OB Test Ch. 54, 58, 59 Flashcards
Free hand acquisition
same as manual acquisition. original 3-D. This is the the manual slide of the probe along the pt skin to collect anatomy as a series of slices. pg. 1207
Transparent rendering
Transparent rendering looks beyond the surface of the anatomy to reveal structures located within. Pg 1212
What are the 2 classifications of rendering?
Transparent and surface: Surface is displaying the surface detail like the fetal face. Transparent is looking beyond the surface displaying anatomy within. WB 414
What are the 2 main methods to acquire the data and what are the differences between them?
manual and automatic. In manual you move the probe to get the data and in automatic you don’t move the probe. pg 1207
What is another name for x-ray mode?
transparent rendering Pg 1212
What are the 3D small pixels elements referred to as?
voxels pg 1212
What is the best plane we use to see the fetal face?
2D - coronal plane Pg 1209 green box on page 1271 has more info
What might hinder facial screening?
(ex not being able to see both sides of the brain bc the skull shadows)
Fetal position, low fluid shadowing of other structures, probe positioning pg. 1210
What is craniosynostosis?
Premature closure of any or all 6 cranial sutures. Abnormally shaped clover leaf skull (Kleeblattschadel). This is associated with skeletal dysplasias (most notable is thanatophoric) and ventriculomegaly. pg. 1273
What could happen with the malformation of the lymphatic system?
This could lead to single or multiloculated lymph filled cavities of the neck (cystic hygroma). This abnormal collection of lymph causes distention of the lymph cavities which can lead to hydrops and even fetal death. pg. 1284
When you look at the nasal triad, what is included in the view of what you are looking at?
Nose, lips, nostrils, palate. eval of nasal triad should include nostril symmetry, nasal septum integrity, and continuity of the upper lip to exclude cleft lip and palate. pg. 1280
What is cleft lip and palate?
Failure of the lip/palate to close at the midline. Can involve upper lip, hard palate, soft palate, lower orbits, and out to the ears. Can be bilateral, unilateral, an isolated defect. Pg 1281
What is epignathus?
This is a teratoma located in the oropharynx
(middle part of the pharynx behind the mouth). The fetal swallowing is impaired resulting in hydrammios; small stomaches may be present. These masses are complex and contain solid, cystic, or calcified components. pg. 1282
What is the most common neck mass?
cystic hygroma colli (lymphatic obstruction) pg.1283
What percentage of cystic hygromas are associated with chromosomal abnormalities?
50% pg. 1285
What prominence does the bridge of the nose originate from?
Frontal prominence P 1269
What type of abnormality might you see with proboscis?
Alobar holoprosencephaly pg.1271
At what weeks should we do an NT?
11 wk - 13 wk 6 days Pg 1275
What is the most common congenital anomaly of the face?
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate pg 1281
What are some differential diagnoses with cystic hygroma?
Meningomylocele, encephalocele, nuchal edema, brachial cleft cyst, cystic teratoma, hemangioma, thryoglossal duct cyst pg 1286
What is a small chin?
Micrognathia pg 1275
Are facial anomalies typically isolated defects or are they associated with other abnormalities or syndromes?
facial anomalies are heterogenous and occur as isolated defects or as part of a syndrome p 1271
What is a big forehead?
Trigonocephaly pg 1273
What syndrome is associated with an ear malformation
Goldenhars syndrome
Roberts syndrome (small ears)
Nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome and Treacher Collins syndrome (inadequate development of the ear) pg 1277
Cleft lip without cleft palate is more highly identified in which ethnic group?
Native Americans pg 1281
What is fetal goiter?
thyromegaly; it appears as symmetrical, solid, homogeneous mass arising anterior fetal neck (in region of thyroid). whenever there is maternal thyroid disease check fetus. pg. 1286
Congenital anomalies of the face occur in 1 and how many births
600 pg 1267
Typically if you have an isolated unilateral cleft lip, which side does it usually occur on?
Left pg 1281
What is a neck teratoma?
usually unilateral and complex (cystic, solid, echogenic). Located anteriorly. Color Doppler may help differentiate this mass from atypical hygromas or other cystic masses. Can cause “star gazing” Will have color Pg 1287
What is anencephaly?
Absence of the brain and skull Pg 1290
What is acrania? How is it different than anencephaly?
Absence of the cranium bones with the presence of brain tissue Pg 1292
If you have splaying of the cerebellar hemispheres, what might it be?
Dandy Walker Malformation pg 1299
What other anomalies are associated with anencephaly?
Spina bifida, Cleft lip and palate, hydronephrosis, diaphragmatic hernia, cardiac defects, omphalocele, GI defects, talipes Pg 1291
Which form of holoprosencephaly is the most severe?
Alobar Pg 1300
Colpocephaly is associated with which anomaly?
agenesis of the corpus callosum pg. 1302
What anomaly may cause absence of the cavum septum pellucidum?
Alobar holoprosencephaly pg. 1300
What defect is associated with Meckel-Gruber syndrome?
Anencephaly pg 1290
What facial anomalies are associated with holoprosencephaly?
Cyclopia, Hypotelorism, an absent nose, flattened nose with a single nostril, proboscis, Cebocephaly, Ethmocephaly, Lateral facial cleft, Midline facial cleft pg 1301
What characteristics are associated with Arnold Chiari malformation?
Banana cerebellum Lemon head pg 1113
What anomaly is associated with the presence of a posterior fossa cyst and splaying of cerebellar hemispheres?
Dandy Walker Malformation Pg 1299
Which anomaly is associated with a result of carotid artery occlusion?
Hydranencephaly Pg 1306
What is a normal size of the ventricle?
6.5 mm Pg 1111
What is an abnormal size of the ventricles?
> 1 cm pg 1111
What is a meningocele?
Open spinal defect with the protrusion of the spinal meninges pg 1295
What is a meningomyelocele?
Open spinal defect with a protrusion of meninges and spinal cord Pg 1295
What are some of the anomalies that are commonly associated with hydrocephalus?
aqueductal stenosis arachnoid cysts vein of Galen spina bifida encephaloceles Dandy-Walker malformation agenesis of corpus callosum lissencephaly schizencephaly holoprosencephaly pg 1306-1307
What do we call it when ventriculomegaly makes the head bigger?
Hydrocephalus pg 1306
What is the most common neural tube defect?
Anencephaly Pg 1290
What is holoprosencephaly?
abnormal cleavage of the prosencephalon (forebrain) pg 1299
What is vein of Galen malformation?
This is an aneurysm of the vein of galen (VAGA). This is rare. In males more than females. Usually isolated but can be associated with congenital heart defects, cystic hygromas, and hydrops. It can also be associated with neurologic damage, which may be a result of ischemia, hemorrhage, or mass. This vein will be enlarged but will communicate with normal appearing arteries. pg. 1304
What is Cebocephaly?
Form of holoprosenchepaly that has a common ventricle, hypotelorism, and a nose with a single nostril pg 1301
What is microcephaly?
Abnormally small head that’s 2 standard deviation below the mean. Pg 1308
What is herniation of the meninges and brain?
Cephalocele- is a neural tube defect in which the meninges alone or the meninges and brain herniate through a defect in the calvarium.
Encephalocele- is the term used to describe herniation of the meninges and brain through the defect Pg 1293
What is a differential consideration for Dandy-Walker malformation?
Arachnoid cyst, cerebellar hypoplasia Pg 1299