
The phase of maximum slope of the active phase of labor is a reflection of
A. the ultimate outcome of labor
B. the overall efficiency of machine
C. fetopelvic relationships
D. pelvis and presenting part relationship
B. the overall efficiency of machine
Anna, a 20-year-old G1 on her 40 weeks’ age of gestation, came in due to bloody show. On admission, uterine contractions were 1 every 10 minutes, lasting 20 seconds with mild intensity. IE done revealed 4 cm cervical dilatation, 100% effaced, cephalic, station -2, with clear amniotic fluid. After 4 hours, still with the same findings. What is the next step in management?
A. Watchful waiting, still in the latent phase of labor
B. Do amniotomy
C. Administer oxytocin
D. Schedule the patient for cesarean section
C. Administer oxytocin
Marina, a 28-year-old G3P2 (2002), on her 39 weeks’ age of gestation was admitted with uterine contraction of 3 in 10 minutes, lasting 40 seconds with moderate to strong intensity. IE revealed 6 cm cervical dilatation, 100% effaced, cephalic, station -1, clear amniotic fluid. After 2 hours, still with the same IE findings. After 2 hours, uterine contractions were now strong, IE revealed 7 cm cervical dilatation, station -1, with thinly stained amniotic fluid. Fetal monitoring showed variable decelerations. Hydration was done, fetal heart rate improved. After an hour IE now revealed full cervical dilatation, station +1, with thinly stained fluid. After an hour, still with the same IE findings, fetal heart tone at 110 bpm. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
A. Administer oxytocin to hasten delivery
B. Monitor fetal heart rate every 5 minutes
C. Schedule for cesarean section
D. Observe for another hour
C. Schedule for cesarean section
Glenda, a 34-year-old G1 on her 41 weeks’ age of gestation was admitted on her 10th hour of labor with IE findings of 6 cm cervical dilatation, 100% effaced, cephalic, station -1, clear amniotic fluid. After 2 hours, still with the same IE findings. Oxytocin drip was administered. After 2 hours, still with the same IE findings. She was then scheduled for cesarean section. Which of the following findings may be true for this patient?
A. Diagonal conjugate <11.5 cm
B. Anteroposterior diameter <10.5 cm
C. Interspinous and posterior sagittal diameters
D. Interspinous diameter <8 cm
A. Diagonal conjugate <11.5 cm
Estimation of the pelvic outlet includes the following, except
A. Suprapubis angle of 90 degrees
B. Bituberous diameter admits closed fist of the hand
C. Anteroposterior diameter of the outlet from the tip of the sacrum to the inferior edge of the symphysis >11.0 cm
D. Mobility of the coccyx by pressing firmly on it cannot determine its mobility
D. Mobility of the coccyx by pressing firmly on it cannot determine its mobility
SD, G1P0 is already 9 cm dilated, 100% effaced, cephalic, RBOW clear, station +1. Repeat IE done after 3 hours still at station +1. What is the labor disorder noted?
A. Failure of descent
B. Arrest of descent
C. Prolonged labor
D. Arrest of cervical dilatation
B. Arrest of descent
BM, G2P1 (1001) is already at 10 cm dilated, 100% effaced, cephalic, station -1, RBOW clear. Repeat IE done after 2 hours revealed still at station -1 despite patient kept on pushing. What is the labor disorder noted?
A. Failure of descent
B. Arrest of descent
C. Prolonged labor
D. Arrest of cervical dilatation
A. Failure of descent